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[world-vedic] 64 kalas

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Manjiree wrote:I would like to know all the 64 kalas and also its reference in

our scriptures.+++++++++++++++++++++++


The word Ka La means part. So your question is in reference to 64 parts(kalas).


Hope the following will be helpful

ys mahesh




His Divine Grace A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada'a books give the following:




SB 3.29.24 P Explanation of Devotional Service by Lord Kapila There are

sixty-four different prescriptions for worship of the Deity in the temple.

There are many items offered to the Deity, some valuable and some less

valuable. It is prescribed in Bhagavad-gita: "If a devotee offers Me a small

flower, a leaf, some water or a little fruit, I will accept it." The real

purpose is to exhibit one's loving devotion to the Lord; the offerings

themselves are secondary. If one has not developed loving devotion to the Lord

and simply offers many kinds of foodstuffs, fruits and flowers without real

devotion, the offering will not be accepted by the Lord. We cannot bribe the

Personality of Godhead. He is so great that our bribery has no value. Nor has

He any scarcity; since He is full in Himself, what can we offer Him? Everything

is produced by Him. We simply offer to show our love and gratitude to the

Lord.Madhya 3.6 Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu' s Stay at the House of Advaita

Acarya In connection with this verse, which is a quotation from

Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.23.57), Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura says that

of the sixty-four items required for rendering devotional service, acceptance of

the symbolic marks of sannyasa is a regulative principle.


Madhya 8.221 Talks Between Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Ramananda Raya In all,

there are sixty-four items listed for the rendering of service unto Krsna, and

these are the regulative principles enjoined in the sastras and given by the

spiritual master. One has to serve Krsna according to these regulative

principles, but if one develops spontaneous love for Krsna as exhibited in the

activities of those who live in Vrajabhumi, one attains the platform of



Madhya 19.175 Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Instructs Srila Rupa Gosvami Srila

Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura mentions that if one maintains within his

heart the desire to enjoy the result of good work, or, being embarrassed by the

material world, the desire to get out of material entanglement, one will never

be able to attain the transcendental mellows of devotional service. In other

words, one must not desire material profit when rendering devotional service.

Even if one follows all the sixty-four regulative principles, he cannot attain

pure devotional service with a contaminated heart.


Madhya 22 The Process of Devotional Service The six symptoms of fully

surrendered souls are also described in this chapter. Devotional service has

been divided into two categories--regulative devotional service and spontaneous

love. There are sixty-four items listed in regulative devotional service, and

out of these sixty-four the last five are considered very important.


22.115 Madhya Lila




guru-padasraya, diksa, gurura sevana sad-dharma-siksa,

prccha, sadhu-marganugamana




guru-pada-asraya--shelter at the feet of a bona fide spiritual master;

diksa--initiation by the spiritual master; gurura sevana--service to the

spiritual master; sat-dharma-siksa--instruction in the transcendental process

of devotional service; prccha--and inquiry; sadhu-marga--the path of

transcendental devotional service; anugamana--following strictly.




"On the path of regulative devotional service, one must observe the following

items: (1) One must accept a bona fide spiritual master. (2) Accept initiation

from him. (3) Serve him. (4) Receive instructions from the spiritual master and

make inquiries in order to learn devotional service. (5) Follow in the footsteps

of the previous acaryas and follow the directions given by the spiritual master.


TEXT 116




krsna-pritye bhoga-tyaga, krsna-tirthe vasa

yavan-nirvaha-pratigraha, ekadasy-upavasa




krsna-pritye--for satisfaction of Krsna; bhoga-tyaga--acceptance and

rejection of something; krsna-tirthe vasa--residence in a place where Krsna is

situated; yavat-nirvaha--as much as required to keep the body and soul

together; pratigraha--acceptance of gifts; ekadasi-upavasa--observance of

fasting on the Ekadasi day.




"The next steps are as follows: (6) One should be prepared to give up

everything for Krsna's satisfaction, and one should also accept everything for

Krsna's satisfaction. (7) One must live in a place where Krsna is present-a

city like Vrndavana or Mathura or a Krsna temple. (8) One should acquire a

livelihood that is just sufficient to keep body and soul together. (9) One must

fast on Ekadasi day.


TEXT 117





seva-namaparadhadi dure visarjana




dhatri--a type of tree; asvattha--the banyan trees; go--the cows; vipra--the

brahmanas; vaisnava--the devotees of Lord Visnu; pujana--worshiping; seva--in

devotional service; nama--in chanting of the holy name; aparadha-adi--the

offenses; dure--far away; visarjana--giving up.




"One should worship dhatri trees, banyan trees, cows, brahmanas and devotees

of Lord Visnu. One should avoid offenses against devotional service and the

holy name. There are ten items in the beginning of devotional service, up to

the point of worshiping the dhatri tree, banyan tree, cow, brahmana and devotee

of Lord Visnu. The eleventh item is to avoid offenses when rendering devotional

service and chanting the holy names.


TEXT 118




avaisnava-sanga-tyaga, bahu-sisya na kariba

bahu-grantha-kalabhyasa-vyakhyana varjiba




avaisnava--of one who is not a devotee of the Lord; sanga--the association;

tyaga--giving up; bahu-sisya--an unlimited number of disciples; na

kariba--should not accept; bahu-grantha--of many different types of scriptures;

kala-abhyasa--studying a portion; vyakhyana--and explanation; varjiba--we should

give up.




"The twelfth item is to give up the company of nondevotees. (13) One should

not accept an unlimited number of disciples. (14) One should not partially

study many scriptures just to be able to give references and expand





Accepting an unlimited number of devotees or disciples is very risky for one

who is not a preacher. According to Srila Jiva Gosvami, a preacher has to

accept many disciples to expand the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This is

risky because when a spiritual master accepts a disciple, he naturally accepts

the disciple's sinful activities and their reactions. Unless he is very

powerful, he cannot assimilate all the sinful reactions of his disciples. Thus

if he is not powerful, he has to suffer the consequences, for one is forbidden

to accept many disciples. One should not partially study a book just to pose

oneself as a great scholar by being able to refer to scriptures. In our Krsna

consciousness movement we have therefore limited our study of Vedic literatures

to Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Caitanya-caritamrta and

Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu. These four works are sufficient for preaching purposes.

They are adequate for the understanding of the philosophy and the spreading of

missionary activities all over the world. If one studies a particular book, he

must do so thoroughly. That is the principle. By thoroughly studying a limited

number of books, one can understand the philosophy.


TEXT 119




hani-labhe sama, sokadira vasa na ha-iba anya-deva,

anya-sastra ninda na kariba




hani--in loss; labhe--in gain; sama--equal; soka-adira--of lamentation and so

on; vasa--under the control; na ha-iba--we should not be; anya-deva--other

demigods; anya-sastra--other scriptures; ninda--criticizing; na kariba--we

should not do.




"Fifteen: The devotee should treat loss and gain equally. (16) The devotee

should not be overwhelmed by lamentation. (17) The devotee should not worship

demigods, nor should he disrespect them. Similarly, the devotee should not

study or criticize other scriptures.


TEXT 120




visnu-vaisnava-ninda, gramya-varta na suniba

prani-matre manovakye udvega na diba




visnu-vaisnava-ninda--blaspheming of Lord Visnu and His devotee;

gramya-varta--ordinary talks; na suniba--we should not hear; prani-matre--to

any living entity however insignificant; manah-vakye--by mind or by words;

udvega--anxiety; na diba--we should not give.




"Eighteen: The devotee should not hear Lord Visnu or His devotees blasphemed.

(19) The devotee should avoid reading or hearing newspapers or mundane books

that contain stories of love affairs between men and women or subjects

palatable to the senses. (20) Neither by mind nor words should the devotee

cause anxiety to any living entity, regardless how insignificant he may be.




The first ten items are dos and the second ten items are don'ts. Thus the

first ten items give direct action, and the second ten items give indirect



TEXT 121




sravana, kirtana, smarana, pujana, vandana paricarya,

dasya, sakhya, atma-nivedana




sravana--hearing; kirtana--chanting; smarana--remembering;

pujana--worshiping; vandana--praying; paricarya--serving; dasya--accepting

servitorship; sakhya--friendship; atma-nivedana--surrendering fully.




"After one is established in devotional service, the positive actions are (1)

hearing, (2) chanting, (3) remembering, (4) worshiping, (5) praying, (6)

serving, (7) accepting servitorship, (8) becoming a friend and (9) surrendering



TEXT 122




agre nrtya, gita, vijnapti, dandavan-nati abhyutthana,

anuvrajya, tirtha-grhe gati




agre nrtya--dancing before the Deity; gita--songs; vijnapti--opening the

mind; dandavat-nati--offering obeisances; abhyutthana--stand up;

anuvrajya--following; tirtha-grhe gati--going to temples and places of





"One should also (l0) dance before the Deity, (11) sing before the Deity,

(12) open one's mind to the Deity, (13) offer obeisances to the Deity, (14)

stand up before the Deity and the spiritual master just to show them respect,

(15) follow the Deity or the spiritual master and (16) visit different places

of pilgrimage or go see the Deity in the temple.


TEXT 123




parikrama, stava-patha, japa, sankirtana





parikrama--circumambulation; stava-patha--recitation of different prayers;

japa--chanting softly; sankirtana--chanting congregationally; dhupa--incense;

malya--flower garlands; gandha--scents; maha-prasada--remnants of food offered

to Visnu; bhojana--eating or enjoying.




"One should (17) circumambulate the temple, (18) recite various prayers, (19)

chant softly, (20) chant congregationally, (21) smell the incense and flower

garlands offered to the Deity, and (22) eat the remnants of food offered to the



TEXT 124




aratrika-mahotsava-srimurti-darsana nija-priya-dana,

dhyana, tadiya-sevana




aratrika--arati; mahotsava--festivals; srimurti-darsana--seeing the Deity;

nija-priya-dana--to present to the Lord something very dear to oneself;

dhyana--meditation; tadiya-sevana--rendering service to those related to the





"One should (23) attend arati and festivals, (24) see the Deity, (25) present

what is very dear to oneself to the Deity, (26) meditate, and (27) serve those

related to the Lord.


TEXT 125




'tadiya'----tulasi, vaisnava, mathura, bhagavata ei

carira seva haya krsnera abhimata




tadiya--related to the Lord; tulasi--tulasi leaves; vaisnava--devotees;

mathura--the birthplace of Krsna; bhagavata--Srimad-Bhagavatam; ei carira--of

these four; seva--the service; haya--is; krsnera abhimata--the desire of Krsna.




"Tadiya means the tulasi leaves, the devotees of Krsna, the birthplace of

Krsna, Mathura, and the Vedic literature Srimad-Bhagavatam. Krsna is very eager

to see His devotee serve tulasi, Vaisnavas, Mathura and Bhagavatam.




After item twenty-six (meditation), the twenty-seventh is to serve tulasi,

the twenty-eighth is to serve the Vaisnava, the twenty-ninth is to live in

Mathura, the birthplace of Lord Krsna, and the thirtieth is to read

Srimad-Bhagavatam regularly.


TEXT 126




krsnarthe akhila-cesta, tat-krpavalokana

janma-dinadi-mahotsava lana bhakta-gana




krsna-arthe--for the sake of Krsna; akhila-cesta--all activity;

tat-krpa-avalokana--looking for His mercy; janma-dina-adi--the appearance day

and so on; mahotsava--festivals; lana bhakta-gana--with devotees.




"Thirty-one: One should perform all endeavors for Krsna. (32) One should look

forward to His mercy. (33) One should partake of various ceremonies with

devotees, ceremonies like Lord Krsna's birthday or Ramacandra's birthday.


TEXT 127




sarvatha saranapatti, kartikadi-vrata 'catuh-sasti

anga' ei parama-mahattva




sarvatha--in all respects; sarana-apatti--surrender; kartika-adi-vrata--to

observe special vows in the month of Karttika; catuh-sasti anga--sixty-four

parts; ei--this; parama-mahattva--very important items.




"Thirty-four: One should surrender to Krsna in all respects. (35) One should

observe particular vows like kartika-vrata. These are some of the sixty-four

important items of devotional service.


TEXT 128




sadhu-sanga, nama-kirtana, bhagavata-sravana mathura-vasa,

sri-murtira sraddhaya sevana




sadhu-sanga--association with devotees; nama-kirtana--chanting the holy name;

bhagavata-sravana--hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam; mathura-vasa--living at Mathura;

sri-murtira sraddhaya sevana--worshiping the Deity with faith and veneration.




"One should associate with devotees, chant the holy name of the Lord, hear

Srimad-Bhagavatam, reside at Mathura and worship the Deity with faith and



TEXT 129




sakala-sadhana-srestha ei panca anga krsna-prema

janmaya ei pancera alpa sanga




sakala-sadhana--of all items for executing devotional service; srestha--the

best; ei panca anga--these five limbs; krsna-prema--love of Krsna;

janmaya--awakens; ei--these; pancera--of the five; alpa sanga--slight

association with or performance.




"These five limbs of devotional service are the best of all. Even a slight

performance of these five awakens love for Krsna.




Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura points out that there are thirty-five items up to

the point of observing special vows in the month of Karttika. To these

thirty-five items, another four are added-namely marking tilaka on different

parts of the body, writing the names of the Lord all over the body, accepting

the Deity's garland and accepting caranamrta. These four items are understood

to be included by Kaviraja Gosvami within arcana, worship of the Deity.

Although these items are not mentioned here, they are to be added to the

previous thirty-five items. Thus the total number becomes thirty-nine. To these

thirty-nine should be added five others: association with devotees, chanting the

Hare Krsna maha-mantra, reading Srimad-Bhagavatam regularly, residing in

Mathura, the birthplace of Krsna, and worshiping the Deity with great respect

and veneration. The thirty-nine items plus these five come to a total of

forty-four. If we add the previous twenty items to these forty-four, the total

number becomes sixty-four. The five items mentioned above repeat previously

mentioned items. In the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, Srila Rupa Gosvami states:


anganam pancakasyasya

purva-vilikhitasya ca nikhila-sraisthya-bodhaya

punar apy atra samsanam


"The glorification of these five items [association with devotees, chanting

the holy name and so on] is to make known the complete superiority of these

five practices of devotional service. The sixty-four items of devotional

service include all the activities of the body, mind and senses. Thus the

sixty-four items engage one in devotional service in all respects.

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It was nice to know about the 64 types of worship. Thanx.


After looking up different texts and searching for the answer, I

came across many interpretations of the 64 kalas - where by kalas I

mean the 64 art forms, eg. music, dance, sculpture, literature, etc.


The view you have given is also worth thinking.


There are 64 kalas mentioned in the kamasutra - but, I think those

are related to only - kama.


Other ancient scriptures like Shukraneeti, texts on tantra, etc.

also have mentioned about 64 kalas but everywhere their forms differ.


So, just after studying the gist of the subject of 64 kalas itself,

I've started thinking that it will be a vast research project by







vediculture, "Mahesh" <mahesh@a...> wrote:


> Manjiree wrote:

> I would like to know all the 64 kalas and also its reference in

our scriptures.


> +++++++++++++++++++++++


> The word Ka La means part. So your question is in reference to 64



> Hope the following will be helpful

> ys mahesh




> His Divine Grace A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada'a books give

the following:




> SB 3.29.24 P Explanation of Devotional Service by Lord Kapila

> There are sixty-four different prescriptions for worship of the

Deity in the temple. There are many items offered to the Deity, some

valuable and some less valuable. It is prescribed in Bhagavad-

gita: "If a devotee offers Me a small flower, a leaf, some water or

a little fruit, I will accept it." The real purpose is to exhibit

one's loving devotion to the Lord; the offerings themselves are

secondary. If one has not developed loving devotion to the Lord and

simply offers many kinds of foodstuffs, fruits and flowers without

real devotion, the offering will not be accepted by the Lord. We

cannot bribe the Personality of Godhead. He is so great that our

bribery has no value. Nor has He any scarcity; since He is full in

Himself, what can we offer Him? Everything is produced by Him. We

simply offer to show our love and gratitude to the Lord.Madhya 3.6

Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu' s Stay at the House of Advaita Acarya

> In connection with this verse, which is a quotation from Srimad-

Bhagavatam (11.23.57), Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura says

that of the sixty-four items required for rendering devotional

service, acceptance of the symbolic marks of sannyasa is a

regulative principle.


> Madhya 8.221 Talks Between Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Ramananda


> In all, there are sixty-four items listed for the rendering of

service unto Krsna, and these are the regulative principles enjoined

in the sastras and given by the spiritual master. One has to serve

Krsna according to these regulative principles, but if one develops

spontaneous love for Krsna as exhibited in the activities of those

who live in Vrajabhumi, one attains the platform of raganuga-bhakti.


> Madhya 19.175 Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Instructs Srila Rupa


> Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura mentions that if one

maintains within his heart the desire to enjoy the result of good

work, or, being embarrassed by the material world, the desire to get

out of material entanglement, one will never be able to attain the

transcendental mellows of devotional service. In other words, one

must not desire material profit when rendering devotional service.

Even if one follows all the sixty-four regulative principles, he

cannot attain pure devotional service with a contaminated heart.


> Madhya 22 The Process of Devotional Service

> The six symptoms of fully surrendered souls are also described

in this chapter. Devotional service has been divided into two

categories--regulative devotional service and spontaneous love.

There are sixty-four items listed in regulative devotional service,

and out of these sixty-four the last five are considered very



> 22.115 Madhya Lila




> guru-padasraya, diksa, gurura sevana

> sad-dharma-siksa, prccha, sadhu-marganugamana




> guru-pada-asraya--shelter at the feet of a bona fide spiritual

master; diksa--initiation by the spiritual master; gurura sevana--

service to the spiritual master; sat-dharma-siksa--instruction in

the transcendental process of devotional service; prccha--and

inquiry; sadhu-marga--the path of transcendental devotional service;

anugamana--following strictly.




> "On the path of regulative devotional service, one must observe

the following items: (1) One must accept a bona fide spiritual

master. (2) Accept initiation from him. (3) Serve him. (4) Receive

instructions from the spiritual master and make inquiries in order

to learn devotional service. (5) Follow in the footsteps of the

previous acaryas and follow the directions given by the spiritual



> TEXT 116




> krsna-pritye bhoga-tyaga, krsna-tirthe vasa

> yavan-nirvaha-pratigraha, ekadasy-upavasa




> krsna-pritye--for satisfaction of Krsna; bhoga-tyaga--

acceptance and rejection of something; krsna-tirthe vasa--residence

in a place where Krsna is situated; yavat-nirvaha--as much as

required to keep the body and soul together; pratigraha--acceptance

of gifts; ekadasi-upavasa--observance of fasting on the Ekadasi day.




> "The next steps are as follows: (6) One should be prepared to

give up everything for Krsna's satisfaction, and one should also

accept everything for Krsna's satisfaction. (7) One must live in a

place where Krsna is present-a city like Vrndavana or Mathura or a

Krsna temple. (8) One should acquire a livelihood that is just

sufficient to keep body and soul together. (9) One must fast on

Ekadasi day.


> TEXT 117




> dhatry-asvattha-go-vipra-vaisnava-pujana

> seva-namaparadhadi dure visarjana




> dhatri--a type of tree; asvattha--the banyan trees; go--the

cows; vipra--the brahmanas; vaisnava--the devotees of Lord Visnu;

pujana--worshiping; seva--in devotional service; nama--in chanting

of the holy name; aparadha-adi--the offenses; dure--far away;

visarjana--giving up.




> "One should worship dhatri trees, banyan trees, cows, brahmanas

and devotees of Lord Visnu. One should avoid offenses against

devotional service and the holy name.

> There are ten items in the beginning of devotional service, up

to the point of worshiping the dhatri tree, banyan tree, cow,

brahmana and devotee of Lord Visnu. The eleventh item is to avoid

offenses when rendering devotional service and chanting the holy



> TEXT 118




> avaisnava-sanga-tyaga, bahu-sisya na kariba

> bahu-grantha-kalabhyasa-vyakhyana varjiba




> avaisnava--of one who is not a devotee of the Lord; sanga--the

association; tyaga--giving up; bahu-sisya--an unlimited number of

disciples; na kariba--should not accept; bahu-grantha--of many

different types of scriptures; kala-abhyasa--studying a portion;

vyakhyana--and explanation; varjiba--we should give up.




> "The twelfth item is to give up the company of nondevotees.

(13) One should not accept an unlimited number of disciples. (14)

One should not partially study many scriptures just to be able to

give references and expand explanations.




> Accepting an unlimited number of devotees or disciples is very

risky for one who is not a preacher. According to Srila Jiva

Gosvami, a preacher has to accept many disciples to expand the cult

of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This is risky because when a spiritual

master accepts a disciple, he naturally accepts the disciple's

sinful activities and their reactions. Unless he is very powerful,

he cannot assimilate all the sinful reactions of his disciples. Thus

if he is not powerful, he has to suffer the consequences, for one is

forbidden to accept many disciples.

> One should not partially study a book just to pose oneself as a

great scholar by being able to refer to scriptures. In our Krsna

consciousness movement we have therefore limited our study of Vedic

literatures to Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Caitanya-caritamrta

and Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu. These four works are sufficient for

preaching purposes. They are adequate for the understanding of the

philosophy and the spreading of missionary activities all over the

world. If one studies a particular book, he must do so thoroughly.

That is the principle. By thoroughly studying a limited number of

books, one can understand the philosophy.


> TEXT 119




> hani-labhe sama, sokadira vasa na ha-iba

> anya-deva, anya-sastra ninda na kariba




> hani--in loss; labhe--in gain; sama--equal; soka-adira--of

lamentation and so on; vasa--under the control; na ha-iba--we should

not be; anya-deva--other demigods; anya-sastra--other scriptures;

ninda--criticizing; na kariba--we should not do.




> "Fifteen: The devotee should treat loss and gain equally. (16)

The devotee should not be overwhelmed by lamentation. (17) The

devotee should not worship demigods, nor should he disrespect them.

Similarly, the devotee should not study or criticize other



> TEXT 120




> visnu-vaisnava-ninda, gramya-varta na suniba

> prani-matre manovakye udvega na diba




> visnu-vaisnava-ninda--blaspheming of Lord Visnu and His

devotee; gramya-varta--ordinary talks; na suniba--we should not

hear; prani-matre--to any living entity however insignificant; manah-

vakye--by mind or by words; udvega--anxiety; na diba--we should not





> "Eighteen: The devotee should not hear Lord Visnu or His

devotees blasphemed. (19) The devotee should avoid reading or

hearing newspapers or mundane books that contain stories of love

affairs between men and women or subjects palatable to the senses.

(20) Neither by mind nor words should the devotee cause anxiety to

any living entity, regardless how insignificant he may be.




> The first ten items are dos and the second ten items are

don'ts. Thus the first ten items give direct action, and the second

ten items give indirect action.


> TEXT 121




> sravana, kirtana, smarana, pujana, vandana

> paricarya, dasya, sakhya, atma-nivedana




> sravana--hearing; kirtana--chanting; smarana--remembering;

pujana--worshiping; vandana--praying; paricarya--serving; dasya--

accepting servitorship; sakhya--friendship; atma-nivedana--

surrendering fully.




> "After one is established in devotional service, the positive

actions are (1) hearing, (2) chanting, (3) remembering, (4)

worshiping, (5) praying, (6) serving, (7) accepting servitorship,

(8) becoming a friend and (9) surrendering fully.


> TEXT 122




> agre nrtya, gita, vijnapti, dandavan-nati

> abhyutthana, anuvrajya, tirtha-grhe gati




> agre nrtya--dancing before the Deity; gita--songs; vijnapti--

opening the mind; dandavat-nati--offering obeisances; abhyutthana--

stand up; anuvrajya--following; tirtha-grhe gati--going to temples

and places of pilgrimage.




> "One should also (l0) dance before the Deity, (11) sing before

the Deity, (12) open one's mind to the Deity, (13) offer obeisances

to the Deity, (14) stand up before the Deity and the spiritual

master just to show them respect, (15) follow the Deity or the

spiritual master and (16) visit different places of pilgrimage or go

see the Deity in the temple.


> TEXT 123




> parikrama, stava-patha, japa, sankirtana

> dhupa-malya-gandha-mahaprasada-bhojana




> parikrama--circumambulation; stava-patha--recitation of

different prayers; japa--chanting softly; sankirtana--chanting

congregationally; dhupa--incense; malya--flower garlands; gandha--

scents; maha-prasada--remnants of food offered to Visnu; bhojana--

eating or enjoying.




> "One should (17) circumambulate the temple, (18) recite various

prayers, (19) chant softly, (20) chant congregationally, (21) smell

the incense and flower garlands offered to the Deity, and (22) eat

the remnants of food offered to the Deity.


> TEXT 124




> aratrika-mahotsava-srimurti-darsana

> nija-priya-dana, dhyana, tadiya-sevana




> aratrika--arati; mahotsava--festivals; srimurti-darsana--seeing

the Deity; nija-priya-dana--to present to the Lord something very

dear to oneself; dhyana--meditation; tadiya-sevana--rendering

service to those related to the Lord.




> "One should (23) attend arati and festivals, (24) see the

Deity, (25) present what is very dear to oneself to the Deity, (26)

meditate, and (27) serve those related to the Lord.


> TEXT 125




> 'tadiya'----tulasi, vaisnava, mathura, bhagavata

> ei carira seva haya krsnera abhimata




> tadiya--related to the Lord; tulasi--tulasi leaves; vaisnava--

devotees; mathura--the birthplace of Krsna; bhagavata--Srimad-

Bhagavatam; ei carira--of these four; seva--the service; haya--is;

krsnera abhimata--the desire of Krsna.




> "Tadiya means the tulasi leaves, the devotees of Krsna, the

birthplace of Krsna, Mathura, and the Vedic literature Srimad-

Bhagavatam. Krsna is very eager to see His devotee serve tulasi,

Vaisnavas, Mathura and Bhagavatam.




> After item twenty-six (meditation), the twenty-seventh is to

serve tulasi, the twenty-eighth is to serve the Vaisnava, the twenty-

ninth is to live in Mathura, the birthplace of Lord Krsna, and the

thirtieth is to read Srimad-Bhagavatam regularly.


> TEXT 126




> krsnarthe akhila-cesta, tat-krpavalokana

> janma-dinadi-mahotsava lana bhakta-gana




> krsna-arthe--for the sake of Krsna; akhila-cesta--all activity;

tat-krpa-avalokana--looking for His mercy; janma-dina-adi--the

appearance day and so on; mahotsava--festivals; lana bhakta-gana--

with devotees.




> "Thirty-one: One should perform all endeavors for Krsna. (32)

One should look forward to His mercy. (33) One should partake of

various ceremonies with devotees, ceremonies like Lord Krsna's

birthday or Ramacandra's birthday.


> TEXT 127




> sarvatha saranapatti, kartikadi-vrata

> 'catuh-sasti anga' ei parama-mahattva




> sarvatha--in all respects; sarana-apatti--surrender; kartika-

adi-vrata--to observe special vows in the month of Karttika; catuh-

sasti anga--sixty-four parts; ei--this; parama-mahattva--very

important items.




> "Thirty-four: One should surrender to Krsna in all respects.

(35) One should observe particular vows like kartika-vrata. These

are some of the sixty-four important items of devotional service.


> TEXT 128




> sadhu-sanga, nama-kirtana, bhagavata-sravana

> mathura-vasa, sri-murtira sraddhaya sevana




> sadhu-sanga--association with devotees; nama-kirtana--chanting

the holy name; bhagavata-sravana--hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam; mathura-

vasa--living at Mathura; sri-murtira sraddhaya sevana--worshiping

the Deity with faith and veneration.




> "One should associate with devotees, chant the holy name of the

Lord, hear Srimad-Bhagavatam, reside at Mathura and worship the

Deity with faith and veneration.


> TEXT 129




> sakala-sadhana-srestha ei panca anga

> krsna-prema janmaya ei pancera alpa sanga




> sakala-sadhana--of all items for executing devotional service;

srestha--the best; ei panca anga--these five limbs; krsna-prema--

love of Krsna; janmaya--awakens; ei--these; pancera--of the five;

alpa sanga--slight association with or performance.




> "These five limbs of devotional service are the best of all.

Even a slight performance of these five awakens love for Krsna.




> Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura points out that there are thirty-

five items up to the point of observing special vows in the month of

Karttika. To these thirty-five items, another four are added-namely

marking tilaka on different parts of the body, writing the names of

the Lord all over the body, accepting the Deity's garland and

accepting caranamrta. These four items are understood to be included

by Kaviraja Gosvami within arcana, worship of the Deity. Although

these items are not mentioned here, they are to be added to the

previous thirty-five items. Thus the total number becomes thirty-

nine. To these thirty-nine should be added five others: association

with devotees, chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, reading Srimad-

Bhagavatam regularly, residing in Mathura, the birthplace of Krsna,

and worshiping the Deity with great respect and veneration. The

thirty-nine items plus these five come to a total of forty-four. If

we add the previous twenty items to these forty-four, the total

number becomes sixty-four. The five items mentioned above repeat

previously mentioned items. In the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, Srila

Rupa Gosvami states:


> anganam pancakasyasya

> purva-vilikhitasya ca

> nikhila-sraisthya-bodhaya

> punar apy atra samsanam


> "The glorification of these five items [association with

devotees, chanting the holy name and so on] is to make known the

complete superiority of these five practices of devotional service.

> The sixty-four items of devotional service include all the

activities of the body, mind and senses. Thus the sixty-four items

engage one in devotional service in all respects.

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