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India-Pakistan '71 War: A Modern War

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The India-Pakistan War

Of 1971: A Modern War


CSC 1984











Author: KYLE, R.G., Major, Royal Canadian Artillery


Title: Indian-Pakistan War of 1971: A Modern War


Publisher: Marine Corps Command and Staff College


14 March 1964



This paper examines the origins, conduct and results of


the war between India and Pakistan of 1971 from which the


nation of Bangla Desh emerged. The study compares the


development of religion, culture and economy in East and


West Pakistan which led to the frustration of Bengali


nationalism within the "Islamic Nation" founded in 1947.


The role of the military government from 1958 to 1971 is


also examined to show how its activities further alienated


the people of East Pakistan and contributed to both the


rebellion there and the weakening of its own military




The second part of the study examines the development


of guerrilla war in East Pakistan between March and December


1971. The Political and Military organization of the


insurgents is analysed along with the counter-insurgency


actions of the government forces. The effects of the war on


India and the policies that nation developed to deal with it


are also analyzed. The roles played by the United States,


China, the Soviet Union, and the United Nations in the


conflict are studied.


The study goes on the analyze the military operations


of India and Pakistan during the fourteen days of


conventional war between them. Finally, conclusions are


drawn concerning the conditions which precipitated the


conflict and the reasons for the success of the Bengali and


Indian forces.


No primary sources of information were available for


this study. Therefore, the author relied heavily on


articles in military journals as well as several books on


the subject.






The India-Pakistan War of 1971

A Modern War




Major Rodney G. Kyle, Royal Canadian Artillery



2 April 1984


Marine Corps Command and Staff College

Marine Corps Development and Education Command

Quantico, Virginia 22134





Introduction 1




I. Origins of the Conflict 2


II. Rebellion and Repression 18


III. The 14-Day War: 3-16 December 1971 38


IV. Conclusion 55




I. Map of West Pakistan-India Frontier 1971 57


II. Map of East Pakistan 1971 58


Bibliography 59





This study is concerned with a guerrilla war fought by


two peoples who had joined together enthusiastically to form


the new nation of Pakistan just twenty-five years before.


It is also concerned with the short, violent conventional


war fought by India and Pakistan which resulted in the birth


of the new nation of Bangla Desh. The conflict was


influenced by both the legacies of ancient India and the


contemporary interests of world politics. The study may


interest the reader concerned with the techniques of modern


guerrilla and conventional war, but the study should also


lead the reader to conclude that we cannot understand modern


conflict without understanding the historical environment in


which it occurs.


Unfortunately no primary sources of information were


available for this study. Information was gathered from


military journals and several books on the subject.


I would like to thank Lieutenant Colonel Donald F.


Bittner, USMCR, staff historian of the Marine Corps Command


and Staff College for his help in finding source material


and his many helpful suggestions to improve a very rough


first draft. A special thanks also must go to Mrs. Pam


Lohman who had to transform this work to typescript. Any


errors, however, are entirely the responsibility of the









When Pakistan was formed in 1947, it was a result of


Islamic nationalism of the Moslems of India. Islam had been


introduced to the Indian sub-continent following the Afghan-


Turkish conquest in the 13th century. A large part of the


native population in the area of East Bengal was peacefully


coverted from Hindu to Islam in the following two centuries.


In the 16th century the Moslem sultanate of Bengal was


absorbed into the north Indian Mughal empire. The Moslem


rulers of the empire were non-Bengali. Their culture was


based on Arabic and Persian influences, and the Urdu


language. Socially, Bengal was divided into a Bengali


Moslem peasantry and a Persianized Urdu speaking ruling


class. 1/


In 1764 the English East India Company succeeded the


Mughals as the government of Bengal. The British rule


encouraged the rise of the Hindu commercial class in Bengal


while the former Urdu-speaking Moslem rulers and landowners


were displaced from their positions of power. In this


climate Bengali culture during the 19th century developed in


a new direction led by the Hindu elite and influenced by the


emerging middle-class of Bengali-speaking Moslems. The


Bengali-speaking Moslems became increasingly conscious of


their ethnic identity and nationalism throughout the 19th


century. For their part, the British were gradually


loosening restrictions on local institutions and government:


Hindu dominated schools and the secular university of


Calcutta played their part in developing Bengali identity


among the Bengali-speaking Moslems. To counter the


continuing loss of position and status, in 1906 the Urdu-


speaking Moslems established the first modern political


movement among the Moslems of India called the All-India


Moslem League. 2/


The concept of a separate state of Pakistan did not


develop until the 1930's when India grew closer to self-


government. By 1937 there were two political parties in


Bengal which formed a coalition provincial government. The


first was a radical peasants and tenants party backed by


Bengali-speaking Moslems, while the other was the more


conservative Moslem League representing the Urdu-speaking


Moslems. This government proposed the "Pakistan Resolution"


calling for the regions of Northwest and Eastern zones of


India where there was a Moslem majority to be grouped into


independent states that would be autonomous and sovereign.


A federation of 12 to 14 states with strong local


governments was envisioned.


Bengal became a war zone during World War II. As well,


in 1943 a famine took more than two million lives. The


destruction and sacrifices of these catastrophes increased


the nationalism and solidarity of the Moslem population in


Eastern India. Support for the "Pakistan Resolution" and


the Moslem League swelled. On August 14, 1947, the nation


of Pakistan was created from the regions of India having a


Moslem majority. Two states, Bengal in the East and Punjab


in the West, were divided into Hindu and Moslem regions.


Only the Moslem sections were included into Pakistan.


Pakistan itself had two wings separated by 1,000 miles of


Indian land.


The partition of Bengal led to the restoration of power


to the traditional Urdu-speaking Moslems who had led the


Moslem League. However, this elite could only be sustained


by the active support of the Urdu-speakers who controlled


West Pakistan. While the Moslem League had sustained Moslem


nationalism in Bengal during the previous decade, it could


not provide a focus and support for the nationalism which


continued to be a potent force among Bengali Moslems. 3/


In East Pakistan, the Bengali-speaking Moslem middle-


class was an important social force. This class comprised


small land owners, professionals and traders. They had a


deep loyalty to Bengali culture, and respect for


parliamentary tradition and the rule of law. In West


Pakistan, land holdings were larger and concentrated in the


hands of fewer people. Power was essentially vested in a


plutocratic and feudal system. West Pakistan had a


population of 42.9 million in an area six times larger than


East Pakistan: East Pakistan had a population of 50.8


million (1961 census). The two parts of Pakistan were


separated by about 1,000 miles and, because of hostilities


with India, it was impossible to maintain land or air


communications across the intervening Indian territory. Air


and sea communications routes were 3,000 miles around the


southern tip of India. The two wings of Pakistan had


a religious belief in Islam in common, but the significant


geographic and social differences increasingly divided the


two wings. 4/


When Pakistan was formed in 1947, it was to be an


Islamic nation. However, the political institutions of the


new nation and the way they would function were left


undefined. The East and West wings could not agree on a


constitution defining the political institutions before the


deadline date for independence. The constitution was left


to be sorted out by the new nation itself, but the different


political traditions and aspirations of the East and West


wings were to be the source of serious, continuing friction.


The British had ruled India (including the territories


making up Pakistan) with a strong central government under


the Viceroy. However, the province of Bengal had developed


a provincial democratic parliamentary system much more


advanced than that of the northwestern provinces. For a


viable constitution these two traditions had to be


reconciled within the concept of the Islamic nation. As


well, the British since 1905, had designed the provincial


representative institutions on the basis of separate


electorates for members of the main religious groups --


Moslem and Hindu. West Pakistan had the majority of Moslems


(42.9 million) in the new nation since about one fifth of


the population (10 million of 50.8 million) of East Pakistan


was Hindu. If Pakistan was to continue the tradition of


separate electorates, then West Pakistan would dominate.


But if a single electorate was constituted, then East


Pakistan would dominate while owing its control to its Hindu


minority. Thus, from the beginning, the Islamic nation


concept involved friction between the nationalism and power


of different cultural and social communities within the


state. 5/


For the next seven years, the National Assembly in


Karachi wrestled with the drafting of a constitution.


However, by 1952 Bengali nationalism was reasserting itself


in a number of political parties, the most important being


the Awami League led by Sheikh Mujib-ur Rahman.


In provincial elections in 1954 the conservative Moslem


League was swept from power in East Pakistan by a coalition


of Bengali nationalist parties. When the new government


leader, Fazlul Haq, of East Pakistan made a speech


supporting the reunification of the old province of Bengal,


the national government in Karachi dismissed the provincial


cabinet and imposed Governor's rule. Any large increase of


non-Moslem population in East Pakistan (such as that of West


Bengal) would have further unbalanced the power between East


and West Pakistan as well as brought a real threat of war


with India. With the endless constitutional debate and


steady deterioration of the cohesion of Pakistan, the


President of Pakistan dismissed the National Assembly.


Under threat of imposition of military rule a cabinet with


members drawn from various sections of political opinion was


appointed and tasked to frame a constitution.


By 1956 a constitution had been drafted which included


the concept of parity and equal status between the two


communities of East and West Pakistan. This concept had the


support of most leaders in East Pakistan. While the


arrangement did not go as far as the original resolution of


1937 which called for "autonomous and sovereign" states, it


did maintain a political balance between East and West.


However, West Pakistan comprised fourteen states of the old


India of which the Punjab was the largest it would dominate


the affairs of West Pakistan: the politicians in the West


could not agree to accept this arrangement. Although the


constitution was proclaimed law, elections were never held.


In 1958 the President, Islamabad Mirza, abrogated the


constitution, and he was soon deposed by the Army Chief of


Staff, General Ayub Khan, who proclaimed martial law. The


army had moved to fill the power vacuum created by the lack


of workable political institutions. 6/


The military government of General Ayub concentrated


power toward a central executive government. A new


constitution was proclaimed in 1962 replacing sovereignty of


the people with the sovereignty of Allah. Effective


electoral power was given to an equal number of nobilities


from both wings of the nation, but the national and


provincial legislatures were given only minor powers. Most


powers were concentrated in the presidential executive


located in Karachi. General Ayub had created an autocratic


government in the tradition of the Urdu-speaking Moslems.


The Bengali movement for autonomy of East Pakistan was left


virtually without influence or power.


In the period 1960-1970, the Bengali's felt dominated


economically as well as politically by West Pakistan. East


Bengal lacked natural resources, was remote from main trade


routes, and was limited by a large expanding population


which was difficult to feed. The main exports were jute and


tea. Traditionally, these crops were exported to West


Bengal in exchange of manufactured goods. After partition


in 1947, the economic dependence on West Bengal was shifted


to West Pakistan. Here the central managers controlled the


foreign exchange earned by the exports as well as foreign


aid and foreign investment. In West Pakistan, the per


capita income was 61% higher than in East Pakistan. The


Bengalis resented the faster growth and higher incomes of


the West. They tended to blame the much higher proportion


of West Pakistanis in the civil and armed services and many


of the professions for diverting wealth to the West which


was generated in the East.


As resentment was growing, India and Pakistan went to


war over Kashmir in 1965. This conflict ended in stalemate


but it demonstrated the vulnerability of East Pakistan. The


complete cessation of economic activity with India hurt East


Pakistan and reinforced the Bengalis sense of economic


domination from West Pakistan. 7/


The resentment toward West Pakistan fed growing support


for the Awami League. By 1967 the League had adopted a six-


point manifesto aimed at economic and political autonomy for


East Pakistan. According to the manifesto the central


government should only retain control of foreign affairs and


defense while the provincial government should control


economic, taxation, trade and foreign aid policies.


The economic expansion in West Pakistan was also


producing social strains there. Radical socialists competed


with the traditional land-owning elites on which the


government and army were based. By 1968, strong support for


Ali Bhutto's radical Peoples Party emerged in the West wing.


The party's support was based on social justice for the


"common man" and hostility toward India. It was also


opposed to any action which would reduce the political and


economic status of West Pakistan.


In the rising tide of opposition to his policies,


General Ayub called a conference of political leaders to


resolve the most pressing conflicts. However, no settlement


was reached. General Ayub resigned on 26 March 1969 to be


replaced by General Yahya Khan, Commander-in-Chief of the


army. The constitution was again suspended. Pakistan had


reverted back to the position it was at in 1958.


General Yahya quickly promulgated a set of decisions


aimed at reducing political tensions in both wings of the


country. The first addressed the major grievance of East


Pakistan: national elections would be held by December 1970


based on a common electorate in both wings to give East


Pakistan a majority of seats. The second regrouped the 14


political regions of West Pakistan into four provinces more


equal in political power to the Punjab. Later General Yahya


expanded on these decisions with an outline for the transfer


of power from military government to constitutional




a. A new constitution had to be prepared by


the national assembly within 120 days after being


called into session.


b. The constitution had to conform to certain


principles which included: a provision that the


territorial integrity and national solidarity of


Pakistan should be respected; and a federation


should be established in which provinces would


have maximum autonomy but, the federal government


would have adequate powers to carry out its


responsibilities for external and internal affairs


and to preserve the independence and territorial


integrity of the country.


c. To ensure that the constitution conformed


to the principles, it had to be approved by the




With these decisions, General Yahya probably intended


to achieve some popular support for the military regime


after the long period of confusion of General Ayub's rule.


The guidelines for the constitution also gave protection to


the central power of armed forces. With the cooperation of


the Bengali members, the army could thwart Mr. Bhutto's


radical Peoples Party in West Pakistan. 8/


These guidelines were generally acceptable to the


civilian political leaders in both the East and West. As


the election approached, the two most active parties were


Sheikh Mijib's Awami League and Ali Bhutto's People's Party.


The results of the election, however, sent shock waves


through the nation. Of the 313 total seats in the assembly,


the Awami League took 167, a solid majority, all from the


East. Mr. Bhutto's party took 85 seats, all in the west. 9/


The Islamic parties of the old elite were decisively


defeated in both wings, and with this defeat went any hopes


the old elite and the army had of influencing the actions of


the assembly. With a parliamentary majority the Awami


League did not need the army or the old traditional parties


to win support for a draft constitution reflecting the


Bengali concept of autonomy within Pakistani federation.


Admittedly, President Yahya would have final approval of the


constitution, but the results of the election clearly


reflected an overwhelming demand for reform. The President


could draw little comfort from the opposition of Ali Bhutto


in the Assembly. The Peoples Party was equally anxious to


draft a constitution which limited the traditional powers of


the army and the Moslem elites. Again power was split


between the two geographic regions of the nation. 10/


The strong position of the Awami League persuaded many


supporters that there need be no retreat from the manifesto


adopted four years earlier demanding virtual economic


sovereignty for East Pakistan. This degree of autonomy was


unacceptable to the military government as well as Ali


Bhutto's party. There was stalemate again.


The military government of General Yahya was highly


centralized but not particularly sensitive to the political


currents of the civil population. Senior officers held key


positions in both the civil and military administrative


systems. These systems were largely parallel and often


competitive for power. At the top, Yahya held the offices


of Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, Chief Martial Law


Administrator, President and Supreme Commander, Minister of


Defense and Minister of foreign Affairs. Yahya


theoritically had enormous scope for initiative, but the


elite of the army had considerable power which Yahya had to


take into account along with the political factions of the


country. Within the army, opinion generally belonged in one


of three positions: the center, including Yahya, hoped to


transfer power to a civil government headed by Sheikh Mujib


(Awami League) while retaining a special position for the


armed forces; the right, including many senior officers,


hoped to retain the power of the armed forces and opposed


any move toward more autonomy of the provinces and the


social policies of Mr. Bhutto's People's Party; finally, the


left, including many junior officers, combined a strong


nationalist feeling with social opinion leaning toward Mr.


Bhutto's party. The left and the right grew toward a


consensus opposed to any concession to the Awami League


which would weaken the power of the central government. 11/


General Yahya appears to have been unable to reconcile


the widely differing views both within the armed services


and the various political factions. Although Sheikhs


Mujib's party had decisively won the election and therefore


felt it had the right to form the national government, it


could do nothing until the President called the assembly


into session. This Yahya refused to do until the Sheikh


softened his stand on autonomy as stated in the Awami


Leaguer's manifesto. The League, sensing power, refused to


give any concession. Talks between President Yahya, Bhutto


and the Sheikh continued through January 1971, but no


agreement was reached. Finally, on February 13, 1971 Yahya


summoned the Assembly to meet on March 3, 1971. Bhutto


immediately announced his party, with 85 seats, would


boycott the session unless all parties reached a consensus


on an outline constitution before the Assembly met. On


March 1, 1971, President Yahya agreed with Mr. Bhutto and


announced that the Assembly session was postponed


indefinitely. 12/


The postponement of the Assembly session was followed


by widescale rioting and demonstrations throughout East


Pakistan. Sheikh Mujib called a series of general strikes


to demonstrate that East Pakistan would be ungovernable


unless the Assembly was called into session. 13/ It is


unlikely that the civil disorder came as a surprise to the


government for it had been reinforcing the military


garrisons in East Pakistan since mid-February. However,


throughout March, Yahya and Mujib engaged in a complicated


series of negotiations in which some concessions were made.


But on March 25, 1971, Yahya suddenly broke off talks and


left for Islamabad. At the same time the army, which had


been brought up to strength of 40,000 in the East, moved


against the Bengali police, Bengali-manned army units and


other paramilitary forces. Sheikh Mujib was arrested along


with many other Awami League leaders. Newspaper offices


were seized and university halls attacked and occupied. It


seemed that Yahya had used the last session of negotiations


as pretext to allow time for the army to be brought up to


sufficient strength to overwhelm Bengali opposition. 14/


The drive for political and economic autonomy of the


Bengali people entered a new phase. The efforts to win


power through the election process and parliamentary system


were a complete failure. The central military government


was incapable of reconciling the aspirations of the Bengalis


with social reform pressures of the West Pakistanis and the


traditional elitism of the Urdu-speaking Moslems. Military


repression of the Bengali nationalist movement followed.


The Bengali Moslems had a common religion with the Urdu-


speaking Moslems of the West, but social and political


traditions, as well as language and economic base, were


quite different. When Pakistan was formed as an Islamic


nation in 1947, there was no consensus on the form its


political institutions should take. The Moslem states in


the West were governed by traditional elitists who


considered strong federal government essential to preserve


Islamic ideals. The Bengali Moslems' aspirations for more


democratic institutions responsive to regional politics


would not be accommodated by those in the West. At the same


time, demands for social reform in the West by lower-classes


went unheeded.


After more than ten years of political stalemate, the


armed forces, in particular the army, seized power to break


the political deadlock. The officers of the army were


largely drawn from the traditional Moslem elite of the West.


Their administration was highly centralized and emphasized


the economic development as well as the social welfare of


the West and the Urdu-speaking traditional Moslems. This


administration only added to the frustration of the Bengalis


who increasingly saw East Pakistan as an economic and


cultural colony of the West. Indeed, the poorer classes of


people of the West also became increasingly disaffected as


they received little benefit from the economic and social


policies of the army administration. By 1971, after 12


years of military rule, Pakistan was even further from


political unity than it was in 1958.


The years of military rule also had a deleterious


effect on military capability. Government administration


detracted from the professional education of the officers as


well as the combat training of the army as a whole.


Political factions appeared in the army which probably


detracted from the cooperation and trust essential to an


effective military force. When open conflict erupted in


March 1971, the armed forces were forced to disarm and


remove Bengali officers and men. These actions must have


had a serious negative effect on the efficiency of the


services' war fighting capability.


In summary, the common religion of Islam could not


overcome the deep divisions of geography, culture and


political goals. Pakistan moved toward insurrection and






(Chapter I)



1/ Robert Jackson, South Asian Crisis: India,

Pakistan and Bangla Desh. (New York: Praeger, 1975)

p. 9.


2/ Ibid., p. 10.


3/ Ibid., p. 14.


4/ Ibid., p. 15.


5/ Ibid., p. 16.


6/ Ibid., p. 18.


7/ John G. Stoessinger, Why Nations Go to War, 3rd ed.,

(New York, St. Martin's Press, 1982), p.


8/ Jackson, pp. 22-23.


9/ Ibid., p. 24.


10/ Robert LaPorte Jr. "Pakistan 1971: The Disinte-

gration of a nation," Asian Survey. 12, No. 2 (Feb 1972),

p. 100.


11/ Jackson, pp. 25-27.


12/ LaPorte, p. 100; Jackson, pp. 27-28.


13/ Jackson, p. 28.


14/ Ibid., p. 33.







When Pakistan's army struck on the night of March 25,


1971, all Awami League leaders were arrested, killed or fled


into exile to India. Sheikh Mujib was arrested and flown to


West Pakistan to await trial on unspecified charges.


President Yahya stated in a radio broadcast the next day


that the Sheikh's "action of starting his non-cooperation


movement is an act of treason." 1/ Disorder and confusion


reigned in Dacca and other parts of East Pakistan. Many


civilians were killed as the army struck violently to clear


barricades in the cities. The Dacca University was shelled


and occupied; this resulted in many casualties. Police and


Bengali soldiers in Dacca were disarmed and detained. 2/


The army became an army of West Pakistanis and was viewed by


Bengalis as an occupying force.


Outside Dacca the army attacked Bengali officers and


men of the armed forces. The army then moved against other


paramilitary organizations such as the police, border


security forces and the militia. In some cases, the attacks


lasted several days but almost everywhere there were heavy


Bengali casualties and destruction. The Bengali military


and police units were scattered throughout the country and


many members began to withdraw toward the borders sabotaging


bridges and rail links where possible. The actions were


brutal and had elements of a cultural war: the army


attacked Bengalis, while Bengalis murdered members of the


Urdu-speaking minorities. By the end of April 1971, the


army had secured the major towns in East Pakistan and


organized resistance ceased. However, the nucleus of an


armed and trained guerrilla force had escaped into India and


to remote areas on the border. At the border Indian units


welcomed the fleeing Bengalis but India played no part in


the resistance at that time. 4/ As April drew to a close,


the attack by West Pakistan on the Eastern wing had


successfully stopped the immediate possibility of armed


revolt. However, the population was subdued but remained


passively hostile. The army reacted to this hostility with


increasing brutality and destruction of civilian property


continued. Civilian refugees began to pour into India.


As news of the uprising and repression in East Pakistan


spread in India, there was considerable public pressure on


the Indian Government to intervene. On March 29, 1971, the


Indian parliament passed a resolution pledging sympathy and


support for the people of East Bengal in their struggle for


the transfer of power to their legally-elected


representatives. The parliament expressed confidence that


"... the historic upsurge of 75 million people of East


Bengal will triumph." 5/ This resolution represented a


change in Indian policy toward Pakistan. Previously, India


had respected the unity of Pakistan in order to protect her


own unity, which had been also threatened by regional


factions and demands for autonomy.


Indian support to the rebels in the following weeks


consisted of assisting voluntary efforts to help the East


Pakistan cause and of encouraging escaped Bengalis to form a


provisional government. India, however, withheld formal


recognition of this government-in-exile. These cautious


actions were probably the result of military advice that


India would not be prepared for military action till after


the monsoon season ended in September. 6/


In response to India's statement of support for the


Bengalis, Pakistan protested that India was interfering in


Pakistan's internal affairs. The apparent object of this


diplomatic effort was to gain international support to


oppose any Indian intervention. But on April 2, 1971,


Russia publicly appealed to Yahya to quickly put an end to


the repression in East Pakistan. Islamabad replied that the


situation was under control and normal routine was being


established. Also on that date, the United States expressed


concern for the human suffering and the need for multi-


national assistance. President Nixon was probably concerned


that the balance of power in Asia would be upset and he was


anxious not to jeopardize the effort to develop closer


relations with China. 7/ The U.S. needed a stable Asia and


support of China to implement the planned withdrawal from




Although slow in coming, on April 13 China expressed


support for President Yahya's efforts. Chou En-lai stated


that should India attack Pakistan, China would fully support


the Pakistani people and government to safeguard "State


Sovereignty" and national independence. The phrasing was


important as it did not state full support for the unity and


integrity of the nation as Pakistan wanted. From April


onwards, China provided economic and military assistance


appropriate to their statement of support; that is,


sufficient to guarantee only that in a war with India the


Western wing would survive, but not necessarily the Eastern


wing. Both India and the Soviet Union had long standing


disputes with China. China's interests would be served by


continuing to have Pakistan interposed between the U.S.S.R.


and India. Should West Pakistan cease to exist, then China


would be surrounded by unfriendly neighbors. On the other


hand, continuing rivalry between Pakistan and India over


East Pakistan would divert India's attention away from her


border with China. Thus survival of West Pakistan was


important to China, while the dispute in East Pakistan would


add to the rivalry between India and West Pakistan to ensure


that India's attention would be diverted from her Northern


border with China.


At the United Nations, Secretary General U. Thant asked


Pakistan to allow United Nations relief agencies to act in


East Pakistan while recognizing that the situation was an


internal matter of Pakistan. President Yahya firmly refused


any outside intervention. 9/ He probably believed that his


policy of counter-insurgency was sufficient to reestablish




By May 1971, organized resistance in East Pakistan had


been crushed. Pakistan diplomacy appeared successful as


most countries viewed the affair as an internal problem.


However, the flow of refugees into India had turned to a


flood. India claimed that the refugees (mostly Bengali


Moslems) were arriving at a rate of 60,000 per day and


now totaled 1.5 million. These people moved mostly into


West Bengal and were costly to India in food and clothing;


furthermore, they were causing a severe economic dislocation


in a province already impoverished. In this situation,


India could do little more than provide indirect support to


the Bengali government-in-exile and provide sanctuary,


training and arms for the guerrilla forces. Diplomatically,


India stressed that whether or not the problem was an


internal one for Pakistan, the refugees were becoming an


internal problem for India: Pakistan must be responsible


for developing conditions for the safe return of the


refugees. 10/


India's diplomatic efforts began to get results.


Britain and the United States declared no new aid would be


extended to Pakistan until the government in Islamabad


cooperated with international relief agencies; however,


United States aid already approved would continue.


Pakistan's economy was weak. There was a shortage of


foreign exchange and exports from East Pakistan had slowed


significantly. 11/ Pakistan needed aid and needed the


return of the economic base of East Pakistan.


Thus in mid-May Pakistan informed the United Nations of


its willingness to accept relief aid if the activity was


coordinated by Pakistani officials. Within a week Yahya


appealed to the refugees to return and announced he would


soon reveal a plan for the orderly transfer of power to the


representatives of the people. Refugee reception centres


were set up and a general amnesty announced on June 10,


1971. The shift in Pakistani policy eased tensions in East


Pakistan. Many influential members of the Awami League


signed a declaration accepting the concept of national unity


and supporting the reintroduction of separate electorates


for Hindus and Moslems. To gain support of the right-wing


factions of the army, Yahya proposed that a new constitution


be drafted by a committee of experts rather than the


National Assembly. Although India now reported more than


six million refugees, the flow slowed considerably and she


was being pressured to accept international assistance for


the repatriation of refugees. 12/


By June, India had become distrustful of United


Nations' actions to repatriate refugees. When Pakistan


shifted ground to accommodate United Nations' actions, India


rejected the proposal for posting United Nations observers


on her border. 13/ India was probably concerned that East


Pakistan would return to the pre-crisis situation with


little or no gain toward self-determination of East Bengal.


Public opinion in India's turbulent eastern provinces also


favored severing Pakistan's link with East Bengal as an


opportunity to weaken a dangerous enemy. India, therefore,


insisted that Pakistan must come to a political solution of


the crisis founded on self-determination for East Bengal


before social and economic aid should be extended. On the


other hand, the United Nations' approach was to put social


and economic recovery in place before a political solution


should be attempted. The United States clearly supported


the U.N. approach which would return the South Asian balance


of power to the pre-crisis condition.


During May and June, leaders of the Awami League who


had fled to India continued to develop the Bangla Desh


movement (as they now called East Pakistan) politically and


militarily. The government-in-exile was nominally headed by


Sheikh Mujib, but because he was under arrest in West


Pakistan, the real head was Tajuddin Ahmid, the prime


minister. 14/


The stated goal of the movement was the independence


of East Pakistan; its unannounced objective was to gain


political power for the Awami League. 15/ To this end, the


government-in-exile tried to exclude Bengalis representing


left-wing and communist movements. The government-in-exile


remained composed principally of Awami League members but


its military arm, the Mukti Fanj, eventually incorporated


armed groups organized by other political factions. 16/


The government-in-exile pursued three broad strategic


programs to achieve its goal. These were:


(a) organizing the support of the population of East




(b) gaining favorable international support; and,


© disrupting the economic strength of Pakistan


through attacks on the lines of communication in East




To translate the disaffection of the Bengalis into


supportive action for the Bangla Desh movement, an


underground was organized to publicize its goals. Insurgent


propaganda emphasized the atrocities of the Pakistani army


and described the army as an occupation force restoring the


colonial rule of West Pakistan. This program succeeded to


get support in the form of volunteers as well as


information, supplies and concealment in the rural areas.


In the urban areas, the Bengalis were encouraged to boycott


schools, offices and factories to further disrupt the


economy. The insurgents also used terror tactics to


intimidate civil servants and factory managers to keep their


facilities closed. Furthermore, Bengali leaders who openly


supported Pakistan unity or collaborated with the army were


assassinated selectively to discourage others. 17/


To influence the international community, the main


effort emphasized recognition for the Bangla Desh government-


in-exile. Many Bengalis who were with Pakistani foreign


missions defected and set about publicizing the legitimacy


of the Bangla Desh movement. Although not initially


successful in obtaining formal recognition, these diplomats


developed popular sympathy for the Bangla Desh movement.


The Mukti Fanj was used primarily in an offensive role


to attack the lines of communication and to disrupt the


military and economic strength of East Pakistan. The


monsoon season of June to September favored guerrilla


tactics. Two-thirds of the country was water soaked


limiting mobility to roads, railways and river craft. The


roads and railways ran close to the border, crossing many


bridges vulnerable to attack. The India-East Pakistan


border itself was 1,400 miles long with no natural


obstacles. The interior of East Pakistan could be reached


easily by guerrillas from the border area by river and delta


channels. 18/


The Mukti Fanj mounted small, deep raids from their


sanctuaries in India and remote border enclaves.


Detachments of the Pakistani army were attacked causing


casualties which were duly reported by the foreign press.


These reports conflicted with Pakistani claims that the area


was under control and thus tended to undermine international


support for Pakistan. However, the attack on communications


was much more successful and had immediate effects.


Railways were largely inoperable beyond 30 to 50 miles from


Dacca. Roads were cut isolating the principal towns and


ports. The Pakistani army was left isolated in the urban


areas while the major export crops of jute and tea could not


be moved from the rural areas to markets. 19/


As July closed, the military situation in East


Pakistan was worsening. The monsoon was restricting army


mobility while the Mukti Fanj (renamed the Mukti Bahini)


mounted an increasing number of small raids aimed at


sabotage and terror. The army was forced to conduct


viscious counter-insurgent tactics which increased the


hostility of the disaffected population.


After a lull in June, refugees in large numbers again


poured into India. President Yahya continued to press for


the United Nations to force India to withdraw her support to


the Bangla Desh rebels and to decrease border tension to


induce more refugees to return home. He also stated that if


India tried to seize a base in East Pakistan for rebel


operations there would be general war. This was followed by


reports of Pakistani military build-up along the West


Pakistan border with India. 20/


Pakistani diplomacy at the United Nations, supported by


the U.S. was having an effect. U Thant recommended raising


substantial relief aid for East Pakistan. The resources


would be allocated for the refurbishment of transportation


systems as well as food and clothing. India remained


opposed to this plan as well as the U.N. proposal for


representatives on the border to facilitate passage of


refugees back to East Pakistan. It is now clear that India


was determined to see East Pakistan independence and would


not agree to any measures which increased West Pakistan's


strength there. By continuing to support the Bangla Desh


movement, India was becoming increasingly isolated at the


U.N. Her policy also implied eventual direct military


intervention since she could not support the enormous number


of refugees and ignore public support for intervention


indefinitely. 21/


Up to the end of July, the Soviet Union had tried to


maintain a balanced approach to India and Pakistan in an


effort to increase her influence on the sub-continent.


However, when the United States and China moved toward


closer mutual relations and both supported the Pakistani


position, Moscow concluded Treaty of Peace, Friendship and


Cooperation with New Delhi on August 9. The Treaty had


little effect on India militarily, but it gave support for


her position at the United Nations Security Council. The


Soviet Union opposed every proposal for any kind of


intervention which might allow Pakistan to get a political


settlement unacceptable to India, i.e., denial self-


determination for the people of East Pakistan. 22/


During August, President Yahya continued to try to win


some support within the population of East Pakistan as well


as satisfy the "hard-liners" in West Pakistan. On August 9,


Yahya announced that Awami League members who would support


Pakistani unity would be allowed to take their seats in the


National Assembly, while the remainder of the unfilled seats


would be filled by by-elections to be held at end-November.


About half the Awami League delegates elected in December


1970 signed a document agreeing to this move. Yahya also


announced that Sheikh Mujib would be tried by military court


on charges of "waging war against Pakistan." These two


proposals were a key compromise of the political factions of


Pakistan. 23/


In September more positive aspects of Yahya's plan


emerged. General Tikka Khan, who was the prime proponent


for military repression, was replaced as Governor of East


Pakistan by a civilian, and press censorship was officially


lifted. On September 5, a general amnesty was granted to


all civilians and members of the armed forces alleged to


have committed crimes since March 1. A number of detainees,


mostly politicians aligned with the Awami League were


released. 24/ These moves were countered by the government-


in-exile which remained committed to complete independence.


the Mukti Bahini intensified its propaganda aimed at the


Bengali population. As well, assassinations of candidates


standing for election were increased. For her part, India


would not provide assistance for refugees wanting to return


to East Pakistan. These actions were largely successful in


discouraging any popular Bengali support for the authorities


in Dacca and Islamabad. Candidates failed to stand for 18


out of 78 seats of the Assembly available and no significant


number of refugees returned from India. 25/


India also increased its support to the Mukti Bahini


military operations by providing artillery fire across the


border for the guerrillas and stopping the Pakistani army


from pursuing them into Indian territory. With their lines


of withdrawal more secure the guerrillas undertook deeper


raids into East Pakistan to destroy bridges, roads and army


posts. The increased military activity put further pressure


on the army to repress the actions and divereted effort from


rebuilding the economy and reestablishing civil order.


On October 12, Pakistan proposed to India mutual troop


withdrawals and posting of United Nations observers in the


border areas. Although India refused, Pakistan went ahead


and withdrew its army to stronger positions 10-12 miles


behind the border. 26/ This action was indicative of the


success of the guerrillas in their attacks against the


isolated Pakistani outposts.


At the same time Pakistani diplomacy emphasized the


requirement for United Nations action to restrain India from


supporting the rebels of East Pakistan. Pakistan continued


to argue that India was interfering in her internal affairs.


New Delhi's position was that the problem was not an "India-


Pakistan" problem, but strictly a Pakistani one for


Islamabad to correct. Therefore, United Nations' action was


inappropriate Pakistan had only to create conditions in


East Pakistan of peace and security for the refugees to


return home. 27/ While New Dehli's argument had a


legalistic logic, it must have been clear that Pakistan


could not create conditions of peace while fighting


guerrillas armed and trained in India. India obviously had


little desire to see East Pakistan survive as a province of


her rival in Islamabad.


While the Soviet Union consistently supported Indian


positions at the United Nations, in October Moscow pressured


New Delhi to soften her policy on Bangla Desh independence.


As a result, the Indian Foreign Minister announced that


India was committed only to a political solution acceptable


to the already elected representative of East Pakistan.


With many of these representatives in exile, their leader,


Sheikh Mujib, under arrest in West Pakistan it would have


been unreasonable that these representatives would demand


anything less than political automony for East Pakistan. In


any case, President Yahya refused to negotiate with them.


India returned to her previous position of demanding self-


determination for Bangla Desh. New Delhi had won a


propaganda victory and persuaded the Soviet Union to


continue to support her, all without any material or


political cost.


While Pakistan probably could have restored order


eventually in East Pakistan, President Yahya realized he had


little hope of prevailing without outside help if India


invaded there. He, therefore, tried to persuade China to


increase her commitment to the security of all Pakistan:


this the Chinese refused to do. Peking remained committed


to support Pakistan only to the extent required to ensure


the survival of West Pakistan as a nation. Despite public


pronouncements from Islamabad that China would supply all


the weapons Pakistan would need in a future conflict with


India, the Indians never appeared to be in any doubt as to


the true nature of China's commitment. When war came in


December, several Indian divisions were withdrawn from the


Sino-Indian border and moved into East Pakistan. 28/


As November drew to a close, Pakistan could no longer


tolerate Indian military actions in the border area.


Shelling and tank fire from the Indian army continued to


inflict casualties on Pakistani posts and provide support


guerrilla operations. Islamabad viewed the conflict as


India's responsibility and this was endorsed by the United


States who, on November 30, suspended licenses for arms


exports to India. 29/ On December 3, 1971, Pakistan struck


India with air and ground attacks across the border from


West Pakistan.


The period from March to September was marked by the


rapid deterioration of the political situation in East


Pakistan. When confronted by demands of the elected


representatives of the Awani League for economic and


political automony, the central military government in


Islamabad reacted with a ruthless and brutal repression


which ultimately failed. Islamabad appears to have


seriously underestimated the strength and the organization


of the Bengali nationalist movement embodied in the Awami


League. Faced with the arrest of over half its leadership,


the remaining Awami League leaders went into exile in India


with even firmer resolve to win independence. From there


they were able to quickly transform the party organization


into a credible government-in-exile with a military arm to


prosecute guerrilla warfare. The actions of the Islamabad


government worked to the advantage of the Bengali resistance


by providing the elements of a successful revolution.


By arresting and detaining Bengali leaders Islamabad


indicated to the world at large and the Bengalis, in


particular, that no political compromise was possible. The


ruthless and brutal purge of Bengalis from the armed forces


succeeded in sending a trained and dedicated cadre of


soldiers into exile in India where they were available to


the Bangla Desh government-in-exile as a cadre for the


guerrilla force. At the same time, Pakistani military


operations caused such destruction and intimidation of


civilians that millions also fled to India where they were


available and willing to support the Bangla Desh movement.


Little attempt was made by the Pakistan government to


encourage these refugees to return home. It is possible


that the Islamabad government consciously followed a policy


of forcing large numbers of civilians out of East Pakistan


in order to reduce the population to below that of West


Pakistan. This would ensure that in future governments West


Pakistan would hold a majority of seats in the National


Assembly and could protect its privileged position in the


nation. In any case, these destitute refugees provided a


large pool of manpower opposing the West Pakistani




India saw the conflict as an opportunity to weaken her


major rival in South Asia. Pakistan had humiliated India in


the war over Kashmir in 1965. India at that time had had to


divide her forces between East and West while maintaining


considerable forces on her northern border with China. New


Delhi was determined to not be defeated again by Pakistan.


Breaking East Pakistan from the remainder of the nation


would greatly simplify her defense problem. India,


therefore, adopted the policy of supporting the Bangla Desh


movement while preparing her own armed forces for war with


Pakistan should intervention be necessary. The independence


of East Pakistan was pursued consistently and with skill


throughout the period.


Indian public opinion largely supported New Delhi's


policy. The burden of millions of refugees in India's most


populous and impoverished region was costly and caused


social unrest. Furthermore, most Indians saw Pakistan as a


threat which would lead to war eventually in any case.


When India's goal appeared in danger of being thwarted


by United Nations' intervention, New Delhi quickly found the


necessary Security Council veto by concluding a treaty with


the Soviet Union. This treaty did not place any military


obligation on either party, but only pledged cooperation.


For the Soviet Union the treaty demonstrated to the world


its increasing influence in South Asia while for India the


treaty gave her what she needed most -- an ally with veto


power in the Security Council.


The Awami League which formed the leadership of the


Bangla Desh movement was thus provided all the essential


elements to prosecute its guerrilla war for the independence


of East Pakistan. The league had safe havens in India from


which to organize politically and militarily. The arrest


and detention of the popular leader, Sheikh Mujib, provided


tangible and symbolic evidence of the persecution of the


Bengalis by the West Pakistani. The widespread destruction


of personal property and the economic deterioration in East


Pakistan gave the Bangla Desh movement an enormous pool of


manpower willing to resist the Pakistani authorities. The


Bengali soldiers who had escaped formed a trained and


dedicated nucleus for a guerrilla force. Finally, the


support of India in form of arms and training allowed the


guerrillas to move to the offensive quickly and effectively.


By December, it became apparent to Islamabad that it


was not regaining control of East Pakistan. The guerrillas


were striking deeply into East Pakistan in greater strength.


India was deploying raids across her border with East


Pakistan to support the guerrillas. Pakistan, therefore,


mounted an attack on December 3 aimed at destroying as much


Indian combat power as possible before she herself was


attacked by India.




(Chapter II)



1/ "Presidents Broadcast," Pakistan Affairs, Special

Issue, (Washington), No. 18, March 31, 1971.


2/ Robert Laporte Jr. "Pakistan 1971: The Disin-

tegration of a Nation," Asian Survey, 12, No. 2 (February

1972), p. 102.


3/ Robert Jackson, South Asian Crisis: India, Pakis-

tan and Bangla Desh, (New York, Praeger, 1975), pp. 34-35.


4/ Ibid., p. 35.


5/ Bangla Desh Documents, (New Dehli: Government of

India, 1971), p. 672.


6/ Jackson, p. 38.


7/ Ibid., p. 42.


8/ Ibid., p. 173.


9/ Ibid., p. 43.


10/ David H. Bayley, "India: War and Political Asset-

tion," Asian Survey, Vol. 12, No. 2., February 1972, p. 91.


11/ Jackson, p. 48.


12/ Ibid., pp. 52-54.


13/ Ibid., p. 61.


14/ M. Rashiduzzaman, "Leadership, Organization, Stra-

tegies and Tactics of the Bangla Desh Movement," Asian

Survey, Vol. 12, No. 3, March 1972, p. 187.


15/ Ibid, p. 193.


16/ Jackson, p. 57.


17/ Rashiduzzaman, p. 195.


18/ Jackson, p. 59.


19/ Rashiduzzaman, p. 196. See also Chopra, p. 59

and Jackson, pp. 60-61.


20/ Jackson, p. 68.


21/ Ibid., p. 69.


22/ Ibid., p. 73.


23/ Ibid., p. 80.


24/ Ibid., p. 81.


25/ Rashiduzzaman, p. 198.


26/ Jackson, p. 92.


27/ Ibid., p. 82


26/ Ibid., p. 96.


29/ Stroessinger, Why Nations Go to War, 3d ed., St.

Martin's Press. New York, 1982, p. 134.




THE 14-DAY WAR: 3-16 DECEMBER 1971



When general war opened on December 3, India and


Pakistan had unequal military capacities. India had


developed an arms industry with aid from the Soviet Union


and the West which was capable of producing major weapons


such as tanks and aircraft. India also had received and


continued to have access to military equipment from Moscow.


On the other hand, Pakistan's industry was much less


developed. She had been unable to get arms when cut-off by


the West and Russia in the summer of 1971. China had


provided military supplies, but these could not redress the


imbalance. 1/


The relative strengths of the armed forces of the two


countries are shown in Table 1. It must be noted that India


maintained considerable army forces guarding the Himalayan


border with China which reduced the forces available for


combat with Pakistan. 2/


Early in the counter-insurgency phase of the conflict,


Pakistan had purged Bangali units from the armed forces.


Many Bengalis who belonged to predominantly West Pakistan


units had defected: those who remained were not trusted and


the combat effectiveness of Pakistani units suffered as a


result. The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) was particularly


affected because many of the ground crew had been Bengali.


Click here to view image


The officer corps of all three Pakistani services had


been politicized, especially at the general officer level,


by years of military government. The need for political


balance in the government often overrode the requirements


for ability in many senior military appointments. This


resulted in poor leadership and incompetence as well as lack


of cohesion and trust. By 1971, the chiefs-of-staff system


had been modified so as to be almost unrecognizable. Yahya


Khan retained control of army operations in addition to his


duties as President and supreme Commander of all the


services. The structure was overly centralized and


dominated by the army. Not surprisingly, communications and


cooperation were poor between General Headquarters co-


located with the army at Rawalpindi, and the PAF and navy


located at Peshawar and Karachi respectively. 3/


The Indian system emphasized the distinction between


government and the armed services. Each service had equal


status and was controlled by a civilian minister of the


cabinet responsible to parliament. The service chiefs were


members of a chief-of-staff committee. A joint planning


staff provided coordination. This system was well-suited to


respond to civilian management. 4/


Pakistan's strategy tried to involve the United


Nations to prevent India from intervening militarily. But


when it became apparent that this strategy could not prevent


war, Pakistan attacked from the West. Yahya probably


considered East Pakistan indefensible in the long run, but


he hoped to gain sufficient Indian territory in the West


which could be traded for East Pakistan territory in the


negotiations following the cease-fire. The land battle in


the West was thus crucial for Pakistan.


Indian strategy was to act quickly in the East to


decisively defeat Pakistani forces there while defending


Indian territory in the West. This strategy reduced the


danger of China intervening as it clearly did not threaten


the existence of West Pakistan. 5/ A quick decision in the


East would ensure an independent nation in East Bengal


before international action could be mobilized to separate


the Indian and Pakistani armies there and preclude the


decision India sought.


When the PAF struck at 1747 on December 3, Pakistan


attempted to disable the superior Indian Air Force (IAF) by


a preemptive strike. Airfields at Amritsar, Srinagar,


Avantipur, Pathankot and Faridkot were attacked; however,


the strike failed to achieve any significant success. The


IAF had dispersed their aircraft to hardened shelters on a


large number of airfields where only a direct hit could


damage them. The late afternoon forced the attack to be


brief as it could not be sustained in darkness. Not only


were too few airfields struck for too short a time, but only


30 percent of the available aircraft were used. The


aircraft may have had a low serviceability or the PAF may


have attempted to save aircraft since they could not be


easily replaced. In any case, from this raid onwards, the


IAF dominated the air-war. 6/ On December 4, the IAF flew


over 500 sorties on tactical and strategic targets in


Pakistan. In 14 days of war, the Western Air Command of IAF


alone flew over 4,000 sorties. 7/ The IAF claimed 94


aircraft, while the PAF claimed 81. This air campaign


demonstrated again the value of mass and boldness: the IAF


influenced the war significantly with relatively small


losses while the PAF flew far fewer sorties with greater


losses and less effect. 8/


The border between West Pakistan and India followed no


natural topographical feature, but it had been inherited on


the basis of the old pre-1947 borders. There Pakistan


deployed ten infantry divisions, two armoured divisions,


various brigades and almost all its combat aircraft. The


general deployments are shown in Appendix I. The order of


battle of the Indians has not been disclosed, but it was


probably comparable. 9/


On December 3, the Pakistani 26 Infantry Brigade


attacked east from Kahuta toward Punch in northern Kashmir.


They had made virtually no progress against Indian ground


defenses and heavy air attacks when the offensive was


terminated two days later. On December 9, a second attack


toward Punch was again thwarted by IAF bombing. The Indians


then made a series of small attacks which secured several


Pakistani posts north and west of Punch. Further north in


the area of Kargil, the Indians secured all the Pakistani


outposts which overlooked the Zoji La Pass. These actions


were conducted at night at elevations above 16,000 feet at


sub-zero temperatures. 10/


To the south, the area of Chhamb was an important


communication link to all parts of Kashmir. The II (Pak)


corps attacked on December 3 with four infantry and one


armored brigade with eight artillery regiments in support.


After four days, they had succeeded in driving two Indian


infantry battalions out of their prepared defense to


positions across on the east bank of the Munnawar Tawi


River. Two days later the Pakistanis took the town of


Chhamb and established a bridgehead on the east side of the


river. On December 10 the Indians counter-attacked, sending


the Pakistanis back across the river. In the next two days,


units of II (Pak) Corps recrossed the river two more times


only to be forced to withdraw. By December 12, when the


sector stabilized, the Indians estimated they had lost 17


tanks and 440 men killed while the Pakistanis had lost 36


tanks and 1350 men killed. 11/


In the Punjab, the Sialkot-Shakargarh salient juts into


India. The Indians launched an attack there to relieve


pressure on the Chhamb area. They attacked the salient on


two axes: one from the north to cut the road between


Shakargarh and Zafarwal, the other from the east with


Shakargarh as the objective. Good Pakistani defensive


positions and extensive mining made progress slow, but by


the time of the cease-fire on December 16, the Indians had


secured about 1000 square kilometers of the salient. 12/


South of the Shakargarh salient in the area of Dera


Baba Nanak and Fazilka, the Indians expected a major


Pakistani offensive. Both sides fought local engagements in


effort to gain favorable position. However, no major


offensive was attempted. Although the 1 (Pak) Armoured


Division was available to strike, lack of air cover probably


kept it from entering the battle. 13/


Actions in the Sind-Rajasthan sector were aimed a


drawing strategic reserves of both sides down from the other


northern sectors. A Pakistani force of one infantry


brigade, supported by a reinforced armoured regiment,


crossed the border near Ramgarh on December 4. Without air


cover, the Pakistanis were caught in the open and lost an


estimated 34 tanks and 100 other vehicles in one day before


withdrawing. 14/ On December 5, while Pakistani armour was


being destroyed north in the desert, the Indians captured


Gadra and moved southwest on to Nagar Parkar and the Rann of


Kutch. This advance had possibilities of cutting the main


north-south lines of communication through Hyderabad to


Karachi. Indian progress was slow, but by the time of the


cease-fire 11 days later they had advanced to Naya Chor


and had captured 4,700 square kilometers of Pakistani


land. 15/ Its quite probable that the Indian advance in the


Rann of Kutch was deliberately slow in order not to


threaten seriously West Pakistan and thus arouse Chinese


military intervention.


At the time of cease-fire the Pakistanis had not


achieved any of their objectives. They had no large tracts


of Indian territory to use as bargaining chips for East


Pakistan. India had been able to deploy similar military


strength to a battle which, for them, was defensive. Indian


air superiority allowed them flexibility while negating any


Pakistani local ground concentration.


The 14-day war was the first full-scale Indian naval


war. India's fleet was much superior to that of Pakistan


and was well prepared when war came on December 3. The


Indian navy was able to defend the coast while blockading


East Pakistan and attacking shore targets in support of


ground operations. 16/


Pakistan's surface fleet had neither air cover nor


weapons to defend against India's missile boats. Therefore,


it stayed in Karachi harbour while submarines were given the


task of destroying India's aircraft carrier and cruiser.


They were unsuccessful: on December 4, Dafne-class


Pakistani submarine was sunk by a carrier escort in the Bay


of Bengal while a second submarine was sunk off Visakhapatna


harbour. The only Indian loss was the frigate Kukri sunk by


a sumbarine in the Arabian Sea on December 9. 17/


India's main naval support effort was in the Bay of


Bengal where a carrier task force blockaded the sea


approaches to East Pakistan. Six merchant ships and


"numerous" small craft were captured. Carrier based


aircraft struck assembly points of small boats in the Ganges


delta area, preventing the escape or reinforcement of


Pakistani army elements. The establishment of air


superiority early in the war allowed the ships freedom to


maneuver to attack shore targets at Chittagong, Cox's Bazar,


Chalna, Kulna and other economic and military targets. 18/


These actions had a significant effect on the collapse of


East Pakistan.


But the decisive theater of the war was East Pakistan


shown on the map at Appendix 2. The area is divided by


three major river systems into four parts with Dacca, the


capital, at the center. The Jamuna River runs north to


south cutting the country in half. West of the Jamuna the


Padma (Ganges) River flows west to east to join the Jamuna


west of Dacca. South of the Padma lies the South-Western


Sector with the major towns of Kushtia, Jessore, Khulna and


Chalna. To the north of the Padma the North-Western Sector


contains the towns of Rangpur, Dinajpur, Bogra and Rajshahi.


The Surma-Meghna River flows southwest from Sylhet joining


the Jamuna south east of Dacca and dividing the remainder of


the country into the Northern Sector and Eastern Sector.


India deployed six infantry divisions and various


supporting troops on all sides of East Pakistan. Supporting


the Indian force were eight battalions of Mukti-Bahini and


many irregular Bengali soldiers. 19/ To force a quick


decision, India had to strike deep toward Dacca. Since the


trafficability of most of the region is poor, the combat


forces were lightly equipped but they were well trained and


were reinforced with engineers to assist in river crossings.


The Indian forces were deployed as follows: II Corps


comprising of two infantry divisions was tasked to advance


eastward through the South-Western Sector in the general


direction of Dacca; XXXIII Corps with one infantry division


and two brigades was tasked to attack to the Bogra area in


the Northwestern Sector and then on to Dacca; 101


Communications Zone with one brigade was to strike south


through the Northern Sector toward Dacca; and, IV Corps in


the Eastern Sector had three divisions with missions to


advance westward to Dacca. 20/


Opposing the Indians, Pakistan deployed five divisions


with two armoured regiments and supporting artillery. The


forces were deployed forward in strong points based on towns


near the border with light forces screening to the border.


In the Southwestern Sector the Indian II Corps advanced


on three axes. Nine (I) Division struck southeast bypassing


Jessore to the south then moved on the Kulna, Chalna and


Barisal. A second element of 9 (I) Division passed north of


Jessore on December 5 and, moving cross-country, took


Jheneida two days later. A third column composed of 4 (I)


Division moved eastward on the right bank of the Padma and


took Kushtia with its important railway bridge after heavy


fighting on December 11. The Pakistani forces based in


Jessore withdrew piecemeal without a fight when they found


themselves cut-off by the advancing Indian columns. By


December 15, the resistance in this sector had


collapsed. 21/ The Indians had demonstrated that they could


move rapidly across the marshy ground and numerous streams.


Good training and assistance of Mukti-Bahini guides allowed


them to outflank the major strong points which then




In the Northwestern Sector, XXXIII (I) Corps advanced


southeast on three axes, bypassing strongly defended areas


at Hilli, Dinajpur and Rangpur. Bogra was capatured on


December 13, cutting-off the defenders further to the north.


In this sector the Indians again proved they could move


quickly around static defenses to cut the routes of


withdrawal and reinforcement. Even though the Pakistani


army continued to fight from their strong points they could


not stop or eject the Indians. 22/


The Northern Sector provided the best approach to


Dacca for there are no major river obstacles. However, the


Indians used only two brigades in this sector. This force


took Jamalpur early, but was held up at Mymensingh until


December 11 before moving south to Tangail, 46 miles from


Dacca. The Indians dropped a parachute battalion into


Tangail on December 11 to cut the withdrawal route of


Pakistani forces to the north. On December 12, resistance


at Tangail crumbled and by December 16 Indian units were in


the outskirts of Dacca. 23/


In the Eastern Sector three Indian divisions faced two


Pakistani divisions. The 8 (I) Division advanced southwest


from Karimgan, reaching Maulvi Bazar on December 6. The


Pakisani garrison at Mualvi Bazar withdrew to Sylhet where


the elements continued to fight for some days. Meanwhile,


the main force of 8 (I) Division continued to Ashuganj on


the Megna River. The 57 (I) Division struck west from


Akhaura reaching Ashuganj on December 9. The 23 (I)


Division bypassed Comilla with one column moving south


toward Chittagong while the main body proceeded west to


reach the Megna River. Four days later the Indians were


within 12 kilometers of Dacca. 24/ After artillery had


fired on Dacca on December 15, the Pakistanis requested a


cease-fire and, on December 16, General Niazi, commander of


Pakistan's forces in Dacca, signed an unconditional


surrender. The war ended and Bangla Desh was a reality.


At the beginning of December, Islamabad had realized


that the Indians were massing to attack into East Pakistan.


Although Pakistan had approximately 40,000 troops deployed


there, the preceeding months of guerrilla war had taken its


toll. The Pakistani army's morale there had been weakened


by terrorist activity and the consistent hostility of the


civilian population. The terrain itself reduced mobility


and forced the army to deploy in strong points near the


larger towns where they would control the major road and


railway networks. These strong points were not mutually


supporting and there were insufficient forces to fill the


gaps between them. At best the Pakistani forces could delay


the likely Indian attack to gain sufficient time for an


international intervention to pressure India to stop. If,


as was entirely possible, no international intervention


materialized, then Pakistan would need to take Indian


territory elsewhere which could then be traded for the


return of East Pakistan during cease-fire negotiations. To


do this Yahya had to mount a swift, violent offensive into


India from West Pakistan. In the 14-day conventional war


Pakistan's strategy completely failed for a number of




Firstly, the Pakistani forces needed air superiority


and they failed to achieve it. The PAF tried a surprise pre-


emptive attack on the Indian Air Force (IAF), but through


poor intelligence and planning failed to strike Indian


airfields in sufficient numbers or depth. IAF operations


were never seriously challenged. In the following days of


the war, the PAF could not or would not provide sufficient


sorties to gain even local air superiority to support the


ground forces even though aircraft were available. It is


probable that the PAF command thought it necessary to avoid


loss of aircraft so they would be available to counter an


Indian offensive into West Pakistan should it arise. It


appears that the Pakistani high command were not aware of


Yahya's objectives of gaining Indian territory as a defense


for the integrity of Pakistan as a whole.


Secondly, the Pakistani army attacked along a very


broad front of the western Indian border. But nowhere did


they mass sufficient forces to ensure a rapid breakthrough.


Generally, the points of attack were in terrain unsuited for


wide maneuver and hence mobility and speed could not be


developed to gain significant amount of Indian land.


Although battles were fiercely contested at battalion and


brigade level, the attacks were only loosely coordinated at


the corps and army level, and hence, lacked unity.


Thirdly, the effect of the Indian naval blockage was to


completely isolate West from East Pakistan. Combined with


Indian domination of the air, there was no possibility of


reinforcing or withdrawing army forces in East Pakistan.


This could only have further reduced morale and the will of


the soldiers there to resist. As well the Indian navy was


able to carry the war directly to Karachi while the


Pakistani navy could not venture out without risking


irreplaceable losses.


The Pakistani navy was simply not equipped to take on


the missiles and aircraft of the Indian fleet in order to


protect its own or commercial ships. Thus, West as well as


East Pakistan was isolated from its major sea supply routes.


The state of the navy was indicative of the neglect for


reality of the military government in Islamabad.


Lastly, the Army in East Pakistan underestimated the


ability of the Indians to move forces through the sodden


terrain of Bengal. The Pakistanis had deployed in strength


in the towns while leaving the rural areas relatively


unprotected. The Indian army, supported by Bengalis with


local knowledge, quickly outflanked these strong points.


With no strategic reserve available, the Pakistanis could


not block the Indian's advance. When the strong points were


surrounded, there was simply no place for the defenders to


go and they surrendered in thousands. 25/ The speed of the


Indian advance helped relieve Indian's logistic effort of


improving roads, bridges and railways necessary to move


large quantities of supplies for slower, more deliberate


operations. Their forces were lightly equipped to move


quickly through to Dacca.


In summary, the conventional phase of the war was one


of limited objectives by both sides. However, the


Pakistanis could not properly coordinate their strategy or


their forces to realize success. On the other hand, the


Indians produced a simple but flexible plan which they


executed with determination and skill. East Pakistan fell


much more quickly than Islamabad had anticipated and there


was no time for international intervention. In the West the


Indians defended successfully while making minor gains in


the South. Their actions were entirely consistant with


their objective of ejecting Pakistan from Bengal without


inviting intervention from other nations, particularly







(Chapter III)



1/ Jackson, p. 107.


2/ Accounts vary. At least eight mountain divisions

remained guarding India's northern border. See Jackson, p.

107; Chopra, pp. 53-54; and Ravi Kaul, "The Indo-Pakistan

War and the Changing Balance of Power in the Indian Ocean,"

United States Naval Institute Proceedings, No. 14, May 73,

pp. 186-187.


3/ Jackson, p. 108.


4/ Ibid., p. 108.


5/ Ravi Rikhye, "Why India Won: The 14 Day War," Armed

Forces Journal, 109, April 1972, p. 39.


6/ Sir Robert Thompson, ed., War in Peace, (New York:

Harmony Books), 1982, p. 225.


7/ Jackson, p. 122.


8/ Thompson, p. 225.


9/ Ibid., 226.


10/ Jackson, pp. 116-119.


11/ Rikhye, p. 40.


12/ Ibid., p. 40.


13/ Jackson, p. 120.


14/ Thompson, p. 227. See also Jackson, p. 120.


15/ Jackson, p. 121.


16/ Kaul, p. 188.


17/ Ibid., p. 191.


18/ Ibid., pp. 188-189.


19/ Jackson, p. 133.


20/ Ibid., p. 133.


21/ Chopra, p. 56.


22/ Ibid., p. 56.


23/ Ibid., p. 58.


24/ Jackson, p. 142.


25/ Chopra, p. 58.







The course of events which shaped the conflict between


India and Pakistan in 1971 had their origins in history made


many years before. The concept of a single Islamic nation


on the Indian sub-continent had brought the peoples of East


and West Pakistan together in the aftermath of British


colonial rule. But the concept was not powerful enough to


hold the nation in the face of differing race, language,


culture and geography.


When the autocratic rulers in the western wing denied


the democratic aspirations of the Bengalis while continuing


a policy of apparent economic domination, resentment was


inevitable. The established rulers had fashioned a severely


centralized government which was incapable of harmonizing


the political and social forces emerging in the western as


well as the eastern wing of the nation. Consequently


military repression of the Bengalis was implemented without


a serious attempt to rectify the causes of the grievances.


The millions of refugees who poured into India caused


serious economic and social problems in one of her most


unstable slates, West Bengal. The Indian government, with


considerable support from the public, seized this


opportunity to decisively weaken her most dangerous rival.


By skillfully managing her diplomatic affairs, while


encouraging the Bangla Desh movement, India won time to


prepare for military intervention while preventing wider


international intervention damaging to her aim. And clearly


her aim was to reduce the power of Pakistan by promoting the


autonomy of East Bengal.


China considered Pakistan, in particular West Pakistan,


vital to restricting Soviet influence on the sub-continent.


Should both India and Pakistan be drawn into the Soviet


sphere, China's borders would be threatened on all sides.


With India and Pakistan rivals, the threat to China from


India would be much reduced. For similar reasons, the


Soviet Union was initially trying to steer an even course in


the India-Pakistan dispute. However, when rebuffed by Yahya


in July 1971, Moscow quickly saw the chance to increase her


influence with India.


When conventional war finally came in December,


Pakistan found herself unable to defend the east or


successfully gain in the west. Pakistan's complete failure


in the air was most damaging. Her armies and navy lacked


information available from reconnaissance. Both the army


and navy could not maneuver without incurring damaging


losses from the Indian Air Force.


In the end, India prevailed because she was able to


maintain the initiative both politically and militarily,


guided by a simple but realistic and flexible strategy.


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Bayley, David H. "Inida War and Political Assertion."

Asian Survey VII, No. 2 (February 1972): pp. 87-96.

A political and social analysis of India during the

crisis of 1971.


Chopra, Maharay K. "Military Operations in Bangla

Desh." Military Review, LTT, No. 5 (May 1972)

pp. 51-60.

A good description of the military operations from

an Indian viewpoint. Includes map.


Jackson, Robert. South Asian Crisis: India, Pakistan

and Bangla Desh. New York: Praeger Publishers,


A thorough discussion of the history of Bengal

nationalism and the international politics of the

1971 crisis.


Kaul, Ravi. "The Indo-Pakistan War and the Changing

Balance of Power in the Indian Ocean." U.S. Naval

Institute Proceedings (May 1973): pp. 173-195.

A detailed description of naval operations of the

war from the Indian point of view.


LaPorte, Robert Jr. "Pakistan in 1971: The Disinte-

gration of a Nation." Asian Survey XII, No. 2,

(February 1972). pp. 97-108.

A political analysis of Pakistan during the 1971



Rashiduzzaman, M. "Leadership, Organization, Strate-

gies and Tactics of the Bangla Desh Movement."

Asian Survey XII, No. 3 (March 1972): pp. 185-200.


Rukhye, Ravi. "Why India Won: The 14-Day War."

Armed Forces Journal, 109 (April 1972) pp. 38-41.

An analysis of the success of India in war 3-16

December 1971. Gives force ratios and deployments

of India and Pakistan.


Thompson, Sir Robert. ed. War in Peace: Conventional

and Guerrilla Warfare Since 1945. New York: Harmony

Books, 1982.

Provides short summary of the background and conduct

of the war. Includes maps.


Stoessinger, John G. Why Nations Go to War. 3d ed.

New York: St. Martin's Press, 1982.



Chapter 5 provides analysis of the political cur-

rents and leaders involved in the 1971 crisis. In-

cludes bibliography.

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