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Found and Lost: the Ayodhya Evidence

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Found and Lost: the Ayodhya Evidence

Dr. Koenraad Elst (21 July 2003)


The North-Indian town of Ayodhya is scene to a controversy over a


sacred site, the Rama Janmabhoomi or birthplace of Rama. That is

where a

mosque, the Babri Masjid, was built in forcible replacement of an


Hindu temple, in 1528 under Moghul emperor Babar at the latest, and

demolished by a Hindu crowd in 1992. The controversy pits Hindu


against a combine of Muslim activists and the so-called secularists,


array of Hindu-born Marxists and US-oriented globalists who share a


of Hindu assertiveness. The matter has been sub-judice at the High


of nearby Allahabad since 1950, when Hindus had taken control of the

mosque by installing statues of the deified hero Rama, his wife Sita


his brother Lakshmana. Now, Hindu organisations are preparing to

build a

proper temple at the site. Muslims organisations are reclaiming the


and the judges have endlessly been postponing their intervention.


At least until the winter of 2002-2003, for then the court secretly


a specialized firm to scan the underground by radar for traces of the

foundation of a temple predating the mosque. One of the questions on


a verdict could arguably be based, was whether there had indeed been a

temple at the site before the mosque was built.


A Splendid Consensus


Actually, until 1989 there had been no question about the sites


All the written sources, whether Hindu, Muslim or European, were in

agreement about the pre-existence of a Rama temple at the site. Ramas

birthplace is marked by a mosque, erected by the Moghul emperor Babar


1528 on the site of an earlier temple, according to the 1989 edition


the Encyclopaedia Britannica, entry Ayodhya. Neither was there any

document contradicting this scenario: no account of a forest chopped


to make way for the mosque (already unlikely in the centre of an


town), no sales contract of real estate to the mosques builder,

nothing of

the kind. By contrast, there was testimony after testimony of Hindus

bewailing and Muslims boasting of the replacement of the temple with a

mosque; and of Hindus under Muslim rule coming as close as possible

to the

site in order to celebrate Ramas birthday every year in April, in

continuation of the practice at the time when the temple stood.


And if authors of testimonies may be unreliable, there was also the

archaeological evidence: in the 1970s, a team of the Archaeological


of India led by Prof. B.B. Lal dug out some trenches just outside the

mosque and found rows of pillar-bases which must have supported a


building predating the mosque. Moreover, in the mosque itself, small


pillars with Hindu sculptures had been incorporated, a traditional

practice in mosques built in forcible replacement of infidel temples


flaunt the victory of Islam over Paganism.


The only remaining question about the site was its status in the


1192-1528. In 1192 and the subsequent years, practically all the Hindu

temples and Buddhist monasteries in North India were demolished by

Mohammed Ghori and his Turkish invaders. It is impossible that the

medieval temple at the site could have survived until 1528. The most

likely scenario is the one well-attested at another famous temple


the Somnath temple in Gujarat. No less than nine times did Hindus


it as a temple, until Muslims retook it and turned it into a mosque


Since Ayodhya was a provincial capital of the Delhi Sultanate,

opportunities for wresting the site from Muslim control were certainly

more limited than in the case of the outlying Somnath temple. Then


the frequent infighting among the Muslim elite may have given


Hindus some opportunities too. From peculiarities in the architecture


the Babri Masjid, art historians on both sides of the debate (Sushil

Srivastava, R. Nath) have deduced that the main part of the structure


been built well before the Moghul invasion, probably in the 14th


In that case, the tradition that it was built by Mir Baqi may be

based on

the following scenario: towards the end of the Sultanate period,


may have managed to recapture the site and to turn it into a


temple, until Babar and his lieutenant Mir Baqi firmly imposed Muslim

control again and gave some finishing touches to the mosque


in replacement of any Hindu elements that had come to adorn it. But


must for now be kept inside speculative brackets. What is certain is


a major Hindu temple at the site was demolished by Islamic iconoclasm


replaced with a mosque symbolizing the victory of Islam over


Of that, evidence is plentiful and of many types.


The JNU fatwa


Yet, in 1989, all this evidence was brushed aside by a group of 25

academics from Jawaharlal Nehru University (Delhi), mostly declared

Marxists, who issued a statement denying the existence of any

evidence for

the temple: The Political Abuse of History. Not that they offered any

newfound data to support this dramatic reversal of the consensus, all


had to show was some totally contrived reinterpretations of a few of


existing data plus the worn-out slogans against Hindu communalism.

But the

sympathy of the Indian and international media for their purported


of upholding secularism assured the immediate worldwide adoption of


new party-line as Gospel truth: the demolished Rama temple had merely


a malicious invention of the ugly Hindu nationalists.


Note that they didnt just settle for a political rejection of any

plans to

replace the mosque with a temple. They could sensibly have argued

that the

demolition of the temple happened long ago and could not now be a


for reversing the event. That exactly had been the verdict given by a

British judge in 1886 when ordering a status quo at the site. No,


they went as far as to base their rejection of a new temple


on the claim that no demolition had ever taken place because no

temple had

existed there. This was reckless, for if the political choice for the

preservation of the mosque were based on the historical non-existence


the medieval temple at the site, then the eventual discovery of such a

temple would justify a contrario the replacement of the mosque with a

restored temple. At least in theory, but the Marxists were confident


their opponents would never get the chance to press this point. Under


prevailing power equation, they expected to get away with a plain


of history rather than a mere insistence on divorcing history from



Secular debate-dodgers


In December 1990, the short-lived Socialist-dominated government of

Chandra Shekhar invited the two lobby groups involved, the Vishva


Parishad and the Babri Masjid Action Committee, to mandate a team of

scholars for discussing the historical truth of the matter. Misled by


media into believing that the Hindu claims were pure fantasy, the BMAC

office-bearers arrived ill-prepared, expecting a cakewalk over the

discredited case of the VHP fanatics. They were speechless when the


team presented dozens of documents supporting their case. The BMAC


invited a team of proper historians chaired by Marxist professor R.S.

Sharma, who arrived at the next meeting with the demand that they be

recognized as independent scholars entitled to sit in judgment on the

controversy, i.e. to pass a verdict between their BMAC employers and


VHP opponents. The government representative did not grant this


demand. At the next meeting, they declared that they hadnt studied the

evidence yet and needed six more weeks, a strange statement from


who had just led 42 academics in signing a petition confirming once


for all that there was absolutely no evidence at all for a temple. At


meeting scheduled for 24 January 1991, they simply didnt show up


In July 1992, the state government of Uttar Pradesh, dominated by the

Hindu nationalist BJP (Indian Peoples Party), ordered the levelling


cleaning of the terrain around the mosque. Before and during the work,

archaeologists were permitted to search the site. They discovered


of pieces of temple architecture and Hindu religious sculptures. A cry

went up among the Marxist academics that the sculptures had been


from museums and planted at the site. The central government


locked the pieces away. The minister in charge, Arjun Singh, was a

militant secularist and eager to embarrass the BJP, yet the academics

never asked him to have the sculptures investigated by an


team of experts who could have certified their allegation. Indeed,


behaviour was one of strictly ignoring this new body of evidence, as


they didnt believe their own claim of a forgery.

In October 1992, the central government of Narasimha Rao (Congress)


to revive the scholars discussion. This time, the BMAC team quite

reasonably protested that there was no point in talking unless the VHP

called off its announced demonstration in Ayodhya scheduled for


6. The VHP was adamant that Hindu societys right to the site could

not be

made dependent on mundane factors such as judicial verdicts and


disputes. This was an instance of the Hindu nationalist movements long

tradition of smashing its own windows and of spurning the intellectual

struggle which in this case had been going in its favour. On the plea


you dont need arguments to love your mother, meaning Mother India, the

Hindu nationalists had always neglected intellectual and media work


favoured a mindless activism. Except for one (S.P. Gupta), all the

scholars who had argued their case at the government-sponsored


had been outsiders to the movement; the VHP leadership itself, like


BMAC counterpart, never took the evidence debate very seriously.


The Demolition


So, activism replaced argument on December 6, 1992. The official

leadership represented at the demonstration in Ayodhya by L.K. Advani


today is Deputy Prime Minister) had wanted to keep the affair purely

ceremonial, singing some hymns to Rama as a sufficient act of


the Hindu claim to the site. But an elusive leadership within the


had other plans. A small group had come well-prepared for a demolition

job, and once they broke ranks from the official ceremony to


pull down the mosque, much of the crowd joined in. Hindu movement

officials tried to stop them, even when the police withdrew from the

scene, but to no avail. The BJP state government resigned at once,

but the

central government did not physically intervene until the next


when the activists had cleared the debris and consecrated a little


with the three statues as the provisional new Rama temple. In a


instance of the Congress culture, Narasimha Rao on the one hand


that the mosque should be rebuilt and on the other hand created an

accomplished fact on the ground which practically precluded the


of rebuilding the mosque.


It is an odd but highly significant fact that the Indian media

subsequently refused to open a search for who exactly organised the

demolition. None of them seemed to care for the scoop of the year:


man (photograph) organized the demolition. Clearly, they thought it

politically most profitable to pin the blame on the so-called


Advani, the one Hindu leader who was most definitely not behind it.

He had

burst into tears upon seeing the fabled discipline of his activists


down and had been narrowly dissuaded from resigning as party leader

in his

post-demolition confusion.


During the demolition, another load of temple sculptures came to light

from among the debris, including an inscription detailing how it was


of a temple to Vishnu, slayer of Bali and of the ten-headed one,

built in

ca. 1140 under king Udai Chand. Rama is considered an incarnation of

Vishnu, and the two enemies he defeated were king Bali and king


usually depicted as ten-headed in recognition of his brilliant mind.


the reader will expect by now, this evidence too was locked away and

strictly ignored by the secularists. Until 2003, when Peoples


the paper of the Marxwadi Communist Party, alleged foul play.


It seemed that the Lucknow State Museum mentioned in its catalogue a

20-line inscription dedicated to Vishnu and satisfying in every

detail the

description of the piece discovered during the demolition,-- but

which had

gone missing since the late 1980s. So it was alleged that someone had

stolen this inscription from the museum and planted it at the site


before the demolition. During the initial scholars debate in 1990-91,


VHP-mandated team had discovered that no less than 4 documents kept in

Muslim libraries had demonstrably been tampered with in order to


references to the birthplace temple. Here the secularists had their


occasion to get back at them and expose them in turn as cheaters who


planted a stolen inscription. However, museum director Jitendra Kumar

declared that the piece had never left the museum, even though it had


been on display, and he showed it at a press conference for all to see

(Hindustan Times, 8 May 2003). In spite of many similarities, it


from the Ayodhya find in shape, colour and text contents.


Meanwhile, in 1993 the central government had approached the Supreme


with a request to evaluate the historical evidence. It is clear that

Narasimha Rao, the most pro-Hindu Prime Minister of independent India


far (more so than the wobbly BJP leader Atal Behari Vajpayee), hoped


use a positive verdict as the basis for a settlement favouring the


claim. But in October 1994, the Supreme Court turned down the request.


Scanning for the underground remains


The resumption of the evidence debate took place in late 2002, when


Allahabad High Court secretly ordered the scanning of the sites

underground. The Tojo India Vikas International Company carried out a

Ground Penetration Radar survey and found indications of a structure


and around the mosque site. Canadian geophysicist Claude Robillard,

invited by Tojo to give his expert reading, couldnt say just what


had been there, but: All I know is, there is some structure under the

mosque. (Rediff.com, 19 March 2003)


The existence or otherwise of the medieval temple never depended on


results of the radar scanning: it had already been proven by a wealth


documentary and archaeological evidence, which in any other


would have been deemed conclusive. It was only because of the brutal

denial of the evidence by a group of vocal academics and allied

politicians that the Court considered it wiser to come up with a new


as yet unchallenged type of evidence.


To the Court, the radar findings were sufficient encouragement to

order a

further dig at the site in order to verify that there were

foundations of

a building predating the Babri Masjid. We should be clear in our minds

about what kind of evidence could be expected, as this digging took


at the foundations level. This is not where sculptures or furniture

normally reside (though a few objects were found nonetheless) but


the unadorned foundations of walls and pillars have quietly survived


onslaught that destroyed the overground constructions they supported.

Also, foundations do not by themselves inform us of the type of


they supported, whether secular or religious.


In the months when the digging took place, the newspapers mentioned


new findings once in a while. Thus, an ancient stone inscription in


Dev Nagari script and a foundation were discovered in the ongoing

excavation in the acquired land in Ayodhya today, while stone pieces

and a

wall were found in other trenches and a human figure in terracotta,


stone netting, decorated sand stone in three pieces were found in one

trench (The Hindu, 5 May 2003). In this light it is understandable

that a

Babri Masjid supporter, Naved Yar Khan, approached the Supreme Court


a petition to prohibit all archaeological digging at the contentious


which was rejected (The Hindu, 10 June 2003). The secularists had


opposed archaeological fact-finding at the site; they dont like



The great Indian vanishing trick


After the ASI had been registering new findings for months, a handful


Monday, one on Tuesday, several on Wednesday, the world learned to its

surprise that the final tally somehow amounted to zero. No proof of

structure in Ayodhya: ASI report, according to Rediff.com (11 June


The article confidently asserts that the report also contradicts the

Ground Penetration Radar survey, but it doesnt quote the ASI report.


only quotes Zafaryab Jilani, counsel for the Muslim claimant to the


the Sunni Central Waqf Board, who alleges that the ASI report does not

speak about any such evidence.


According to The Asian Age (11 June 2003), The ASI team that conducted

excavations at the disputed site where the demolished Babari masjid


stood in Ayodhya has not found any proof of a structure. However,

when you

take the trouble of reading the subsequent fine print, you discover


this paper admits that while the radar findings of structural remains

of a

pre-Masjid structure were not confirmed at some indicated spots, they


confirmed at others. Yet the title falsely sums this up as: Nothing


below Babri site: ASI.


The Marxist-controlled Chennai daily The Hindu of 11 June likewise


out the truth indirectly: the ASI is reported to have said in its


report that no structural anomalies suggesting the evidence [sic;

existence?] of any structure under the demolished Babri Masjid had


found in 15 of the new trenches dug up at the site,-- but those 15


not the only ones investigated. So, at the very end of the article,


is an almost laconical addition: Structural anomalies were, however,

detected in 15 other trenches, the report said. But the impression the

paper seeks to convey, is summed up in the title: No evidence of

structures in some trenches. It is as if someone is hit by two


one scratching his arm but the other lethally penetrating his heart,

and a

newspaper reports: Man shot at, unharmed by one of the bullets.


Likewise, the Times of India of 11 June announced that there was

absolutely definitely no sign whatsoever at all of a pre-Babri


ASI finds no proof of structure below Babri Masjid: report. Six days

later, it still tried to keep up this version, now citing an unnamed

senior ASI official who admitted finding new archaeological evidence


as sculptures and inscriptions but not the type of structural evidence

suggested by the radar scan: But the structural bases so far do not


credence to the mandir theory. Questioned further, he turns out not to

base this belief on the new digging results but on older ones:


to him, the theory of a pre-existing temple because of structural


has been demolished convincingly over the years. He points to the

discovery of pillar bases by B.B. Lal in the mid-1970s during his

excavation of Ramayana sites in Ayodhya and says: It has not been

found to

be fit evidence for a temple. (Times of India, 17 June 2003) This when

B.B. Lal himself had confirmed that his findings do support the temple



The Times of India article is titled: Babri pillar bases do not


temple theory. So at least it acknowledges the existence of some pre-


artefacts, viz. the pillar-bases. Now, how can there be foundation

structures such as pillar bases in the ground unless they had been put

there to support a building? The question is logical, but a bit too

logical for the fanciful world of Indian secularism. The unnamed ASI

official explains: The excavated structural bases are neither aligned


belong to a single period. Now this is sensational. What it means is


we have discovered a culture where people (Hindus, as it happens)

once in

a while put a pillar base into the ground, and then another one, and

another one, without alignment, without any plan to make them support


straight wall or a preconceived building. And then they would leave

it at

that, and a century later some other fellow would add a few more


bases, again without plan, just for the fun of it. And all this

foundational work would never be crowned with an overground building,


would just remain sitting in the ground waiting for the Muslim

invaders to

build a mosque over it. Thats secularist archaeology for you.


In disinformation campaigns, the first stage of planting false news


be followed up with a second stage of making the false news into a

familiar presence. Once it is repeated in womens magazines, in TV chat

shows, even in jokes, it is becoming part of the collective


That is the ambition of every disinformation operative worth his

salt. In

this case, at least, we have seen secularists grab the ball and run


it from day one. In interviews of Hindu or Muslim leaders, questions


opened with a reference to the fact that nothing was found underneath


Babri Masjid. Some Hindu leaders, such as the Kanchi Shankaracharya


had just led a failed initiative to negotiate an amicable solution),


so little informed that they didnt even contradict the claim.


Saeed Naqvi, known as a moderate within the spectrum of Muslim


spices an otherwise reasonable opinion piece (Muslims must be


Indian Express, 13 June) with the off-hand statement: The ASI has


nothing under the mosque. Clearly, some people are leaving no stone

unturned to make this claim part of the received wisdom.


What was found


For those who hadnt noticed anything wrong in the reports of 11 June

claiming that nothing had been found, another news item on the same


should have alerted them. The party most likely to be elated over the

non-finding of traces of a temple should be the Muslim pro-Masjid


groups, such as the Sunni Central Waqf Board. And yet: ASI fabricating

evidence in Ayodhya, says Waqf Board (The Hindu, 11 June 2003). Or in


full sentence: The Sunni Central Waqf Board, a plaintiff in the

Ramjanmabhoomi Babri Masjid title suit, and some Muslim parties have

accused the ASI team carrying out excavation work at the acquired

land in

Ayodhya of fabricating archaeological evidence there. So, according to

this witness above suspicion, the ASI team clearly did find evidence,


it wasnt supportive of pro-mosque and anti-temple claims and

therefore had

to be dismissed as fabricated.


All the papers carried this news, citing the Boards counsel, Mr.


Jilani: ASI fabricating evidence in Ayodhya: Waqf board (Press Trust


India, 10 June); ASI fabricating evidence: Waqf Board (Times of

India, 11

June); Foul play alleged at Ayodhya dig (The Pioneer, 11 June). In the

free-for-all of Indian secularism, we neednt fuss over the fact that


grim allegation against the integrity of highly qualified scientists


levelled without any evidence. The decisive point is that, against the

secularist claims and against their own interest, the Muslim


admitted that the ASI excavators have not come up from their trenches



Whereas some Indian papers threw themselves headlong into the


operation of denying the ASI findings, others did set the record


or at least gave space to guest authors to do so. As no one in his

journalistic hurry seems to have tried to summarize the whole of the

report, and everyone was satisfied with bits and pieces if at all

they had

seen the report, the numbers of finds differ according to the source.

According to the Press Trust of India (11 June), eight articles were


in excavation work in nine trenches on the acquired land around [the]

makeshift temple. Most helpfully, this source adds the communal


There were 131 labourers including 29 Muslims engaged in the digging


today. The internet version of The Hindu, www.hinduonnet.com (22


mentions structural anomalies in 46 trenches of the 84 trenches

investigated, as well as pillar bases and drains in some of the



In Outlook India (23 June), Sandipan Deb gave a more detailed

overview of

the report: While most papers covering the new ASI report last week


that it claims there was no structure under the Babri Masjid, what the

report actually says is that of the 30 recent trenches, the team has


man-made structures in eight, and none in 16. In five, they couldnt


due to structural activities in the upper levels (mainly the plinth

of the

Babri Masjid). One trench they did not survey. Among the structures


in the report are several brick walls in east-west orientation,

several in

north-south orientation, decorated coloured floor, several pillar


and a 1.64-metre high decorated black stone pillar (broken) with


figurines on four corners. Now that I am sounding like a running-dog


the VHP to the lunatic lefties, let me quickly add that they also


Arabic inscription of holy verses on stone. But what many people have

missed out on due to bias or sloth is that these are findings only


the period of May 22 to June 6. This is not the full list. If they


the earlier reports, they would also find listed several walls, a

staircase, and two black basalt columns bearing fine decorative


with two cross-legged figures in bas-relief on a bloomed lotus with a

peacock whose feathers are raised upwards.


For good measure, we should also quote a Hindu nationalists


On the website of the National Volunteer Corps or RSS (www.rss.org, 24

June 2003), Chetan Merani writes: The excavations so far give ample


that there was a mammoth pre-existing structure beneath the three-


Babri structure. Ancient perimeters from East to West and North to


have been found beneath the Babri fabrication. The bricks used in


perimeters predate the time of Babar. Beautiful stone pieces bearing

carved Hindu ornamentations like lotus, kaustubh jewel, alligator


etc., have been used in these walls. These decorated architectural


have been anchored with precision at varied places in the walls. A


portion of a stone slab is sticking out at a place below 20 feet in

one of

the pits. The rest of the slab lies covered in the wall. The


portion bears a five-letter Dev Nagari inscription that turns out to

be a

Hindu name. The items found below 20 feet should be at least 1,500


old. According to archaeologists about a foot of loam layer gathers on

topsoil every hundred years. Primary clay was not found even up to a


of 30 feet. It provides the clue to the existence of some structure

or the

other at that place during the last 2,500 years. More than 30 pillar


have been found at equal spans. The pillar-bases are in two rows and


rows are parallel. The pillar-base rows are in North-South direction.


wall is superimposed upon another wall. At least three layers of the


are visible. An octagonal holy fireplace (yajna kund) has been found.

These facts prove the enormity of the pre-existing structure. ()


bricks of round and other shapes and sizes were neither in vogue


the middle ages nor are in use today. It was in vogue only 2,000 years

ago. Many ornate pieces of touchstone (kasauti stone) pillars have


found in the excavation. Terracotta idols of divine figurines,


elephant, horse-rider, saints, etc., have been found. Even to this day

terracotta idols are used in worship during Diwali celebrations and


put by temple sanctums for invoking divine blessings. The Gupta and


Kushan period bricks have been found. Brick walls of the Gahadwal


(12th Century CE) have been found in excavations. Nothing has been


to prove the existence of residential habitation there. The excavation

gives out the picture of a vast compound housing a sole distinguished


greatly celebrated structure used for divine purposes ().


The world media as amplifier of the secularist version


In spite of a very aggressive campaign of lies by a few spearheads of

secularism, the true story was in the public domain for anyone with


curiosity to find out. Yet, the international medias reporting on the

matter consisted exclusively in copying the most mendacious version.


Reuters despatch for 11 June 2003 is titled: Dig finds no sign of


at Indian holy site. More than 90% of the text rehashes the story of


and other incidents that have punctuated the dispute. What little it


about the new findings, is this: A three-month excavation has found no

evidence yet to back nationalist claims of a Hindu temple under the


of a mosque in northern India () The state-run Archaeological Survey


India has submitted an interim report saying digging so far at the

site in

Ayodhya town had not found remains of any structure that remotely

resembles a temple, a source at the Survey said on Wednesday.


Note that the actual report is not quoted, merely what a source at

the ASI

has claimed about it. Note also the slanted phrase about nationalist

claims of a Hindu temple, as if there were anything typically


about acknowledging historical facts. The existence of that temple had

been a matter of consensus among Muslims, Europeans and Hindus, both

nationalist and anti-nationalist, until the JNU professors issued


fatwa to disregard the evidence and deny history. Note also that no

mention is made of the wealth of evidence extant before the radar


and the recent diggings: a fine example of how the public is led by


nose into seeing only a very small selected part of the matter rather


the full perspective which one is entitled to expect from quality



And this is BBC News on 11 June 2003: No sign of Ayodhya temple. Here

again, no information from the horses mouth, only from secondary


There have been widespread reports across the Indian media that the

exacavation of a disputed holy site in India has produced no evidence

of a

Hindu temple, according to archaeologists reports. Again, most of the

article is but a rehashing of stale riot news, and then one sentence:


an interim report, the ASI says it has not found any evidence of

ruins of

a Hindu temple. Which is a lie, as well as a misrepresentation of the

stakes of the present round of digging: ruins normally stand on and


the ground level, what the archaeologists were digging for was the

foundational structures.


As we move deeper into the periphery, from the Times of India via the


to the local papers in distant countries, we see the last references


the actual findings disappear. By now, the report has been transformed

into a morality tale, with the light-bringing secularists exposing the

dark lies of the monstrous Hindu nationalists. In the Flemish tabloid


Morgen (12 June 2003), Asia desk editor Catherine Vuylsteke calls the


that a temple had been forcibly replaced by a mosque an evil fairy-


And this is her version of the news: The temple, it turned out


is a phantom. For three months, experts have dug for traces of it,

all in

vain. By the end of the month their definitive report should follow,


for now Ramas home remains unfindable. Bad luck for the


who had hoped to base their next election campaign on the fairy-tale.


they still might manage to, some fear. Yesterday already, the first

politicians expressed doubts about the archaeologists findings. Other

Hindu leaders said, and this is even more dangerous, that the facts


matter. What counts is what you believe. We now know that Rama didnt


in Ayodhya, while Allah did until 1992.


This passage is symptomatic for most of what is wrong with India

reporting. It is totally based on a source which makes no secret of


partisan involvement, indeed of its unreserved hatred for the Hindu

nationalists. But the most striking aspect of this particular

instance of

distorted reporting is that much of it is purely deductive: from a


core of facts, all manner of seemingly logical assumptions are added


put flesh on the bones of the poorly understood Indian situation, and

these speculations are presented as fact. Thus, it seems plausible to

assume that the BJP wants to use Ayodhya in its elections campaigns,


it did in 1989 and 1991. However, to the frustration of its more


sympathizers, the BJP has effectively disowned the Ayodhya issue

immediately after reaping the benefits in the 1991 elections (when it

became the leading opposition party), and has stayed away from it in


campaigns of 1996, 1998 and 1999. Indeed, the demolition was partly an

outcry of the activists against the BJP leadership, whose

participation in

the ceremony they correctly saw as perfunctory and insincere. Once

the BJP

came to power and proved time and again how it was in no mind to

build the

temple, criticism from the hardliners has only increased. Given the

infighting between temple loyalists and pragmatists, the last thing


BJP now wants is an election campaign focused on the Ayodhya issue.

Second case in point, the first politicians to express doubts about


archaeologists findings have not been the Hindu nationalists but the


Masjid lobbyists. All through the past 14 years, the secularists have

always opposed archaeological research at the site, saying that this


open a Pandoras box of similar initiatives at the literally thousands


mosque sites where temples used to stand (and omitting to mention


fear that in Ayodhya itself, this digging was sure to prove them

wrong, as

it now has). Yet, because the recent archaeological findings are


presented as going against the Hindu nationalist position, distant

India-watchers deductively assume that the opposition against the


must come from the Hindu nationalists.




Distorted or even totally false reporting on communally sensitive


is a well-entrenched feature of Indian journalism. There is no

self-corrective mechanism in place to remedy this endemic culture of

disinformation. No reporter or columnist or editor ever gets fired or

formally reprimanded or even just criticized by his peers for smearing

Hindu nationalists. This way, a partisan economy with the truth has


a habit hard to relinquish.


Yet, in the instance under consideration, the brutal distortion of the

facts pertaining to the recent archaeological findings may be a

matter of

more than just a bad habit. Some people learn from their failures, but

these disinformation specialists may also have learned from their

successes. Consider a few earlier instances.


After the BJP came to power in 1998, India should have witnessed a

genocide of the minorities, gas chambers and what not. At least if you

believed the predictions made by the secularists in the preceding


Nothing of the kind happened, so in the next two years the secularists

tried to make the most of what few incidents did take place. In

particular, all manner of small incidents within the Christian


were at once blamed on the evil hand of Hindu nationalism. Thus, in


Central-Indian town of Jhabua, a quarrel among mostly christianized

tribals led to the rape of four nuns. With no Hindu nationalists in


the media decided nonetheless that this was an act of Hindu


cruelty against the poor hapless Christian minority. Though the police

investigation confirmed the total innocence of the Hindu nationalists


this affair, their guilt has been consecrated by endless repetition

in the

media. While the media in India couldnt prevent the truth from quietly

making itself known, the international media have never published a

correction, and the story of four nuns in Jhabua raped by Hindu

nationalists now keeps on reappearing as an evergreen of anti-Hindu




Likewise, a series of bomb blasts against Christian churches in South

India was automatically blamed on the Hindu nationalists. In that


the story made headlines around the world: Hindu bomb terror against

Christians. Hindu organizations alleged that it was a Pakistani


which only earned them ridicule and contempt. Yet, when two of the

terrorists blew themselves up by mistake, their getaway car led the


to their network, and the whole gang was arrested. It turned out to

be a

Muslim group, Deendar Anjuman, with headquarters in Pakistan. But

this was

not reported on the front-pages in India nor made the topic of flaming

editorials; and in the international media, it was not reported at

all. In

the worldwide perception of Hindu nationalism, the association with


nuns and bombing churches has stuck.


So, moral of the story: feel free to write lies about the Hindu

nationalists, for even if you are found out, most of the public will


hear of it, and you will not be made to bear any consequences.


first is what counts. Any second round in which the truth comes out,


hardly be noticed. Indeed, conditioned by the initial lie, many


and viewers will deride the correction as an attempt at denial of the


facts which everybody knows well enough. And the audience abroad will

never even be informed that there has been a correction.


In the present case: what are the chances that BBC World will ever

broadcast the real results of the ASI investigation in Ayodhya? If the

issue ever comes up again, chances are that the editor will dismiss

it as

uninteresting: Havent we already done something on those Ayodhya

excavations lately? And even if it gets adequate coverage, it will


be able to undo the impression created by the initial story. So, apart

from being the natural implementation of a bad habit, this particular


about the excavations in the secularist Indian media may well be part

of a

deliberate ploy to condition public opinion against the true story if


when it ever comes out. For fourteen years, the secularists have

worked so

hard to keep the lid on the Ayodhya evidence that they dont want some


radar scanners or some muddy-handed archaeologists to expose the

facts now

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