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Famous People's Views on India

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India is culturally mother of Japan. For centuries it has, in her own

characteristic way been exercising her influence on the thought and

culture of Japan.




>From Persia to the Chinese sea, from the icy regions of Siberia to

the islands of Java and Borneo from Oceania to Scotra -- India has

propagated her beliefs, her tales, and her civilisation. She has left

indelible imprints on one fourth of the human race in the course of a

long succession of centuries. She has the right to claim in universal

history the rank, that ignorance has refused her, for a long time and

to hold her place amongst the great nations, summarising and

symbolising the spirit of humanity.




In the high pleaeau of Eastern Iran, in the oasis of Serindia, in

Arid wastes of Tibet, Mongolia and Manchuria, in the ancient

civilized lands of China and Japan, in the lands of primitive Khmers

and other tribes in Indo-China, in the countries of Malaya-

Polyasians, in Indonesia and Malaya, India left the indelible

impression of her high culture not only upon religion, but also upon

art and literature, in a word, all the higher things of spirit.




India was China's teacher in religion and imaginative literature and

the world's teacher in trignometry, quadratic equations, grammar,

phonetics, arabian nights, animal fables, chess as well as in

philosophy and the inspired Boccaccio, Goethe, Schopenhauer and

Emerson (Wisdom of India).




In the history of human culture, the contribution of indian people in

all fields has been of the greatest importance. From India we are

said to have derived domestic popultry, shellac, lemons, cotton,

jute, rice, sugar, indigo, the buffalo, cinnamon, ginger, pepper,

sugarcane, the games of chess, pachisi, polo, the zero concept, the

decimal system, the basis of certain philosophical concepts, a wealth

of fables with moral import, an astonishing variety of artistic

products, and innumerable ideas in philosophy and religion such as

asceticism and monasticism.




After a study, of some forty years and more, of the great religions

of the world, I find none so perfect, none so spiritual as the great

religion known by the name of Hinduism.

Many are the religions and many are the races which are flourishing

in India, but none of them streches back into the far dawn of the

past, nor is it necessary for her endurance as a nation. Everyone

might pass away as they came but let Hinduism go, Hinduism that was

India' cradle, and in that passing would be India's grave.




This Hinduism is the Sanatana Dharma, the eternal religion, which has

been perfected by countless Rishis and Avataras to uplift humanity.

When you go fourth , speak to your nation always this word. It is for

the world and not for themselves that Indians are rising. It is for

the dharma and by the dharma that India exists.

That which we call the Hindu religion is really the eternal religion.

This Hinduism is the one religion that can triumph over materialism

by including and anticipating the discoveries of science.




If there is one place on the face of the earth where all the dreams

of living man have found a home from the very earliest days of man's

existence on earth, it is India.




A characteristic of Hinduism is its receptivity and all

comprehensiveness. It is one religion of humanity, of human nature,

of the entire world. It cares not to oppose the progress of any other

system, for it has no difficulty in including all other religions

within its all embracing arms and ever widening fold. And in real

truth Hinduism has something to offer which is suited to all minds.

Its very strength lies in its adaptability to infinite diversity of

human character and human tendencies.




The Hindus the most ancient nation of which we have valuable remains

and has been surpassed by none in refinement and civilization; though

the utmost pitch of refinement to which it ever arrived preceded in

time the dawn of civilization in any other nation of which we have

even the name in history, the further our literary enquiries are

extended here the more vast and stupendous is the scene which opens

to us."




The Vedanta is the sublimest machinery set in to motion by

oriental thought."




India is the source from which not only the rest of Asia but the

whole of western world derived their knowledge and their religion.




The Indo-Aryan civilization is an extraordinary pristine civilization

which we Europeans have never yet surpassed. It is a civilization

without a parallel that India has given to the world.

O ! Ancient land of India, O ! Protector of mankind vow to thee. O!

sacred land. Centuries of horrible atrocities have not been able to

destroy you. Welcome to thee. Vow to thee, O ! Originator and mother

of faith, love, art, and science.




The philosophy of the Hindus is another proof of their superiority in

civilization and intellect to the moderns as well as the ancients.

The Hindus had the widest range of mind of which man is capable.




The ancient state of India must have been one of extraordinary



WILL DURANT, the American Pulitzer Prize Winner


India is the motherland of our race and Sanskrit the mother of

Europe's languages. She is the mother of our philosophies, of our

mathematics of our democracy.




All Indians whether princes living in palaces or poor people living

in small cottages, they are the most noble and modest people on earth

as if it is in their racial quality. They repay every just and fair

act and never neglect any duty of kindness and sympathy.


STREBA, Famous Greek Historian


Indians are so honest that they don't need any locks on their door,

neither do they need any document in writing for the proof of an





In the face of an Indian, you can see the natural glory of life,

while we have covered ourselves with an artificial clock.


MEGASTHENESE - Greek Ambassador


The Indian civilization which gloried in its great prosperity, knew

nothing about locks. Can anywhere people even imagine about a

fraction of honesty which is in Hindus.





Let me tell you plainly, if a comparison be instituted with any

amount of justice, the Hindus with all their faults will be found

head and shoulders above all other religions in the world as a moral



In religion lies the vitality of India and so long as the Hindu race

does not forget the inheritance of their forefathers, there is no

power on earth to destroy them.







Hinduism is a relentless pursuit after truth, and if today it has

become moribund, irresponsive to growth, it is because we are

fatigued; and as soon as the fatigue is over, Hinduism will burst

forth upon the world with a brilliance perhaps unknown before.


I think I have understood Hinduism correctly when I say that it is

eternal, all-embracing and flexible enough to suit all situations (

Navjeevan 27-9-1924). Hinduism contains the essence of all religions.

What it does not contain is not worth knowing (Navjeevan 17-9-1925).


Since Hinduism is based on truth and nonviolence , it can never

oppose any other religion. Hinduism strives for the betterment of all

religions, and through them of the entire world( From a speech made

on 25-3-29 while inaugurating Shri Laxminarayan Temple.).


I am a Hindu because it is Hinduism which makes the world worth

living ( Young India 1-12-26). I am a Hindu hence I Love not only

human beings, but all living beings.




Hinduism has stood up to the challenges of modern science better than

any other religion. If anything is found at variance with facts, it

is quietly forgotten. Hinduism is thus constantly refreshed and

updated. The West had one reformation 500 years ago. We have a

permanent reformation.


Above all Hinduism is a peoples' religion and that it has been

growing and changing during the ages. The Vedic Gods were replaced

long ago by puranic gods. The Vedas were themselves supplemented by

puranas. Thus Hinduism keeps growing with the growth of religious





It was India, not Greece, that taught Islam in the impressionable

years of it's youth, formed its philosophy and esotric religious

ideals; and inspired it's most characteristic expression in

literature, art and architecture.




The absortive power of Hinduism as a religion, coupled with it's

resistence power as a civilization, furnishes one of the most

startling paradoxes in the history of man. Concentration and

renunciation, not any given creed, were the differential for the


Hinduism is thus a synthesis of not a sect, a spiritual university,

not a spiritual church, and of this synthesis buddhis is an

inalienable part.

Hinduism is, in fact, an immense synthesis, driving it's elements

from a hundred different directions and incorporating every

conceivable motive of religion.



Hindus are religious, cheerful, justice-loving, truthful, grateful

and God-loving.


YUKUBE - (9th Century)


Hindus are topmost in intelligence and thinking. Their knowledge of

Arithmetic and Astronomy is more realistic than any other race. Their

opinion about medical diagnosis and treatment is of the first rank.


ABUL FAZAL - Historian


Hindus are sympathetic and merciful towards all. They have no malice

towards any body in this world.




Crores of Indians live like saints. They are innocent, sincere and

without malice towards any one.


YAHUDI MENUHIN-World famous violinist


A Hindu is hundred times more refined , more cultured, more honest,

more religious, more balanced in his outlook than the average





Wherever I went whether to America, Bulgaria or go Greece, I found

the imprints of the vastness and depth of Hinduism. Ramayan stories

are prevalent in 24 countries of the world."

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