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Thr Religion of Terrorism

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Terrorism and Religion

Ref. Bombay blasts

September 11, 2001, this day has changed the history of the world .People

have never seen such a cruelty in the original form towards innocent

sections of the society and some have not even recovered from the great

mental depression.


Let us express our feelings towards the sufferers of the tragedy on

September 11, 2001, at New York and share with all some of the feelings of

millions of educated on "Terrorism" and about the difference it has made in

our lives, individual and collective.


Let us also recollect the other great historical event that occurred on the

soil of United states Of America a superpower on the same date viz. 11th

September. Coincidently the appearance of Swami Vivekananda on the platform

of the Parliament of Religions of Columbian Exposition, held in Chicago is

also on September 11th in 1893 and preached the importance of love among all

religions. Strangely the great Swami, in his very first lecture, spoke

mainly on tolerance and Universal Acceptance. He said, `we believe not only

in Universal tolerance but we accept all religions as true'. He quoted from

a famous hymn to God Siva written by Pushpadanta several centuries ago,

which stated, `As the different streams having their sources in different

places all mingle their water in to the sea, so, O Lord, the different paths

which men take through different tendencies, various though they appear,

crooked or straight, all lead to Thee'.


He then concluded with the following wonderful words, which appear most

appropriate to be quoted before: `Sectarianism, bigotry, and its horrible

descendent, fanaticism have long possessed this beautiful earth. They have

filled the earth with violence, drenched it often and often with human

blood, destroyed civilization and sent whole nations to despair Ö let us

sincerely hope that the actions taken during the last one year may be the

death knell of all fanaticism, of all persecutions with the weapon or with

the pen and of all uncharitable feelings between persons wending their way

to the same goal'


Though we are yet to find out what all ideas worked behind that tragedy of

September 11, 2001, we can be sure that an extreme fanatic ideology that

considered all other ideologies as worth nothing and itself as the only

worth living ideology was behind the dastardly act. The further events have

revealed that this fanatic ideology was inculcated into receptive minds of

the youth who become the instruments of terror that revealed itself at the

W.T.O. and other important places,in America. Fanaticism drives away all

reason and thus persons with fanatic ideas act like robots, rather, like

animals. Fanaticism is the fuel by which the machine of terrorism works.


Fanaticism has been there in human life whenever people have been deprived

of their spiritual food. What is this spiritual food? The disciplines or

values of life that lead persons to realize their oneness with the Universe

and with God and thus come to love humanity and God resulting into peace



The Vedas, the oldest available scriptures to humanity,The Holy Bible, The

Holy Koran and all other religious scriptures say that all this creation is

God alone and should love each other -. It implies that this Divinity is in

every creature as its fundamental, inalienable nature. That is why Swami

Vivekananda proclaimed the `Divinity of man' in his many lectures in

America. He thundered, `Ye, the divinities on earth, sinners? It is a libel

to call a man so'.


When this idea of the Divinity of man is widely taught, not only in our

schools and colleges but also in all churches, mosques, pagodas, Tabenacles

and Temples where most innocent minds throng in millions, then only people

will get their highest respect and regard, irrespective of their gender,

wealth, intelligence, power etc. Then only the very idea of harming anyone,

be it for any cause, would appear abhorring. Then alone can violence be

radically uprooted from society.


In spite of the utmost technical and science education that people are

getting now a days, the love and respect for fellowmen as a brother in God

is lacking. This is what has made our scientists and politicians prepare

nuclear weapons, biological bombs, ultimately killing all the

fellow-feelings in the hearts of people. Is there any wonder if such people

indulge in wholesale destruction of their fellow-beings as in the `program

of Hitler' or `the tragedy of September 11 of 2001' in New York? This is the

mental impact that Terrorism of September 11 has made on the thinking men

like us.


The difference it has made in our life is that it has awakened a sense of

urgency to educate people against falling a prey to the `brain-washing'

ideologies masked under various garbs . In killing innocents, there can be

no religion except Demon's dance.


Men who join such fanatic's training camps are generally the poor and the

deprived. They are `brainwashed' to think that by killing others not of

their fold, will confer on them the gift of `Heaven and its unending joys'

as a reward for their religious and pious act!


This is made possible in general where people don't have basic freedoms of

democratic rule, but are lead by nose as it were by selfish politicians. We

have to stop all help to such non-democracies and pseudo-democracies. We

have to push on with meaningful education supplemented with scientific

skills and spiritual and morale`values' that will make our men and women not

only efficient but also good. Goodness can be summarized as truthfulness, a

feeling of brotherhood of whole humanity, a sympathy to serve the needy and

a firm conviction that humanity is one Divine family and to hurt anyone

would mean bringing unhappiness on ourselves. Let us make a simple prayer

thus: `Oh God, please bless us all with the will to spread these ideas of

love and brotherhood to all our brothers from wherever irrespective of cast,

creed and religion.


The philosophy that the material body can't exist without a power which we

say God is same in each and every living being.If all understand this it

will become clear that we are all brothers and no tendency to kill others

will originate. Mind should be brought up like this to avoid all sort of


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