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Manasarovar/Kailash:Do Hindus care?

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> Manasarovar and Kailash ......... do the

> Hindus care ?????????

> Sun, 1 Jun 2003 12:40:40 +0530


> By V. Anto



> Chennai


> tel : 044 - 28150301.

> email : antov@e...


> we hear Ayodhya in the news everywhere....... a

> mosque and temple war.

> we dont hear about MANASAROVAR and Mt.KAILASH.

> Is it because they are in faraway Tibet (or China as

> the dumb Indian public

> think ????)

> why not wage a Jihad to take control of this most

> sacred shrine of many

> thousand acres to Hindus and Budhists alike instead

> of fighting like dogs

> over a few measly acres of land in Uttar Pradesh

> ?????


> are we a nation of cowards that we will fight only

> with seeming under-dogs

> while we let evil tigers (or Dragons in this case)

> occupy our holy lands

> which have no meaning for the occupiers anyway since

> they do not practise

> any religion. and these Chinese occupiers are

> making millions of dollars

> every year in foreign exchange from well-meaning

> religious tourists from

> India, southeast asia, europe and america who flood

> into Tibet, paying

> through thier noses.


> and now the news that China has categorically

> rejected India"s proposal

> (during George fernanades visit last month) to open

> a new land route for

> Kailash pilgrims from India thruogh Ladhakh. this

> route would be simpler

> and easier to use for India but china is wary of

> opending up the

> south-western border of Tibet where they fear India

> could open a second

> front to win the hearts and minds of Tibet"s

> oppressed populace. talk

> about suspicious and dirty minds of dictators of

> a communist , tyrant

> nation.


> and this is the benign and "kindly" China that

> national newspapers like THE

> HINDU and TV channels like NDTV refer to as the

> smiling face of

> communism.......... old wine in new bottle. this is

> the china that wants to

> be a roaring trade parter with her big nieghbour in

> the south. the same old

> china that will not let trade and barter between

> Sinkinang province ,

> Ladhakh and Tibet for the last 40 years but which

> had been going on for

> centuries before that (remember a guy called Marco

> Polo ???? ) ..........

> who cares about India"s large northern border with

> China anyway .........

> not a blade of grass grows there, right Mr. Nehru

> ????


> this is the border that can make or break India in

> the decades to come .....

> be it cheap chinese goods or SARS epidemics. this

> is the border that will

> bring in a million chinese troops within the next

> decade when the railway

> between china and tibet becomes operational. this

> is the border that could

> redefine Power politics of Asia (and the world) in

> the next decade. and

> what about India"s preparations to meet this

> eventuality ??????........ the

> same loose tongued wagging by "Hindutva" forces on

> sacred Manasarovar, the

> smiling press reports from Chinese diplomats in

> delhi, the same expensive

> lucheon dinners in chinese embassies with Indian

> "career diplomats" over a

> "working border agreement", the same Hindi-China

> bhai bhai conclaves in

> Beijing and Delhi ........ whatever that means when

> over 50, 000 sq kms of

> Indian territory is today occupied by china in

> Ladhakh and arunachal pradesh

> combined ,for the last 40 years.


> when all we are obssessed is over our "arch" enemy ,

> Pakistan. when are we

> as a nation come out of the religious and cultural

> fixation of Pakistan

> being our death-foe when a much larger dragon and

> evil empire presides over

> our northern border. the Karakoram Highway built in

> POK was designed and

> constructed by Chinese engineers with Pakistani

> labour while our babus in

> delhi watched silently in 1986 on high-altitude

> civil works being

> constructed on "sacred " indian territory of Panun

> Kashmir .


> are we also to forget about Aksai Chin where not a

> blade of grass grows

> (according to Nehru), a huge desert plateau in

> Kashmir strategically poised

> between Sinkiang and Tibet where the chinese have

> built another high

> altitude highway while we were sleeping in 1955.


> the Himalayas are very sacred for the Hindus of

> India , however very few

> have actually visited these great mountains. talk

> to an averge Hindu and he

> will swear that Himalayas are in his blood but ask

> him why he never visited

> these pristine mountains and he will tell u excuses

> like long distance, high

> alitude, pnuemonia and fever , mountain sickness,

> etc, etc. further talk

> to him about our border with Tibet (or China ???)

> and he will stare at you

> as if u are mad........ what border problem, its a

> very beutifual border

> for him without national boundaries. what about the

> hundreds of kargil-like

> situations faced by our brave Jawans in those cold,

> lonely mountians, he

> doent know a thing......... talk about blissfull

> ignorance.


> we dont need a pagan, hypocrite nation like America

> to help us, we dont

> need impoverished Russia"s support, all we need is

> the will to take on a

> sneering devil in the north and a smaller dog in the

> west. is that asking

> too much from a nation of a billion plus people and

> the 4th largest standing

> armed forces in the world ????????? if a piddly

> nation like Vietnam could

> trash the "mighty" Chinese troops in 1980 , can we

> not smash them in

> friendly Tibetan soil ??????



> India was the Hindustan of my dreams during my

> school days and

> adoloscence.......... today it is a nation of

> yellow-bellied cowards and

> corrupt Hypocrites , for me.


> Jai Hind

> - V. Anto



> Chennai


> tel : 044 - 28150301.

> email : antov@e...

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