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A one man army propagates Hinduism in Bali

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A one man army out to propagate Hinduism


He is an academic, a Hindu missionary, a master


of Hindu philosophy and religion, an Indian in


love with Indonesia, all rolled into one.




Dr. Somvir, a member of the faculty of letters at


the Udayana University here and a resident of


this Indonesian resort, says his mission in life


is to spread Hindu values, come what may.




And he thinks he has already succeeded, to a


great extent. "I am here to propagate Hindu


religion and philosophy," Somvir, 33, told IANS.


"I have no other love, no other interest. I am


engaged in this effort every single minute, and I


like it immensely."




In Bali, where 95 per cent of the three million


people practice a form of Hinduism that is


blended with Buddhism, Somvir - who hails from


Haryana and studied in Delhi University - is a


popular figure. When he married a Balinese girl


one and a half yeas ago, the wedding was


solemnized at the residence of the Bali governor,


no less.




He has just been given two hectares of land to


start a gurukul, a boarding school modelled on


Hindu lines, to cater to some 400 students. The


gurukul that will come up in 2004 will teach


modern subjects as well as Sanskrit, English and


local languages.




It will also serve as a home to 10 cows, an


animal revered by Hindus. Somvir, a Yadav who


stopped using his family name decades ago, first


came to Indonesia in 1993 to do research on the


origins of Sanskrit sources in Ramayana in


Indonesia and spent a year researching in Jakarta


and Bali.




He won a doctorate from Delhi University in 1995,


and was called the next year to Bali to teach


Sans krit at the Udayana University, an invitation


he lapped up. And he quickly settled down in






"Since coming here I have done nothing except


propagate Hinduism and Hindu philosophy," he


says. "I decided this is what I will do, whether


or not I get any assistance. I have so far taught


more than 3,000 students."




The Indian Council for Cultural Relations finally


recognized his efforts and has been funding his


work since 1999. He now teaches Sanskrit, Vedas


and Hindu ethics in three universities here, for






Somvir has opened a yoga centre named after


saint-philosopher Swami Vivekananda at Bali's


Maha Saraswati University, where a weekly class


is held free every Sunday and is attended by some


40 people.




"There is tremendous interest in Hinduism and in


particular Ramayana here," he said. "Ramayana is


like a daily diet of the people. Both Sanskrit


and Ramayana are embedded in people's minds.




" There is hardly anyone here who does not know


the Ramayana or does not sing its verses." Somvir


is now putting together a dictionary of 2,000


words from Bhasa Indonesia and the old Javanese


language that owe their origin to Sanskrit.




He has already authored five books in Bhasa,


including two on ancient Hindu scriptures. For


the past four years, Somvir has had a bi-weekly


column in a local newspaper, Nusa Post, in which


he writes about the Vedas.




"The people of Bali highly respect me," he says.


"The governor of Bali considers me his virtual


son. What more can I expect?" Somvir visits India


when he can, and his wife is presently in Agra


learning Hindi.




"In India, Hindu religion exists at a


philosophical level, here it is a way of life,"


said the young man. "People here may not know


much about philosophy but they are deeply




Indo-Asian News Service

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