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Hollow Planets, Venera 9, and the Bhagavatam

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An Excerpt from:

Hollow Venus, Venera 9, and the Bhagavatam


In fact, the Apollo astronauts have supposedly gone to the Moon and found no

life there. Through their telescopes and space probes, astronomers tell us that

there is no life on the other planets such as Mercury, Venus and Mars, either.

A C Bhaktivedanta Swami never agreed with such conclusions. In his purport to

Text 26, Chapter 18, Canto 4 of the Bhagavat Purana, Bhaktivedanta Swami states

that “ According to the Vedic literature, it is not true that the Moon does not

produce food or that no living entity is living there.” In the purport to Canto

4, Chapter 22, Text 54, Bhaktivedanta Swami writes: “ The Vedic literature,

however, repeatedly informs us that the Moon is full of highly elevated

inhabitants who are counted amongst the demigods. We are therefore always in

doubt about what kind of moon adventure the modern scientists of this Earth

have undertaken.” Also, in his purport to the above-mentioned Text 6 from Canto

4, Chapter 20, of the Bhagavat Purana. A C Bhaktivedanta Swami, Prabhupada,

mentions: “ In modern scientific society the idea is very prevalent that there

is no life on other planets but that only on this Earth do living entities with

intelligence and scientific knowledge exist. The Vedic literatures, however, do

not accept this foolish theory. ... The Vedas give information that in all

planets ... there are varieties of living entities ... We have information from

the Vedic literature that in each and every planet, both material and spiritual,

there are living entities of varied intelligence.”

It is important for followers of the Puranic version to understand these

statements so that their faith in the entire Vedic presentation may not be

shaken. We can consider the difference of opinion between these Puranic

statements and modern scientific allegations, that the planets are uninhabited

and lifeless, by considering whether the Apollo astronauts really went to the

Moon, whether or not there might actually be artificial artifacts on the

surface of the Moon, and whether or not the key to understanding the nature of

the Puranic statements might not lie in the fact that the planets are hollow.

Recently, there has been quite a bit of private investigation into the validity

of NASA space probe and Apollo photographs. Much of the results appear on the

internet. Apollo debunkers point out various photographic anomalies which

challenge NASA claims. For example, there is a famous picture of the rocket

motor on the Lunar Excursion Module, which was supposedly turned off two meters

above the surface of the Moon. The anomaly has to do with the fact that the

picture shows no disturbance on the soil underneath it. There is also a famous

photograph, taken from an ELEVATED angle, of the astronauts on the Moon with

their hands free and the LEM in the field of the picture, but nobody there to

take the picture. There are divergent shadows on fairly level terrain, although

only one light source exists on the Moon, the Sun. Glare is seen in the Apollo

pictures, even though glare is caused by the atmosphere and the Moon supposedly

has none, and the NASA sign -specifically the sign on the side of the LEM away

from the Sun- is illuminated in various film clips, indicating spot lights or

such. There is more- but for reasons such as these, we may take a dim view

about NASA claims of lifelessness on the Moon and withold any judgement again

the Vedic statements.

Perhaps the key to understanding the difference between the Puranic version and

the version of modern astronomers lies in the following statement which

Bhaktivedanta Swami made in the summary study of the Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu.

On page 11, he writes of how the yogi " ... can enter into the sun planet

simply by using the rays of the sunshine." How unusual that he writes about

living entities “ in “ the planets. In the English language, it is very unusual

to refer to a population living “ in “ the planets. We always say “ on.” And we

have already pointed out that in the purport to the 4th Canto, Chapter 22,

Verse 54, he writes that “ the Moon is full of highly elevated inhabitants who

are counted amongst the demigods.” A planet “ full of “ inhabitants does not

suggest life on the surface of that planet, but rather within. Could it be that

the principal population of a planet lies in the planet’s interior, and that,

for example, the parks, lakes and lush vegetation described in the Puranas in

relation to the Moon, Venus and the other planets exist inside of the them,

along with the inhabitants? Such an understanding would completely vindicate

those puranic statements which seem so fantastic that they are unintelligible

to us currently, and establish new-found validity for the puranic astronomical

scheme of things.


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