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Fw: [VFA-family] Hinduism & Baha'i

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- S. Ganash


Thursday, November 13, 2003 7:08 AM

[VFA-family] Hinduism & Baha'i



I was wondering if there is anybody who can comment on the following which was

taken from http://bci.org/prophecy-fulfilled/


In many countries (including India), Hindus lacking with true knowledge have

been successfully converted into Baha'is. Now it seems that there is a new

lineage following Christianity and Islam.


I hope this will start a new awareness amongst Hindus.






Hindu Prophecies

"Whenever there is decay of righteousness... and there is exaltation of

unrighteousness, then I Myself come forth... for the destruction of evil-doers,

for the sake of firmly establishingrighteousness, I am born from age to age."

--- KRISHNA- Bhagavad Gita- fourth discourse

Hindus are awaiting the coming of the Kalki Avatar at the end of this present

age, Kalki Yuga (Dark or Iron Age). Baha'is believe that the Kalki Yuga age has

already ended and, as promised in the Bhagavad Gita, the Lord has again

manifested Himself to humanity.... this time with the name Baha'u'llah.

Baha'u'llah is the Kalki Avatar.

Baha'u'llah's name means the Glory of Bhagwan or the Splendor of Ishvara. The

coming of Baha'u'llah is therefore the start of the Sat or Krta Yuga (Golden

Age). It is the time when people will return to righteousness and the world

will be at peace.

Baha'is have pointed to the prophecies in the Hindu scriptures and stated that

all of these have been fulfilled in this age. There are many passages in the

Hindu writings which describe the condition of the world at the end of the

Kalki Yuga. Baha'is would say that what is described in the Hindu books is

exactly what we are seeing in the world today. Among the most striking of these

passages from the Hindu holy books are the following:

"In the Kali Yuga, wealth alone will be the deciding factor of nobility [in

place of birth, righteous behavior or merit]. And brute force will be the only

standard or deciding what is righteous or just."

"Mutual liking [and not family pedigree, social status, etc.] will be the

deciding factor in choosing a partner in marriage; cheating will be the order

of the day in business relations; satisfaction of sexual pleasure will be the

only consideration of male or female excellence and worthiness; and the wearing

of the sacred thread (Yajnopavita) [and not pious behavior or Vedic or Shastric

learning] will be the outward index of being a Brahmin.

In the Kali Yuga, only one quarter of each of the four feet of Dharma [panance,

truthfulness, compassion and charity] remains. And that too goes on decreasing

day by day while the feet of Adharma [unrighteousness] increase greatly. So

that in the end Dharma becomes extinct."

"In that [Kali] age, people will be greedy. They will take to wicked behavior.

They will be merciless, indulge in hostilities without any cause, unfortunate,

extremely covetous for wealth and women. High social status will be attained by

Sudras, fisherman and such other classes..."

"When deceit, falsehood, lethargy, sleepiness, violence, despondency. grief,

delusion, fear, and poverty prevail, that is the Kali Yuga..."

"...mortal beings will become dull-wittwd, unlucky, voracious, destitute of

wealth yet voloptuous, and women, wanton and unchaste.

Countries will be laid waste by robbers and vagabonds; the Vedas will be

condemned heretics; kings will exploit their subjects, and twice-borns like

Brahmanas will only think of the gratification of their sexual desires and

other appetites.

"Celibates [of the Brahma Carya ashrama] will cease to observe their vows of

study, purity and celibacy; householders will take to begging [instead of

giving alms]; hermits [of the vanaprastha ashrama] will resort to villages

[leaving their retreats in the forests]; and Sannyasins will be extremely

greedy for money.[in short, the whole system of the Varnashrama Dharma will

have broken down.]"

"Petty - minded people will conduct business transactions and merchants will be dishonest."

In the Kali Yuga, men will abandon their parents, brothers, friends, and

relatives. They will occupy high seats [and pulpits] and will [pretend to]

preach religion.

People will have their minds weighed down with constant anxiety and fear. This

will be due to devastating famines and heavy taxation. The land will not grow

food-crops, and the people will always be in fear of impending droughts.

There are similar prophecies in many other passages of the Hindu scriptures such

as the Ramayana, the Mahabharata and the Vishnu Purana. Baha is believe that all

of the conditions described in these books have come about today.

Swami Vivekananda, a prominent writer wrote: But greater than the present deep

dismal night...no pall of darkness had ever before enveloped this holy land of

ours. And compared with the depth of this fall, all previous falls appear like

little hoof-marks.

There are also prophecies that we are seeing today of the breakdown of the caste

system and the abandonment of religion: "The observance of caste, order and

institutes will not prevail in the Kali Yuga; nor will that of the ceremonials

and rituals enjoined by the Sama, Rig, and Yajur Vedas. Marriages, in this age,

will not conform to the ritual; nor will the rules that connect the guru and his

disciple be in force. The laws that regulate the conduct of husband and wife

will be disregarded; and oblations to the gods with fire will no longer be


The doctrines of false teachers will be held to be scripture... In the Kali

Yuga, those who practice fasting, austerity and liberality will do so in

whatever way they please [and not according to the law]. And men will call this


Men of all degrees, filled with conceit, will consider themselves to be equal with Brahmins...

In the Kali Yuga, men, corrupted by unbelievers, will refrain from adoring

Vishnu, the Lord of sacrifice, the creator and lord of all. They will say: Of

what authority are the Vedas? What are gods, or Brahmins? What need is there

for purification with water?

"When the practices taught by the Vedas and the institutes of law shall nearly

have ceased, and the close of the Kali age shall be nigh, a portion of that

divine being who exists of his own spiritual nature in the character of Brahma,

and who is the beginning and the end, and who comprehends all things, shall

descend upon the earth. He will be born as Kalki in the family of an eminent

brahmin of Sambhala village, endowed with the eight superhuman faculties. By

his irresistible might he will destroy all the barbarians and thieves, and all

whose minds are devoted to iniquity. He will then re-establish righteousness

upon earth; and the minds of those who live at the end of the Kali age shall be

awakened, and shall be as pellucid as crystal. The men who are thus changed by

virtue of that peculiar time shall be as the seeds of human beings, and shall

give birth to a race who shall follow the laws of the Krita age, the Age of

Purity." --- Hinduism- Vishnu Purana 4.24

All the Hindu scriptures are agreed that when conditions have reached this

point, when things have deteriorated and mankind has sunk to the lowest depths

of moral degradation, then the Lord will again manifest Himself as the Kalki

Avatar... when Vedic religion and the dharma of the law books have nearly

ceased and the Kalki Yuga is almost exhausted, then a part of the creator of

the entire universe, the blessed Lord Vasudeva [Vishnu], will become incarnate

here in the universe in the form of Kalki. Baha'i scholars have demonstrated

that the prophecies in the Manu Srmiti and other books indicate the exact date

of the end of the kalki Yuga and the coming of the Kalki Avatar. This date,

1844, is also the year of the beginning of the Baha'i Faith. Therefore Baha'is

believe that, faithful to the promises and prophecies recorded in the Hindu

holy books, the Lord has now manifested Himself again in the form of the Kalki

Avatar. Baha'is believe that, this is the Baha'u'llah. The purpose of the

Baha'u'llah's coming is to fulfill the prophecies in the Hindu scriptures and

to give us the teachings that will bring in the new Sat or Krta Yuga (golden

age) as foretold in the Vishnu Purana. He will then establish righteousness

upon the earth and the minds of the people will be awakened and become as pure

as crystal. And these men, the remnant of mankind, will thus be transformed...

And these offspring will follow the ways of the Krta Age. Baha'is believe that

through the teachings of Baha'u'llah, these prophecies will be fulfilled. As a

result the Sat or Krta Yuga(golden age) will be established.


Hindu Time Prophecies by Dr. H.M. Munjie

The most ancient Hindu prophecies pinpoint the year 1844 AD as the time when the

Promised One of Hinduism is due to appear.

The Hindu Holy Book "Manu Smriti" (the Memorandum of Manu) is traditionally

attributed to the mythical first Manu, Svayambhuva. This book describes the

life span of the Universe, specifies calculations of the major and minor

Religious Cycles comprising various aeons, ages, epics and their linking

periods. Mankind's appearance is placed at the beginning of a cycle of 12000

years containing within itself 4 minor and uneven periodic cycles. The

termination of this 12000 year cycle is described as the beginning of a new

"Krit Yug" or a new "Cycle of Truth in Deeds". According to the calculations

given in "Manu Smriti", chapter 1, verses 68 to 72... this 12,000 year cycle

was to end and the new "Cycle of Truth in Deeds" was to begin in the year 1844


The following chart lists the calculation of the full-period duration of the

12000 year cycle containing the 4 minor and uneven periodic cycles is as


Sat Yug 100 + 1000 + 100 = 1200 Treta Yug 200 + 2000 + 200 = 2400 Dwapar Yug 300

+ 3000 + 300 = 3600 Kali Yug 400 + 4000 + 400 = 4800 Total Years = 12,000

Hindus use both a lunar and a solar calendar. The calendar used 5000 years ago

was a lunar calendar. In approximately the year 56 BC, a noble king named

Vikramaditya appeared who inaugurated the use of a solar calendar.

>From Vishnu Puran, Part IV, Chapter 24, Versus 109 and 113, we learn that

"on the day Bhagwan Krishna ascended to His Holy Abode, at the age of 126 lunar

years. In Vishnu Puran it is also stated that so long as Bhagwan Shri Krishna

was touching this earth with His Lotus Feet, Kali Yug could not put it's foot

on the earth."

Most Hindus today believe that Kali Yug is an evil age. The word "Kali" has a

dual meaning... on one hand Kali depicts a beautiful bud and a fragrant rose.

On the other hand in later stages of it's life cycle it depicts a flower which

has died, decayed and dried up. The same is true of the life cycles of

religion. In the beginning, religion is like a beautiful bud and a fragrant

rose because whenever one of God's Prophets or Manifestations appear on

Earth... He most renews Religion, and a new era of Righteousness in the world

of Humanity is born. Similarly, like the beautiful rose which eventually dies,

decays and dries up... religion's regenerating force and life giving vitality

is obscured.

Hence, there are clear-cut prophecies in the Hindu Scriptures about the bad

events to come and evil occurrence to happen in the end-times of Kali Yug. This

is the example provided to us by Shri Krishna's religion. Krishna originally did

establish a beautifully budding civilization and a spiritualized nobility which

flourished like the opening of a "Kali" petal... of a fragrant rose. Krishna


"I am the flowery Spring Season" ("Aham Rutuna Kusumakarah")---Gita X.

So Kali originally was a budding age of goodness, which gradually and

progressively declined until it finally died 5065 lunar years later... in 1844


>From these 5065 lunar years we deduct the 126 years of Shri Krishna's life on

earth. This leaves us with 4939 lunar years of 355 days each (4939 x 355 =

1753345 days.) If we convert these 4939 lunar years into solar years of 365.25

days each we get 4800.3969 solar years. (4939 x 355 = 1753345 days divided by

365.25 days in a solar year= we get 4800.3969 solar years. The year 4800.3969

of the Hindu calendar is the year 1844 A.D. of the Christian calendar. This

prophecy says that Kali Yug will end in the year 1844 A.D. It also promises

that by the end of Kali Yug age (or 1844 A.D.) there will appear a

Manifestation of God Who will inaugurate a new "krityug" or a new "age of

deeds". Two hours and eleven minutes after sunset on May 23rd, 1844 A.D.

thisgreat and long-standing prophecy was fulfilled when the Bab announcedto his

first disciple that he was the long awaited Promised One.

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