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--- Keshav Acharya <keshavacharya wrote:

> Sun, 16 Nov 2003 06:16:14 -0800 (PST)

> Keshav Acharya <keshavacharya


> my article to press

> veerukharta, veeviyes,

> venkatamangala,

> vidyottama.sharma,

> vineet_phadtare,

> vinujoshua,

> vijaymukhi,

> viralcontrols, Virginia,

> virusha,

> vishalsharma01,

> vitusha, vmenon25,

> vogue_bom6, vpdamodar,

> vrnparker,

> vrushali.haldipur,

> v_cmohan,

> wakeuphindus, yajnik,

> ykalagh,

> yogesh, sonali,

> splashsn,

> srama, srikantiahkanti,

> srinujune,

> sriramr, sscpl,

> sudesh.thakur,

> sukebhave, sumit-b-rane,

> unika,

> shobha_sankhe, shaheen,

> vinodm


> Sir,


> Enclosed herewith is an article on , perhaps, the

> most

> burning issue of today.

> Please give your precious comments.

> With regards,

> K.G.Acharya





> A large section of the English media is upset over

> Tamil Nadu assembly's issue of arrest warrants

> against

> the publisher, editor, and some staff members of the

> "Hindu" daily. It is shouting for freedom of

> expression, democracy etcetera; however, this

> section

> of the media never cares for these principles.

> Members

> of this brigade avoid publication of various views,

> suppress dissent and many times violate journalistic

> norms and code of conduct laid down by the PCI.


> While many in the media have criticized the Tamil

> Nadu

> assembly speaker's decision to sentence journalists

> of

> the Hindu daily to 15 days' imprisonment in a breach

> of privilege and contempt case, it is time for them

> also to think and introspect whether the media is

> playing its role in the way it should. Press is one

> of the four pillars of democracy, the others being

> the

> Judiciary, the Executive and the Legislatures. But,

> this pillar, called as the fourth estate, many times

> tries to outsmart and belittle the other pillars.

> For

> example, in the wake of the Tamil Nadu speaker's

> action against journalists, many media bosses have

> called for the need to codify privileges of

> parliament

> and state legislatures. Thus they want to curb the

> rights of MPs and MLAs.


> Many times they had tried to curb the power of the

> Judiciary also. For example, the press maintains

> that

> truth must be the basis of consideration in matters

> of

> contempt of court cases. But the media does not

> hesitate to report untruth when it suits its

> interests. There are many examples to illustrate how

> the media tramples truth.


> The media bosses try to play one pillar of democracy

> against another. After getting the stay order from

> the

> Supreme Court against his arrest, N. Ram was

> arrogant

> to state: "we are not opportunistic and have not

> demanded invoking article 356 as things stand now".

> If

> one reads between the lines this is nothing short of

> N. Ram's threat to Jayalalitha to

> Demand dismissal of her government and impose

> President's rule there in Tamil Nadu.


> An example of the media resorting to untruth is:

> while

> Dr Pravin Togadia had said last month to the effect

> that if Rambhaktas are prevented from entering

> Ayodhya, there would be riots, the Indian Express

> used

> the words, "communal riots" instead of "riots". This

> word is very mischievous and capable of causing

> hatred

> between communities.


> Many reports on the Gujarat riots were also

> exaggerated with half-truth and untruth.


> The ToI had written a big story on Narendra Modi,

> who

> is unmarried, in its Special Sunday edition of May

> 12,

> 2002, in words: "Some stories say that he ran away

> from his village after he was forced to get married.

> It is difficult to say whether the story is true or

> not, but there is certainly a lady in his village

> who

> calls herself Mrs. Modi."

> Criticising Modi on his handling the riots is okay,

> but maligning him with false and fabricated stories

> and of which the writer himself is not sure and has

> to

> admit by words "true or false" is certainly not fair

> journalism.


> The editorial "Young Lords" (ToI - July 15, 2002),

> on

> India's most memorable win in a one-day cricket

> match

> series at Lords contained the statement, "When

> man-of-the-match Mohammad Kaif and Zaheer Khan-

> Hindutva brigade, please note-scampered a quick two,

> they gave India its first tournament victory since

> July 1998."

> What was the necessity of the words "Hindutva

> brigade"

> in the editorial on cricket? Was it not to spew

> venom

> against Hindus and Hindu leaders and encourage

> communalism?

> The fact is that cricket-lovers do not recognize

> cricketers by their religions. But to the ToI, it is

> the religion which is important everywhere, even in

> sports, not to speak of its mixing religion in

> politics. The ToI, thus, made a mockery of

> secularism

> enshrined in the Constitution. Many readers had

> protested, but the newspaper had little space for

> them

> in its readers' views.


> Even while giving the news about the Tamil Nadu

> Speaker's action against the Hindu, the ToI has

> called

> it an attack on "the fundamental rights of all

> Indians", which is far from true. The relevant news

> was under the caption "Hindu scribes take the fight

> to

> apex court on the front page of the issue of the ToI

> dated November 9, 2003. After talking to many

> Indians

> and being an Indian myself, I emphasize that it is

> not

> at all an attack on our fundamental rights. The ToI,

> which gives too little space for readers' views,

> suppresses views opposite of those of the editors,

> gives half truth and lies, has no right to make the

> above statement. The ToI had better not to arrogate

> to

> itself the rights of all Indians and note that many

> Indians are happy that N. Ram, who, has violated

> many

> Gandhian principles of ethical and fair journalism,

> is

> given punishment that he deserves.


> It is very relevant to note here that the ToI had

> not

> reported even the view of its past Ombudsman, former

> Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, P. N. Bhagwati

> on

> the appointment of the Constitution Review

> Committee,

> since it was contrary to the view of the editors of

> the ToI. Can such newspaper have any basis to talk

> on

> behalf of all citizens, democracy and freedom of

> expression?


> According to a news ( July 6, 2002) T. N. Ninan of

> the

> Business Standard stated that the opposition to the

> FDI by the ToI is not on account of patriotism as

> claimed by it, but for maintaining monopoly on the

> print media. Many readers would agree to this view.

> This newspaper has made fun of patriotism and

> nationalism many times in the past by calling it

> jingoism and never supported the cause of genuine

> freedom fighters.


> In the wake of unfortunate Gujarat riots this

> newspaper was encouraging foreign elements to file

> court cases in International courts against Home

> Minister L.K. Advani and Gujarat chief minister

> Narendra Modi. Criticism of these persons within the

> country is of course understandable.


> When the Talibans in Bamiyan in Afghanistan

> demolished

> the Buddha statues, the ToI wrote in the editorial

> that it was in reaction to the demolition of the

> Babari mosque, though the Talibans had, in fact,

> refuted this, according to the Hindi newspaper,

> Navabharat. The ToI, thus tried to provide some

> ammunition to the Talibans, against international

> pressures for its act of vandalism.

> In a seminar on "Communalism and the role of media "

> in Kolkata, many journalists had expressed the view

> that the media has to keep communalism at bay. N Ram

> had eulogized the role played by the English media

> during the riots in Gujarat, which was far from

> true.

> Many persons have blamed the media for adding fuel

> to

> the communal fire. For example, a newspaper had

> reported that the VHP had distributed 1000 swords to

> Hindus to kill Muslims. This was not true. Most of

> the

> Muslim victims were due to burning and none was

> killed

> as a result of injuries from swords.


> N. Ram, editor-in-chief of the Hindu had once

> referred

> to " an apparent decline in the power of the news

> media in India". He had said, " Chief Minister

> Narendra Modi was continuing in office "unfazed",

> despite "the near unanimity of the national media in

> exposing and condemning the genocidal pogrom in

> Gujarat". Since in the viewers' poll held by the TV

> channel Aaj-tak and the motion in the Parliament

> whether Modi should go, the verdict was totally in

> favour of Modi and thus a severe blow to the media,

> Ram's statement becomes a tacit acceptance of the

> large gap between the opinions of the media and the

> people. N. Ram, it appears, includes only editors to

> represent media and not readers or the people.


> The media bosses have better to associate readers in

> seminars to judge performance of the media and

> listen

> to their views. There is one-way traffic between

> most

> of newspapers and their readers. As a result, they

> are

> not aware of the public mind.



> Mahatma Gandhi, a great journalist as he was, had

> said, "The whole aim of journalism should be

> service.

> The true function of journalism is to educate the

> public mind and read the mind of the country and to

> give definite and fearless expression to that mind."

> He, further said, "Public has the right to know the

> truth. It must be informed objectively as to what is

> happening. If the paper loses confidence of its

> readers, it has lost all that is worth in

> journalism.

> Definitely the Press has power, but to misuse it is

> crime."

> (Reference: Journalist Gandhi, compiled by Sunil

> Sharma and published by Gandhi Book Centre, Bombay

> Sarvodaya Mandal).

> "Gandhi elicited strong responses, but these too

> were

> published along with his comments in the Harijan."

> The

> media talks of Mahatma Gandhi many times, but

> violates

> the journalistic ethics that he had enunciated.


> The former chairman of the Press Council Of India,

> P.

> B. Sawant had once severely criticised the present

> materialistic journalists and stated that some of

> them

> are on the list of foreign powers.


> The words "freedom of press and democracy " by media

> bosses indulging in one- sided reporting and

> suppressing opposite views is nothing but hypocrisy.

> According to a news dated June 30, 2002, editor of

> the

> Gujarathi daily Mid-day, Saurabh Shah was removed

> from

> his post for his writing in favour of Hindutva.

> A large section of the English media tries to

> provoke

> Muslims in various ways. One way is to expand the

> Indian Muslim list of grievances, by publishing news

> such as "Only minorities figure in Gujarat POTA

> list"(ToI - Monday Sept.15, 2003)."






> The Indian Express has various statistics such as "

> only 1 of 27 IPS officers is Muslim " and only 54

> maulavis in the army in 1997. In contrast there were

> 1,568 pandits and 194 Sikh granthis in the army".

> This

> newspaper has given a full-page article on the

> subject

> in its edition of Sept. 14, 2003. The newspaper, of

> course, has not given the statistics that India has

> had so far 3 Muslim Presidents and that out of the

> terrorists found so far more than 99.99 % were

> Muslims. People must think whether articles of this

> type are conducive to communal harmony, co-existence

> and peace. How can continuous Hindu- baiting and

> appeasement of Muslims be called as "sarva dharma

> samabhav" and secularism, which is an important

> principle in our Constitution?


> This means that to uphold the Constitution, it is

> necessary to have some control over the media too.

> The

> media is not always responsible. There is an example

> of the Statesman apologizing for making a false

> allegation against the RSS. Very recently a false

> reporting by a journalist of Indian Express was

> exposed by Ram Madhav, Spokesman of the RSS in the

> IE

> itself. Such instances are many, readers know, but

> every time they do not take action. The media must

> give publicity to various views and opinions and

> leave

> it to readers to make their own judgements.

> Differences of opinions is a very important feature

> of

> democracy and media must respect it. There must be

> objective reporting of news.


> The Editors' Guild has called for codification of

> privileges of legislators saying that they are vague

> and represent a danger to media. In stead of this

> the

> guild should introspect its role and demand to

> strengthen the Press Council of India by proposing

> heavy fines for false reporting and including in it

> independent readers and letter writers.

> In case editors are not given the freedom to follow

> journalistic ethics and norms laid down by the PCI,

> they must tell the owners that if they wish to

> impose

> their views on the people with one-sided reporting,

> and if their purpose in running the newspaper is to

> earn profits only as a commercial venture and not

> what

> Mahatma Gandhi enunciated as above, then the media

> cannot have the status of a pillar of democracy.


> Editors and owners of newspapers must note that they

> cannot eat the cake and have it too.


> K.G.Acharya






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