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Identity of Bharat

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"mohanlalgupta" mgupta

"a4India\"" info

Identity of Bharat

Wed, 18 Jun 2003 00:51:37 -0400

Identity of Bharat

In many ways, Bharatiya people still suffers from the scars of colonialism:

its boundaries, and often the political faultiness of its nation states--both

internal and external-- are legacies of colonialism in many important ways. All

too often, this colonial inheritance has meant that the common challenges of

inequality and injustice facing Bharatiya people have not been vigorously

addressed. Bharatiya people should think beyond the colonial, and beyond the

politics that the once-colonized Bharatiya people have embraced so

enthusiastically to their detriment.

Coming to IDENTITY of Bharat, we lack it due to 1000+ years of slavery. As

people know AD stands for (After Death - of Christ). We have Yugàbda, which

starts after Bhagavàna Shri Krishna left Mrutyu Loka, and start of Kali Yuga.

Even many Mahantas of Hindu religion use Christian calendar. We Bharatiya

people should be using Tithi, Màsa and Yugàbda, but after all we Bharatiya

people are slaves in mentality and are still sticking to symbols of slavery.

As Bharatiya people give importance to foreign people or foreign trained

people, therefore some WESTERNER educated Bharatiya people only can teach

Bharatiya people to use and promote Sanskrit, and other Bharatiya languages,

culture and discard western languages, religion, and ideology. Even our

Educated scholars also mis spell the words of Bharatiya languages. BJP party is

also party of VARNA SANKAR, perhaps less than CONGRESS.

Bharatiya people do not give importance to Sanskrit language, Bharatiya

culture, and civilization. They do not give recognition to old Bhartiya

achievements, nor they give importance to the intelligence and achievements of

Bharatiya people. When any Bharatiya person does a great work or Bhartiya

person makes any kind of achievement it is not recognized, till the person or

achievement is recognized by western world, only then Bhartiya media and

persons recognize the importance of person or the achievement. Bharatiya media

people are still mentally slave people and give importance to news and views of

colonizers or news which originate from there.

Bharatiya people have not changed their mentality even after independence.

Still lot of us take Max Muller's 'theory' of Àryan invasion as FACT. He him

self wrote that it was a theory (not a fact). Many Bharatiya people do not

know, that he was an East India Company employee, and he has written that his

goal was to learn about 'Vaidika Dharma', so that local folks can be converted

to Christianity.

As media people do not glorify past, then people say since time immoral

Bharat has been attacked by foreigners, Hindus were always defeated. By such

statements Hindus become weak and demoralized.

There is no truth in such statements. If there has been truth in this

statement, Hindu race would have been destroyed completely by now. Hindus

defeated Huns, Shakas and made them Hindus. Many races in the world have become

extinct, but Hindus race is surviving, why?

The pride in past achievements give inspiration to a race, community to

achieve its past glories and does more.

For Bharatiya constitution, administration, ideas and material have been

borrowed from every Tom and Dick, and Harry (including small countries) but

nothing was taken from old Bharatiya system.

Bharatiya people do not have pride in Sanskrit, and other Bharatiya

languages. Therefore Sanskrit and Bharatiya languages are not getting rightful

place in Bharat. As people have no respect in its past, English is most

dominant language in Bharat, and it will stay dominant language in Bharat till

Bhartiya people start taking pride in Sanskrit.

Why do Bharatiya media people and general public want to believe what

Westerner says all the time? " Why do media people not use their own Buddhi and

Viveka for promoting Bharatiya cultural values! Newspapers / media play a

critical role in expressing the pluralism of the country – its various

identities, perspectives and values. Bharatiya media people are expert in

spreading mental slavery in Bharat.

The Indians (Hindu, Christian, and Muslims) know nothing what havoc has been

done in India by the Christian / Muslim terrorists! English, communist, secular

and pseudo-secular media are scared to spell out the word Christian / Islamic

terrorists! They always give some type of acronyms and finish the article.

Newspapers attract or ought to attract people of independent mind not much

impressed with hierarchies or family dynasties of politicians or foreign

leaders. The same critical capabilities of the best journalists bring to

institutions and people they cover are inevitably brought to their own shop.

One test about a newspaper is the degree to which it sets a national agenda.

All Bharatiya English media, communist, secular and pseudo-secular media have

set their agenda to downgrade Hindus, Hindu institutions and Hindu religion and

Bharatiya languages.

And one way of testing that status is to ask how seriously other media

outlets take its reporting and commentary. And then ask how many newsrooms,

which are considered serious news operations across whole Bharat, are littered

with copies of the English papers of Bharat. It should not be much as very

often the stories which English newspapers of Bharat report are colored,

distorted, even by personal opinion. These media people do not report the

achievements of Bharatiya people and give importance to English language and

everything foreign made.

There are millions of facts, which tell the achievements of Bharatiya

people. If there was one Mother Teresa, then there were thousands Bharatiya

people who have done more work for down trodden people than Mother Teresa. Nun

Mother Teresa was promoted by media and even trickery was used to promote her.

But the work done by the Bharatiya people was not reported by media, nor any

importance was given to their work. Here is an example of such a person.

The man who brings light

By Claude Arpi Daily Pioneer May 13 2003



Media people give scant respect for what is "made in India". It is only

occasionally, when something comes back to India after a videshi round, that it

gets its due respect. One recent proof of this is the exaggerated media reaction

to the death of Kalpana Chawla. She was undoubtedly a great professional. Nobody

can deny that the end of the Explorer shuttle was tragic, but the fact is that

today if someone was to realise a similar or even a greater feat in India,

nobody will speak or write about him or her. It is a real tragedy that

something purely "made in India" is not treated as great and valuable as a

videshi product or realisation.

Someone who should have been a role model for the Indians, a national hero.

Unfortunately, very few Indians even know his name. Dr G Venkataswamy, known to

his friends and colleagues as "Dr V", was born in 1918 in a small village in

Tamil Nadu. After receiving a medical degree from Chennai's Stanley Medical

College in 1944, he joined the Indian Army Medical Corps, but had to retire in

1948 after developing severe rheumatoid arthritis. The disease left his fingers

crippled. This handicap changed his life. With indomitable courage, he returned

to medical school and earned a masters degree in ophthalmology and decided that

he would operate patients. Through years of hard work and perseverance, Dr V

managed to train himself in holding a scalpel to perform cataract surgery.

Today, after 50 years, he has performed over one lakh eye operations. And that

is not all. In 1976, after retirement, he decided to start a crusade to

eradicate needless blindness from India. His vision was to provide standardised

services to the rich and the poor on par with what existed in the Western

hospitals while each patient would be treated the same way without taking his

income into account. But the question remains. Why isn't Dr V the subject of

articles in the Indian press? It would perhaps inspire hundreds of vocations

like his and India's face could be changed.

Rishi Arvind says " The country, whose young men are imbued with the glory of

the past, the pain of the present and dreams of the future, always move on the

path of progress. "

Reconstruction of past

Bulbul Roy Mishra



6th May 2003

During their rule in India, the British strived to ensure the Indians did

not conjure up their patriotic emotion to fight them and for that purpose, it

was important to divide the Indians along racial and religious lines. Shrewd

observers as they were, they noticed that the Hindu leadership invariably

referred to the glorious Vedic tradition and legendary heroes like Ram, often

reminding the rulers that when the Indian civilisation was at its height, the

British were barbarians. It was the British answer to the Indian challenge that

the Aryans, architect of the Vedic civilisation, were in fact western people who

had migrated around 1500 BC from the European steppes, north of the Black Sea,

or from central and western Germany, or Austria, Hungary and Bohemia, or from

Central Asia. This country was then inhabited by Dravidians who were driven out

from the north to the south by the invading Aryans.

When excavations were carried out at Mohenjodaro and Harappa in the early

20th century, the British concluded the much vaunted Vedic civilisation was a

Western contribution to India, and all the traditional heroes like Rama had

European blood. Second, the Dravidians, settled in South India were a

completely different race vis-a-vis the Aryans. Third, Muslims were a different

nation vis-a-vis Hindus. In short, India throughout its history was never one

nation. The Indians, with little sense of history, swallowed the British bluff

without much resistance.

Some Indian scholars pointed out the striking similarity between Sanskrit

and other contemporary languages to drive home the point that Sanskrit was the

mother of all ancient languages. For instance, Sanskrit 'pitri' was precursor

to Zend 'paitar', Latin 'pater', Greek 'patir', Celt 'athir', Teuton 'fadar',

Tocharian 'patar' and English 'father'. The British interpretation was that the

said similarity was a testimony of Aryan migration from west to east. They

deliberately ignored that it could have been the other way round - the Vedic

Aryan influence spreading westward.

It is strange that even after independence, Indian historians have adopted

the British line of reasoning, putting the onus on the posterity to prove the

British construction of the Indian history wrong. Thus the ancient Indian

history has not progressed an inch from where the British left it. A new school

of "secular" historians has emerged to prevent research in ancient history on

the excuse of communal harmony. Since archaeological finds, according to them,

are capable of more than one interpretation, excavations are unnecessary. The

Ramayan and the Mahabharat, in their opinion, are works of fiction and there is

no proof that their characters were historic. Thus, instead of welcoming the

excavation at the disputed site at Ayodhya, they have questioned the wisdom of

the court.

The question that they have raised is how would you prove that the

structure, if any, underneath the mosque was a Hindu temple. And if so proved,

that it was a Ram temple, and that it was the birthplace of Ram, who in any

case cannot be proved to have ever existed. However, no fiction writer has ever

indicated the stellar positions while narrating major events, the way Valmiki

has done in the Ramayan or Vyas in the Mahabharat. Kalidas in his historic

fictions and Homer in the Iliad and the Odyssey, have not done so. Schliemann,

in 1876, by his excavation on mount Hissarlik in Turkey, has proved that the

Trojan war of the Iliad fame was not fiction but history. As for the Ramayan,

Valmiki has mentioned the stellar position in about 125 instances. In slokas

eight to 10 at Sarga 18, Bala Kanda, the verses read as follows:

After the sacrifice, six seasons of two months each passed off. At the 12th

month in the month of Chaitra, on the ninth lunar day, when the Punarvasu

presided by Aditi was in the ascendance, when five planets (Ravi, Chandra,

Kuja, Sukra and Shani) happened to be in respective houses (or in exalted

positions) and when Janma Lagna and Guru in conjunction with Chandra were just

ascending and entering together the Karkataka (Cancer), Kaushalya gave birth to


Such stellar positions have been given at major incidents like Ram's

wedding, Ravana's abduction of Sita, Hanuman's visit to Lanka, Rama-Ravana

battle, coronation of Vibhishana, Rama's return to Ayodhya, etc. It is puerile

to think that these references to stellar position were a figment of the

author's imagination. Researches have established beyond doubt that these

stellar positions had scientific sequences, which help dating of each major

incident in the Ramayan even after 5,000 years.

The question that is pertinent in the context of the ongoing excavation is

whether any ancient artifact belonging to 2000 to 3000 BC, as indicated in the

radar survey, will surface to bring about a quantum change in the construction

of ancient history of India. Let us wait with an open mind.

At present the true Identity of Bharat is that Bharat is a mentally slave nation

and its people are mentally slave people.

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