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Jews:A Branch of the Vedic Family

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Jews:A Branch of the Vedic Family


"From the results of my research, I can affirm that M. Samar Abbas'

thesis is wrong. Actually, the facts are exactly the opposite.

It's the Jews who descended from the Vedic family, and not the other

way around. The son cannot generate the father."


Dear friends, Namaste!

I have read with much interest the posting on connections between

Jews and Vedic Brahmins.

I would like to add a small contribution to the issue.


According to my research, most of the "Hebrew" traditions and

linguistic features, especially those mentioned by the article, had

been absorbed from the Egyptian society and knowledge, which had

directly come from Vedic settlers in ancient times.

Before moving to Egypt, Jews had a civilization and language (and

religion) descending from their Sumerian origins (Ur, too, had an

early settlement of Vedic knoweldge). During and after their life in

Egypt, they took up a lot of new (or forgotten) things, including the

cow worship connected to the moon, mentioned in the article, and the

worship of the snake, not mentioned in the article but mentioned in

the Bible in connection with Moses' secret knowledge of medicine.

Schools and scholars speak too little about the Egyptian

civilization, religion and science, that influenced the early Western

civilizations, until the destruction of the famous library in



However, from my research I have seen that the similarities of

Egyptian civilization, science and religion with the Vedic knowledge

are even more amazing than the ones mentioned about the Jews.

Specifically, in the philosophical and religious field. The details

of the temple worship practiced in Egypt are strikingly similar to

Vedic temple worship, including the tree sandhya meditations on the

sun (Ammon-Ra, the main Deity in Egypt), the form of God as both male

and female (Osiris/Isis, assimilated with the Sun and the Moon), the

bathing, dressing and decoration of the Deity (with red cloth, still

considered in India as the traditional color of cloth to be offered

to Deities), arati with the offerings of food and incense, etc.

The Egyptian Book of the Dead is an almost exact replica of the

Tibetan Book of the Dead, which is coming to us through the Yaksa

Saivite Tantric tradition of Himalayas, which strongly influenced the

Vajrayana buddhism or Lamaism. Egyptian priests had a complicated

knowledge about the various subtle bodies and astral travelling (as

tantric buddhists do), and some bits of knowledge about yoga, too.

Egyptian priests were strictly vegetarian (not even eating eggs),

followed brahmacarya vows and abstained from intoxicants, and went

through several initiations in order to practice their service. Meat

was only consumed by them in later periods, and exclusively coming

from fire sacrifices. (It is therefore very misguiding to say that

brahmins "became vegetarian" in a later period, after detaching

themselves from their "origins" as Jews).

They were also in charge of medicine and astrology, and had an

immense knowledge about both.

Even the temple decorations used the lotus flower as a symbol of

purity and beauty. The list could go on and on.

Many ancient Greek scholars (including Plato, Pythagoras etc)

travelled both to Egypt and to India to get their knowledge. While

reading Plato's and Pythagoras' teachings, we find exactly the same

Vedic knowledge explained in Greek language.

Jesus himself is said to have travelled to India during the "missing

years" not mentioned in the official Church Gospels, and gathered a

wealth of knowledge and bhakti before starting his preaching work

back home among the Jews. Still at that time, when Kali yuga was

already advanced in India, Jesus' teachings appeared to the Jews as

much more elevated and satisfying than their Hebrew "traditional"



Now we know from the Puranas that at the times of Parasurama avatara,

the ksatriya kings of Bharata varsa were scattered all over the

planet while fleeing the avatara's killing wrath. We know that a

group of such ksatriyas, followed by their family priests and

retinue, reached ancient Egypt and established a kingdom there.

Other groups settled in South America, Mesopotamia, Northern Europe,

and in the lost continent of Atlantis mentioned by Plato and others.

Striking similarities can be observed, for example the pyramids that

can be found almost exactly identical in South America, Mesopotamia

and Egypt. And which also resemble the large and high domes of the

most ancient Vedic temples.

Linguistic similarities between Vedic civilization and Northern

Europe civilization brought European scholars in 1800s and 1900s to

assimilate the Aryans with the ancient Germans or "North Men". In

facts, from subsequent studies, it became apparent that Sanskrit had

to be "the mother of all languages" as its basic roots and meanings

are the same in all European languages, and much more similar than

the stretched "transformation rules" of language and prononciation

mentioned in the article.


Still today, both Siberian native nomadic populations and North

American Lakota Sioux call "Meru" the mountain they believe is at the

center of the universe, and "Garuda" the powerful thunderbird eagle

who is so prominent in their mythologies.

The sanctuary of Apollo in Delphi, and all the Pythian sanctuaries

after it, were all centered around the "omphalus", also called

the "center of the world", which from the depictions was obviously a

Siva lingam, with the Sakti serpent coiled around it and even bilva

leaves scattered on it. I can send the drawing by jpg file if anyone

is interested. I found it in a book where Vedic civilization was not

mentioned at all, and the writer had never heard about Siva or lingam



When Jews came on the scene of historical records (as per the story

of the Bible), the Egyptian civilization was at the height of its

fame and power in their area. Moses -- one of the main figures of

Hebrew religion, tradition and science, who single-handedly fashioned

the culture of the whole people of Israel by bringing up a new

generation of a small core of individuals during the wanderings in

the desert before reaching the Promised Land -- had received the best

Egyptian education (in religion, philosophy, science and tantric

magic) as a royal prince, having being adopted by the King's sister

at his birth. He had much more knowledge than what is explained in

the Bible. Besides giving the famous Ten Commandments and putting

down the Bible text into writing, he wrote a number of other secret

books (for "more advanced readers") and organized a priestly class

(until that time non-existing in Hebrew tradition) and a number of

other powerful secrets (like the famous Ark of Covenant).

Such powerful knowledge was at the origin of the mystical branch of

the Hebrew knowledge known as Kabala, which became so famous and

controversial during the Middle Ages in Europe.

Since Kabalistic knowledge has always been a mystery and a secret (as

its mass application is politically undesirable for the

Establishment), it disappeared from mainstream Hebraism and failed to

bring about its good effects on Jews (with a few and less known

exceptions). However, it created a host of seekers of hidden

knowledge in Europe -- templars, alchemists, mystics, "wizards" etc.

Basically, before coming in such a close contact with Egyptian

science and religion, Jews had taken very little from the advanced

civilization of Ur. They were simple illiterate sheperds without much

culture. However, their traditions recorded in the first books of the

Bible clearly show their Sumerian descent and influence. The Genesis

is filled with Sumeric symbols and references, and it has been

explained as such by Bible scholars like Zakaria Sitchin.


>From the results of my research, I can affirm that M. Samar Abbas'

thesis is wrong. Actually, the facts are exactly the opposite.

It's the Jews who descended from the Vedic family, and not the other

way around. The son cannot generate the father.


Regarding the famous "lost tribe of Israel", that's another point

altogether. According to my research, it should consist of a group of

Jews who settled in Kashmir much later than the Vedic period (i.e.

after the beginning of Kali yuga), and who gradually became known as

the Sikhs after the preaching of Guru Nanak. This is also confirmed

by the local people, geographical names and even family names. And

the tombs of Jesus, Mary and Moses which are still there to see, with

their Hebrew inscriptions if I remember well.

The field research of a team of scholars who studied the Holy Shroud

a few years ago at the request of the Vatican (who was not at all

pleased by their findings) went on to prove that Jesus had not died

on the cross, but survived crucifixion (what Christians

call "resurrection") and fled into Kashmir, where an old and famous

settlement of Jews was present, strong and prosperous, and kept to

themselves without mixing with other groups.

Still today, Sikhs observe the traditional custom of Jews of not

cutting one's hair in sign of special austerity and religious fervor,

from which some Christian scholars have taken the derivation

of "Nazarene", a name by which Jesus was called. We may remember

that, according to the Gospel, Jesus' hair "had never been cut by

anyone from birth". We may also remember that, as the Gospel clearly

and specifically relates, Jesus' dress was in one piece only, without

any stitching -- a characteristic which we find in the strictly

traditional requirement for Vedic pujaris. These were not usual

habits of the general Jews, and surely are not today.


If Mr. Abbas would care to meditate and research on these points, I

think he will find amazing discoveries and a new vision.

Vedic knowledge and civilization is incredibly old, and before the

onset of Kaliyuga it contained inconceivable powers and wonderfully

advanced science, as the findings in the Sindhu and Sarasvati valleys

clearly show. It could not possibly come from a relatively young,

uncultured and nomadic people like the Jews.

Even the Bible and the Torah, compared to the Vedas, appear

insignificant as per quantity and quality of information.

Unfortunately, even many Indian born scholars minimize the value and

antiquity of Vedic civilization and knowledge. We hope this trend can

soon be reversed.


I think Mr. Abbas should take the pain to actually study Vedic

knowledge deeply from a bona fide teacher -- which is the system

recommended by Vedic knowledge itself.







>Hence, there are several features which link Jews and Brahmins,

>indicating a common origin. From this M.M.Shukla and his followers

>would have the Jews descended from Vedic Brahmins, while the present

>author and other researchers would have the Brahmins descended from

>a "Lost Tribe of Israel". Whatever the details, Shukla's detailed

>researches assit in the establishment of a common origin of Jews and

>Brahmins. We may thus conclude with the words of the Enlightenment

>researcher Godfrey Higgins (1772-1833):


>"Now, what am I to make of this? Were these Brahmins Jews, or the

>Jews Brahmins?" ("Anacalypsis", Vol.I, p.771, cited in Matlock 2000,


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