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How to Destroy a Culture

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--- Mohan Gupta <mgupta wrote:

> "Mohan Gupta" <mgupta

> "a4India\"" <info

> How the rogues ruined an IDENTITY

> Tue, 25 Nov 2003 23:59:30 -0500


> QUOTE" It was February 1835, a time when the British

> were striving to take control of the whole of India.

> Lord Macaulay, a historian and a politician, made a

> historical speech in the British Parliament,

> commonly referred to as The Minutes, which struck a

> blow at the centuries old system of Indian

> education. His words were to this effect:

> " I have traveled across the length and breadth of

> India and I have not seen one person who is a

> beggar, who is a thief. Such wealth I have seen in

> this country, such high moral values, people of such

> caliber, that I do not think we would ever conquer

> this country, unless we break the very backbone of

> this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural

> heritage, and, therefore, I propose that we replace

> her old and ancient education system, her culture,

> for if the Indians think that all that is foreign

> and English is good and greater than their own, they

> will lose their self-esteem, their native

> self-culture and they will become what we want them,

> a truly dominated nation." Unquote.


> The rogues succeeded in ruining an IDENTITY, which

> they have not expected in their wildest dreams:


> Whatever Macaulay wanted to achieve in Bharat, he

> not only achieved his mission, but also broke the

> backbone of Bharat nation so badly that even after

> independence Bharatiya people have lost the ability

> and desire to fix the backbone. English and mental

> slavery has entered into the bones of Bharatiya

> people. Due to slavery of Bharat for the last about

> 1200 years, it seems that mentally slave people of

> independent Bharat give more importance to English

> and Urdu languages which are the languages of

> ex-colonial masters, and to almost all kinds of

> western systems, cultures, traditions, religious

> festival and symbols.


> Even the coming generations of Bharat inherit this

> gene of slavery. As long as English and Urdu stay

> prominent languages in Bharat and English and Urdu

> words are used in Hindi, till then Bharatiya people

> would stay mentally slave people.


> There is a law in the world that a film or TV

> program carries cast in the same language, in which

> film or TV program is made. Hindi films are the only

> exception in the world. In all most 100% Hindi

> films and Hindi TV programs, Cast is given in

> English, more than 50% films Hindi films don't even

> bother to write the name of Hindi film in Hindi in

> the cast of Hindi film. Hindi films, Hindi TV

> programs must give complete cast in Hindi. There

> could be name of the Hindi film in English. On the

> cases of video and DVD's, there is no Hindi at all.

> On most of the fliers and advertising material,

> usually there is no Hindi at all. On all kinds of

> fliers and advertising material Hindi must be

> written in major form.


> On more than 90% products manufactured in Bharat, to

> be sold in Bharat, to be consumed by Bharatiya

> people, only English is written on labels. On the

> labels of all products manufactured and even foreign

> products sold in Bharat, there must be Hindi in

> prominent manner. A business man doing business

> must use understandable language to invite

> customers. Film and TV industry do not give cast of

> Hindi films and Hindi TV programs in Hindi,

> manufacturer do not write Hindi on the labels of

> their products, business people do not write Hindi

> on their Sign Boards, all sorts of media people use

> very defective and impure Hindi. In all such cases

> where is the interest of customers?

> Business people do not write Hindi on their sign

> Boards. What to say of most of the Bharat, even on

> most of Sign Boards in Delhi, capital of Bharat,

> there is no Hindi at all. Even in some areas of

> Delhi, there is not even a single Sign Board on

> which Hindi is written. All business people must

> write Hindi on their Sign Boards in whole Bharat. In

> non-Hindi speaking areas, if not on whole Sign

> Board, even then on part of the Sign Board Hindi can

> be written.


> Most of the Hindi print, electronic, entertainment

> uses very, very, defective and impure Hindi. All

> sorts of media people must use pure Sanskritnist

> Hindi. The other is the use of High-flown Hindi that

> took away pure Sanskritnist Hindi and pride from

> the common man /woman. Our Music Directors who at

> one time gave lovely music had now resorted to using

> the Gayatri Mantra as a filmy dhun. This is powerful

> by the statutes of our religion which many people

> recite it 108 times daily. To bandy it about in this

> manner is to devalue it. Religion is personal and

> people do not wear it on their sleeve. Once a person

> step out he /she is a citizen of a Bharat country

> and should be proud to be one of the Bharat nation.

> But secular people have distorted language and Hindu

> religion for their personal advantage.

> People who promote English or Urdu at the cost

> of national language Hindi, are traitors of Bharat.

> Media people make money on the name of Hindi, but

> promote English. Media and business people,

> manufacturer people have made Hindi as a sort of

> prostitute, and these people have become Dalals or

> Bhaduas. I wonder the conscience of these people do

> not curse these people for making use of Hindi for

> making money and perpetuating mental slavery in

> Bharat.


> The media people who do not give cast of Hindi films

> and Hindi TV programs in Hindi, do not use pure

> Hindi in print and broadcast media, people who do

> not use Hindi on the labels of their products are

> cursed. Such people are mentally slave people and

> may not get human birth for many eras, when such

> people ultimately get human birth then such people

> stay as slaves or in some form of slavery for many

> more eras. Business people and shop keepers, who do

> not write Hindi on their Sign Boards, may start

> losing their business, go bankrupt and stay in very,

> very poor condition for many eras.


> Why Purity of Hindi must be Maintained

> The situation is such that in India nobody

> speaks in a one language in normal conversation and

> it is a mixture of words. When someone want to

> propagate a language, start with the simple first

> steps which we all were taught. We went to Sanskrit

> after eight years of ordinary Hindi where gradually

> we moved to Sanskrit words. Then in class IX we

> began early Sanskrit lessons. Finally by class XII

> we had polished our Hindi to a level where Sanskrit

> words came naturally to us.

> In our life, we always talk of purity.

> People talk about, Purity of thought, purity of

> food, purity of mind, then why not purity of a

> language? When a guest comes to your home, you try

> to serve pure food, not impure food or rotten food,

> then why media people should serve rotten Hindi to

> Hindi audience or listeners? While preparing food if

> you put lots of other things, it gets spoiled, Even

> you cannot put lots of salt, chilly or other spices,

> other wise food will get spoiled. Similarly if you

> put lots of words of other languages in your

> language, then you spoil your language, and also

> your language becomes more difficult to learn, to

> understand and your language loses its identity as

> well. Then your language becomes Khichri or a sort

> of mixed vegetable. Use of Urdu and English words

> in Hindi act as filth for Hindi.


> Every language has a base, grammar, and

> format. The words are formed according to some

> principles taking into consideration some factors.

> It is not a hotch potch of words, borrowed words

> from other language or mixture of words. Punjabi

> language is a mixture of Hindi, Urdu and some other

> languages, and does not have a proper base;

> therefore it was not accepted by intellectual people

> of Bharat for a long time.


> Hindi is based on Sanskrit, while Urdu is based on

> Arabic language. Mixing of Sanskrit and Arabic does

> not maintain purity of Hindi. It also makes

> difficult to learn proper Hindi. Take the case of

> word Hastakshar; it is easy to understand this word

> if you know what is meant by Hast and what is meant

> by Akshar. Dastkhat is an Urdu word, to understand

> this word you have to learn what is Dast, what is

> Khat. If some body's knowledge of Urdu or Hindi is

> poor, then Dast might be considered for loose

> motions.


> Accepted Urdu is a sweet language. Even

> if you use lots of sweets, then you get diabetes,

> similarly if these sweet Urdu / English words are

> put in Hindi, then these sweet words would make

> Hindi a sick language.


> If there is a sweet lady, it does not mean that she

> should go to other people's houses and throw out her

> shit in those houses or people should accept shit

> from beautiful ladies. In case of Hindi, it is the

> Hindu people, both secular and pseudo-secular

> Hindus, who are inviting sweet ladies to their homes

> and are prepared to eat their shit.


> No doubt Hindi is a language of Love, Tolerance and

> acceptance. It is for this reason, every rascal or

> who so ever gets opportunity, try to abuse and

> impregnate Hindi. Hindi does not reject filth due

> its acceptance nature. Suppose someone 's mother is

> sweet, lovely and beautiful, would that person allow

> any Tom, Dick, Harry person to sleep with the

> mother due to his / her tolerance and acceptance

> nature? You might be of any view you would not

> allow to happen this. Similarly treat your language

> as mother and protect her.


> In fact for the last 1200 years, Hindus

> have been taught by pacifist and non-violence

> leaders to be tolerant. Such famous leaders are like

> Gautam Buddha and Gandhi. It is due to this

> tolerance education provided by pacifist leaders

> that Hindus remained slave for the 1200 years.


> Urdu is considered an extremely sweet language. Then

> how come it has not been accepted all over! I do not

> know if you have heard about Kàlidàsa, when I read

> about Shàkuntala, it is extremely sweet. ?

> Shruyatàma Ràjaputrï? If you talk to French they

> think their language is sweet. It is a

> mis-perception that Urdu is sweet. Those who have

> good knowledge in Samskrita and have studied the

> literature will say, that Urdu even does not come

> close to sweetness.


> Pure Hindi is not even taught in our

> schools in India. Why is it? Because we still do not

> want to give up Dàsatà?. We feel, we cannot live

> without a Master.Tell me, before Europeans came was

> there a word like INDIA! Like? Hindu? came because

> Iranians could not pronounce Sindhu? and we started

> monkeying the same. Before we were called Àrya?

> Vaidika? Sanàtana?.


> British left; after 55+ years, elite class also does

> not want to give up India?, and use ?Bhàrata? or

> better ?Àryàvarta?. Why? Smaller nations like Shri

> Lanka, Myanmar, Kampuchea etc. have been accepted by

> world community. Why not we!

> If you study about China, they had many dialects

> like us, but their visionaries introduced Mandarin,

> and it has become common language.


> Medicine in early years was taught in Russian there,

> but in few years they switch to Mandarin, and I know

> a Open heart surgeon and Pediatrician whose

> specialized there without foreign language.


> If a language does not have a proper

> word to describe a particular situation, or event or

> object, then there is no harm in accepting a word

> from other language, but if your language has a

> proper word for description, there is no reason that

> a word from other language be accepted. There are

> many Urdu and English words used in Hindi nowadays

> where already proper Hindi words exists. In fact

> there are hundred of thousands Hindi words are

> available, which are not used and made popular by

> media people. Hindi is a very rich in words and it

> does not need many words of other languages.

> Foreign words in a language should not be more than

> a salt.


> In order to popularize Hindi further

> simplicity has a very positive role in promoting a

> language. To accept a few words is a common practice

> in recent years but purity of a language is

> desirable as far as possible.


> Use of Urdu and English words in Hindi,

> shows that Hindi is not a developed language;

> instead Hindi needs crutches of English and Urdu

> words. Use of Urdu and English words in Hindi create

> inferiority complex amongst Hindi knowing people.

> The situation is such that in Bharat nobody speaks

> in a one language in normal conversation and it is a

> mixture of words of different languages, but over

> all due to our slavery, more Sanskritnist Hindi

> words are not encouraged; and there is more of

> lethargy.


> Creating New Words for Hindi:


> Govinda Thakkar: <Govind,


> "A cigarette is known as dhumrapaan

> dundika." 'Bidi' is also used, and if you want to be

> creative you can use 'Vi (deshi)bidi', which will be

> shorter than cigarette. For Cigarette, use Shorten

> "dhumrapaan dundika" to something like "dupandik".

> From on now it means a cigarette. Or use "vibidi".

> Cut "awat jawat lopatgamini" to "logamin". Put it in

> future editions of the Hindi dictionary. From now on

> "logamin" means a railway station. Vibidi and

> logamin sound better than cigarette and railway

> station. Add words Manushya for Àdami, Vasrsha for

> Sàla and 'Vivàha' for Sàdi. Savàla is common, but we

> know that we have? Prashna?, and same with Javàba

> and ?Uttara?. Same with Kishmata and Nasiba when

> Bhàgya? could have continued easily. There are many

> words you know, which would not be like 'Railway

> station'. We may accept the words like Railway

> station till we are blessed with some scholar or

> Pànini?


> Create descriptive words from roots and if they end

> up too long, combine them, shrink them and refine

> them until you get what you like. Many Hindi media

> people state " How many people in this world can

> understand newly created Hindi words?" shows that

> they prefer not to create anything new and that they

> have already given up. Hindi media people should be

> bold, unconventional and inventive.


> We need to create many hundred thousand new

> technical and scientific words in Hindi before it

> can become the nation's language of higher education

> and science. Urdu is a dying language of medieval

> Muslims. Let's not waste time on it.


> Some Samskrita experts will have to devise the

> words. Some people have tried (like Dura Darshana,

> Dura Bhàsha In order to popularise Hindi, simplicity

> has a very positive role in promoting a language. To

> accept a few words is a common practice in recent

> years but purity of a language is desirable as far

> as possible. In common Hindi, more words are taken

> due to slavery: Most of our words are devised from

> basic roots in Samskrita, while in western languages

> it is less. (Boot has no root and many words are

> taken as some one imposed it).


> Promoting Hindi:


> Many universities and institutions like IT

> of Bharat have refused to introduce Hindi in their

> courses. There are many institutions in Bharat,

> which do not have Hindi courses at all in their

> educational institutions. In whole of Bharat, there

> should not be a single institution, school or

> college where Hindi is not taught without any single

> exception. All institutions, may be public or

> private must provide facilities for learning Hindi

> and Sanskrit

> All people who are concerned about promotion of

> Hindi, must come forward and promote Hindi by

> starting Hindi schools, competitions in poems and

> essay writings, Hindi programmers on radios etc.

> Hindi lovers must write to those in power to give a

> timetable and plan what they have in mind for Hindi

> and other languages in Bharat. Bhàshà, Bhushà,

> Bhojana are important for our identity; and with

> your help we can do it.


> As Gàndhijï had told, it is more responsibility and

> power as a journalist to impart knowledge to public

> (of course we all need money to survive!). Yes this

> great land of Bharata needs sons with this level of

> commitment. A day will dawn when an infant enters

> into this world where Hindi and all other Bharatiya

> bhashas are spoken, written and taught the way they

> must be. That infant will be grateful to his

> forefathers who stood their ground in the face of

> mad aping of foreign tongues and media blasts of

> tons and tons of filth, twisting, bending and

> pummeling ancient languages which are the gifts from

> our own great forefathers.


> It is in excusable, whether it be press, TV,

> radio or any damn thing to get away with this kind

> of 'liberal' talk. We must push this garbage back

> into their own filthy mouths and should allow only

> 'proper' language to be aired. As for the 'modern',

> 'enlightened' 'liberals' who wouldn't mind getting

> screwed in any hole of their body by anything

> /anyone, well there must be some form of punishment

> for them too. They must face 'proper' examinations

> in the language papers, go through 'viva voice'

> test, asked to draft good quality letters in their

> mother tongue and write essays in the same good

> quality, praising their mother tongue and their

> mother Bharathi. If they fail to get less than 85%,

> they must be detained in the studies. Strict and

> high standards of examination must be conducted not

> by their schools and colleges, but by independent

> language bodies created for this purpose for the

> various Bharatiya languages. ALL children must

> learn classical music /dance /fine arts / yoga /

> Ithihaasas / Puranas etc and must be taught cooking

> native dishes and playing native games. If they fail

> in the prescribed syllabi of the above type, let

> them not proceed further till they are through the

> same. They must be taught to read Panchanga, the

> Bharatiya calendar. They do not know the names of

> various stars, names of seasons etc. Even native

> delicacies are not made any longer in most

> households and the art is not being passed to the

> next generations.


> Packaging of consumer goods - no bold printing

> in English, follow any of the Bharatiya languages

> for displaying your brand. Let them pack in Bengali

> for sale in the state of Bengal etc.


> All who are concerned with national language

> problem must come forward and promote Hindi by

> starting Hindi schools, competitions in poems and

> essay writings, Hindi programmes on radios etc. We

> must write to those in power to give a timetable and

> plan what they have in mind for Hindi and other

> languages in India.


> All Correspondents and Employees of BBC need severe

> punishment


> BBC Hindi service uses lots of Urdu and English

> words in its Hindi service. All employees and

> correspondents of Hindi service of BBC need severe

> punishment, better still they all need to be fired

> from their jobs. Why the hell these people are in

> Hindi programmes, if these people do not know Hindi

> well. All these people need to go back to school,

> instead of spreading filth in the name of Hindi


> I object very strongly when BBC and

> other Hindi media people use Urdu or English words

> in Hindi. BBC Hindi program is heard by many million

> people all over the world. By using lots of Urdu and

> English words in Hindi, BBC not only pollutes Hindi,

> but in the name of Hindi it spreads filth and

> downgrades Hindi as well. BBC creates obstacles in

> spreading Sanskritnist Hindi. It must be stopped.


> When I did not understand any Urdu word

> spoken in BBC in Hindi service, then on some

> occasions I felt that if I have some sort of power,

> I would kill all the BBC Hindi staff members along

> with its all correspondents without any exception.

> I feel annoyed with the management of BBC, who hire

> such unworthy people who do not know proper Hindi.

> Some words of Urdu like Khabre, Shukria, Tahat,

> Matahat, Muddhe, Mahool, and Tarjeeh, Surkiya,

> Izzaffa used by BBC Hindi staff for their Hindi

> services are very annoying.


> The whole BBC Hindi staff needs learning Hindi again

> and also need retraining for broadcasting in Hindi.


> Being radical in your thoughts does not mean

> exposing your thoughts to other people. This is

> subjective to use? Radical? What is proper, and so

> far it is selfless, Krishna taught to do? Karma? and

> that is I am doing.


> ------------


> "Dr S Sharma" <dr_ssharma


> Why Purity of Hindi must be Maintained


> Priya Gupta Jee,

> Atra kushalam traastu.

> I am delighted to read about your efforts

> to work tirelessly for the purity of our National

> language Hindi. I would like to breath in a fresh

> air and I advise my patients to do the same because

> this is good as simple as that it must apply to

> everything that is why we give pure drug or medicine

> to our patients. If you give impure medicine then

> the consequences will be fatal.

> Those who do not understand this simple fact then in

> my opinion they don't understand the greatness of

> being pure, purity. There is a saying in Hindi that




> HAI.

> PURITY IS PURITY and you have to be pure to think

> pure. one must aim for purity in everything only

> then we can reach to purity. Why do we want 24 carat

> gold/ Why do we want pure food /



> I am with you shri Gupta jee and we will achieve

> purity for our Rashtra Bhasha.






> WORDS OF POET Shri Maithili Sharan Gupta.


> Ravindranath Tagore

> people will follow in great number.

> Vande Bharat Mataram. J A I H I N D .



> -------------------



> -


> "GPK pillai" <pillaigpk


> <mgupta


> Comments on the use of pure Hindi


> Pranam Guptaji,

> Indeed the purity of Hindi should be maintained and

> who is responsible for the dilution and corruption

> or colloquialisation of the language. Obvious answer

> is Bollywood, whose Hindi gains popularity much

> faster than the Crores spent in spreading real Hindi

> through Hindi Prachar Sabha-s or other Governmental

> programmes.


> But the infra-structure of pure Hindi already exists

> by the concerted efforts of the Sampoornanand

> Committee during Nehruvian days and the AIR

> newsreaders scrupulously followed the pure Hindi

> those days and was a pleasure to hear the

> sanskritised original Hindi.


> The Govt. should take the responsibility to revive

> the same and Murali Manohar Joshi would be very glad

> to implement the programme as his thinking is

> reflected in the actions in NCERT, IHRC.etc.

> GPKPillai


> ---------------


> -




> Mohan Gupta


> Why Purity of Hindi must be Maintained


> Dear Mr. Gupta,


> It is understood that you are striving to place

> Hindi in its real force without importing any other

> words since it already have them.


> It's just like tending hands (not loans) with others

> to satisfy own needs.


> And the BBC actual programs in Hindi are not of

> those distant days before Independence. Why is there

> such a language program and why Hindi, its should be

> Indian if they want to satisfy other language

> lovers.


> Such Hindi like that of bastard Hindi films where

> they have forgotten Prem for Love and what not just

> to impress Hindi speaking Indians (despite they know

> that even after lakhs of years they'll remain

> bharatiyas). Such language is no more Hindi unless

> one is stupid to accept Creole as French be it from

> Reunion, Guyane or Seychelles. Using imported things

> are just to impress others like females attracting

> males.


> There is no question of that silly railway station

> word in Hindi or presence of ayurvedic medicine or

> massala in UK drug houses. Its funny (if not fool)

> from an editor as response in such an important

> issue. I don't think he has something to say on the

> issue, he better defend English/Urdu before British

> / Muslims because nobody is downgrading English

> /Urdu or any other language here. He has the right

> to be tolerant not on others back because what most

> journalist write ends in waste paper factories.


> All journalists know that they were not voted for

> their opinions and what they enjoy (eat, drink, wear

> (the underwear of their females too|) stay, travel)

> comes from purses of readers. They have never mind

> developing any plan for mankind even for a decent

> meal each day. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME. Politicians have

> done better.


> I know French which is a very finest language by

> both pronunciation and grammer but they can't do

> away with football /corners (you know the Indian

> English -more royalist than the Queen's protest for

> the name) and so many words because certain things

> have their origins and these languages are not so

> rich like Hindi where you have a word for every

> maternal or paternal uncles or aunts.Keep on Sir;

> erase such stupid points from your study.


> Jhoree S.


> ===========


> Genevieve Bhat


> There is Indian evening news aani.com, most

> probably. It is better for us to attack our own

> Hindu brothers who do so much harm to us.


> 1. They call Shatrughan Sinha and party 'Radical

> Hindus' on international media. I prefer Muslims

> and Christians to these so called Hindus. These

> Hindus insult us right and left and give a very bad

> image of the Hindus.


> 2. The call our spiritual History mythology, whereas

> hey call Jesus myth History.


> 3. They praise Mother Teresa relentlessly and at the

> same time jeer the Swamis and Sadhus who show

> chamatkars with their yogic shakti.


> I am not telling you lies. I have seen it with my

> own eyes. And what we have done for the 3rd of

> December when all Christians all over the world

> celebrate the deaths of the Goan Hindus in the hands

> of the Portuguese especially the brute Francis

> Xavier?


> Then why can't we start celebrating Gauri Mohammad's

> invasion?


> Native Americans protest against the Columbus Day

> celebrations, whereas we Indians have no clue about

> the atrocities committed by Francis Xavier and all

> those Sufi sullas!


> Normally Truth is BITTER- We know the history is

> distorted.













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--- Writspirit wrote:

> Writspirit

> Fri, 28 Nov 2003 12:47:24 EST

> How to destroy a culture

> vrnparker


> You do not tell us something that has not been done

> to all the people's of

> color. The European has gone into every country of

> color and implanted THEIR

> god, THEIR culture, THEIR language, THEIR laws,

> THEIR brand of truth, THEIR idea

> of history, THEIR customs, THEIR medicines, THEIR

> value system, THEIR rule

> and THEIR domination.


> The aftermath has been poverty, illness, ignorance,

> pollution, destruction

> and death around the world.


> Their God is a bigoted war God. Their culture is a

> immoral culture. Their

> lanugage is a gutteral polluted one, Their laws are

> unjust. Their brand of

> truth is to LIE, Their idea of history is to rewrite

> it to their advantage.

> Their customs are a collection of everyone elses.

> Their medicine is to cut and

> drug, Their value systems is to have none. Their

> rule is to steal, kill,

> malign, uninform, abuse, and control. Their

> domination is to cause fear and to

> pollute the world with the greatest murders the

> world has ever seen through

> their perpetration of wars and weapons of mass

> destruction that have caused most

> of the atomic and nuclear wars this world has ever

> seen. There is none so mad

> or insane than the greedy White race.






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