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63 - IRM Participates In Historic Conference

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Newsletter of the

ISKCON Revival Movement (IRM)


Issue 63




1. IRM Participates

In Historic Conference

2. 'Guru Wars' Break


3. IRM News Briefs

4. Atheism In GBC

Committee Exposed

5. “Back To

Prabhupada” (BTP) Update


Guru Imitates Srila Prabhupada


7. Urmila's

Deception Continues

8. Tripurari

Speculates About Ritvik - Again

9. New E-mail





1. IRM Participates

In Historic Conference


EN-GB">Report by Veda Guhya Das, California




EN-GB">October 17th, 2003 marked a significant landmark in ISKCON history, as

the ISKCON Revival Movement (IRM) was invited to present its case to the annual

meeting of the American Family Foundation (AFF), the world's leading anti-cult

organisation. The AFF helps families and cult members to identify

dangerous cult behaviour and also offers counselling to ex-cult members and

their loved ones. This invitation to speak to an international audience of the

world’s leading scholars and experts in the field of religious movements arose

due to the publication of the IRM’s acclaimed philosophical paper, ‘The False

Dawn of Guru Reform’. This was the first time in history that the GBC have

had to debate their Guru system before a public third-party


Anuttama Das, ISKCON’s Director of Communications, who was present on behalf

of the GBC, has spent the last six years attending the AFF meetings to try and

dispel the notions that ISKCON has turned into a cult. Now for the first

time, he had to publicly confront evidence presented by the IRM of a massive

Guru hoax perpetrated by ISKCON’s leaders and sustained by psychological and

violent suppression of its own members.


EN-GB">The IRM’s Krishnakant, the author of the famous book “the Final Order”,

was invited to open the proceedings. Over the half-hour allotted to him

he delivered a devastating Powerpoint presentation entitled “The Great Guru

Hoax: Why ISKCON Is Still A Cult”, which was projected on to a large

screen. His lecture was both dynamic and comprehensive, and he

systematically showed how the GBC-Guru cartel has misappropriated power by

defying the directives of ISKCON Founder Srila Prabhupada, installed

unqualified leaders, censored critical thinking through intimidation and

violence, and thereby turned post-1977 ISKCON into a ‘cult’, using the AFF’s

own definitions in that regard!

EN-GB">Krishnakant began with a synopsis of how the bogus, unauthorised Guru

system came to exist within ISKCON in the first place. As most of our

readers will know, Srila Prabhupada instructed in his final written

institutional directive of July 9th, 1977 that eleven representatives were

appointed to initiate new disciples on his behalf (in Sanskrit, these

representatives are known as ‘ritviks’). However, despite Srila

Prabhupada's clear written instructions, these 11 ritvik priests decided amongst

themselves that they would become full-fledged Diksa (Initiating) Gurus in

their own right. Several years and many Guru falldowns later, the great

Guru hoax part 2 came along. Instead of going back to the original

ritvik system that Srila Prabhupada had ordered, the leaders decided the

solution to ISKCON’s self-destruction would be – TO ADD YET MORE BOGUS GURUS!

After explaining the history of this unauthorised Guru system, the

presentation showed point-by-point how ISKCON continues to use cult tactics

to maintain control over ISKCON members. The AFF has a checklist of

points to determine whether an organization is a destructive cult; a brief

summary of some of these points is listed below:

* ‘Leaders are self-appointed’

* ‘Authoritarian pyramid structure with authority at the top’

EN-GB">* ‘Questioning, doubt and dissent are discouraged or even


EN-GB">* ‘Isolation from society – the only valid source of feedback and

information is the group’

EN-GB">* ‘Use of mind control techniques’


EN-GB">* ‘Milieu control: control of the environment and communication

within the environment’


EN-GB">- and Krishnakant proved using documented evidence how the

activities of the present day bogus Gurus fits every one of these



EN-GB">One devotee initiated by ISKCON Guru Bir Krishna Goswami stood up and

testified to the audience how his ‘Guru’ had strongly promoted the use of

drugs without prescription to control disciples’ minds and emotions – a

practice which, of course, is strictly against the principles of Krishna consciousness

as laid down by our saintly Founder and Guru Srila Prabhupada, as well as

being against the law of the land!

Krishnakant then supplied evidence of the GBC’s tactics of thought and speech

control, a common cult tactic of psychological intimidation. One

particularly chilling example was a letter sent by the now fallen

Vipramukhya Swami, which stated that one was not allowed to discuss Srila

Prabhupada's position as the Guru of ISKCON even in one's OWN HOME, lest they

be physically removed by the Police the next time they show up at the



EN-GB">If this wasn’t frightening enough, an even darker side of the GBC-Guru

mafia was shown with an internal GBC memo which supported self-confessed

child abuser Dhanurdhara Swami.


EN-GB">Next, the GBC’s total state of confusion and deception over whether they

were appointed as Gurus or not was demonstrated with an array of contradictory

and self-contradictory quotes, such as when Tamal Krishna Goswami stated in

1980 that Prabhupada never appointed Gurus, only ritviks; and then 4 years

later published a book in which he stated that Prabhupada appointed 11

successor Gurus. There was also evidence from Anuttama himself who stated

in the ‘ISKCON Communications Journal’ in 2000 that Prabhupada had

“hand-selected leaders who had been appointed as Gurus”; while 6 years earlier

in 1994, Ravindra Svarupa Das had stated in the SAME publication that “there

was NO hand-picking of successors.”


EN-GB">There then followed an illustration of the censorship employed by the

GBC on the reading and distribution of IRM literature – a control of freedom of

thought and speech much disdained by academics and anti-cultists alike.

The absurd nature of this censorship was highlighted by the fact that the very

paper the GBC itself commissioned to be written on the ritvik issue in the

first place – ‘The Final Order’ – is now banned from all ISKCON outlets.

This situation becomes doubly absurd when you take into account that one of

ISKCON’s own leading academic advisors, Professor Kim Knott,

recommended in her Foreword to ‘The Final Order’ that it should be “read

carefully and discussed widely” because it contained “profound issues” vital

for every devotee to consider!


EN-GB">Krishnakant then concluded by summarising the IRM’s mission and global

presence, and laid down a challenge to Anuttama and the GBC to allow IRM

articles to be published in ISKCON’s own publications, the ‘ISKCON

Communications Journal’ and ‘Back to Godhead’; and by reiterating the fact that

the real Guru of ISKCON is His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami




Anuttama Describes ISKCON



EN-GB">After Krishnakant’s powerful presentation, everyone was waiting eagerly

to see how Anuttama Das, ISKCON’s Director of Communications, would

respond. Unsurprisingly, Anuttama’s talk paled into oblivion. He

did not even try to rebut any of the arguments or evidence presented by

Krishnakant, neither did he try to defend ISKCON’s unauthorised Guru

system. He simply went on to read from a sheet of paper a long and rather

tedious list of GBC ministries and committees that were doing their best to

improve ISKCON. But there was no real substance to his talk. Instead, he

made a rather canned presentation trying to legitimise the current ISKCON

structure, but all he succeeded in doing was proving that ISKCON under the

current GBC-Guru system is in meltdown. For example, he stated

that nearly all of the full-time ‘Gurukulas’ (ISKCON schools) have been

closed down due to child abuse; and that there are presently only 20 people

living at the Potomac temple, amidst a congregation of about 2000, most of whom

are Indians. This latter statistic is not proof of a more enlightened

ISKCON, but rather symptomatic that ISKCON is in decline under the present

system as devotees are voting with their feet and moving out of the full-time

mission. This also completely defeats Srila Prabhupada’s whole vision of

ISKCON as being a vibrant, dynamic INTERNATIONAL society; instead, all we have

now is a structure surviving on the easy patronage of local Hindu communities,

rather than a world spiritual mission dedicated to liberating mankind.

Anuttama views this situation as evidence of progress; but the reality is

that it is but a dim shadow of Srila Prabhupada’s original ISKCON.

At the end of the presentations,

Krishnakant announced the arrival of the newly published IRM magazine ‘Back to

Prabhupada’, and the IRM devotees present at the conference then

distributed the magazines, as well as prasadam cookies, to all the

delegates. The delegates eagerly snapped up a copy each, with no magazines left

at the end! In this way, everyone had a permanent hard copy of the IRM’s

position and role in reinstating Srila Prabhupada as the bona fide Guru and

Initiating Spiritual Master of the Hare Krishna movement.


EN-GB">The academics and anti-cult professionals at the conference greatly

appreciated the IRM presentation and had some very interesting questions.

One of the delegates asked: "I don't see what's wrong with going

back to the original system. Why is that so unorthodox?"

So just by this one question we can see that even ISKCON outsiders can easily

understand what a great hoax was foisted on the movement after Srila

Prabhupada’s departure.



OF Report by Veda Guhya das.


EN-GB">You can view this Powerpoint presentation NOW by clicking below to

download the presentation in a zipped or unzipped format:





EN-GB">(Please be advised - the zip file may take 3-4 minutes to download,

while the unzipped file may take up to 10 minutes to download. Once downloaded,

in case the file is not

already in full, animated slideshow mode, simply select “Slide Show” from the

menu at the top of the screen, followed by “View Show”. Then proceed systematically by hitting the

“Pg Dn” key on your keyboard. If you

miss a step, simply hit your “Pg Up” key to go back).


2. 'Guru Wars'

Break Out


Those of you with a good

memory may remember the 'Guru wars' which erupted in ISKCON during the 'zonal

acarya' years from 1978-1987, as the 11 'zonal' gurus fought to establish their

power against each other based on the disciples and money they could amass.

Indeed, there was even a GBC paper written at that time addressing the issue of

how to end the 'fratricidal wars'. Well, 'Guru wars' have broken out again.

Only this time the catalyst has been the 'culture war' between the so-called

'liberals' and 'conservatives' which has been brewing for some-time,

highlighted by the nomination of the first woman to become a Diksa Guru (Urmila

Dasi), which we reported on in the last IRM newsletter (see IRM Newsletter 62:

"5. GBC Violates Own Guidelines in Nominating Female Guru”).

Thus the 'liberal' fringe wishes to promote the 'rights' of women, gays etc.,

and the so-called 'conservative' fringe opposes this since they instead wish to

impose their concept of 'Vedic tradition'. The fight has now boiled over with

Gurus taking pot-shots at each other. Please see what Bhakti Vikash Swami

(representing the 'conservatives'), one of the 80 bogus voted-in ISKCON Gurus

has to say about Bhakti Tirtha Swami (representing the 'liberals'), another one

of the false 80 'voted-in' ISKCON Gurus:



"My point is why is he

making statements without giving evidence, eg homosexuals are considered

auspicious in Vedic culture? With motherships from Atlantis, the world

controlled by a Skull and Bones Society, etc., etc., BTS has a history of

talking and publishing imaginative nonsense that disqualifies him from being an

acarya. He should talk according to guru sadhu and sastra or take a mothership

and fly off to another dimension. This nonsense must stop. It is simply cheating."

(Bhakti Vikash Swami,

19/8/2003, PAMHO 7147009)


"Such a charismatic

leader can at any time walk out of ISKCON along with his mesmerized


(Bhakti Vikash Swami,

23/8/2003, PAMHO 7160564)

Indeed, Bhakti Tirtha Swami

has himself taken offence at such heavy criticism, as he responds

to infamous GBC crony Ajamila das for supporting Bhakti Vikash Swami's



"I will no longer

participate in these discussions. Beyond a doubt HH Bhakti Vikasa Maharaj is

bias toward me. I don’t know how you see vaisnava aparadhs to be Guru Sadhu and

Sastra or reguesting devotees to disregard the GBC as bonafide. [...] The

leaders in Croatia are writing a letter to the EC and to HH Bhakti Vikasa Swami

with complaints about his visit to Croatia, his calling me a demon, his

demanding to them not to let me initiate there for he was arranging for me to

be rejected as a Guru. His influence on his disciples where they spent hours

talking to various disciples of mine that I was not bonafide and that to those

who were aspiring for me that they should reject me as their guru for he was

going to try to petition to have me rejected as a guru. His letters that I am a

crazy man are with the executive committee."

(Bhakti Tirtha Swami,

1/9/2003, PAMHO 7194737)

The fight has become so

heavy, that Bhakti Vikash Swami ends with a statement, which we can all agree



"Thus ISKCON, which is

meant to kick out cheating religion from the world, itself degrades into a

cheap cult, an apasampradaya, a laughing stock, and a disgrace to Srila

Prabhupada and the parampara."

(Bhakti Vikash Swami,

23/8/2003, PAMHO 7160564)

As we explained previously,

this phony war is to be expected when there is no honor amongst the thieves who

had previously joined together to usurp Srila Prabhupada's position and carve

up his Society for themselves, with their bogus Guru program. With the

Kali-yuga tendency of the need to quarrel overwhelming them, these bogus Gurus

and their supporters will always need something to fight about. Indeed, on COM

(the ISKCON conferencing system), they have spent the last 2 months arguing

about whether or not one can ever address a female devotee as 'prabhu',

and still the fight goes on with no resolution. Unless ISKCON returns to ONLY

having Srila Prabhupada in the center and these pretender Gurus are banished,

unity will NEVER be possible, as there is no center to unite around, only 80

competing power centers, and the 'Guru wars' will continue.


3. IRM News Briefs


a) ISKCON Bangalore

Honoured By Government


We are pleased to announce

that ISKCON Bangalore was honoured by the state government for its 'Akshaya

Patra' prasadam distribution programme, receiving the 'Rajyotsava' award. This

special award is given every year to those individuals or institutions who have

made an outstanding contribution to society, and is so prestigious that a

public holiday is declared as part of the annual award ceremony, with the

awards always being announced on the front page of all the newspapers, as

exemplified below:


EN-GB">"BANGALORE : NRIs B V Jagadeesh and Kumar Malavalli, BATF member

Kalpana Kar, Iskcon's Akshaya Patra programme, sportsperson Boniface Prabhu and

actress Tara are among the 60 recipients selected for the Rajyotsava award this

year. [...] Chief minister S.M. Krishna will confer the awards on the

Rajyotsava Day, November 1. It entails a 20-gm gold medal, a shawl and a


EN-GB">(The Times of India, 31/10/2003)




b) Preaching To The



World famous illusionist and

magician, David Blaine, known as a modern day 'Houdini', made international

headlines recently for being suspended alone in a box for 44 days without any

food. Before embarking on his death-defying stunt, he had been preached to by

New York IRM devotee Jayananda Das, who also presented him with one

of Srila Prabhupada's books. In fact, David had known Jayananda before he

became famous since at that time Jayananda was a famous rock musician in

New York. When they met, Jayananda Prabhu presented him with Srila

Prabhupada's "Science of Self-Realisation", and David mentioned

that he had just attended his first Yoga class! Jayananda Prabhu

then explained the difference between real Yoga as taught by Srila

Prabhupada and the gymnastic yoga which only provides physical benefits, whilst

David listened intently.



c) Prasadam

Distribution In The Holy Dhama


The highly successful

'Akshaya Patra' prasadam distribution programme launched by ISKCON Bangalore,

which is already the largest distribution programme of its kind, distributing

tens of millions plates of prasadam, has now expanded outside Bangalore for the

first time. A large kitchen is being constructed at the IRM's 20 acre property

in Vrindavan, and already 1000 children are being fed everyday, with plans to

upscale it to 30,000 a day, eventually covering most children in the Mathura

district. This expansion is just the beginning. Talks are already underway with

various state and city governments to expand the program to many parts of

India including the nation's capital New Delhi.



d) Jayapataka

Swami Unwelcome In Soviet Union



As the message below

indicates, it seems that the devotees in the former Soviet Union are waking up,

with Jayapataka Swami's (JPS) disciples being forced to mount a campaign to try

and strong-arm local devotees to accept JPS as their local GBC, even though the

locals don't want him!:


Igor Vovk <Igor.Vovk (AT) cis (DOT) pamho.net>

JPS Istagosthi (disciples and followers), CIS: Disciples JSSS (JPS Sisya

Samuha), CIS: MKD

Dear devotees!

Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

We need to help JPS get in Ukraine, Kazachstan, Midl Azeya. From the words of

his disciples, He is very regretful that nobody wants to welcome him as GBC in

Ukraine, Kazachstan, Midl Azeya. I call for JPS's disciples and well-wishers.

Let us address to minister of justice in ISKCON and to GBC with a request to

resolve this misunderstanding.

I offer to start to collect votes.

(Text CIS411706 (23

lines), 19/6/2003)


It seems there is no end to

the naked ambition and lust for power these bogus GBC Gurus have.



4. Atheism In GBC

Committee Exposed

In Dhira

Govinda Prabhu's latest paper entitled "Delivery of Transcendental

Knowledge is Key to Initiation Process", he not only nudges a few

millimeters closer to what we hope he will eventually understand to be the only

defendable position on the issue of initiation in ISKCON, that which is

presented in ‘The Final Order’, but he also ably exposes the atheistic nature

of one of the GBC's most important and influential committees, the Sastric

Advisory Committee (SAC). This body is meant to act as the brahminical brains

behind ISKCON's understanding and philosophy regarding, amongst other things,

guru-tattva and the meaning and process of initiation. But according to

statements made by the SAC, as quoted in Dhira Govinda's paper, they appear to

have not even the most elementary grasp of Bhagavata philosophy. In his

previous paper "The Prominent Link" (answered on the IRM web

site at http://www.iskconirm.com/Dhira_Govinda.htm),

Dhira Govinda Prabhu had made the following valid point:

"Just as Sri Krsna,

Srimati Radharani, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu are non-different from Their

Deity forms, and are fully capable to act and relate in Their Deity forms, the murtis

and pictures of the parampara acaryas, such as Srila Prabhupada and

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta, can similarly act non-differently from the acaryas."

Dhira Govinda then quotes a

SAC member disputing this well-known and accepted principle quite emphatically:

"This is a novel

theory, or at least one I am not familiar with, that the murtis and

pictures of specially empowered acaryas are equally potent to the murtis

of the Supreme Lord and His internal potency [...] The arca-murti

of the Personality of Godhead is a special incarnation, nondifferent from His

original self, and manifests all His potencies to those who worship Him with

love. The murti or picture of one's guru is recognized as the proper

place to make offerings in worship, but as far as I know the Vaisnava sastras

do not identify the guru's image as the same kind of arca-murti." (ISKCON Sastric

Advisory Committee member)



the SAC "brahmin" contradicts another GBC

mso-ansi-language:EN-GB"> quango

mso-bidi-font-size:12.0pt;font-family:Arial">, the GBC Deity Worship Research

Group, who seem to think such representations of the guru

are "non-different from his original self":


may worship the spiritual master in a picture, a murti, a yantra (a diagram

with inscribed mantras), a ghava (installed waterpot), or you may worship the

spiritual master's shoes, which are considered nondifferent from him.” (Pancaratra

Pradipa, ISKCON GBC Press)


More worryingly this GBC

sponsored "brahmin" seriously contradicts Srila Prabhupada:


photos of my murti are very nice. The murti of the Spiritual Master should be

treated as good as the Deity. Saksad-dharitvena samasta-sastrair, uktas tatha

bhavyata eva sadbhih/kintu prabhor yah priya eva tasya, the guru should be

treated as good as God. This is stated in all the sastras. The difference is

that God is master-God and guru is servant-God. So the installation ceremony

for such a murti should be similar to that done for other Deities. All Temples

can have this Deity if they like." (Srila Prabhupada Letter to

Karandhara 29.1.76)

Above, Srila Prabhupada

clearly contradicts the idea that there is some difference in potency between

the murti of the spiritual master and the murti of the Supreme Lord. Srila

Prabhupada says the "guru should be treated *as good as God*" and

that "the murti of the Spiritual Master should be treated *as good as

the Deity*." Obviously he would not tell us to treat them the same if they

were in fact different; that would be cheating. Yet the SAC member seems to

believe they are very different. Indeed, he calls the whole

notion "novel"!


we are left with the pitiful situation whereby the GBC's own "Sastric

Advisory Committee" are completely ignorant of a point that Srila

Prabhupada teaches is 'stated in *all* the sastras'!


assert that the murti of the acharya and his self are different is simply

atheism, since it is downgrading the acharya to the status of an ordinary human

being. Mind you, the SAC has no choice but to do this, since their whole

program involves supporting many dozens of ordinary men who are posing as

successors to Srila Prabhupada.


5. “Back To

Prabhupada” (BTP) Update


The explosive new

magazine "Back To Prabhupada” (BTP) has hit the streets, and the reaction

has been, well, explosive! From devotees writing in all emotional,

and praising such good news about everyone being able to go back to Srila

Prabhupada, to threats from ISKCON employees fearful for their livelihoods, we

have had it all! For those of you who want to see what all the fuss is about,

and still have not written in with a request for a free copy of the magazine,

please write in immediately. We have already had 1500 individual requests from

50 different countries, and more requests continue to stream in everyday, as

word spreads of the magazine throughout the ISKCON world. In addition we have

had bulk requests for another 2500 magazines from different temples and

devotees around the world who have distributed them amongst congregations, Life

Members and devotees. In addition, academics, the media and law

enforcement agencies have also been sent a copy, so they are fully briefed

regarding the real truth about Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON and today's ISKCON.


Devotees have requested

where they can send donations to support the printing and distribution of the

magazine, and for this a special bank account named "Back To

Prabhupada" has been set up. Those devotees wanting to donate and

to the magazine may write in for the bank account details.


The magazine's first issue

contains amongst other things:


* Going Back To The Real

Hare Krishna Guru

* New York Honours Srila


* Proof of the Guru Hoax

* Cult Tactics Used to Hide

The Truth


So what are you waiting for,

please write in to irm (AT) iskconirm (DOT) com

with your mailing address for your free copy today!



6. ISKCON Guru Imitates Srila Prabhupada


As is well known, during

1977-1987 in ISKCON we experienced the zonal acarya system. Below is a

description of this system:


EN-GB">"But the problem started when some individuals became gurus after

Srila Prabhupada's disappearance. They were inexperienced and so naturally

prone to make mistakes. One of the biggest mistakes they made was to behave

like Srila Prabhupada when they became gurus. Literally this meant, what Srila

Prabhupada was to his disciples, the gurus became to their disciples. As a

result Prabhupada's position became obscured…in 1981 we started to face a

crisis due to this system." (Disciple’s meeting, Text

PAMHO6829041, 19/5/2003)

"I strongly

believe that if the gurus had acted as Srila Prabhupada's obedient followers

and represented him properly, then they would not have fallen down. The cause

of their fall down was actually their offenses to Srila Prabhupada in trying to

usurp his position. Since Srila Prabhupada's disappearance, ISKCON has

experienced a series of losses. When eleven gurus started to function as if

they were the "chosen ones" who inherited Srila Prabhupada's legacy,

senior godbrothers became disheartened and left the movement." (3/11/2003, Text PAMHO7428765)

To try and prevent this

activity of "what Srila Prabhupada was to his disciples, the Gurus became

to their disciples", functioning as they were the "chosen ones",

"obscuring" and "usurping" Srila Prabhupada's

position, the GBC passed a number of resolutions to outlaw this direct

imitation of Srila Prabhupada, one of them being:

EN-GB"> "Zonal-Acarya" System: No guru should declare himself or

allow himself to be declared an "acarya" or "present

acarya" for ISKCON or for a geographical area of ISKCON. [ ..]

A guru cannot use or allow his disciples to apply to him the honorific title

"His Divine Grace" or the honorifics ending in "pada" in

written public document or in open public forum." (Laws of ISKCON, 1.6.3, &,

from 'Gurus and Initiation in ISKCON', GBC)


EN-GB">The point being that the honorific title “His Divine Grace” is ONLY

meant for Srila Prabhupada and the previous bona fide Acaryas,

something which even the usually bewildered GBC was able to legislate!

EN-GB">However, the same personality who gave us the descriptions of the

terrible zonal acarya Guru system above also recommended that his disciples

post their ‘Vyasa-Puja’ offerings to him daily so that he can be publically

glorified. An excerpt from one of these offerings appears below:

EN-GB"> "Dearest Gurumaharaj

Please Accept My Humble Obeisances. All Glories To Your Divine Grace!

All Glories To Srila Prabhupada!

Today I celebrate your Vyasa Puja with great joy and gratitude. I feel so

honoured to have my spiritual life directed by your Divine

Grace…We live in a dangerous material world. Your Divine Grace

has constantly guided us on how to cross the sea of danger as soon as

possible…. Gurumaharaj, you are a pure vaisnava, for you chase not after name,

fame, adoration or prestige. Your only attachment is the lotus feet of Srila

Prabhupada, who has fixed your Divine Grace to the lotus feet

of Krsna. You have defeated this material world of Maya; hence although your

Divine Grace is blessed with everything, you are not attached. You are

fixed and established in pure, eternal and loving relationship with Krsna. Your

Divine Grace fully understands that everything in this material world

are all paraphernalia for Krsna's enjoyment …We have observed how your

Divine Grace uses everything for the enjoyment and loving service of

Krsna, Guru and Gauranga…Your Divine Grace is a first class


EN-GB">Please note the profuse use of the banned term 'His Divine Grace', a

term which is supposed to be reserved for Srila Prabhupada only. (There were

also other offerings which used this term).

EN-GB">When even the GBC can see that this term should not be used, it’s clear

that anyone who would encourage its use is clearly trying to become another

zonal acarya and imitate Srila Prabhupada in the same way that the zonal

acaryas did.

EN-GB"> So here we have a personality who:


mso-ansi-language:EN-GB"> First heavily

cautions us against the 'zonal-acarya' system due to the imitation of Srila

Prabhupada which resulted.


mso-ansi-language:EN-GB"> Then insists

that his disciples’ glorification of him in the same imitative manner is

publically posted for others to appreciate.

EN-GB">Who could this paragon of hypocrisy be?

EN-GB">Yes, it’s the old master himself - Bhakti “I do the opposite of what

I say” Caru Swami (BCS)!

EN-GB">Quite obviously, BCS just cannot get enough of this misplaced

adulation. However, the IRM will not be deflected in its mission to

protect Srila Prabhupada’s honour and exclusive position as ISKCON’s sole

Initiating Guru by exposing the bogus Guru shams such as we see so vigorously

practised by BCS.

EN-GB">In the words of a famous Roman general who deposed a corrupt,

self-appointed emperor: “The time for honouring yourself will soon be at

an end”.

7. Urmila's Deception Continues


We had highlighted in our

last newsletter how the application resumé of Urmila Devi Dasi to become a

Diksa Guru contained evidence which made her guilty of "duplicitous

behaviour" and "not exhibiting proficiency in knowledge and

understanding of sastra (scripture)", which alone disqualified her from

acting as a Diksa Guru according to the GBC's OWN rules (please see IRM

Newsletter 62: “5. 'GBC Violates Own Guidelines In Nominating Female



Unfortunately this

duplictious behaviour of hers, backed up with more ignorance of sastra,

continues. In trying to demonstrate that she is correctly situated in the

vanaprastha asrama, even though she is separated from her husband via a legal

agreement, she submitted the following 5 quotes saying:


"Here's some relevant

quotes" (Urmila Devi Dasi,

posted on ISKCON India Conference, Tue, 16 Sep 2003 07:22:39)


The quotes she sent were:



"A householder is not

expected to remain at home for all his days. After getting his sons and

daughters married, a householder can retire from household life, leaving his

wife in the charge of the grown-up sons." (SB 3.23.52 purport)

"The duty of the husband to leave home as soon as there is a grown son to

take charge of his wife and family affairs." (SB 3.25.5)


"When the man is fifty

years old, his eldest son should be around twenty-five, old enough to take

charge of the mother.They should follow their father's instructions, their

husband's instructions and the instructions of their grown, scholarly


(Teachings of Lord

Caitanya, Verse 5)

"When a child, a woman must be strictly controlled by her father. When

she is young, she must be strictly controlled by her husband, and when

she is old, she must be controlled by her elderly sons." (SB 5.6.4 purport)


"The Supreme

Personality of Godhead said: One who desires to adopt the third order of life,

vanaprastha, should enter the forest with a peaceful mind, leaving his wife

with his mature sons, or else taking her along with him." (SB 11.18.1)


She sent these quotes to

support her position that she can be separated from her husband and still be

correctly situated in the vanaprastha asrama. However Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.23.52

and 3.25.5, and Teachings of Lord Caitanya verse 5, all refer to the same

incident - the renunciation of Kardama Muni and the subsequent taking charge of

Mother Devahuti by her son Kapiladeva.


However, as the verse to

the purport of Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.23.52, which is not quoted, makes

clear, all these statements refer to Kardama Muni taking SANNYASA and NOT



"My dear brahmana, as

far as your daughters are concerned, they will find their own suitable husbands

and go away to their respective homes. But who will give me solace after your

departure as a SANNYASI? (S.B.



So all these quotes are

merely reinforcing the quotes which we supplied in the previous IRM

newsletter, which state only if the husband takes sannyasa must the wife become



Whereas S.B. 5.6.4 is

simply stating that a woman must be protected at all stages of her life. This

is not in doubt. But as all the quotes that BOTH we, and now even Urmila

has produced, have shown, this protection is provided by the husband until he

takes sannyasa.


This therefore only leaves

us with one quote from Hridyanananda das Goswami's translation of the

11th canto of the Bhagavatam, the same person who

nominated Urmila for the position of Guru.

yes"> (Srila Prabhupada produced only the first 10 cantos of the



*** It is pertinent to

note therefore that at this point Urmila is unable to put forward any evidence

from SRILA PRABHUPADA in support of her position, whereas we supplied 4 quotes

from Srila Prabhupada against her position in the last IRM newsletter.***


For completeness, let us

look at this quote produced from Hridyananda Maharaja’s Bhagavatam translation.

Of course, without Srila Prabhupada's translation and transcendental purport,

this verse is useless to us followers of Srila Prabhupada. However, for the

sake of argument let us ASSUME that Hridyananda Maharaja has rendered

the 11th canto completely in line with how Srila Prabhupada would

have. The only thing which can be said here is that this verse refers

specifically to a husband who lives in the forest, sleeps on the floor, eats

only food he finds in the forest, and in the freezing winter remains submerged

up to his neck in water. Becoming emaciated, he then achieves the Maharloka planet.

So notwithstanding that this quote is not from Srila

Prabhupada, it does not in any case appear to be at all

appropriate to the current situation, since the last we heard the husband

in this case was working in the 'forests' of Michigan!


So in conclusion, we have

4 unambiguous quotes from Srila Prabhupada, against one quote from

Hridyananda das Goswami which is not even applicable to the situation in hand.


So Urmila tried to pass off

3 quotes about Sannyasa, 1 quote about Protection generally, and another from

Hridyananda Maharaja about a husband who lives as a renunciant in the forest as

being “relevant” quotes to her individual situation of being in Vanaprastha,

legally separated from a husband who is still working a job! What duplicity!




8. Tripurari Speculates About Ritvik - Again


We already highlighted in

Newsletter 61 how Tripurari Swami contradicted his spiritual master, Srila

Prabhupada, on the subject of Srila Prabhupada having set up a Ritvik system of

initiation for ISKCON (please see Newsletter 61: "6. Tripurari Speculates

About Ritvik"). Unfortunately, Tripurari Swami has done it again, as we will

see from the excerpt below, taken from SANGA, Monday, August 18, 2003 Vol. V, No.





could be more natural than reading someone's books, finding inspiration, taking

up spiritual practices, and feeling a close connection with the author? That

this person (Srila Prabhupada) is no longer living doesn't matter because his

books are alive. You seem to have no problem accommodating change and say that

this or that change is merely a "detail" in the bigger picture, yet

with this detail (initiation from a departed guru) you seem to have no capacity

to accommodate its complexity."


Tripurari Swami: "The problem with your analysis is that this

particular author and guru (Srila Prabhupada) has emphasized throughout his

books the necessity of taking initiation from a guru who is physically




The problem with

*Triuprari's* analysis is that it is a straightforward lie. There is not ONE

place in Srila Prabhupada's books where Srila Prabhupada has stated

"the necessity of taking initiation from a Guru who is physically

present," what to speak of such a statement being “emphasized” repeatedly. If

Tripurari or anyone else can find such a statement from Srila Prabhupada's

books, the IRM will immediately give them a $1000 reward.




Swami: "This unambiguous emphasis is not a detail but rather a

principle that is at the heart of the system of guru-parampara, in which one

guru follows another and the lineage is thus kept alive and vital."



This “unambiguous” lie (that

“Srila Prabhupada has emphasized throughout his books the necessity of taking

initiation from a guru who is physically present"), is not a detail but

rather a principle that is at the heart of the system of bogus

guru-parampara, in which one bogus unauthorised Guru follows another, and the

lineage is thus kept unauthorised, disconnected and ‘asara’, or useless. This

is a practice that is currently followed by many bogus Gurus in ISKCON, Gaudiya

Matha and by Tripurari Swami himself.



Tripurari Swami: "Of course, anyone who reads the books of a guru

and is inspired by him has a meaningful connection with him, but it becomes all

the more meaningful when such a person follows his teachings and accepts

initiation from one of his successors."



Of course, anyone who reads

the books of a guru and is inspired by him has a meaningful connection with

him, but it becomes all the more meaningful when such a person follows his

teachings and accepts initiation from HIM, as directed by the Guru himself

(Srila Prabhupada) in the July 9th, 1977 directive. It can not

become meaningful if one accepts initiation from someone who was never

authorised to become the Guru's successor in the first place.


Again, we humbly suggest

that Tripurari Swami stick to offering his insights on the writings of

Sridhara Maharaja, and whoever else he follows. It is clear he does not have

the faintest idea what Srila Prabhupada's teachings are about.



9. New E-mail



Please note that the e-mail

address for the IRM newsletter and any other IRM correspondence has now

*changed*. It is NO LONGER irm (AT) ntlworld (DOT) com. The NEW address is:


irm (AT) iskconirm (DOT) com


Thank you.



font-family:Arial">Newsletter Editor

Thank you for taking the

time to read this newsletter, and please keep your letters, and e-mail

addresses of other devotees who should be added to our list, flowing in. A hard

copy of our main position paper 'The Final Order' is available on request. All

other IRM papers can be accessed through the EDITORIAL SECTION of the IRM website



If you would like to

receive any of the back issues of the Newsletter please let us know.

font-family:Arial">No 1. Invitation to Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa Puja

No 2. GBC Lose First Round of Court Case

No 3. The Story VNN Refused to Publish

No 4. Poison Theorists Accuse Adri of Complicity

No 5. Iskcon Continues to Promote Child Abusers

No 6. Invitation to Malaysia

No 7. United World Body Formed

No 8. Does Srila Prabhupada Support Poisoning Theory?

No 9. PADA Attacks IRM Position

No 10. PADA Continues to Present False Evidence

No 11. GBC Funded Video says Ritvik Spiritual

No 12. Child Rapist Selected by Gurus to Defend their Legitimacy

No 13. GBC Facing Perjury Charge in Calcutta High Court

No 14. Sahajiyism Makes a Comeback in Iskcon.

No 15. Govt. Minister Inaugurates Bangalore Rathayatra

No 16. Iskcon Calcutta Triumphs Following Arson Attack

No 17. Fighting Lies with Truth Not More Lies

No 18. GBC Resolutions Continue to Provide Laughter

No 19. Indian Leaders Endorse IRM Position that GBC Confused

No 20. Convicted Child Abuser Officially 'Returns' to Parampara

No 21. GBC Special Issue - GBC Chairman Admits ISKCON 'Disintegrating'

No 22. Krsna Confirms Iskcon Rebirth - New York Special Issue

No 23. Hare Krsna Explosion Begins in New York as IRM Temple Opens

No 24 IRM Launches Media Campaign to Defend Srila Prabhupada

No 25 GBC Teaches That 'Living Gurus' NOT Required

No 26 BBT Admits Books Changed to Fit GBC Philosophy

No 27 Big Breakthrough for Krishna in Singapore

No 28 Bangalore Tops World Book Distribution

No 29 City of New York to Honour Srila Prabhupada

No 30 Gurukula Lawsuit Special - The Facts

No 31 BBC Glorifies Srila Prabhupada to the World

No 32 Harinam Revived in World famous Times Square

No 33 ISKCON Guru on Run From Police - Suicide Case Special

font-family:Arial">No 34 GBC Declare All Out War

No 35 GBC Fail Again in Second Expulsion Attempt

No 36 Indian Press Glorifies New York IRM

No 37 Iskcon Temple in Bangladesh Joins IRM

No 38 All Ports Alert for Jayapataka To Be Issued

No 39 The GBC's Best Trick Yet

No 40 Biggest Prasadam Distribution Program Ever Begins

No 41 Double Edition - IRM Granted Prime Kumbha Mela Site

No 42 Danavir Invents A New Philosophy

No 43 IRM Makes World Headlines - Kumbha Mela Special

No 44 GBC Meetings End in Fiasco

No 45 GBC Paralysis Documented in Resolutions

No 46 Mayapur Attempt to Storm Calcutta Temple Ends in Fiasco

font-family:Arial">No 47 Mayapur Attack Cover-up Exposed

No 48 Massive GBC Fraud Uncovered

font-family:Arial">No 49 BBC Broadcasts World IRM Special

No 50 Mayapur Bomb Blast Reveals GBC Terrorist Campaign

No 51 Mayor of New York Dedicates Srila Prabhupada Memorial

No 52 Chief Minister Honours ISKCON Bangalore Temple President

No 53 High Court Grants Iskcon Bangalore Injunction Against Jayapataka Swami

No 54 More Laughter From GBC Resolutions

No 55 High Court Declares ISKCON Bangalore Legally Independent

No 56 First Temple President's Meeting held in Malaysia

No 57 Supreme Court Throws Out GBC Appeal

font-family:Arial">No 58 GBC Publicly Dishonours Srila Prabhupada

font-family:Arial">No 59 IRM Begins Massive Expansion Into Vrndavan

font-family:Arial">No 60 IRM Expands Into Russia

font-family:Arial">No 61 Indian President Launches 25 Million Plates of


font-family:Arial">No 62 Singapore Expands Into Historic Building


Your comments, questions

and feedback are appreciated. Please write to us at:

irm (AT) iskconirm (DOT) com

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