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The 1857 War of Independence---Part IV

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The leaders of the movement were:


1.Nana Sahib Peshwa 2) Tantia Tope 3) Lakshmi bai, the Rani of Jhansi

4) Nahar Singh, the Jat ruler f Ballabhgarh, 5) Kunwar Singh, the

Raja of Jagdishpur (in Bihar) 6) Aji Mullah, 7) Two leaders of the

Sarvkhap, Nahar Singh and Harnam Singh 8) Baktah Khan Pathan.





What is not commonly known is the Independence movement was led and

organized by four great Sadhu yogis. The prime organizers of the 1857

Independent struggle were four Yogi Sanyasis.


The first: Swami Omanand of the Himalayas. In 1857 he was 162 years



The second; His disciple Swami Purananand of Kankal (Haridwar, U.P.),

who was 100 years old.


The third was Purananand's student and disciple Swami Virajanand, who

was 79 years old.


The fourth was Swami Virajanand's student and disciple, Swami

Dayanand Saraswati who was 33 years old. Swami Dayanand was the

founder of the Arya Samaj movement.


These four great persons, through their teachings organized 2000

Sadhus and Sants, to spread the message for the liberation of the

country. In this group there were Sants from Hindus and Muslims and

all Mutts. These Sadhus propagated the anti British message in the

Cantonments of the native soldiers, and among the revolutionaries, in

the various pilgrimage places and fairs, that were held at Ganga

River, Haridwar, Garh Mukteshwar, Mathura etc. They were the secret

agents who would gather and provide the information about the British

movements to their Sadhu organization.




Swami Omanand was 160 years old at that time. He together with Swami

Purananand and the other Sadhus chose two symbols for the resistance

movement, one the" Lotus Flower" and the other a " Roti"

or "Chapati"(Flat bread).


The lotus flower would be circulated in all army units where the

soldiers had decided to support the revolution. One soldier of a unit

would pas the lotus flower to the next unit and so on. This meant

that all soldiers in that unit were ready to take part in the

revolution. In this manner, thousands of lotus flowers were spread

from Peshawar to Barrackpore (Calcutta) in all the units of the army.


The other symbol the ROTI was passed from one village to another. It

meant that the entire village was ready to support the war. In a few

months the Roti had been spread across hundreds of thousands of

villages across the country.


In the Assembly, Swami Omanand said, " Keep you self respect high.

Trust in God. Treat every citizen of your motherland as your brother

or sister, get ready for independence"


In this assembly, the following were also present: Feroze Shah, the

son of Bahadur Shah (the last Mogul Emperor), Bala Sahib Maharatta,

Rungo Babu, Maulana AjiMullah, RamJaan Baig, Nana Sahib Peshwa etc.


The Assembly consisted of about 1500 attendees. From each Jati

(community) there were 15 ladies over the age of 50.


Nana Sahib Peshwa and Price Ferozshah donated 5,000 rupees to the

Sadhu organization.




On October 5, 1855, an assembly was help at the Garh Ganga Mela

(Fair), under the chairmanship of Swami Purananand. The vice chair

was Sai Fakhru u din. He was highly respected in the Delhi Court.

There were about 2,500 attendees. On this occasion there were many

speeches against the British on both religious and political grounds.


A brief summary of the speech of Swami Purananand is as follows: -


"Do not leave the nation in the hands of in the trust of foreigners.

They are not Rajas (kings/ governors), but are bandits, and looters,

and they worship only material wealth. They are enemies of the every

member of the society; they will drink your blood and eat your flesh.

Beware of them for else they will destroy your race and they will

take over and occupy our lands. They must be driven out of our land"




This assembly was held six days later, on October 11, 1855 AD, and

was organized by Swami Purananand in the hills near Haridwar. 565

Sadhus attended this meeting. In this assembly there were 195 Muslim

Sadhus, and 370 of the Hindu Dharam. Among these the blind Sadhu

Virajanand and Swami Dayanand were also present.


The Mantri or premier of the Haryana Sarv Khap, Mohanlal Jat, the

Army chief Sheoram Jat, the vice-chief Bhagwat Gujar, and Pandit

Shobaram were also present.


The official recorder and messenger of the Sarv Khap, Mir Mustaq

Mirasi was also present.


In the assembly Sai Fakrudin and Swami Purananand gave their views.


Swami Purananand not only wished to encourage the feeling for Dharam,

religion and duty, but also the uplift of the nation. In 1855 Swami

Dayanand (first name Shudh Chaitanya) arrived at the Kumbh Mela

(fair), to be with Swami Purananand. He obtained the learning of

Sanyas from him. Swamiji named Chaitanya - Dayanand Saraswati. Swami

Dayanand said that he wished to study the true Shastras (scriptures)

of the Vedas. Swami Purananand replied that he was now too old to

teach him. He suggested that Swami Dayanand goes and sees his

disciple Swami Virajanand Saraswati who lived in Mathura. He

suggested to Swami Dayanand, that prior to his devoting his time to

studying the Shastras and spirituality he should devote his efforts

to the uplift of the nation.


Swami Dayanand went immediately to Mathura to the hermitage of Swami

Purananand, and there was part of a secret meeting In this secret

meeting were also the 40 year old Chaudhry Mohar Singh Jat of Shamli

(District Muzzafarnagar), 42 year old Jat Dada Sahaimull of Bijraul

(district Meerut), Chaudhary Daya Singh Jat of Dhakauli, (district

Meerut), The Delhi Emperor BahadurShah, Nana Sahib, Tantia Tope, Raja

Kunwar Singh, the Nawab of Lucknow's wife Begum Hazratmahal, Maulana

Aji Mullah, Rungo Babu Kayasth of Bengal, the Rani of Jhansi etc.


The Jat Dada Sahaimull became a martyr fighting with the British

troops at the head of 300 warriors of the Sarvkhap, in a pond near

the village of Bardhka near Baraut (U.P,). The Chaudhary Mohar Singh,

in the same manner gave his life along with his companions near

Shamli (District Muzzafarnagar, U.P.). The Shamli Kisan Dharmshala

(Shamli Farmer Society) raised a monument to his memory on April 4,






In 1856 the main leaders of the freedom movement gathered under the

leadership of Swami Virajanand, and chalked out the form the freedom

movement of 1857 would take.



Mir Mustaq Mirasi (MirElahi) was present at this gathering, and his

eyewitness account is given below:


This account of Mir Mustaq has previously been published in the Urdu

language paper " Milap" published from Jalandhar, Punjab, on October

12, 1969, and in the Hindi magazine "Arya Maryada" published from

Delhi. The " Raja Mahendra Pratap Abhinanadan Granth" authored by

Ramnarayan Agarwal includes this account of Mir Mustaq too.


The account of MirElahi is as follows: -


" In 1856 AD, Samvat 1913, a panchayat was held at the pilgrimage

place of Mathura.

Hindus, Muslims, and other communities took part. In this panchayat a

blind Hindu Sadhu Virajanand was brought in a palanquin. When he

arrived all present paid him their respect. When he sat down on the

dais, all the Hindu and Muslim fakirs kissed his feet as sign of



Nana Sahib Peshwa, Maulvi Aji Mullah Khan, Rungo Babu, and the son

of the Emperor Bahadur Shah, gifted Asharfis, (gold coins), with

great respect.


Then one Hindu and one Muslim fakir stood up and told the audience,

that they must listen with patience to what their leader had to say

from his own mouth - "What he will say will be of great benefit for

this nation. The great master Sadhu, is also the master of many

languages, and is the elder of our nation. Thanks to the grace of

god, we have such an elder in our midst."




He first praised God, and then said:


" Independence is wealth and slavery is false, deceitful. The rule of

the land by indigenous people is a hundred times better than rule by

foreigners. Slavery of others is a cause of disrespect and shame. We

have no hatred of any other community, people, or country. We ask God

for the well being of and his blessings on the people. However these

brutal people rule our land by force, they disrespect our kings, and

though they may praise themselves, they treat our people worse than

animals. In God's eyes all people are equal, but these brutal

foreigners, do not treat them as equals but as slaves.


In no religious book is it written that, the people must be treated

badly or that the order of God should not be followed. The foreigners

have some good qualities, but the truth is when the essence of the

matter is reached, they change their tune, and rebut our sane advice

and goodness of nature. These foreigners do not think of our land as

their own home. Even if every child of our land looks after their

well being, still they will think better of their dogs than of our

human beings. These are the causes of the shortcomings. These

foreigners only love their own land, and therefore we appeal to the

people of this land, that it is the duty of each citizen to be a

patriot, and treat each other as brothers. All those who live in

Hindustan are bothers, and Shahnshah Bahadur Shah Zafar is your

Emperor." Written by MirElahi and Mir Mustaq Mirasi - Sarv Khap




>From this account of MirElahi it is evident that the driving force of

the first revolution was Swami Virajanand, and he was such a great

and evolved person, that he awakened the people of Hindustan.


This speech ignited the desire for freedom in the people, and caused

them to turn against the British.


Swami Virajanand gave this undertaking the name" Raj Badlo Kranti",

or " revolution to change the regime" or " Swatrasangram" -

"independence movement".







Swami Dayanand was fully aware of this Independence struggle.


In the month of May 1856 AD, he went to the house of Nana Sahib in

Kanpur, and for four or five months traveled between Kanpur and

Allahabad. (Swami Giriraj in his book " Sun 1857 ke Swatantrasangram

se Swarajyapravartaka Maharishi Swami Dayanand Sarasvati ka

kriyatamak yogdan", (Maharishi Swami Dayanand's contribution to the

1857 Independence struggle) on page 12 presents the details).



In Samvat 1913, 1856 AD, Swami Dayanand arrived at Haridwar. He made

his residence at the Chandi Mandir (temple) on the Neel Parvat (Blue

Peak Mountain). Their Swami Rudrasen informed him that " The leaders

of the movement to arouse the people of Bharat (India) would soon be

coming to Chandi Mandir".


Three days five strangers arrived. They asked for Swami Dayanand.

Swami Dayanand cautiously asked for their introduction. They

introduced themselves as:


1) Dhondhupant (Nana Sahib Peshwa) the adopted son of Bajirao Peshwa,

the second.

2) Bala Sahib

3) AjiMullah Khan

4) Tantia Tope and

5) Kunwar Singh, Raja of Jagdishpur.


Sitting down in a secluded place, Swamiji discussed the revolution

with them for a long time. Swamiji took upon himself the role of

organizing the Sadhu organization for the independence movement, at

the request of these five. They said " Maharaj, from Peshawar to

Calcutta to Karnataka thousands of Indians are ready, but the work of

the Sadhu Samaj (organization) is not complete.



Along with these five, two other revolutionaries came in touch with

Swani Dayanand- Raja Govind Rai, and Rani Laxmi Bai.




He was of the dynasty of the famous Rani Bhavani, of the state of

Nadore in north Bengal. The British had seized his kingdom. At Chandi

Mandir he discussed the loss of his kingdom, and other matters. He

presented Swamiji with one thousand, one hundred and one Rupees.

Swami repeatedly said to him " I do not need this wealth" However

Raja Govind Rai would not hear of that, and have paid his respects,






Two or three days later, Laxmi Bai, the Rani of Jhansi, with her co

queen Ganga Bai, and three of their officials met with Swamiji. Swami

asked them to introduce themselves.


The Queen tearfully narrated her story, she said " Maharaj, I am a

childless widow. The British have announced they will seize our

kingdom from this sister of yours. They are about to mount an attack

on Jhansi with a huge army. While I am alive I will not let them,

seize my dynasty's kingdom. Give me your blessings that I may

sacrifice my life fighting as a warrior".


On hearing these words from this brave lady, Swamiji was very



He said " Lady! This body is not eternal. Blessed are those persons

who sacrifice their bodies in the cause of duty. They do not die,

they live forever, Lift up your sword and fight these foreigners with



The Queen presented Swamiji with one thousand, one hundred and one

rupees. Swamiji told her too" I do not need this wealth". The Queen

would not listen and having paid her respects, left.


Seven or eight days after Rani Laxmi Bai left, Nana Sahib etc came

to give Swamiji the latest information. Swamiji gave Nana sahib the

1101 rupees of Govind Rai, the 1101 rupees of Rani Laxmi Bai, and

rupees 633 received from the ordinary folk. In total 2,835 rupees

were given to Nana Sahib, for the cause of Independence.


Swamiji said to Nana Sahib - " Leading a people, and playing with

fire, both are dangerous. A small error can mean total destruction.

Be careful. The message of the revolution must be spread throughout

India by stealthy means."


Swamiji put his full force and efforts in organizing the Sadhus.


(Source: The records of the Haryana Sarv Khap)



We do not find any account of Swamiji's life from 1857 to 1860. This

indicates that Swamiji took a major part in the 1857 independence

movement, and for some reason did not see fit to mention his role in

his book "Satyarth Prakash". After October 1860, once more the events

of Swamiji's life are mentioned. Swamiji studied the Vedanta from

Swami Virajanand from 1860 to 1863. (Sudharak Balidan Visheshank -

Page 468, author Bhagwandev Acharya).


Swami Dayanand was not only a Dharmic Maharishi, but also a patriot

and leader of the independence movement.


In the eighth chapter of his book " Satyarth Prakash" he writes, " No

matter how much anyone does, self government is always supreme"



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