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article on 'Zero Based Thinking'.

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Namaskar Mitra,


Zero-Based Thinking :- is not allowing past experiences to determine the

decisions that you take today. It means looking at every issue objectively &

deciding on the basis of facts as they exist then. The article starts with the

pitfalls of not thinking zero-base & thereafter shares a roadmap how we can try

to think zero-base. http://www.esamskriti.com/html/zero_base.htm


Zero based thinking by sanjeev nayyar, october 18, 2003

Every time we perform an Action it leaves a subtle impression on our unconscious

mind. These impressions get stored in the mind in the form of memories. By

repeatedly performing similar actions we reinforce these memories to the extent

that they turn into habits, become a part of our personality & eventually

dictate our behavior. In Yogic literature these subtle impressions are called


Let us examine the connection between Samskaras & zero based thinking. Subtle,

past impressions are powerful and can exert themselves forcefully even as we

set our gaze on something new. They can cloud our thinking and make us act in a

predetermined way. When this happens, it prevents us from looking at a situation

from a zero base. Impressions can sully our minds just as dark clouds across an

otherwise blue sky. Often, inspite of knowing that what we desire is not

appropriate, past samskaras can make us act willfully. Thus, we are unable to

look at situations as objectively as we should be.

So also, in Corporates, an Annual Budget can be prepared in two ways. Taking

previous year numbers & adjusting them for the present is quite akin to letting

samskaras decide for you. Conversely if you were to prepare a Zero-based Budget,

you would be looking at your revenue / expense / sales / profitability numbers

afresh. Going bottom upwards would mean thinking with a clear & focused

mind.The same logic can be extended to systems of governance. One of the

reasons why the Indian government has not been responsive enough to its

citizens needs is because we failed to Indianize the governance systems after

winning Independence. We continued with the colonial system. A simple yet

symbolic example of the colonial hangover is the practice of our lawyers

wearing black coats. Wearing warm clothes like a black coat may make sense in

England but not in hot & sultry India. Creating a system of governance on a

zero basis would have meant taking the best from our ancient, medieval,

colonial & contemporary systems to synthesize an effective system that meets

the aspirations of the Indian people.

This sounds good. But how can one really manage a Clear / balanced mind that

results in zero based thinking & positive samskaras/impressions thereafter?

Allow me to share a few thoughts.

By continuously performing positive & good actions/karmas. One-way of doing so

is to help people continuously & to selflessly share wealth / knowledge. When

younger helping would mean resolving another’s problem. As we mature like wine

in a casket we must anticipate the needs of others and act proactively to help

them succeed.

By learning to live fully each instant, completely in the eternity of the

moment. These two approaches generate positive vibrations within and give us

the spiritual strength to cope with the ups & downs of life.

By dispelling fear and insecurities. When a man is successful he is insecure

because he is unsure how long the success would last. On the other hand, if one

is unsuccessful one is likely to face the specter of failure every now & then.

So either way there is discontent. One way of dealing with this is by not being

attached to the fruits of one’s actions. This means giving every act your best

shot and letting the future decide thereafter.

By having healthy food that is light, fresh, easily digestible and nutritious.

It should be neither over nor under-cooked. Eating to live and not living to

eat should be the motto for anyone wanting to fight debilitating samskara.

By staying focused and as a result eliminating wasteful actions. Excessive talk

too can confuse the mind. One of my friends, maintains ‘Maun Vrat’ (pledge of

silence) for an hour every day. Vital energy thus conserved enables him to

increase his productivity.

By refusing to get angry. When angry, we loose our ability to think clearly and

land up saying and doing things that we later regret. A difficult but effective

way of controlling anger is to work up the resolve to keep mum for a few minutes

in the face of something that infuriates us. By coming closer to nature. Say,

walking by the seaside or just sitting at one place and gazing at the sea. Such

intimacy with nature can soothe our minds and swathe us in peace. Another way is

to drink water stored at room temperature. Ingesting hot or cold water is akin

to embracing extremism in life. By drinking room temperature water we take a

step towards leading a balanced life unaffected by the opposites in life like

pleasure & pain.

By believing that there is always a better way of doing things. Such an attitude

would enable us to have an open mind and listen to other points of view. It

would engender a feeling of humility within.

We increase the efficiency of our computer by deleting data that is not required

& periodically doing disk defragmentation so that data that is stored in various

parts of the hard disc is organized systematically. In the same way, we can

remove clutter from our mind and by streamlining our wandering thoughts, make

our minds more potent.

By continuously striving to keep our minds calm and composed, we can prevent

past samskaras from influencing our actions rendering us less productive &

effective. What we would win through this self-regulated effort would be the

sublime state of Zero Base Thinking.

end of matter


cheers om sanjeev

Discover your Indian Roots at - http://www.esamskriti.com, 700 pictures, over

140 articles.To mail - exploreindia (AT) vsnl (DOT) net, to Un write

back.Long Live Sanatan / Kshatriya Dharam. Become an Intellectual

KshatriyaGenerate Positive Vibrations lifelong worldwide.Aap ka din mangalmaya

rahe or Shubh dinam astu or Have a Nice DayUnity preceedes Strength Synchronize

your efforts, avoid duplication.THINK, ACT, INFLUENCE, to Un write

back.Create Positive Karmas by being Focussed, controlling senses, will power &

determinationNever boasts about yr victory and successKnowledge, Wealth,

Happiness are meant to be sharedBe Open Minded, pick up what yu like from the



Stop cribbing, ACTION is what the Indian scriptures talk aboutTake the battle

into the enemy camp, SET THE AGENDA, be proactiveIn an argument, no emotions,

be detached, get yr facts right, then attack with the precision of a missile

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