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What is the Bhagavatam age??

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Pranam!!! I am looking a english prof reader that he want to help me

in the my thesis work: Is you want to help plase writte me to





The historical investigation of the literary phenomenon has

always been an adventure. To establish contact with the peoples of

other times and places through their spokesmen that are the writers,

is to begin a dialogue in that she/he gets richness for the human

personality and in the that one can think and to meditate as

contributing to the different branches in the field of the literary

knowledge. In one of their multiple forewords, Dora Bazán writes: "In

conferences and diverse articles I have pointed out the influence

that the philosophy, the literature, and the Hindu linguistics have

exercised on the European people..., because, my own studies and

those of other specialists, go him confirming day by day. "

The seriousness of such an asseveration is reinforced by the

print that has bequeathed the classic literature of the India in the

Spanish Letters. Alfonso X from Castilla, well-known as Alfonso the

Sage, in 1251, occupied to a group of scholars of different

nationalities like Moorish, Jews, etc., in the translation of the

Arab version of the text of Hindu fables Hitopadesa, well-known as

Cadila é Dymnah. This effect was reflected in the book Don Juan

Manuel Infante, Count Lucanor and other later treaties of Spain. In

The Miracles of Our Lady., Gonzalo de Berceo relates the legend The

Unchaste Sexton, the one which reflective a transmigration of the

history of Ajamila would originate of the Bhâgavata-purana. If we

advance more in the time, she/he meets with Leopoldo Alas Clarín,

VIII century who often makes references of the passages of the

Ramayana in their works like God Bay Cordera!; the same as Ramón M.

Valle Inclán in his poems on the Karma.

In Latin America, the modernists as Rubén Darío, often

explored the semiotic with references to the signs of this

literature. Amado Nervo can not spend for high, especially his work

The Pond of Lotuses. Then Jose Vasconcelos and Alfonso Reyes in

Mexico to who several writers, like Octavio Paz, continued them.

During the well-known period as the Bum, it can mention to Jorge

Luis Borges among others.

In short, one could make a catalog of writers and linguists

of all the times and times that have expressed a superlative

admiration on this texts.





The literature of India is divided in three main sources, denominated

in Sanskrit prasthana-traya, these are:

Sruti. - where the four Vedas framed, Rig, Sama, Yajur, Atharva and

their called comments Brâhmanas together with the Upanisads.

Nyaya that has like base The Vedanta-sutra, logic treaty and

philosophy, where the other philosophical schools are confronted.

Such as the materialistic currents of the Sankhya, the logic of

Gautama, the philosophy atomist of Kanada and the mystic school of

Yoga of Patânjali, etc.

Smriti. - Here the Itihasas or epopeyics histories are framed as

Ramayana, Mahâbhârata and the eighteen Puranas, the works of

traditional history and cosmogony, with the Upapuranas, the Tantras

and Pancharatras-samhitas. Of Mahâbârata the famous Bhagavad-gîta

comes and among the Puranas The Srîmad-Bhâgavatam.

Being the text in study from the mentioned group, it is

important to point out that the Puranas explains through all the

generics of literary creation, the teachings of the Vedas. These

works are:

1. Brahma Purana (10,000 verses)

2. Padma Purana (55,000 verses)

3. Vayu Purana (23,000 verses)

4. Siva Purana (24,000 verses)

5. Narada Purana (25,000 verses)

6. Markandeya Purana (9,000 verses)

7. Agni Purana (15,400 verses)

8. Bhavisya Purana (14,500 verses)

9. Brahmavaivarta Purana (18,000 verses)

10. Linga Purana (1 1,000 verses)

11. Varaha Purana (24,000 verses)

12. Skanda Purána (81,000 verses)

13. Vamana Purana (10,000 verses)

14. Kúrma Purana (17,000 verses)

15. Matsya Purana (14,000 verses)

16. Garuda Purana (19,000 verses)

17. Brahmanda Purana (12,000 verses)

18. Srîmad Bhâgavatam (18,000 verses)

The total of verses of the whole puranic literature is of

400,000. In The Bhâgavatam the thematic of these books is given,

which consists in:

1) the creation of the universe.

2) the creation of the worlds and the alive beings.

3) the maintenance of all the alive beings.

4) the sustenance of the same ones.

5) the government of the different Manus.

6) the dynasties of the big kings and their genealogies

7) the feats of the main kings.

8) the destruction.

9) the motivation.

10) the supreme refuge.

For what the experts as E. Royston Pike define them: "They

are it more similar to a history that can be in the Hindu

literature"".... that combine with an encyclopedic information". It

is prudent to mention that several cultures have had works of

traditional history or protohistory. For example, in the codex

Ixtliyochitli is informed that Texcoco Huematzin's king, made a

compilation of the chronicles of the toltecs called Teomoxtli or

Divine Book that it contained the story of the creation of the world,

him emigration of Asia of those people, the stages of his trip, the

dynasties of his kings, his social and religious institutions, etc.

The researcher Klaus Klostermaier points out another

parallelism: "The Puranas -like the Bible - they try with the

creation, history of the dynasties, saints' biographies, moral laws,

human wisdom, the first created beings, a personality type Noé, the

savior's birth, all type of miracles". In the same way Flavio

Josefo's Jewish Antiques, The Annals of Ma Chien, etc. In those

which, contrary to the modern natural history, the authors don't make

the discrimination between the ornamentation of literary goods and

the historical facts.

Among the Puranas, The Srîmad-Bhâgavatam or Bhâgavata-Purana, it has

become the most important work inside the cultural tradition of the

India. It contains twelve songs with eighteen thousand verses. The

1° Sing the paper of the introduction ago, when the sages in the

forest of Naimisa met to listen to teacher Suta's the Puranas.

Saunaka, the leader of the assembly, praises the speaker and

presents him the questions of the group that it forms the thematic

catalyst that is developed in the stories of the work. For that

Suta, begins to relate what heard when The Bhâgavatam was recited

before king Pariksit by Suka the son of Vyasa. Since the king was

sentenced to die in seven days due to the curse of a boy brâhmana.

Suka responds to Pariksit his query on which it is the duty of a man

that is about to die, reciting The Srîmad-Bhâgavatam. For that which,

he makes jumps of time when appealing to other narrations like those

of the wise Maitreya and their pupil Vidura. This way, the saga

transports the reader toward the aesthetic dimension, where the

wealth of all the literary resources, as the poetry, the fable, the

metaphor, the hyperbole, the legend, the story, etc., they nurture

its stories. However, Thomas Hopkins affirmed: "One of the most

impressive things about the Bhâgavata Purana, for example, is not

only the quality of their support devotional, but also the rigor of

their thought... it is conceived systematically, with a vast

learning". Another specialist, Bhaktivinoda s. IXX, indicated: " If

the whole collection of Hindu theological works that proceeded to the

Bhâgavata was burnt as the Library of Alexandria and the sacred

Bhâgavata was conserved just as it is, she/he would not get lost any

part of the philosophy of the Hindus, except those of the atheistic

sects. For this reason, the Bhâgavata should be considered a

religious work as well as a summary of the history and the Hindu

philosophy so much. R. W. Emerson also said: "The Bhâgavatam should

be read sustaining it on the knees (for its intellectual weight).

In the first nine Songs, the work develops the typical topics

of its gender. But in the Song 10º that is the biggest portion in the

text, it is in charge of the life of Krishna. While the 11° Song, it

contains the last teachings of him. Then the 12° Sing the function of

the closing ago and it provides a prophetic portion of what would be

the present Kali-yuga it was called, together with a summary of their


This way, this text has been the study object and inquiry, so much in

the traditional learning circles as among the modern specialists in

the field that embraces the indología; that is to say, the scientific

study on this culture. In consequence, the topic is fertile for the

investigation and they have existed a series of tentative on the part

of the erudites in the last two hundred years, more it has been

arrived to a widespread acceptance that this work could belong a

century IX d. C. nevertheless, other specialists have found evidences

that demand more remote dates. For what because of this the query

has arisen: Which is it the antiquity of the Srîmad-Bhâgavatam or

Bhâgavata-purana of the classic literature of the India?


Difficulties in the Investigation

The work that allowed to discover a satisfactory answer to the query,

implied a series of difficulties. Beginning obtaining a complete

collection of the work, like it will be observed in the variable 10

on the analysis of the language type in the text, the specialists had

confronted the same problem, until one could obtain a complete

edition with the Sanskrit one and translation to English (it is also

accessible in Spanish) like it will be specified in the Chapter 2, in

the restrictions of the investigation. Another annoyance was the not

very cooperative, and to a certain extent ethnocentric attitude, on

the part of some editors of specialized works on the topic who they

refused in visceral form to provide the reports, among those that the

erudites of the forum are distinguished Vaisnava Advancet Studies

(VAST) of ISKCON, The Foro Bharatvani, the directive of the

WAVES (World Asociation of Vedic Studies). Also, although we find the

help of some experts, most of those that participate in the Foro

Indological-list, seemed to be very busy as to advise the

translations, and it didn't lack the learned one that showed his

emotive toward the author to intrude in the lands of the academic

tension that it is developing in this study field, like it will be

explained in the subsequent lines.



This way, applying the format of the Manual book for the elaboration

of Thesis. You thrash and ITEMS Virtual University. Mexico 1998 of

Ma. of the Socorro Marcos J., the content of the present dissertation

it is:

Chapter I. The bibliographical revision. Since this is one of the

medullary parts of the investigation, the justification will be

presented. Because it is excellent to mention that this field of the

knowledge, denominated the indología, it is not unified. In fact in

the current moment in that this thesis arises, a strong confrontation

exists among the experts, what has created a series of divergent

postures. This way, the width of opinions is diverse as to make a

precise generalization. However, in form tentative the investigators

can be divided in three big groups:

to) The enthusiasts who seek that all the studies of the western

indólogos are seen as part of a strategy dominance eurocéntrica and

suppression. What is a consequence of the emergence of the car-trust,

the political car-assertion, intellectual, nun and national of the


b) The conservative erudites who reject any revision tentative to the

paradigm created by the first indólogos on the datación of the texts.

And they are reluctantes, in visceral form, toward to anyone that

proposes new investigations that place in question said paradigm, and

they categorize it in the same cell that the group (to) already


c) The specialists that take a scientific attitude, neutral, self-

criticism and objective toward the new discoveries and they commit

with the facts and the revision, with the hope of opening new

horizons in the search of more discoveries that you/they allow the

advance of the knowledge.


The learned of the categories (to) and (b), often they are attacked

mutually with words denigrantes and corrosive. By way of painting a

brave and ridiculous square of their opponents, without not even to

grant him the most minimum value to who you/they question them. But

like Norvin Hein wrote: "Ultimadamente, the competitors need one of

the other one... Those (to)... they are most attentive people in the

works of the academics (b), with a revision escrudiñosa of their

writings and, as such, it would be said, ellos¨{(a) and (b)} they are

as the bread and the butter... Because for the other side, the

contribution of the erudites (b) it is necessary still for the

traditionalist ones... to that which, them (to) they are of the most


For that that without dredging in the punishable aspects of the

legacy colonial orientalista, coarse to say that many western

investigators, although certainly not all, they have confirmed their

ability to talk more objectively about the study topic that those

grateful ones inside the community (to) as reliable spokesmen, and

this has created a real tension. Because she/he has given to those

(b) an autoritarismo fame. The point here is that the western

investigators are not the antagonistic hostigador of the studies of

the Hindu literature. In fact, much of the western learning on the

India, so much today and as in the past, it has been excellent and

invaluable. For that that in this part, by way of making the most

objective thing this exploration, the elementary steps of the

methodology of the scientific investigation will be provided,

together with the previous proposals of the experts on the topic, and

the difficulties that face their postulates on the one dated of the

work in study.

Chapter II. Objective. Being the main part of the proposal, that

will be described that was developed with the investigation project

whose guide allowed the investigator the culmination of the rest of

the work. Restrictions. All investigation project has its extensions,

limited by lack of different factors. For that that in this part,

first they will be necessary the limitations of the investigation on

the part of the tesista, to not leave the field open to future

investigations on the aspects achieved in the thesis. Also, the

inherent limitations will be explained to the study and the used

methods, what will allow them to make corrections and future

revisions to other investigators.

Chapter III. Methodology. In this part of the proposal, it is

explained like she/he was carried out the tentative. Because the

methodology type that is used in this investigation is the contextual

philology, making a triangulación to corroborate in quantitative form

the opposing evidences and this way to formulate a rigorous approach,

on the datación of the text in study. Instrumentation. The purpose of

this part is to point out that human instruments were used in the

investigation, as well as the technological tools that you/they

helped to the present tentative. Final product. It is about a

description of the result that one hopes to achieve after having

developed the thesis. The one that consists on a guide of more

rigorous exploration on this field, by way of opening the access to

future investigations. Prospective contribution. The purpose of this

facet is to achieve a contribution to the knowledge on the date of

antiquity of the Bhâgavatam. And for the user, it will be a catalicys

mechanism to modernize their knowledge and to inspire the

consultation and exploration by this field. Plan of Work. The

itinerary will be specified that allowed to carry out the stages that

compose this investigation, from the beginning of the bibliographical

search until the term of the investigation.

Chapter IV. Reading and Analysis of results. In this part an

exhaustive description of the obtained results is presented of each

one of the variables that you/they correspond to the internal

evidence, from the 1° Song up to the 12° of the Srimad-Bhâgavatam.

Plus the analysis of the metric head of the language of the Purana in

analysis. At the same time, the reading of the results is exposed in

the corresponding to the external evidence.

Chapter V. Conclusiones. With this chapter she/he closes the

development of the thesis, describing the general verdicts to those

that were arrived in this project. At the same time some unexpected

discoveries are indicated obtained in the course of the investigation

that you/they can being of utility for future explorations. In the

last part she/he is the bibliography, so much of publications as the

one published in URL in the internet, as well as the one that you

could not revise, to way that other investigators can continue with

the present tentative.

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