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Some Pseudo-seculars of Bharat - 2

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Some Pseudo-seculars of Bharat - 2

By Mohan Lal Gupta

Kuldip Nayar wrote articles about Bharat in Pakistani papers.




An Open Letter to Kuldip Nayar, Citizen (No: 2) of the world!!! by



In response to the article: "The National Interest" (published in

Pakistani newspaper) by Kuldip Nayar




With such great Indians like Kuldip Nayar, do we need Pakistan to

cause injury on us Bharatiyas and Hindus?


No doubt Mahatma Gandhi helped in his own way to defeat a mighty

empire. But he also sowed the seeds for Jinn to harvest. Seeds that

started to germinate in all its virulence, with his ill-conceived

support to the Khilaft Movement. That gave the Muslim league the

first stick to beat the rest of the country with. In the long run

leaving a Bharat Nation divided on lines of religion, in the

bloodiest of circumstances that even a conventional war would spare

on a sea of humanity.


I don't understand what Nayar expects us to spell as our National

Interest, least of all in a Pakistani newspaper! It is the same

Mr.Nayar who wrote just the other day that with the end of the "cold

war", NAM has become defunct, and in some other context stated with

emphasis that the UN has lost its relevance.


We are aware that for a few dollars more writers like Nayar will

spew his venom on his Bharat country, his government, and his people

in any forum. No wonder, press from our hostile neighbour find him

most charming. Give him columns of space. and generally have fun.


We are equally amused, Mr.Nayar. If only for reasons different

from the Pakis. We don't take you seriously. Honestly, it is time you

approached Arundati Roy. She is the sole-selling agent of passports

for citizens of the world! I am sure she could do with a senile old

man for intellectual company.


Mr.Nayar, whatever you want to tell your government, you have

enough space in our own newspapers. You can reach your leaders and

your countrymen to tell them your mind. Find out from them why they

chose to remain silent. What the national interests are. And address

us through our columns if you feel they are not justified. This is

what one who has faith in his country and a great love for his people

would do. If you want to make money out of columns in Pakistan news

papers, tell that what you think of their country, their people,

their religious practices, their government, their industry, their

crime and human rights records, their wonderful madrasas and training

camps that teach so much of universal love and brotherhood. They

would be delighted to have your views on them. For, they seem to

value your views so highly.


But columns like the "national interest" in Pak papers reflect

your sense of poor upbringing. Your extinct cultural ties with our

Bharat country. Your ethics, morals, which have sadly vapourised with

time. Vanished to make way for the increasing senility, beyond

compare, that has crept into your thoughts.


You are doing a great job, for Pakistan, Mr.Nayar. Do continue the

good work. Let us enjoy some humour, till it lasts.


Kuldip. You should go to hell go, take a long walk, never to

return. These are times you make me wonder if it is safe to "my

countrymen" to have someone like you out in the open instead of in a

lunatic asylum where you should belong, since the 80's. Then it

struck me that you are already in an asylum called the English media.

Now it makes sense why the English Media of Bharat is so much full of



Granted, you were born in a part of the world which now

geographically belongs to Pakistan; but should your strong ties to

that damned soil (damned not because it is in Pakistan, but because

you were born there) be so firm that you should bash India each time

you pick your pen?


Should you continue to keep looking at "my country Bharat"

through the prism of "your Pakistan"? Do people from the ISI keep

meeting you on your sojourns into Pak and Bangladesh these days,

Nayar? Or is the indoctrination direct from Musharaff and Jamali?

Perhaps some good tips from Salahuddin or the Lashkar on each of your

many frequent visits? Which was the last training camp you were in,

Nayar? The one in Rawalpindi or in downtown Karachi? Are you in touch

secretly with Osama, as well? How is Dawood? Do they train you with

bombs or just push you to continue with your blasphemy in Express,

Hindu and Dawn columns?


One can not come across a better example of juvenile journalism than

your verbose, which has fast become irrelevant, to say the least.


What Gujral doctrine do you want the government to practice when

the country is cancerously being subject to erosion on all its soil

with the Paki trained Islamists in Islamic collaboration with our

very own islamists and their political, press and the "secular"

sympathizers? You should be happy that nobody is asking "Gujral,



How much more patience and generosity do the hostile neighbors on

either side deserve? Have we not exhibited enormous patience and

dharmic generosity to such unworthy junks who call themselves



Have we not exhibited enormous patience despite years of

provocation through proxy wars? Through senseless targeting and

killing of Hindus in our own backyards? Through provocation of three

wars, none initiated by us? All nationalist Bharatiya people all

along were under the impression that our spineless leaders showed

more patience than was necessary to such rogue states. And here we

are listening to a senior journalist asking us to exhibit more

patience to such rogue neighbors!


Have we not exhibited dharmic generosity, despite the covert war

that we have been facing all over the country? Proxy wars initiated

directly by the efforts of the Islamic neighbors who you are so proud

to take brief from, each time you sit to unwrap your warped mind? Are

all your columns written on the other side of Wagah, Nayar? Which

ghost does the writing? Musharaff? Jamali? or the biggest of them

all, the ISI?


The greatest generosity we continue to exhibit is not annexing

Bangladesh and not wiping Pakistan out of the world map which is what

any other country in our position would have rightly done by now. We

have not done it because we don't want the burden of some more

millions of wahabbi Islamic fundamentalists driven to frenzy by that

singularly ghastly unifying factor named Islam. Perhaps leave them

live their delusions and into some self-destruct mode. Which,

hopefully, they will ultimately, in our own neighborhood.


That tiny tot of a country that got liberated thanks to our

tireless efforts and the supreme sacrifice of our brave soldiers,

shows her thumb in our face. Worse, trains militants harbored

preciously on her soil and perilous to ours. These are trained

generously by the very ISI who was the cause of all their problems

just a few years ago. A Bangla - Bangla Bhai - Bhai country which

collaborates with your Bangla Marxist friends at "my" home in Bharat

to infiltrate Muslim goons in millions, changing our demographic

equations in many states, aiding, abetting crime, arson, rape,

plunder, looting, militancy; each of this with the express sanction

of their supreme being, aided for electoral gains by the atheist

Marx, all in the name of jihad; that most murderous and bloodied word

brought by that messenger of the so called peace to humanity, but in

reality an agony and suffering to millions the world over.


What kind of neighborly relations should we continue to exhibit,



Offering visas to Human rights activists who do nothing to stop

the mullahs and the Islamic fundamentalists in their backyards as

they butcher Hindu minorities on their soil. Offering not much of a

protest as they destroy Hindu temples and Sikh Gurudwaras by the

dozens. Usurp the temples in true Islamic tradition depriving the

dwindling minorities their only source of relief? Turn blind and deaf

alternatively as the Islamists reduce the Hindus to pitiable numbers

at such a short span of time since the West and the East forcibly

aborted from the nascent womb of Hindustan, resulting in such

bloodshed and agony to the mother. Offering not much of even a lip

service condemnation, when their human rights terrorist-co-religious

butchers continue to slay the Hindus by the thousands, drove them in

lakhs, out of their homes in the Kashmir valley. What kind of

International Human Rights meet is this that these germs would like

to preach and spread from their sacred pulpits?


What is so special about Asma or Rahman that they should be

accorded red carpet visas into India? To spew venom? More vitriol?

Who the hell are these human rights activists? Except lop-sided

perverts posing as activists. India baiting, Hindu bashing



Why should Ram chat with Rahim, Nayar? Because Ram has all the

time in the world at his disposal? Because Ram has exhibited all

along an enormous patience to take all the junk from these Rahims?

Because Ram should please Rahim despite all the humiliation? Or worse

Ram should speak to Rahim, if only to please Jesus, that Supreme

Being of the Senate and the unipolar Capitol Hill? Haven't you heard

the sound bytes from well placed sources that the Pope is considering

to shift from Vatican to the White House? Perhaps, to replace

Rev.Graham to whom he seems to be losing out these days in marketing

Jesus and in open indulgence of policy making of White Christian



Writing that Ram should talk to Rahim makes me wonder if you are

advising that Ram should pay Jizya to Rahim. Was that the hidden

intention, Nayar? Or is there something more blasphemous and sinister

than this, that your perverted mind has devised?


When Rahim does not acknowledge the very birth place of Ram; When

Rahim pokes fun at the believers of Ram; When Rahim is bent on

destroying the Ram Rajya at any cost; When Rahim pops his Koranic

bomb at every corner and person that worships Ram; When Rahim is out

to destroy the very soul of Ram; When Rahim refuses to sing Vande

Mataram; When Rahim spews venom through suras that are full of bile

on avatars (read polytheists) like Ram;


Ram foolishly sings "Eashwar Allah Tere Naam", wrongly equating

His Eashwar with Allah, And Ram continues to blissfully sing through

bhajans, when Rahim refuses to sing this back, because the monotheist

Rahim would never agree that Rahim and Ram are one. And, you want Ram

to talk to Rahim. Shame on you Kuldip.


Go; take a long walk Nayar. And I wish you would never ever

return to "my country". Hey Ram, when will the Rahims and his

stupid "secular" sympathizers ever realize that Ram's patience is

running out. And realizes that today's Rahims are just yesterday's

Ravanas. Stop writing Nayar. You have grown too senile to make any



Yours truly,


S.V.Badri ,


** G - Vigil India Movement vigil



A letter from super pseudo - secular person.


I got the following mail from: "Kranti Bhatt"

<kranti_hind , in response to Some Pseudo-seculars of

Bharat - 1. I wonder how these super pseudo secular people be

treated. These people even do not want to hear the mistreatment of

Hindus, atrocities on Hindus. Apart from Muslims and Christians,

there are more Hindus who are against Hindus. It is easy to find anti-

Hindu Muslims and Christians but pseudo-secular get away easily after

hurting Hindu interest. What is the proper way of detecting these

pseudo-seculars and what should be done to them?


"Kranti Bhatt" <kranti_hind

<mgupta; <nish_kotecha

Wednesday, June 25, 2003 12:13 AM

Re: Some Pseudo-seculars of Bharat - 1

> Mohanlal bhai


Don't do this. By telling the tale of atrocities against Hindus,

what are you going to accomplish? Please don't do this. Tell me what

will you do to stop such acts from happening again. There are two

sides of every coin, similarly, if you come up with a problem, you

should also come up with a solution. If the problem is that Hindus

are being slaughtered by Muslims, tell me, what is the solution to

this. If you do not have the solution, then why bring the problem to

attention. You are spreading awareness, but then what. Crores of

Hindus have not taken the initiative to save thousands of Hindus that

are violated or killed everyday in India and abroad, why do

you think that by sharing information about ten other Hindus

slaughtered by Muslims, would wake them up.


> Dost, spreading awareness is good, but what then. In India,

spreading awareness is not enough. Positive action has to follow.

Teachers do the best job to teach pupils that stealing is bad,

telling a lie is bad, being ethical is important, never to take

advantage of the weak and the needy etc. If the pupils would listen

to their professors, we would have a better community today...don't

you think so.

> Remember my friend, Hindus and Hindustanis are a bunch of cowards,

including myself. By spreading awareness, all you are doing is being

a teacher. That is worthless. I am trying to change my image from

being a coward to being a brave Hindustani soldier. Perhaps I would

be able to do so, or maybe I would become a Shaheed...but by

spreading awareness about a topic such as ten Hindus slaughtered by

Muslims, is not something that will help the Hindu race. Kindly, if

you wish to help the Hindu race, help me achieve my goals. In helping

me to achieve my goals, I promise you, not even a dime would be asked

from you in contributions. All that will be asked is your time to do

some research for us...that is it.

> Kranti

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