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62 - Singapore Expands Into Historic Building

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Newsletter of the Iskcon Revival Movement (IRM) Issue 62


1. Singapore IRM Expands Into Historic Building

2. ‘Back To Prabhupada’ Magazine Launched

3. Narayana Maharaja Criticises Prahlada Maharaja

4. Indian Parliament Praises ISKCON Bangalore

5. GBC Violates Own Guidelines in Nominating Female Guru

6. New IRM Website - ISKCONIRM

7. Toronto Meeting Unravelled

8. The Bhakti Caru Swami Hypocrisy Road-Show Continues

9. Vyasa-Puja Book A Huge Success



1. Singapore IRM Expands Into Historic Building


We are pleased to announce the expansion of the Singapore ISKCON Revival

Movement (IRM) temple into one of the landmark buildings in Singapore's

history. Situated at 9 Norris Road, and designed beautifully in the style of

North Indian temple architecture, the large imposing building has been made

famous by some of the 20th century’s most famous personalities. During the war

years, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, whom Srila Prabhupada credited with the

liberation of India from British Rule, frequented the premises and subsequently

opened a dormitory building to house the orphanage which was there at the time.

In 1950, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, visited

the Norris Road premises and attended the opening of the Boys’ Home building.

Other important personalities to have visited the premises include Dr. Zakir

Hussein (former President of India), and the Senior Minister and then Prime

Minister of Singapore itself, Mr Lee Kwan Yew. These visits show that 9 Norris

Road has been duly recognised in history as one of the focal points and nerve

centres for the provision of welfare services on the Island. Now known as the

Sri Krishna Mandir, the government has provided official public road signage

indicating its location, in recognition of the building's prominence. The

frontage of the building extends to 100 feet, and the total built up area is

about 18,000 sq.ft., spread over 3 elevatored floors, 20 rooms, 4 large

classrooms, one temple hall and one prasadam hall. Please

below to see a picture of the outside of the temple (or visit the ‘photo

library’ on the homepage of our website); download time may take up to 2





The acquiring of these facilities has provided a great boost to the already

burgeoning activities which have been undertaken by the temple in the 20 years

it has been established in Singapore. One of its main activities is its very

popular ‘Food-for-Life’ programme, which has been established with the ultimate

aim of feeding Krishna prasadam (sanctified food offered to the Lord) to every

member of the public. The temple restaurant daily operates from 11am to 10pm,

serving sumptuous and nutritious pure vegetarian meals of rice, dhal, subjis

and other food items. The meals are offered at a take-as-much-as-you-want

scheme for a token donation and many members of the public have been benefiting

from this food distribution programme since its inception at the beginning of

2003. Further to this, catering services are also provided for special

functions. Members of the public have become impressed with this programme and

many traders, both Indians and the local Chinese, have come forward to

generously contribute financially and in kind in the form of free grains and



The Food-for-Life program has also been expanded to Old Folks Homes, Children’s

Homes, Halfway Houses, etc. where devotees regularly visit with packets of

healthy food. Many elderly predominantly Chinese residents falling within the

60-86 age group look forward to the free meals every day. What is amazing is

the ability of our food distribution programme to reach and attract people of

various races and different religious persuasions. Sri Krishna Mandir’s food

distribution programme is gradually emerging as a dynamic and constantly

expanding social welfare venture and the rewards are very satisfying,

especially in terms of engaging people from diverse cultural and religious

backgrounds as contributors, supporters, participants and beneficiaries. 9

Norris Centre has become a major centre for the distribution of “soul” food.


In addition to the food distribution programme, Sri Krishna Mandir remains at

the forefront of combating social ills such as crime and drug addiction.

Devotees from the temple have been offering social and religious counselling to

inmates in the various prisons in Singapore since 1989. Knowledgable and

experienced devotee counsellors from the temple have been meeting with inmates.

They conduct regular counselling sessions on weekdays and Sundays without fail.

Originally starting off at the Jalan Awan Centre and the Changi Prison,

devotees have expanded their counselling services to the Khalsa Crescent Centre

and the Kaki Bukit Prison School, upon the invitation of the authorities.

Spiritual books from the society have been placed in the prison libraries for

the benefit of the inmates. Inmates are treated to melodious bhajans, kirtan

(devotional music) and video shows on a drug-free lifestyle and spiritual

topics. They are also taught Mantra meditation and the cultivation of good

habits. On festive occasions such as Deepavali, etc., devotees have been

invited to perform kirtana and distribute prasadam in the prisons for the

welfare of the inmates. Prison Authorities from the Singapore Anti-Narcotics

Association and the prisons have also acknowledged Sri Krishna Mandir’s

endeavours over the years with commendation certificates for the important

counselling services rendered. Many inmates and ex-inmates are grateful for

having been given a chance to contact the devotees in their quest to better

themselves in life. The counselling programme continues today with vigour and



All this is topped by all the many regular activities which are expected from a

major temple such as this. Weekly classes in Sanskrit and Bhagavad-Gita, as

well as classes for children are conducted in English, Tamil and Bengali. The

Presiding Deities, Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madana Mohan are worshipped

daily in authentic tradition together with the Deities of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai,

Sri Sri Sri Jagannatha-Baladeva-Subhadra and Sri Nrsimhadeva. More

significantly, 9 Norris Road is today Singapore’s own replica of Vrndavana,

Lord Krishna’s transcendental abode. It houses the only Radha Krishna temple in

Singapore and also simultaneously serves as a replica of the Holy temple of Puri

with its installed Jagannatha Deities.


5 worships and 7 offerings are made to the Deities each day according to the

guidelines of the Narada Pancharatra. In fact, many guests and devotees alike

marvel at the beauty of the Deities and are able to perceive the presence of

the Lord. Many cultural activities such as devotional dramas, dances and music

performances are also held regularly. The temple’s drama troupe, The Vaikuntha

Players, have been putting on colourful and lively dramas for many years for

the audiences. These dramas depict the pastimes of Lord Krishna and His various

incarnations and devotees, as presented in the Vedic literatures such as the

Srimad- Bhagavatam and Chaitanya-charitamrta. All the major Vaisnava festivals

such as Ratha Yatra and Govardhana puja are held, in conjunction with a nearby

200-acre farm which belongs to one of the members of the temple.


Plans are underway for the start of a kindergarten and child care centre. The

kindergarten is set to take off by the beginning of 2004 followed subsequently

by the commencement of a child care centre. In line with the counselling

activities of Sri Krishna Mandir, scope has also been confirmed for the

establishment of a counselling centre for inmates and those with marital and

financial problems, etc. Furthering the cultural development of the premises,

devotees are also looking into the possibility of starting classes in

vegetarian cooking, classical music, dance and yoga etc. The promising

Food-for-Life Programme is waiting to expand further. A massive food

distribution programme involving many charitable organisations of various

persuasions is being planned and Sri Krishna Mandir is set to feature

significantly in this regard.


Hare Krishna. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


For more information please contact Tel: 62502280 or e-mail: skm_singapore




2. ‘Back To Prabhupada’ Magazine Launched


We have yet more exciting news. The IRM is launching a worldwide color magazine

to complement the current e-mail based newsletter. To be printed quarterly,

appropriately titled "Back To Prabhupada - The magazine of the Real Hare

Krishna Movement", the magazine will allow the IRM to break new ground and

reach a whole new readership. Full of colour pictures and articles more

suitable for a print magazine rather than a newsletter, "Back To Prabhupada"

will be a welcome addition to the e-mail newsletter.


As a special offer we are planning to send our loyal readers a free copy of the

first issue. Simply e-mail us your POSTAL ADDRESS. And those who wish to help

spread the truth and become bulk distributors may also indicate how many copies

they would like to receive. The magazine will go to press soon, and the first

print run will be 5000 copies. The first magazine is specially dedicated to

giving an overview of what has gone wrong with the Hare Krishna movement, and

what is being done to put it right. It has been written to be suitable for all

ISKCON audiences, from Life Members to seasoned temple devotees, from academics

to the media.


Each magazine will come with a pre-paid postage international reply card that

will allow every reader to send off for more information regardless of which

country they live in!. So please send us your mailing address and we will send

you 'Back To Prabhupada' For it is only by going back to Prabhupada that we

will have any hope of going back to Godhead.


Thank you.



3. Narayana Maharaja Criticises Prahlada Maharaja


We have pointed out previously in this newsletter how the teachings of Narayana

Maharaja differ from Srila Prabhupada. Our stand has always been to NOT

comment on Narayana Maharaja’s individual spiritual standing, but just to

respectfully point out that those who wish to follow Srila Prabhupada are not

served by the teachings of Narayana Maharaja, for he is on a different path.

Another example of this is given below from one of his lectures where he states

that Prahlada Maharaja was NOT a pure devotee:


"Prahlada Maharaja was a very bona fide bhakta, and he never wanted anything

worldly, but he could not serve Krsna. His bhakti was mixed with jnana,

knowledge of the Lord's opulence. If you have some worldly desire, or any

desire, then your bhakti may be sanga-siddha bhakti or aropa-siddha bhakti, but

not pure transcendental bhakti"

(Narayana Maharaja, Hawaii, 17/2/2001)


On first reading this seems bizarre, taught as we have been by Srila Prabhupada

to daily glorify Prahlada Maharaja after offering prayers to Lord Nrsinghadeva.

Now we are told that he is just a 'bhakta', who could 'not serve Krishna', who

did not possess 'pure transcendental bhakti', since it was 'mixed with jnana'.

Hardly someone worthy of our daily glorification. However it is not a

mis-print, and this offensive remark is still available on the NM website on:




But Srila Prabhupada's verdict is completely different:


"So Prahlada Maharaja, a pure devotee, he did not like to make any exchange.

[...] Kindly engage me as servant of Your servant. If You want to give me

something, please engage me as the servant of Your servant."

(Srila Prabhupada Lecture, September 23, 1972)


"Prahlada Maharaja is the topmost example of a Vaisnava, who is always

compassionate toward sinful persons suffering a hellish life within this

material world. Krsna is therefore known as para-duhkha-duhkhi krpambudhih, or

one who is compassionate toward others' suffering and who is an ocean of mercy.

Like Prahlada Maharaja, all pure devotees of the Lord come to this material

world with full compassion to deliver the sinful."

(Srimad Bhagavatam 4.21.47 Purport)


"Bali Maharaja said: My grandfather Prahlada Maharaja is the only person who

understood his own self-interest. Upon the death of Prahlada's father,

Hiranyakasipu, Lord Nrsimhadeva wanted to offer Prahlada his father's kingdom

and even wanted to grant him liberation from material bondage, but Prahlada

accepted neither. Liberation and material opulence, he thought, are obstacles

to devotional service, and therefore such gifts from the Supreme Personality of

Godhead are not His actual mercy. Consequently, instead of accepting the results

of karma and jnana, Prahlada Maharaja simply begged the Lord for engagement in

the service of His servant.”

(Srimad Bhagavatam 5.24.25)


The above are hardly descriptions of an impure 'bhakta' who ‘could not serve

Krishna'. Rather Prahlada Maharaja is THE example par excellence of HOW we

should serve Krishna and practice bhakti (devotional service to the Supreme



So once again Narayana Maharaja has shown that he disagrees with the siksa

(instructions) given by Srila Prabhupada even on such a basic point, namely

whether or not Prahlada Maharaja is a pure devotee. Srila Prabhupada has

clearly established that Prahlada Maharaja was a pure devotee, free from all

desires for improvement of his material situation by means of karma, jnana, or

yoga perfections, yet Narayana Maharaja seems to disagree. This despite the

constant boast that he is supposed to be the 'dearmost siksa disciple' of Srila



Therefore, we again warn our readers not to deviate from the path as given by

Srila Prabhupada by going to listen to all these rival Gurus, whether in ISKCON

or outside. In this way, we will avoid incurring offences to both Srila

Prabhupada and great, topmost Vaisnavas, such as Prahlada Maharaja.


All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Prahlada Maharaja!



4. Indian Parliament Praises ISKCON Bangalore


In our previous newsletter we reported on the highly successful 'Akshaya Patra'

Food-for-Life program run by the IRM's headquarters, ISKCON Bangalore. Such is

the impact of this program that recently it was lauded in the Indian Parliament

in a speech made by Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi, the government's Minister for

Science, Technology and Human Resources. Excerpts follow herewith:


“I request the assembled respected Members & Mr. Rehaman, who is an Honourable

member of Karnataka that if you go to Bangalore you can visit ISKCON temple and

see how they have started Askaya Patra Scheme. […] First year when they came to

me they said that they will feed 10,000 children and today when I went to

Bangalore then they said that we will feed one lakh (100,000) children. […]

Today this is the situation we want to create in mid-day meals programme and we

want to include all people from society into this programme. We should make a

vow that no child of India remain hungry.”

(Excerpts of speech made to Indian Parliament by Human Resource Minister, Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi)


Then to cap it all, the Prime Minister himself has become so inspired by this

programme that he mentioned in his Independence Day speech to the country that

he has decided to launch a national version of the feeding program to cover

every child in the country, which would be named after the IRM’s program in



“The Mid-Day Meal Scheme for children up to class five is going on in some

States. Now, we have decided to run it throughout the country. Later, this will

be extended to students up to class ten. This National Program will be known as


(Independence Day Speech of the Prime Minister, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee)


All glories to the ISKCON Bangalore Akshaya Patra program!



5. GBC Violates Own Guidelines In Nominating Female Guru


The GBC authorities for North Carolina have recently nominated Urmila Devi Dasi to become

ISKCON's first ever female Guru. The IRM has been asked which 'side of the

fence' we fall on this issue? Are we with the 'traditionalists' who will no

doubt be aghast at such a development, or the 'liberals' (or the 'politically

correct' group as the 'traditionalists' would have them known). Of course, the

IRM stands with neither group, since we oppose ALL bogus Gurus, male, female or

androgynous. Thus we are neither 'tradionalists' or 'liberals' but

'Prabhupadaists', interested only in restoring Srila Prabhupada as the Guru for

ISKCON. We have no desire to make our main mission in life either the selective

implementation of

some of Srila Prabhupada's 'Vedic' rules and regulations as proposed by the

'traditionalists' or the various '-isms' and 'rights campaigns' based on bodily

identification as proposed by the 'liberals'.


While these two groups fight it out, the bogus Guru program continues to destroy

ISKCON, with book distribution and preaching continuing to decline. What is

forgotten is that both sides are merely vying to take control of a society

which they have already JOINTLY stolen from Srila Prabhupada. What about the

'tradition' of following Srila Prabhupada's orders, like the July 9th 1977

institutional directive? And how about a campaign for Srila Prabhupada's



This notwithstanding, we would like to point out that the proposed Guru

candidacy for Urmila Devi Dasi violates the GBC's own rules for the nomination

of a Guru. Urmila Devi Dasi by her own admission has been separated from her

husband for the last 7 years. She has justified this separation in the guise of

living as a 'vanaprastha' (retired life):


"I'm living separated from husband as vanaprastha since 1996; we have a legal separation agreement."

(Urmila Devi Dasi, 2-Sep-03, PAMHO text:7197401)


However, this is in DIRECT VIOLATION of Srila Prabhupada's teaching on this subject:


“There is NO question of separation between husband and wife until the time when

the husband takes sannyasa. At that time the wife cannot remain with the

husband. *Even in vanaprastha stage*, or retired life, the wife remains with

the husband, but without any sex relations."

(Srila Prabhupada Letter to Himavati, 24/1/69)


"The chaste wife’s duty is to keep her husband pleased in householder life in

all respects, and when the husband retires from family life, she is to go to

the forest and adopt the life of vanaprastha, or vana-vasi. At that time the

wife is to follow her husband and take care of him, just as she took care of

him in householder life."

(Srimad-Bhagavatam, 4.23.20)


"Just as in the vanaprastha stage the wife follows the husband, ..."

(Srimad-Bhagavatam, 4.28.34)


"The vanaprastha stage is exactly like this. Although the wife remains with the

husband, she undergoes severe austerities and penances so that although both

husband and wife live together, there is no question of sex. In this way both

husband and wife can live together perpetually."

(Srimad-Bhagavatam, 4.28.44)



Srila Prabhupada clearly states that there is *no question* of separation

between husband and wife until the husband takes sannyasa (complete

renunciation), and in vanaprastha life the wife must remain with and follow her

husband. So it is quite clear that vanaprastha does NOT mean separation as

claimed by Urmila Devi Dasi. The GBC rules for the 'qualification of Guru'

clearly state that the candidate:


"5. Must be free from the following undesirable qualities:© nisiddhacara,

behavior contrary to Vaisnava principles;(d) kuti-nati, diplomatic or

duplicitous behavior;

7. Must exhibit proficiency in knowledge and understanding of sastra."

(GBC Law Book, ‘Qualifications For A Guru’)


By being separate from her husband even though the husband has not taken

sannyasa, Urmila Devi Dasi is guilty of nisiddhacara, or behaviour contrary to

Vaisnava principles.


By disguising this separation as being 'vanaprastha', Urmila Devi Dasi is guilty

of kuti-nati, duplictous behaviour.


By not being aware that in the vanaprastha stage the wife is still supposed to

remain and follow her husband, she is guilty of not exhibiting proficiency in

knowledge and understanding of sastra (scripture).


Thus the GBC should nominate a Vaisnavi who at least satisfies their own

qualifications for a bogus Guru to increase their unauthorised Guru program. Of

course, the GBC have not previously shown much interest in following their own

rules, what to speak of Srila Prabhuapda's instructions, so we will not be

surprised if they will as usual continue with their self-contradictory



Urmila Devi Dasi also states in her 'application resume' to become Guru that she is:


"under the authority of our sons and son-in-law."

(Urmila Devi Dasi, 2-Sep-03, PAMHO:7197401)


Even for the GBC, whose weird and wacky unauthorised Guru program knows no

bounds, this is a new one. A Guru, who is supposedly directly under the

authority of Krishna, and under whose authority everyone else will be, will now

be under the authority of her kids!!



6. New IRM Website - ISKCONIRM


We would like to inform our readers that due to the popularity of our website we

have been forced to move to a much bigger site offering over 100 MB of space.

This has also allowed us to change our web-address to a more appropriate and

easy-to-remember name. The new address of the IRM website is therefore:





ISKCONIRM - this should be very easy to remember, and it is not case-sensitive

either! The new address should also help substantially increase traffic to the



Readers using the old address will still be re-directed to the new address. And

to reflect the IRM’s worldwide expansion, we are also in the process of creating

a slick new design with the help of a professional web design agency. We will

let our readers know once the new look IRM website comes online.


Hare Krishna.




7. Toronto Meeting Unravelled


There has been a report doing the rounds on the Internet of a meeting held in

Toronto under the aegis of Bhakti Caru Swami (BCS), between himself, Bhakti

Marga Swami and some 'Prabhupada disciples' such as Locanananda Das, Pragosh

Das etc. A 'report' of the meeting claims that all those attending expressed

support for an 'officiating acarya' system. A tape recording of the proceedings

are offered on a website for readers to listen to. Many devotees have expressed

enthusiasm at this development, thinking that the GBC have suddenly shifted

their position, and embraced the 'officiating acarya' or 'ritvik' position (the

position whereby ‘ritviks’, or priests, initiate disciples on behalf of Srila

Prabhupada, as per his instructions). We have listened to the whole 1 hour plus

recording and transcribed it - it runs to 20 pages. What ACTUALLY happened at

the meeting is as follows.


An 'officiating acarya' proposal WAS put forward by devotees such as Locanananda

and others to BCS asking for the implementation of the officiating acarya

system. However, their description of the officiating acarya system as put to

BCS has NOTHING to do with ritvik or what Srila Prabhupada described when he

spoke of the officiating acarya system. Rather it was put to BCS as follows:


"Those who are initiating, they must have a qualification as guru, they have to

have a qualification, otherwise they should not be giving diksa, they should

not be officiating."


"Well, that’s performed by an officiating acarya. It’s a formality. But you do

become the grand disciple of Srila Prabhupada and officially you’re the

disciple of the person giving diksa…"

(Proposal put forward to Bhakti Caru Swami at the Toronto Meeting)


In other words, we are talking about individuals who must be qualified as Gurus,

and the people they give diksa to become their disciples and Srila Prabhupada's



Now what does this system remind you of?! No wonder BCS was not threatened by a

system whereby the key pillars of being like a 'Guru' and having 'disciples'

does not change. Once these pillars are established, each of the current Gurus

has enough room to manoeuvre and things pretty much can carry on as now. Though

even this watered-down version BCS still did not want to commit to publicly.

Near the end of the meeting, BCS says:


"My point is that at least we can start off by saying these are the devotees who

were present and they expressed their concern and these are the points that came

up and you can send it out to the different GBC members who you feel will be

sympathetic. I mean, maybe everybody won’t be sympathetic, and I would also

advise that don’t send it to everybody because then there can be some kind of

move from individuals to kind of…???"

(Bhakti Caru Swami, Toronto Meeting)


Here BCS will only agree to say that the devotees expressed 'concern', but then

even this should NOT be sent all GBC members!


Then a proposal is made to write up a document of what happened at the meeting,

and a whole bunch of people immediately announce:


"I'll sign, why not."

"I'll sign"

"I'll sign"

"I'll sign"


Conspicuous by his absence in announcing his attention to sign was…BCS!

Subsequently no written document which BCS agreed to was ever produced.



8. The Bhakti Caru Swami Hypocrisy Road-Show Continues


However, in the Toronto meeting referred to above, BCS did get an opportunity to

reveal how he is the master of hypocrisy par excellence. We have exposed in

previous IRM newsletters how BCS will say one thing which people want to hear,

but PRACTICE something completely different. Like re-naming his Vyasa-Puja

festival the 'Srila Prabhupada Memorial Festival', but still managing to

squeeze in lavish worship for himself in the middle of this so-called 'Srila

Prabhupada Memorial Festival'! The following are some more gems that fell out

of his mouth at the meeting:


a) "Like some individuals are very open, like Bhakti Marg Maharaja, he is kind

of, even, he was telling me yesterday when he gives initiation he tells his

disciples that you are actually Prabhupada’s disciple and I am taking care of

you, trying to help you to become engaged in Srila Prabhupada’s mission. Now

that’s actually the crux of the whole thing, that if everybody understands and

make that point clear to their disciples then I think that a lot of our

problems will be solved." (Bhakti Caru Swami)


Here BCS states that he agrees with Bhakti Marg Swami that AT INITIATION the

disciple must be told that they are actually SRILA PRABHUPADA's disciple. To

tell the disciple AT INITIATION that they are Srila Prabhupada's disciples is

of course ‘hard-core ritvik’ and goes much further than even the watered-down

'officiating acarya' proposal which was put to him at the Toronto Meeting! Yet

BCS does NOT do this himself, but rather continues to agree with the rest of

the GBC that the idea that at initiation the initiate becomes Srila

Prabhupada's disciple is a most dangerous, deviant and heretical idea. He also

of course continues to relate with 'his disciples' as if they are HIS disciples

and NOT Srila Prabhupada's – Guru daksina (monetary offerings meant for the

genuine Guru), regular Guru-puja, Vyasa-puja offerings and celebrations etc.


b) "After Harikesa fell down in 1998, in 1999 I proposed that it’s obvious that

we are going in the wrong direction. Now, when you go wrong , when you know

you’re going in the wrong direction, what do you do? You stop to find the right

way. So for the time-being, let’s stop giving initiation and find out what is

actually the problem and what is the solution to this problem, whether we can

find a solution and until then, let us stop. And then in simple words even my

friend were, sort of, er, kind of, er, became rather negative." (Bhakti Caru



He claims after Harikesa fell down in 1999 he agreed ISKCON’s Gurus were going

in the wrong direction and they should STOP initiating, and figure out the

right thing to do. Of course, BCS himself did NOT stop giving initiation, but

rather, by his own words, 'continued going in the wrong direction', something

which he continues to do to this very day.


c) "Yes, I agree, to begin with, I think at the beginning I said our main

problem was introducing a defective initiation system. And that defective

system may have been watered down to some extent but its still prevailing."

(Bhakti Caru Swami)


But this 'defective initiation system' which is 'still prevailing, is the very

same one which BCS continues to practice with vigour. Just last week, BCS

performed a whole bunch of initiations at Bhaktivedanta Manor in England.


d) "Like in 1987, although we had a reform, after so many gurus fell down, there

was a fifty man committee was formed and there was reform it was not actually,

at least my perception is that it was not actually a reform. It was kind of

watering down the same misconception and continuing. Like what we did was we

appointed some more gurus and opened up the world for anybody to initiate

wherever he wanted. Whereas previous to that it was a kind of zonal acarya? So

that I think is the main mistake where we started, that took place after Srila

Prabhupada’s disappearance that has never been properly rectified." (Bhakti

Caru Swami)


Here BCS openly admits that the zonal acarya Guru hoax of 1978-1987 was NOT

reformed. He admits that the main mistake has never been properly rectified

i.e. it is still continuing today. Yet for the last 17 years he has made ZERO

attempt to rectify this deviation, and instead he has continued 'going in the

wrong direction', vigorously practising and promoting this same 'watered down'

misconception. Rather, he HAS been very active in trying to suppress those who

have been trying to 'properly rectify this 'main mistake' - the IRM.


e) "Like I noticed that the first ones to leave the movement were the leading

devotees who did not become initiating spiritual masters. Like, er, to name a

few, like Acutyananda, Gurukrpa, Gargamuni. Like they were all leading devotees

but they didn’t become gurus. Many of them were GBCs and then we noticed that

those who did not support the gurus, they were systematically driven out of the

movement." (Bhakti Caru Swami)


And guess who was one of those who supported the Gurus while they

'systematically' drove these devotees out of the movement? The person who DID

support the Gurus and hence did NOT get thrown out? Yes, Bhakti Caru Swami.


f) "And personally I felt that it was becoming fragmented because Prabhupada’s

position hasn’t been properly established. Theoretically we may have

established but we haven’t practically applied it. Like one of the main things

is that we have to understand is that in ISKCON everything belongs to Srila

Prabhupada, not only the assets and properties belong to Srila Prabhupada, but

even the individuals also belong to Srila Prabhupada. [...] And everything

moving and non-moving, as they say, belongs to Srila Prabhupada." (Bhakti Caru



If everything belongs to Srila Prabhupada, then obviously so do the disciples.

Yet BCS is still initiating like crazy trying to scoop up as many disciples as

possible for himself. If he truly believed everything belonged to Srila

Prabhupada then he would hand all his disciples back to Srila Prabhupada - not

be rushing around making more for himself!


g) "But after Prabhupada left, we actually started a philosophy or started an

understanding, that now Srila Prabhupada is gone, and now the gurus, mainly the

diksa gurus, are the sole responsibility of their disciples. Now, had it been a

situation where the institution wasn’t there, then probably that could have

been the case but generally that was the old traditional understanding in India

that the guru leaves the planet and the disciple initiates and then it is that

guru’s responsibility to guide his disciples. But ISKCON was something very

different from that. Like those situations are when an individual opens an

ashram, and has a few disciples personally training them and they were in this

way responsible for their spiritual life. But when you look at ISKCON, there

you can see that it’s an institution, it’s a worldwide international

organization with so many centres, so many devotees, and this structure has

been created by Srila Prabhupada." (Bhakti Caru Swami)


Again here BCS is saying the very opposite of what he is doing. The very reason

the GBC give for propping up their unauthorised Guru system is that "the guru

leaves the planet and the disciple initiates and then it is that guru’s

responsibility to guide his disciples." The same system BCS practises. BCS is

however correct in saying that in ISKCON there was another "structure created

by Srila Prabhupada". It was known as the ritvik system and was clearly

documented in writing in many places, and is the very system that BCS does NOT



In summary, this has to be one of the most brazen displays of hypocrisy ever

witnessed. BCS admits that what is going on in ISKCON today, and hence what he

is doing, is WRONG - but he continues to do it anyway.


He admits they should have stopped initiating in 1999 - but HE didn't.


He admits that the correct thing is to say to the disciples they are Srila

Prabhupada's disciples, since everything in ISKCON belongs to Srila Prabhupada

anyway - but HE doesn't do this.


Rather he carries on initiating, taking more and more worship, daksina and

disciples. It seems in today's ISKCON you can say any damn thing and get away

with it. You can admit that everything I am doing is wrong, but I am still

going to do it anyway, and like all good cults, no one takes a blind bit of

notice. In the meantime, Srila Prabhupada's movement continues to disintegrate

due to the 'defective' 'main mistake' initiation system that BCS agrees is

wrong but still practises anyway, while assisting the suppression of the

'everyone is Srila Prabhupada's disciple' system which he agrees is correct.


The master of hypocrisy continues to surpass himself!


9. Vyasa-Puja Book a Huge Success


25 countries, 55 cities, and 400 offerings. This was how many constituencies

were represented in this year's IRM Vyasa-Puja book which goes from strength to

strength. Truly the whole world was represented this year. This also shows the

reach of our newsletter, now going to dozens of countries with over 13,000

rs and at least double that in terms of readership.


With the Vyasa-Puja book almost doubling in size from the previous year's book,

we would like to offer our readers our humble obeisances and a big THANK YOU

for making the book such a grand success. Clearly Srila Prabhupada remains

supreme in the hearts of many of our readers. The book is now available, and

contains many pictures of Srila Prabhupada. It can ordered by writing to us at

irm (AT) ntlworld (DOT) com.


It also available for viewing at our website at:




Or it can also be accessed via our home page at:




(The file may take up to 2 minutes to download).


All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


Krishnakant, Newsletter Editor.



Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter, and please keep your

letters, and e-mail addresses of other devotees who should be added to our

list, flowing in. A hard copy of our main position paper 'The Final Order' is

available on request. All other IRM papers can be accessed through the

EDITORIAL SECTION of the IRM website at www.iskconirm.comIf you would like to

receive any of the back issues of the Newsletter please let us know.

No 1. Invitation to Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa Puja No 2. GBC Lose First Round of

Court Case No 3. The Story VNN Refused to Publish No 4. Poison Theorists Accuse

Adri of Complicity No 5. Iskcon Continues to Promote Child Abusers No 6.

Invitation to Malaysia No 7. United World Body Formed No 8. Does Srila

Prabhupada Support Poisoning Theory? No 9. PADA Attacks IRM Position No 10.

PADA Continues to Present False Evidence No 11. GBC Funded Video says Ritvik

Spiritual No 12. Child Rapist Selected by Gurus to Defend their Legitimacy No

13. GBC Facing Perjury Charge in Calcutta High Court No 14. Sahajiyism Makes a

Comeback in Iskcon. No 15. Govt. Minister Inaugurates Bangalore Rathayatra No

16. Iskcon Calcutta Triumphs Following Arson Attack No 17. Fighting Lies with

Truth Not More Lies No 18. GBC Resolutions Continue to Provide Laughter No 19.

Indian Leaders Endorse IRM Position that GBC Confused No 20. Convicted Child

Abuser Officially 'Returns' to Parampara No 21. GBC Special Issue - GBC

Chairman Admits ISKCON 'Disintegrating' No 22. Krsna Confirms Iskcon Rebirth -

New York Special Issue No 23. Hare Krsna Explosion Begins in New York as IRM

Temple Opens No 24 IRM Launches Media Campaign to Defend Srila Prabhupada No 25

GBC Teaches That 'Living Gurus' NOT Required No 26 BBT Admits Books Changed to

Fit GBC Philosophy No 27 Big Breakthrough for Krishna in Singapore No 28

Bangalore Tops World Book Distribution No 29 City of New York to Honour Srila

Prabhupada No 30 Gurukula Lawsuit Special - The Facts No 31 BBC Glorifies Srila

Prabhupada to the World No 32 Harinam Revived in World famous Times Square No 33

ISKCON Guru on Run From Police - Suicide Case Special

No 34 GBC Declare All Out War No 35 GBC Fail Again in Second Expulsion Attempt

No 36 Indian Press Glorifies New York IRM No 37 Iskcon Temple in Bangladesh

Joins IRM No 38 All Ports Alert for Jayapataka To Be Issued No 39 The GBC's

Best Trick Yet No 40 Biggest Prasadam Distribution Program Ever Begins No 41

Double Edition - IRM Granted Prime Kumbha Mela Site No 42 Danavir Invents A New

Philosophy No 43 IRM Makes World Headlines - Kumbha Mela Special No 44 GBC

Meetings End in Fiasco No 45 GBC Paralysis Documented in Resolutions No 46

Mayapur Attempt to Storm Calcutta Temple Ends in Fiasco

No 47 Mayapur Attack Cover-up Exposed No 48 Massive GBC Fraud Uncovered No 49

BBC Broadcasts World IRM Special No 50 Mayapur Bomb Blast Reveals GBC Terrorist

Campaign No 51 Mayor of New York Dedicates Srila Prabhupada Memorial No 52 Chief

Minister Honours ISKCON Bangalore Temple President No 53 High Court Grants

Iskcon Bangalore Injunction Against Jayapataka Swami No 54 More Laughter From

GBC Resolutions No 55 High Court Declares ISKCON Bangalore Legally Independent

No 56 First Temple President's Meeting held in MalaysiaNo 57 Supreme Court

Throws Out GBC Appeal

No 58 GBC Publicly Dishonours Srila Prabhupada

No 59 IRM Begins Massive Expansion Into Vrndavan

No 60 IRM Expands Into Russia

No 61 Indian President Launches 25 Million Plates of Prasadam



Your comments, questions and feedback are appreciated. Please write to us at: irm (AT) ntlworld (DOT) com


*Legalese -- You are receiving this e-mail because you either submitted this

email address to the IRM or someone else did it for you. We do not buy lists or

gather them via software, nor will we ever give/sell your address to anybody. If

you received duplicates or wish to be removed from this list, please type remove

in the subject line.

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