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Hindi must be visible in whole Bharat

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"Mohan Gupta" mgupta

"a4India\"" info

Hindi must be visible in whole Bharat all around at all possible places.

Tue, 8 Jul 2003 00:11:47 -0400

Hindi must be visible in whole Bharat all around at all possible places.

There is a law in the world that a film carries the cast in the language in

which it is made except the Hindi language films; the film is in Hindi but the

cast is in English. There is a norm in the mentally slave people of Bharat in

the film industry to at least give the name of Hindi film in Nagri script in

the cast of Hindi film. But some films like P U K A R established a new trend,

by not giving the name of Hindi film even in Nagri script or in Hindi in the

cast. In the film "Phir Bhi Dil Hain Hain Hindustani" Hinglish (mixture of

English and Urdu) was used instead of pure Hindi. At least the name of Hindi

film was given in Nagri script so far, but in the film PUKAR even the name of

film was not given in Hindi, although the producers of Hindi film make money on

the name of Hindi. Same is the case with products manufactured in Bharat.

Products are manufactured in Bharat, but more than 90% products carry no Hindi

on their labels, the national language of Bharat. People should remove the

shame of Bharat by making Hindi visible in whole Bharat all around at all

possible places.

These media people have no conscience, making money on the name of Hindi, but

promoting the language of ex-colonial masters, which is keeping the Bhartiya

people mentally slave people forever. Due to these people Britain is still

keeping Bharat a colony through English language.

All the people with proud for Bhartiya languages and culture should boycott all

such movies like the movie Pukar and Phir Bhi Dil Hain Hindustani for screening

and for watching it. Government of Bharat should officially ban such movie like

Pukar and Phir Bhi Dil Hain Hindustani for screening anywhere in the world.

People should get rid of all such producers or at least teach a good lesson to

these denationalized people who want to perpetuate the mental slavery among

those people from whom they make money.

The whole cast of all the Hindi films in new millennium must be in Nagri script

and in large words of Hindi language. The cast could be bilingual with English

words in small size.

Please should force media and industrialist people in spreading the word that

Hindi should be used all around, no body should be allowed to exhibit a film if

the whole cast of the Hindi movie is not shown in Hindi, no product be allowed

to be sold in Bharat if the label is not written in more than 50% Hindi.

Please realize that the independence of Bharat is not complete till Bharat

retains English language for its daily use. It is Bharat, which is making

English language as world language as 50 - 100 million Bhartiya people use

English on daily basis. The day Bharat stops using English language and throws

out of Bharat, English will lose its status of world language.

For the glory of Bhartiya nation it is imperative that Hindi must be used all

around all the time. Those people should be boycotted or discouraged who

promote English language in Bharat.

Hindi can be made visible in whole Bharat all around at all possible places.

This can be achieved if

--Cast of all Hindi films and all Hindi TV programs must be in Hindi

--Hindi must be on all the labels of all products manufactured in Bharat, even

on foreign products sold in Bharat. There is a law in Canada that all products

sold in Canada must write in French on 50% label of the product. Even products

coming from Bharat for selling in Canada carry French on their labels.

--All signboards in Bharat must be in Hindi.

--All road signs, billboards, directions must be in Hindi.

--Shopkeepers must publish leaflets and fliers in Hindi.

-- All broadcasting stations (Radio and TV) must cease broadcasting in English in Bharat

For the media people of Bharat English is the gift of slavery and must be

maintained at the cost of downgrading Sanskrit, national language Hindi and

other Bhartiya languages. Due to wrong education policy, which produces

mentally slave people, even the bureaucracy is more often than not

malfunctioning in Bharat.

Shame on Bhartiya media industry who perpetuate mental slavery on Bhartiya

people, especially on film industry who perpetuate mental slavery on people of

Bhartiya origin all over the world, in many many ways.

Bhartiya politicians and pseudo-secular media, especially entertainment and

English media people just don't want to stop licking western boots, do they!

The hangover of colonialism continues to blind Bharatiya politicians and media


It is time that Bharat should stop giving importance to English language and

should start giving importance Sanskrit, Hindi and other Bharatiya language

"Promoting Use of Hindi"

After independence English is having a very prominent place in Bharat. Many

people know Hindi but they rarely use Hindi in their daily life as it has

become a fashion to speak in English and the person thinks that he /she is

considered highly qualified by speaking English and frequently use of English

words in Hindi and he/she can influence other people as well. Many companies in

Bharat make all advertisements in English only as they want to give impression

that the company has highly educated people working for them and the company

has foreign collaboration as well. Some companies has got the impression that

only English knowing people are rich people in Bharat and only they will buy

their products. Some Hindi media people are so much influenced by English that

they use very difficult English words, like communication, sewer, pollution,

associate editor etc., in Nagri script for Hindi sentences while simple and

appropriate Hindi words are already available in Hindi. The colonial Macaulay

education system has produced Bhartiyas of slavish mentality, which must be

scrapped and removed.

Although Bharat has got political independence form Britain and other colonial

masters, yet people of Bharat are still mentally slave. The biblical cord of

English language is still keeping the Bhartiya people mentally slave. English

language corrupts the soul of Bharat as well with alien values. Till English

stays in Bharat, the independence of Bharat cannot be considered complete.

English language is still keeping Bharat as British colony and Bhartiya people

as mentally slave people. The continuation of English in independent Bharat is

perpetuating the mental slavery of Bhartiya people for ever.

It is perfectly acceptable for small nations to adopt the language of a big

neighbour or one of the prominent languages of the world. Bharat is not a small

nation and it is unacceptable for it to adopt English for conducting the

business and administration of Bharat nation. English has reduced Bharat to a

small-nation status. English must be phased out of Bharat gracefully for the

unfettered growth and development of Hindi.

For complete independence of Bharat, English must be thrown out of Bharat or at

least the influence of English must be reduced to a great extent. Many people

give prominence to English considering it to be a world language. They do not

realise that it is Bharat, which is making English language the world language

as about 50 -- 100 million Bhartiya people use English on daily basis. The day

Bhartiya people stop using English language in their daily life, English will

lose the status of world language.

Will English language stay for ever in Bharat? Will Bhartiya people will stay

(mentally) slave forever? When Hongkong got independence, the very first day

English language was thrown out completely. Cannot the Bhartiya people do same

thing and throw out English out of Bharat lock, stock and barrel. Japan,

Israel, China, Taiwan flourished without the use of English.

In the new millennium, for the pride and glory of Bharat develop, spread and use

languages like Sanskrit and sanskritnist Hindi in daily life. Let the world know

that Bharat has got its own developed languages and can manage without the use

of English language, the language of their ex-colonial masters.

For the promotion of Hindi there should be organisations such as "Hindi Proyog

Protasahan Samiti". The main aim should be to encourage people who know Hindi

to use it in their daily life and where ever possible. For achieving the aims

of spreading the use, promotion and popularising Hindi the following ideas are


1. There is a law in the whole world, film carries the cast in the same language

in which it is made but Hindi language is the only exception in the whole world.

Film is in Hindi but the cast is in English. Usually the name of Hindi films are

given in Hindi, but in many films like Pukar, Badshah the name of the film was

not even given in Hindi, which is really a beginning of the extremely bad

trend. In the film "Phir Bhi Dil Hain Hindustani", language used is HINGLISH

(mixture of English and Hindi words), instead of pure Hindi. Film Pukar is

supposed to be a film promoting nationalism in Bhartiya people but the

producers of the film Pukar has carried out anti-national act themselves. By

using Hinglish, a person is forced to learn English for understanding Hindi.

The cast of Hindi films must be in Hindi. For the benefit of those people who

can understand spoken Hindi but cannot read it, cast may be made bilingual with

big letters in Nagri script and small letters in English. The size of English

letters should be same as it is used for English sub-title purpose.

All Hindi films usually carry the name of film in Urdu language as well, but all

the non-Hindi films made in Bharat or T.V. programmes does not even carry the

name of film or TV programme in Hindi, which is supposed to be national and

link language of Bharat. Punjab is a bilingual state where lots of people

understand spoken Punjabi but cannot read Punjabi. Even Punjabi films do not

carry the name of film in Hindi.

There should be a law in Bharat, that all films and T.V. programmes must carry

casts in Hindi for all Hindi films and TV programmes and part of the cast

should be in Hindi for all non-Hindi Films and T.V. programmes. People should

be discouraged to watch a movie if the cast is not in Hindi.

2. There are lots of lots of products manufactured in Bharat, which have labels

only in English or at the most in English/Urdu. There is no Hindi at all on the

label of the product.

There must be a law in Bharat that all products must carry Hindi on at least 50%

of label, which are manufactured in Bharat. In Canada even the imported products

must carry French on their labels, other wise product cannot be sold in Canada.

Even the products exported by manufacturer of Bharat write French on the label

of their products and the same manufacturers would not write Hindi on the

labels of their products, which is to be sold in Bharat. What patriotism is

shown by these manufacturers of Bharat? Government must make a law that all

products to be sold in Bharat even imported products must carry Hindi on at

least 50% of label, otherwise product should not be allowed to sell in Bharat.

People should also be discouraged from buying such products if the label is not

in Hindi

3. There are many shops in Delhi, capital of Bharat, which does not carry Hindi

on their signboards. Signboards of the shops must be 50% in Hindi; otherwise

people should be discouraged from buying products from such shops.

Many storekeepers supply leaflets and flyers to their customers for promoting

their products and shop, which is completely in English. Many storekeepers also

use wrapping material, which is printed with their store name, address and other

specialities of their stores, which is also completely in English. People should

not buy products from such stores who use store promotional and wrapping

material only in English language. At least 50% part of the promotional and

wrapping material must be written in Hindi.

4. Hardly any Hindi newspaper or magazine or Radio, T.V. programmes use pure

Hindi. Even correspondents for Hindi services of All India Radio, B.B.C. and

VOA use lots, lots, lots of Urdu and English words for their Hindi

commentaries. Sometimes they sound as if they have never heard pure Hindi in

their life. Why the hell these people should go for Hindi service if they

cannot speak pure Hindi. One cannot understand why these people should use Urdu

and English words for their radio and T.V. programmes or for their magazines

when already simple and pure Hindi words are available. Some people think that

by using English and Urdu words in Hindi they are enriching Hindi language, but

in fact they are polluting Hindi language with filth and destroying the format

of Hindi language. The use of English and Urdu in Hindi act as poison for Hindi

language. The people who use English and Urdu words in Hindi, they are forcing

Hindi speaking people to learn English and Urdu languages for understanding


People should be encouraged not to buy newspapers and magazines if correct and

pure Hindi is not used. Film studios, Radio and T.V. should also be protested

for not using simple, correct and pure Hindi.

5. By the turn of century, there should not be broadcasts in English for Home

service programmes on radio and T.V. stations in Bharat.

Could anything be done for achieving these aims? The above mentioned aims can be

achieved by making "Hindi Protasahan Samiti" in every city, town village,

Mohalla, and district of Bharat. The Samiti members and the general public

should make and display placards and billboards with the information for

promotion of Hindi. The placards and billboards must carry such sentences: "Do

not see a film if the cast is not in Hindi", "Do not buy a product if the label

does not carry Hindi on at least 50% part of the label", "Do not buy a product

from the store if the sign board is not In Hindi", "Do not buy a newspaper or

magazine if pure, correct and simple Hindi is not used", "Make demonstrations

or write letters to film studios, Radio and T.V. studios for not using Hindi in

the cast of the programme and also for not using correct and simple Hindi"

Some programmes should also be arranged for "Rastra Bhasa Samman Dilao" where

such objectives be preached. People should influence the government for issuing

ordinances for achieving these aims. People who play active role for the

promotion of Hindi should also be honoured by the Samiti members.

SHAME OF BHARATWhenever I see any product with label in English or see any

advertisement in English, lots of questions come to my mind.-- Do these people

want that English language should stay forever in Bharat?-- Do these people

think Bhartiya people should stay mentally slave people of British empire for

ever?-- Do these people think that Bharat does not have any language worth

enough or fit enough to be used on the label of the product?-- Do these people

want to tell to the world that Bharat does not have any developed language fit

enough to be used for the information and advertisement of its products?--- ARE





people mentally slave people? --- If any patriotism is left in these people,

they should destroy all their labels with English only. English should not be

more than 5 - 10% on the label of any product manufactured in Bharat. If there

is no English on the label of the product, still better. If some companies

market their product in foreigncountries, they can use English, but not more

than 10% on their labels.-- As an atonement for promoting English in

independent Bharat and making Bhartiya people mentally slave of English

language and western/ British culture, These companies should donate a

reasonable amount of money for the propagation of Hindi, Sanskrit and some

other Bhartiya languages or at least start and operate some schools exclusively

for teaching Hindi and Sanskrit languages or start some radio stations for

broadcasting Sanskrit programmes.

British people have left Bharat, but Bharat is still retaining the symbol of

slavery in the form of English language. I wonder if English language will stay

in Bharat forever or Bhartiya languages will ever geta little bit prominence in

new millennium. For the pride of the nation, kindly do something that Hindiand

other Bhartiya languages get prominence in Bharat and in the world in the new


English language is keeping Bhartiya people mentally slave people, and makes

Bhartiya people pseudo-secular and anti-Hindu people. The English language

corrupts the soul of Bharat also with alien values. The biblical cord of

slavery in the form of English must be snapped. The English must be thrown

outof Bharat as Hongkong has done, or at least the influence of English must be

reduced from Bharat.

Nationalist Bharatiya people should decide whether Bharat should retain English

forever and also stay mentally slave forever of western culture.

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