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[time-space] Digest Number 504

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>There is 1 message in this issue.


>Topics in this digest:


> 1. "pseudo" Time-Travel

> "stealthskaters" <stealthskaters






>Message: 1

> Thu, 13 Nov 2003 13:16:27 -0000

> "stealthskaters" <stealthskaters

>"pseudo" Time-Travel


>TWO subjects here: (A) the "Russian Roswell" and (B) Backward Time-

>Travel along a previously-established history path.


>(A) The 1986 crash-retrieval of a small sphere in Hill 611

>overlooking Dalnegorsk, Siberia has been characterized as

>the "Russian Roswell". I first became aware of it from a video

>segment by reporter George Knapp who hitched a ride on a military

>helicopter from the naval base at Vladivostok to investigate the

>rumors first-hand.


>You can view this using RealPlayer at

>http://www.geocities.com/UFO_Videos . If the bandwidth at that site

>has been temporarily exceeded for the day, you can download a zipped

>copy (in either RP or WindowsMediaPlayer format) at

>http://www.stealthskater.com/Videos.htm#Dalnegorsk and then proceed

>to unzip it. In addition, several articles have been archived as a

>single MS-Word document at

>http://www.stealthskater.com/Documents/Dalnegorsk_01.doc .


>Two seemingly "minor" points in these reports impressed me. One was

>the indication of "parent" UFOs searching for the missing probe using

>searchlights that illuminated the ground but no beam or point-of-

>origin could be seen for these "lights". In other words, witnesses

>saw parts of the hillside being illuminated but could not tell how

>the light was being propagated. If I let loose my imagination, it

>would appear that "they" were able to "force" some electromagnetic

>effect at a distance … in this case causing a target surface to be

>illuminated (passively) or radiate (actively). Perhaps similar to

>what some propellant-less designs propose by using the nuclear color

>force to project a black-hole type distortion in front of the craft

>acting like a "tractor beam" in reverse (e.g., see

>http://www.stealthskater.com/UFO.htm#Lazar and

>http://www.stealthskater.com/UNITEL_background.htm ). (Military

>helicopters release free-falling objects which are radiated by black-

>body radiation emitted from the helicopter as a form of

>countermeasure against IR-missiles, so this would be another example

>of action-at-a-distance without a perceptible source.)


>The other oddity was the disappearance of detected elements in a

>subsequent chemical analysis. They were noted in a previous analysis

>but weren't found later on. I'm sure that Russian professors are

>quite expert at their jobs. And it's not a matter of nuclear

>transmutation or chemical reaction (oh … if it were that simple!).

>What could cause that? "Pyscho-reactive" materials (item 'E' at

>http://www.stealthskater.com/UFO.htm )? Microwave-range amplifiers

>from the Roswell craft that have a secondary effect of decomposing

>substances into their elemental constituents

>(http://www.stealthskater.com/Documents/Swartz_1.doc )? Treading on

>dangerous ground here, the ultra-ultra-pure gold strands in gauze-

>like fabric reminded me of the ORMEs/ORMUS stuff

>(http://www.stealthskater.com/ORMEs.htm ) . Again, I'm sure the

>Soviet lab institutes have already covered all of the obvious and not-

>so-obvious potential reasons … yet it still remains a mystery (at

>least to the general public).



>(B) The fabled Philadelphia Experiment has had many different

>accounts over-the-years. If you are a believer, the most common

>version is that it initially involved tests that would make a warship

>radar-invisible. Many of the naval authorities I contacted said that

>radar detection of ships is not that important compared to other

>means. Nowadays, for example, British military satellites can tell

>the class of ship by analyzing its wake "signatures" (reminds me of a

>passive "AWACS"/"Hawkeye").


>There is another version was first revealed to me in Chica Bruce's

>book 'The Philadelphia Experiment Murder'

>(http://www.chica.bruce.net/ ). Nikola Tesla supposedly discovered

>that applications of certain fields would cause an object to move

>backwards over the path it had just taken on his test bench. So it's

>not "pure" time-travel or anywhere-teleportation of the type that

>usually comes to our mind. More of a "pseudo" time-travel.


>During the War, the Allieds were losing a lot of ships to mines that

>weren't detected until it was too late. This account suggests that

>the field-generating equipment on Tesla's workbench was massively

>scaled-up to fit on a minesweeper -- not a "decoy" destroyer like the

>Eldridge -- to allow it to go "back in time" over its established

>path and make course adjustments to avoid the mines. Details can be

>seen at http://www.stealthskater.com/PX.htm#Chica . (note: her book

>is inexpensive and its investigative reports appear solid.)


>Something similar was echoed in a recent KeelyNet post

>(http://www.escribe.com/science/keelynet/m14762.html -or- [MS-Word]

>http://www.stealthskater.com/Documents/PX_02.doc .


>And former ELINT Sgt. Dan Sherman of "Project Preserve Destiny" fame

>said his ET contacts indicated they "manipulated" time rather than

>confronted it head-on. I can't figure it out … maybe you can =>

>http://www.stealthskater.com/Documents/Sherman_1.doc . (Sherman's

>complete story is at http://www.stealthskater.com/Sherman.htm ).


>Sherman's stuff may not relate at all to what the former 2 references

>did. Indeed, one of the major stumbling blocks to ANY of these far-

>out claims is that none of them agree 100% with the any other. So

>either you have many, many different UFOs, time machines, and

>Stargates operating by different species using different

>methodologies … OR only a few (or one) are 'correct' … OR it's all a

>maze of elaborate disinformation.


>Tom Mahood always reminded me of two sobering thoughts: (1) if

>something sounds too good to be true, then it usually is; and (2)

>extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof! (The latter

>applies to physics as well as to folklore. "Proof" means

>reproducible events in the laboratory … not in curve-fitting models

>or "eyewitness accounts". Else it's just ink on paper.)










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