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Bharatiya Media makes no connection past achievements

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"mohanlalgupta" mgupta

"a4India\"" info

Bharatiya Media people do no make any connection to the past achievements of Bharat

Thu, 12 Jun 2003 00:21:47 -0400

Bharatiya Media people do no make any connection to the past achievements of Bharat

What keeps people going in the worst of times is a sense of who they are,

and making connection to their community, nation, culture, language, heritage

and civilisation. This sense reaches them into the past as well as grounding

them in the present. When their world disintegrates around them, they turn in

need to the past, for assurance that there will be a future, and that they have

value worth preserving for. It works on many levels. Individuals leaf through

photos of those who are gone, and find some purpose in those photos and through

their lives.

When much of a group or generation, has been gone, lost or wasted, the rest

seek assurance that collectively they belong to and will continue to take

inspiration from the tokens of its past. Jews around the world, it seems tend

to see the state of Israel itself as memorial to those who died in the

holocaust and insist fervently on recognition of its "right to exist," as a

guarantee that the obliteration ultimately failed.

When it is said that people around the world appreciate and adore the

American culture, it is not the American culture, which they are adoring, it is

just commercial aspects like -- jazz, Schwarzenegger movies, the mouse. The

American culture true to its commercial core, tend to disrespect other

cultures, seeing them as competitors to out grow, absorb or wipe out.

Since 9/11, 2001 the pop media version of world politics has had

civilisation, as in western, versus the dark forces, mainly Muslims. In the run

up to attack on Iraq in year 2003, the Iraqi people figures mostly as

distraught, deprived, oppressed, passive – and needing bestowal of

democracy from above to raise them from their essentially negative state. The

idea of Iraq as the vibrant cradle of civilisation, witnessed by its cultural

troves, hardly fits this frame. For America, Iraq’s culture and

civilisation has no importance. America’s lack of response or

comprehension of a real problem jibes with that mental pre-set.

Bharatiya media people do no make any connection to the past achievements of

Bharat, but instead harp on false and imaginary theories like "Aryan invasion

Theory ", do not give importance to Sanskrit, Hindi and other Bharatiya

languages. Till Bharatiya media do not connect with the ancient culture of

Bharat, they do not give hope to present generations. What to say of taking

pride in the old cultural achievements of Bharat and providing hope for future,

mostly English media down grade the Bharatiya culture and languages and provide

no hope for future generations of Bharat.

Western countries are mostly Christian majority countries, although

non-Christian people are increasing in the western world. Most of the holidays

in the western countries are related to Christian religion. They give thanks to

Christian God in October for bountiful harvest, they celebrate the arrival of

Christ in December, and they eternally renew the sorrow of the crucification

and the miracle of the re-surrection of Christ at winter’s end. The

sessions of federal and provincial parliaments start with Christian prayers and

they keep Jesus in their national anthems.

Western world reminds the rest of the world that they are blessed to liberal

democracies, which is product of Christian civilisation and spirituality.

Western writers ask why Buddhist, Hindu, Confucian or Shintoist Asian not

generate responsible constitutional liberal government even once.

Here it is the failure of English media of Bharat, Which is in fact an

UN-Bharatiya English media. If one reads the ancients textbooks of Bharat, it

is written that Bharat has flourishing liberal democracy everywhere in ancient

times, while most of the Europe was animists and living in dark ages. Bharatiya

English media never highlight such facts and present to the rest of the world.

Very often the stories people read in Bharatiya newspapers are coloured –

distorted even by personal opinion of journalists and editors.

Western people think that democracy is an exportable product. Due to their

export, democracy has taken root in Hindu, Buddhist and a few Muslim countries,

although the farther it gets from Christianity or Protestantism, the more

fragile democracy becomes. Democracy is still the exception rather than the

rule in Latin America, Asia and Africa. Therefore Christian world want to keep

Christian God in their Calendar from holidays point of view and for other

activities point of view which are related to Christianity.

Such views are haughtiness on the part of Christians to think that only

Christian countries can be democratic. They have never studied the ancient

history of Bharat. Bharatiya media people are not functioning properly and

carrying out their duties in the interest of Bharat, otherwise the belief of

Christian world would have been exploded long time before that only Christian

countries could be liberal and democratic countries. Democracy is rooted not

only in Christian traditions, but also in some other traditions as well.

Democracy is deeply rooted in Hindu traditions since time immemorial.

According to quote Mark Twain, "India is, the cradle of the human race, the

birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend,

and the great grand mother of tradition. Our most valuable and most instructive

materials in the history of man are treasured up in India."

English is a still dominant language in Bharat, therefore true culture and

past achievements of Bharat are not represented in the world.

If Hindi was declared the National Language of Bharat in 1947, the language

problem would not have arisen. Instead Nehru chose to divide India on

Linguistic lines. That having become the fact of life and history, a common

language is needed and many people suggest that English is the only one that

can be common language. All things, especially man made things are reversible

in nature. When people get sick, then it is the reversible process of nature

that people get cured. When nations or people became slave, then it is the

reversible process that nations or people became free. The day Hongkong became

free, it reversed the process of teaching English by Chinese languages, which

Bharat did not do. In Israel many people were pleading that English, French or

German be made national and link language of Israel. But some people in Israel

had knowledge that language is connected with the religion and culture of the

country, so instead of adopting a foreign language they revived a dead Hebrew


Bharat has got many developed languages. Sanskrit is considered mother of all

languages. Instead of adopting Sanskrit, Sanskritmay Hindi or other Bharatiya

languages, many vested interest people in Bharat promote English in Bharat and

create obstacles in spreading Sanskrit and Hindi. People who are benefited by

retaining English in Bharat are spending billions of dollars in retaining and

spreading English in Bharat. Intellectual and patriotic people of Bharat are

not making effort to displace English by Sanskrit or Hindi but instead

intellectual people are advising masses to relax and accept the fait accompli.

Shame on all those people who are advising retaining and promoting English in

Bharat. In fact all those people who promote English by many ways like by

giving cast of Hindi films and Hindi TV programs in English, by writing English

in prominent manners on the labels of their products, by shopkeepers who write

English on their signboards, by all sorts of media people who use English and

Urdu words in Hindi are traitors of Bharat and sinners in the extreme form. A

nation which does not honour and respect its languages and culture and gives

importance to its languages and culture, such nation neither makes a good

progress nor gets respect in the world.

When these intellectual people say that English has become a fact of life and

history in Bharat so it should be accepted, then it seems that faculty of

thinking of these people is still of mentally slave nature or has become

rotten. Slavery of British people was a fact of life and history, then why some

Bharatiya people like Savarkar, Netaji Subash Chander Bose tried to get

independence from British people. Bharat should have stayed slave of British

people forever according to these intellectuals, but mentally slave

people’s views.

According to James Wolcott, in his "Vanity Fair" magazine article, wrote

"since Sept11, 2001 much of the American press has dropped to both knees before

George W. Bush to take dictation. Bharatiya media people are perpetually at

their knees before their masters for abusing and downgrading Hindus and Bharat.

Wolcott’s indictment of the U.S. media is unsparing: "The press in America

has never identified less with the

underdog and pandered more to the top pedigrees. The arrogance of the Bush

administration is mirrored in the arrogance of the elite media, which preens

even as it prostrates itself. TV punditry, with its exclusive skybox view, has

genetically modified all political coverage. Bulbous-ego’d cable-news

hosts, celebrity reporters and political operatives posing as experts are far

less interested in prying information loose than in popping off with their own

stale insights and psychic hotline predictions (stale because they all breathe

the same rarefied air).

Wolcott’s sharp critique of the U.S. media’s failure to do their

job properly – to probe, investigate, scrutinize and function in all

things with critical incredulity – should provoke a debate in both the

mainstream and alternate media.

By the yardstick of Wolcott, a debate on the critical credulity of Bharat

media, which gives false news about Hindus and Hindu organizations is overdue.

The only antidote to the sycophancy and spinelessness of Bharatiya media is

that most of the English, Secular and communist media of Bharat be destroyed

and nationalist newspapers and TV stations be started.

Why Bharatiya media behave in UN-Indian way? The most of the elite,

educated, media people, politicians have non-Indian education, non-Indian

ideals and have all imported and foreign rubbish in their brain and thoughts.

These people behave by non-Indian ways. Bharat is a secular country, but most

of the political leaders and media persons are pseudo-secular and anti-Hindu.

The most debilitating agenda of this Secularism was the attempt to destroy the

Bharat’s self-esteem. For any economic system to succeed in a country,

the people have to be self-confident, self-reliant. This sense of self-worth

comes from being rooted in one’s own culture and history. Without this

pride, any economic model is bound to fall.

In Bharat, pride and self-respect were deliberately crushed by a self-hating

system of education. History was twisted to denigrate our ancestors, to divide

the majority using a spurious Arya – Dravidian theory. A curriculum of

education, formal and informal, was implemented to produce selfish consumers

rather than patriotic and proud Bharatiya citizens. Nehru’s Macaulyan

friends and Marxist advisers designed this education system. Media Barons are

short sighted. The English media is promoting Leftist / Islamic line and to

large extent has become their mouthpiece.

In a democracy, the media are regarded as the Fourth estate, the other three

being the executive, the legislative and the judiciary. The people –

journalists included – want the executive, judiciary and legislature to

be free of corruption. By the same logic, should not the Fourth Estate also be

clean? If the media is corrupt and anti-Hindu, anti-Bharat, do they have a

moral right to criticise a corrupt executive or judiciary?

Business Standard (Jan 29, 2003) revealed a most damaging information about

The Times of India. It wrote: "Public relations professionals do not smile at

editors and wait for their publicity material to get printed. They negotiate

with the group’s online company, Medianet, and buy column centimeters of

editorial space for photographs, interviews and stories in the different

editions of the paper". This means that the editorial space of The Times of

India is up for sale. It is for this reason that a 24 – page newspaper is

sold for just Rs. 1.50.

The Times of India may not be the solitary culprit. Selling editorial space

or receiving money for publishing material amounts to prostituting the

journalistic profession. When big newspapers are not ashamed to sell their

souls, can individual reporters and editorial writers be immune from the virus.

The Media trends are such that media people are in relentless grip of their owners.

Media in this country Bharat has become a commodity that can be sold and

purchased in the market by those willing to accept and pay the price. The brand

names that reach to the vast majority of people are concentrated in a few hands

and in fact entire world media, like armament industry is joining big

conglomerates, which is indeed a dangerous trend. These facts are not reported

as they happen but how the masters and owners of the media want these to be

reported. Commercialization of visual and print news media have been the

biggest mistake of our times and one can see what havoc it is creating in the


Newspapers / media play a critical role in expressing the past achievements of

the country – its various identities, perspectives and values. Bharatiya

media people spread mental slavery in Bharatiya people.

Bharatiya media people are still mentally slave people and give importance to

news and views of colonisers or news which originate from there.

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