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Prof Courtrights's Book:A No-Need to Read Book

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Namaste All. I beg to differ respectfully with some of the points

brought up on the topic Prof Courtrights's Book.

It has been suggested that one must read the book in order to condemn

it. I completely disagree with this idea both from a mundane and

cultural perspective.

Most of us can detect the quality of a book or a movie from a brief

scanning or within minutes of watching the movie. One does not need

to sit through a 2 hr movie before they decide its quality. Nor does

one need to read an entire book in order to understand its quality or

accurateness. In mathematics, one can have hundreds of advanced

calculations but if the initial premise is flawed the whole

conclusion is also flawed. So short quotes attributing certain

qualities and traits to Ganesh are all we need to verify its

accuracy. Also when comparing any of these quotes with Lord Shiva's

own interpretations of Ganesh's attributes, it is obvious the guy is

way off base.


Culturally, one accepts the opinion of respected scholars, friends

and elders who have always been sources of wisdom in the past. The

people heading up this protest are well-known Hindu/Vedic scholars as

well as experts in their various fields of science, medicine and

culture. They are in no way, fanatics, militants or irresponsible

attention getters.


Finally, I come to the most important reason why we SHOULD NOT read

the book. The spiritual and cultural reason. In Vedic culture to

hear, read or see blasphemous behaviour of an exalted being is

considered highly inauspicious and actually damaging to one's

spiritual development. The Vedic Scriptures are full of warnings

against becoming involved in the Aparadh (offense) against such

exalted personalities as Lord Siva, Mother Parvati and Lord Ganesh.


As a known 'expert' in Hinduism Prof Courtright should have more

sensitivity and knowledge of such an important aspect of the culture.

His demand that we read his distortions of Lord Ganesh is another

example of his complete lack in understanding Hinduism. Its like

saying that we try the beef before we condemn it. So a true follower

of the Vedic tradition can never read Prof Courtright's speculative

book on Ganesh. Fortunately, we have a network of Bhaktas and

Activists we can trust to inform us if a book is offensive or not.

Such a devotee of Ganesh would have the most accurate perspective on

what is pleasing or displeasing to Ganesh.Our common sense and our

individual connections with the Sampradayas, Cultural Traditions,

Saints, Scriptures and Divinities act as our collective compass.


As for Prof Courtright's freedom to write this book, of course, its

his right. All through, Vedic civilization there have been

controversial and offensive doctrines appearing and disappearing. He

can come up with his theories but he also must accept that they will

be denounced and seen as a direct attack on the Traditions, Culture

and History of Hinduism.


The fact is the very theme of his book (No I didn't read the book but

I have deductive reasoning capabilities)is obviously based on the

concept that Ganesh is a myth. As an unreal, nonexistant entity

naturally no offense can be done. Thus it is obvious that the Prof is

another example of the hypocracy of the western educational system.

Hinduism is treated as a subject to be clinically studied from

outside the culture. This perspective is considered more accurate

than the perpective of someone from within the culture. We don't find

this phenomenon when it comes to other subjects or legal arenas. Its

the perspective of those involved in the subject that is accepted as



Prof Courtright has had his book for years now. It is hoped he admits

that these are his personal theories that have not been accepted by

any of the authentic followers of Shiva and Ganesh. It would also be

interesting to investigate how many non-believing Islamic, Christian

and Judaic Scholars are active in the various US schools. Is all

religion, in general, being presented as a study in human behaviour

rather than as a valid scientific reality? How many so-called experts

are there out there teaching subjects from outside their field of

experiance. How often are real experts from within the tradition

allowed to educate students as to the belief's of the believers?


In conclusion, these calls for Hindu terrorists, death threats etc

are illogical and unnecesary. When I was last in India, I had the

previledge to meet some Vajrang Dal activists. I was quite impressed

at their commitment. They took me on a tour of the various ancient

ruins they had saved throughout Dimapur, Nagaland. A beautiful

ancient palace and other ruins dating from at least 1000 BCE were

being destroyed and vandalized. Fortunately through teir activism,

the Govt finally built a protective fence around the area. Besides

the Hindu activists, there is no sense of local pride or even

interest in these beautiful ruins.

They were said to be the remants of Bhima the Pandava's palace. It

was in this part of India that Bhima's wife, Hidimbi and their son

Gatotkacha lived. Along with the ruins, there is a beautiful lotus

lake. If these were really connected to Bhima, thean these ruins are

actually over 5000 years old.


Anyway, The activists were bemoaning the lack of progress in reviving

Hindu civilization. They felt that the time had come for suicide

bombings and other such tactics. I disagreed with them by reminding

them we, as Hindus collectively, have yet to begin promoting our

beautiful culture. Where are the hollywood quality movie epics? Where

are the vibrant non-sectarian hindu/vedic global cultural tours? How

often have the hindus sent represntatives to each other's villages,

countries, tribes, Maths enthusing each other in thier unity and

diversity? Why couldn't the Govt of India assist the Hindu Balinese

with their request for more information on Hinduism? How many

requests like this have been ignored or laughed at? I asked them tese

and othe relevant questions.


At the time, I was a member of a Western Hindu Delegation touring

India. Everywhere we went, people were overjoyed to hear about the

admiration millions of westerners have for Hindu/Vedic traditions.

They were surprised to hear that millions of westerners were turning

to traditional and indigenous ways and thus bettering their lives.

These native people, felt ashamed and told me that they were

backwards. As they spoke thus, I looked around me at the beauty and

harmony in the land, the village, the faces of the people and nearly

beagn to become teary-eyed. Here were these ideal people, living

simply, surrounded by natural beauty, descendants of Bhima

apologising to me for being "So Backward."


"You are not backward. We, Westerners are backward, for teaching you

to shame your culture. We are backward for destroying the balance of

nature in our pursuit for power. We are backward for sending

missionaries to tell you that you are spawn of Satan, that your

ancestors are all Satans and that you are a Satan unless you become

like us. No you are not Backward. Even The United Nations has stated

that the only way to acieve ecological balance is to turn to the

indeginous ways. So it appears that not only are you not backward,

but actually your wisdom can save the world!" I nearly shouted out to


These Vedic tribals were quite surpried and enthused beyond words to

hear this.


So I reminded the Vajrang Dal activists of the impact of just one

person like me coming to encourage the Hindus. I told them that,

after so many years, we have just now begun to reach out to each

other. Already the impact has been positive and tremendous. Once we

seriously begin organizing,campaigning and creating more outreach

oppurtunities, the glory of the culture will speak for itself. There

will be no need for any violence in the propogation of Vaidik Dharma.

As long as we carry the message, the message will itself be the

impetus to a complete cultural renaisance.



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