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India President's Address to Dharma Conference

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Global Dharma Conference at New Jersey

(Note:India's Current President is Dr Abdul Kalam. As a true

Spiritualist and a Muslim, the Dharma Conference was honored by his


New Delhi, July 27, 2003






Enlightened Citizens


I am indeed delighted to participate in this Global Dharma

Conference. I greet the organisers, eminent spiritualists,

distinguished and enlightened personalities and the youth

participating in the Conference. I consider that this Conference will

provide us an opportunity for introspection and mid-course correction

to realise the concept of Universal Brotherhood.


In every country national development, which is a collective process,

has to be accomplished through the constructive efforts of

enlightened citizens, who practice righteousness in all their

activities. The evolution of enlightened human beings is indeed a big

challenge for the world community. I was asking myself, what will be

the components of such a mission? There are three components to

that. ? The first component is education with value system, second

religions graduating into spiritual forces to bring universal

brotherhood and the third is poverty eradication by attaining

economic prosperity through a national vision. And it has to be done

in every country in an integrated way with link to the world.


Education with value System


As you all know I am holding the post of President of India for the

last one year. During this period I met a number of religious

leaders, visited religious institutions and many academic

institutions, schools and villages. Particularly I have interacted

with 2,00,000 high school students and a number of teachers. I would

like to talk to you my random thoughts with the hope; they lead us to

a happy state, happy country, happy world, happy people. The topic of

my discussion with you is "Enlightened Citizens".


Children are nearly 300 million that is 1/3 of our population at any

point of time and their learning process takes places during their

education phase. The children work and live in the school for about

25000 hours before they complete 10+2. Though the whole learning

process takes place in the school campus, the value addition to the

learning process has to be provided by father, mother and the school



What can I do for you?


Every one of us has gone through the various phases of education from

childhood to profession. A scene appears in front of me. A child, a

teenager, an adult and a leader. How does each one react to a

particular situation? The situation is human need. The child

asks, "What can you do for me"? The teenager says, "I want to do it

alone". The young person proclaims, "let us do it together". The

leader offers, "What can I do for you". So, the principals have got a

tremendous responsibility to transform a child into a leader - the

transformation of 'what can you do for me' to 'what can I do for

you'. That will demand a principal to be a visionary with an

inspiring capability. Also the principal has to ensure that teachers

impart learning to the children in such a way as to bring out the

best in them and for this, he has to be a good teacher himself. I am

sure, the best of creativity among the students will emerge by

integrated influence of principals, teachers, and parents on





Recently, I heard a hymn in the divine campus which I would like to

share with you. The name of the hymn is 'Peace in the World':


Where there is righteousness in the heart


There is a beauty in the character.


When there is beauty in the character,


there is harmony in the home.


When there is harmony in the home.


There is a order in the nation.


When there is order in the nation,


There is peace in the world.


Friends, we can see a beautiful connectivity between heart,

character, nation and the world. How to inject righteousness in the

human heart? This is indeed the purpose of human creation - that is

divinity. We are going through a complex situation as many of us are

completely at war with ourselves, with society and with nation. At

every instant there is a war in our mind, whether we should go in one

direction or another. Whenever there is a dilemma, we must seek the

wisdom from the Almighty to lead us to the path of righteousness

through education with value system.


Religion transforming into spirituality


A message I have received from my extensive travels within my country

is that most Indians experienced and old, energetic and middle-aged,

young and innocent, they all look to religion for solace and safety.

I have also visited great many religious places and houses of worship

throughout the length and breadth of this great country and I have

met many of our religious leaders. The religions are like exquisite

gardens, places full of surpassing beauty and tranquility, like

sacred groves filled with beautiful birds and their melodious songs.

I truly think that religions are beautiful gardens. But they are



They are enchanting islands, veritable oasis for the soul and the

spirit. But they are islands nevertheless. However, if we can connect

all these islands with love and compassion, in a 'garland project'

for the new millennium, we will have a prosperous India and thereby

the happy world in front of us. The Nations will target development

milestone in a spirited environment instead of spending tremendous

energy and time in problems initiated by small aims.


Message from Tawang


Can the peace come free of cost without working for it. Peace has a

cost, what is that?. I would like to share with you an important

message which I experienced very recently, when I was visiting

Arunachal Pradesh. I happened to spend a day in a Tawang Budhist

Monastery, which has 400 year old history, located at an altitude of

3000 meters - a beautiful spiritual environment. There, I met a

gathering of monks, students, teachers and political leaders. I saw

bright young faces with an urge to learn with creativity. Unique

peace was engulfing in the monastery and surroundings. It looked to

me that the message was part and parcel of students and teachers

community. What is that message? I was asking myself. Who can

enlighten and explain the message? I sought the help of the chief of

the monks at the Tawang Monastery. I asked, "Your Holiness, can you

explain the message, with your vast experience in this Monastery, the

most important part of learning - particularly in the present

environment of our country and the other planet". The respected

Buddhist Monk told me, "India is a nation of peace. India will live

as a spiritual and peaceful nation. Peace should engulf our nation.

This monastery spreads: when you remove "I" and "ME" from your mind,

you will eliminate ego; if you eliminate ego, hatred towards fellow

human beings vanish; If hatred goes out of our mind, violence will

not spring from human mind and the society, then peace alone will

blossom. I bless my nation". This divine message how to remove

violence from society, was born in Tawang Monastery and is

reverberating in my mind. Tawang message is for education, vision and



Developed India : 2020


The third and most vital component is the poverty eradication by

attaining economic prosperity resulting in high employment potential.

This model will vary nation-to-nation depending on the core

competence of the particular nation. This will be through the second

vision for the nation. How we can prepare ourselves to this



To become a developed India, the essential needs are (a) India has to

be economically and commercially powerful, at least to be one of the

four top nations in terms of size of the economy. Our target should

be a GDP growth of 9% annually and that the people below poverty line

to be reduced to near zero from 260 millions. (b) near self-reliance

in defence needs of weapon, equipment with no umbilical attached to

any outside world. © India should have a right place in world

forums. Technology Vision 2020 is the roadmap to realise this

cherished mission.


The vision identifies five core areas for an integrated action. They

are (1) Agriculture and food processing - The target of 360 million

tons of food from the present 200 million tons and creation of food

processing industries with enhanced productivity. Other areas of

agriculture and agro food processing would bring prosperity to rural

people and speed up the economic growth. (2) Reliable and quality

electric power for all parts of the country. (3) Education and

Healthcare - we have seen, based on one experience, education and

healthcare are inter related. (4) Information Communication

Technology - This is one of our core competencies. We believe, this

area can be used to promote education in remote areas and also to

create national wealth. (5) Strategic sectors - This area,

fortunately, witnessed the growth in nuclear technology, space

technology and defence technology and we have further programmes in

critical technologies.


Networking of rivers


Indian rivers experience heavy flood every year. Inflow of flood is

from neighboring countries. We have to harness this water so that

flood and drought can be managed. Networking of rivers is essential

for flood and drought control, for availability of drinking water to

all regions, for goods navigation and transportation and for

increased power generation and cultivation of land. This mission will

also provide employment opportunities to the rural population.

Science and technology and industrial strategy can surely help in

executing such a mission. Remote sensing to survey and evolve optimum

water routes, environmental mapping and afforestation requirements,

and continuous monitoring of the networked water flow through all

seasons and at all times may require a dedicated satellite

constellation for our networked river systems. Above all, the

networking will lead to enhancement of environment and national

connectivity. The Government has constituted a task force to draw the

total plan of this mission so that it can be implemented urgently.


PURA - Providing Urban amenities in Rural Areas


One of the mission of Developed India 2020 is PURA. This mission

envisages creation of rural wealth and prosperity. The model

envisages a habitat designed to improve the quality of life in rural

areas and make special suggestions to remove urban congestion.

Physical connectivity by providing roads, electronic connectivity by

providing reliable communication network and knowledge connectivity

by establishing professional institutions and vocational training

centers will have to be done in an integrated way so that economic

connectivity will emanate. The PURA has to be a business proposition

economically viable and managed by entrepreneurs and small scale

industrialists, as it involves education, health, power generation,

transport and management. Government's support should be available in

empowering such management agencies in providing initially economic

support and finding the right type of management structure and the

leaders to manage.




Reverence for life is indeed possible in real sense if a

philosophical thought of reverence can be transformed into actions by

empowering different components of the society. When a child is

empowered by the parents at various phases of growth, the child gets

transformed into a responsible citizen. When a teacher is empowered

with knowledge and experience, good young human beings with value

systems emerge. When an individual or a team is empowered with

technology, transformation to higher potential for achievement is

assured. When a leader of any institution empowers his or her people,

leaders are born who can change the nation in multiple areas. When

women are empowered, society with stability gets assured. When the

political leaders of the nation empower the people through visionary

policies, the prosperity of the nation is certain. When religions are

empowered and become spiritual force, peace and happiness will

blossom in people's heart. Such an empowered stage will lead to

creation of enlightened citizens with value system. Evolution of

enlightened citizens with combination of education with value system,

religion graduating into spiritualism will enable us to realize our

vision of Developed India 2020. And it is universal, for other

countries in the planet.


My best wishes and greetings to you.

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