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[manthan] The Cow is the Mother of India

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>Devant <devant

>manthan (Manthan)

>Manthan <manthan

>[manthan] The Cow is the Mother of India

>Fri, 6 Feb 2004 06:34:39 -0800 (PST)



>manthan: Information Exchange Network for Intellectual Defense of Dharma

>Sponsored By: Bharatvani - http://www.bharatvani.org



>Cow is mother of India


>I travelled through Uttar Pradesh for two weeks in search of the village of

>Kaithalia from which my grandfather Rampartap came 100 years ago. I was


>to locate distant relatives and reconnect with my past. I also discovered

>how the ancient India lives side by side with the modern and dynamic India.


>The villages of northern India reveal the complexity of a throbbing ancient

>civilisation thriving on contradiction between ancient and modern; between

>the most developed technology and methods as old as the Ramayan; and


>harmony with nature and the rapid growth of industry competing with nature.


>Cows are everywhere. Each village its goshala, where people feed cows part

>of the household meal with their own hands as ritual of worship.


>The cow is a symbol pervasive in the Hindu culture of northern India, known

>as "the cow belt." There is a cow energy economy.


>Cow dung cakes are sold. They provide the energy for cooking in millions of

>households. The manufacture and marketing of heaps of cow dung cakes


>thousands of workers in production and marketing.


>In addition to the cow dung fuel in villages, the cooking gas stove is

>beginning to appear in rural kitchens. India produces a large chunk of its

>gas and oil needs.


>Tons of cow dung are ploughed into fields to produce bumper crops of rice,

>wheat, mustard, sesame, maize, potato and other crops. The role of the cow

>in the economy is truly amazing and worth billions of dollars.


>India is the world's leading producer of milk and she is flooded with dairy

>products such as ghee, dahee, butter and sweets made from milk.


>The cow is truly the mother of India in many ways. The millions of skilled

>woman and men occupied in production and marketing derived from cow


>represent a large part of rural industry and employment.


>In his book A History Of Indian Culture , N Jayapalan writes: "In the early

>rural and still earlier and pastoral communities, cattle was the chief

>movable property. It was absolutely essential for cultivation and



>"The cow, the bull, the buffalo and the goat were the first animals to be

>domesticated and great attention was paid to the their breeding. Each

>village had its own professional breeder."


>The cow industry is inextricably entwined with the agricultural industry,

>which is the foundation of village prosperity. India is not only

>self-sufficient in food to feed its billion population, but is a major

>exporter of grains and a donor to famine relief through the United Nations.


>The technological foundations of the productivity increases were laid when

>the world'###### sophisticated irrigation systems were put in place.

>Thousands of small farmers use irrigation water from the Ganges or local



>Hand pumps are ubiquitous in the villages. India could not connect all the

>villages to a national water supply. The country is too vast and the

>villages too numerous or widely dispersed.


>Every village has its hand pump, where the women gather as a social ritual

>while collecting water. Many books have been written and movies filmed to

>capture and glamourise the culture of the village hand pumps and water



>Water and engineering skills needed to build canal or tap artesian sources

>where billions of litres of water have been trapped in rock structures,


>the intellectual skills of Indian engineers.


>The scattered villages of India are wired up to the world via cell-phone


>television. India is a leader producer of state-of-the-art communications

>technology. You see the rapid modernisation and technological advances when

>one observes village children everywhere using mobile phones.


>Bill Gates, the owner/founder of Microsoft, commented recently in Newsweek

>magazine on the value of the world of the famous India Institutes of

>Technology located in Bangalore, Pune, Hyderabad and other places.


>Bill Gates must know. At least 33 per cent of his Microsoft's senior

>engineers and mangers are Indian graduates. Their work is manifested in the

>unbelievable technical and economic change taking place in Indian villages.


>T&T is making a serious economic miscalculation to continue focusing on the

>lost shipment of Indian rice and ignore what is happening in India.


>Gates in not alone in identifying the great potential for human development

>possessed by India. In recent years the British, German and other

>Governments have made great efforts to entice Indian graduates to boost

>their technology capability.


>Despite this, experts in the UK predict that within the next five years, up

>to 20,000 technical, design, architecture and engineering jobs will be lost

>in Europe and America. Indians in India using information technology (IT)

>will be doing jobs now done in the UK via satellite.


>Last week, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula culminated a four-day

>official visit to India by signing seven agreements aimed at strengthening

>social and economic ties between the two countries. The agreements not only

>cover co-operation in developing space and other technology, but also

>promote tourism.


>Goa is a small state on the western coastline of India. This was a colonial

>outpost of Portugal. The second language of Goa is Portuguese, which is the

>national language of Brazil, another former colony of Portugal. Language

>will facilitate a thriving tourist industry in both countries.


>SATNARAYAN MAHARAJ is the Secretary General of the Sanatan Dharma Maha






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