Guest guest Posted June 16, 2004 Report Share Posted June 16, 2004 By Prash Trivedi In my study of ancient Vedic scriptures, I have come across some startling conclusions. Through this piece I would like to share some of them with you. For example, the ancient Vedic seers knew about the phenomenon of relativity, as can be seen from this story taken from one of the Vedic scriptures: An Earthly King was called upon by Brahma, the Creator among the Trinity of Vedic deities presiding over universal affairs, to visit him in his abode which was quite far (many light years) away from earth. The Earthly King agreed, and visited the abode of Brahma and spent around fifteen minutes (of Brahmaloka time) witnessing the splendour of Brahmaloka. After that he asked Brahma to arrange for his return to Earth as his family and kingdom awaited him. Brahma laughed and told him that by the time he returned to earth, thousands of years of Earth time would have passed. No one would recognize him as his Kingdom no longer existed and his family had already gone through many generations. This shows beyond doubt that the ancient Vedic seers knew about time travel and the relativity of time and space long before Albert Einstein revealed his theories to the modern world. I feel that the key to unlocking the recently discovered "Orion" mystery of the Pyramids, the "Draconis" mystery of temples in Angkor, and the "Pleiades" mystery of the Mayan civilization, lies in the ancient Vedic texts. These texts contain more references concerning all these sacred constellations and deep sky objects than any other ancient manuscripts. .....It is quite surprising that the two main ancient Vedic epics, Ramayana and Mahabharata, deal with nothing but the culture and lifestyle of the four main Ages before 2000 B.C. Those ages are the Age of Leo, the Age of Cancer, the Age of Gemini, and finally the Age of Taurus. The Vedic scripture Ramayana tells us of the Kings who ruled in the Age of Leo, and reveals that they all considered themselves Suryavanshi, meaning the direct descendants of the Sun! In other words, they were all Sun Kings, which is a very strong indicator of that time being the Age of Leo, as Sun has the lordship of Leo according to Vedic astrology. The Ramayana also reveals that some of the cities in that Age which were built mostly of Gold, which again is associated with Sun and the sign of Leo in Vedic astrology. The epic talks about flying machines, which functioned simply from the power of thought, and throughout, it describes a very advanced civilization whose downfall came through pursuit of excessive materialism. The information that the Ramayana contains is in the form of a long continuous story, but it is not hard to decipher the hidden meaning, especially if one uses the astrological hints given throughout the tale. The killing of Ravana, (the Titan king, who has Leo rising as his ascendant in his chart) by Rama, (the Aryan prince, an incarnation of Vishnu and the deity of preservation among the Vedic Trinity who has Cancer rising as his ascendant), symbolises the end of the Age of Leo and the beginning of the Age of Cancer. This transition was brought about through a terrible war in which Rama defeated Ravana ith the help of his friend the Monkey King and his army. Astrologically, this shows that Mars was the planet which helped bring about the Age of Cancer, which is no surprise as Mars is the most benefic planet for Cancer ascendant. According to Vedic astrology, Mars is the planet which rules over monkeys and other primates. It also brings to fore an interesting thought that some primate races were existing side by side of more evolved human races. This could be a key for solving the long unsolved riddle of evolution of human beings, as it opens up the possibility that humans and primates may not have a common ancestry. Rama was succeeded by his twin sons, Luv and Kush, which symbolized the change from the Age of Cancer to the Age of Gemini, which is the Sign of the Twins. This transition also took place with a struggle in which the twin brothers defeated their father's armies. Not much emphasis is paid on this part of the scripture, as it puts Rama on the wrong side, which is not acceptable to many orthodox Hindus. The other epic, Mahabharta, describes the Age of Taurus and the transition from the Age of Taurus to the Age of Aries. The central character is Krishna, an incarnation of Vishnu who is born with Taurus rising in his ascendant. In the story, Krishna's pastimes reflect the culture and living of that time in history in a most fascinating way. It is interesting to note that he was born as a cowherd, where in Vedic astrology, the cow is directly related to the sign of Taurus. It is Krishna who said to his friend Arjun in the middle of the battlefield: "Whenever there is decay of righteousness and exaltation of unrighteousness, O Bharata, than I Myself come forth for the protection of the good, for the sake of establishing righteousness, I am born from Age to Age." These words again point to the shifting of the Ages and the presence of a divine incarnation who heralds every new Age. The actual war of Mahabharata, a war involving all the kingdoms on earth, which is placed at around 3100 BC by various scholars, turns out to be the conflict which inaugurates Kaliyuga, or the Age of darkness. In fact, this war also relates to the transition from the Age of Taurus to the Age of Aries, symbolized by the death of Krishna. The actual transition took place around 2000 BC, during the reign of King Parikshit, the last king in the lineage of Pandavas, the five brothers who emerged victorious in Mahabharata. The Vedic tradition felt that humanity lost some part of their original divinity through each of the changing ages until things finally hit rock bottom in Kaliyuga. The cycle repeats itself after a cataclysm similar to that of 10,000 BC. After 2000 BC, we are very much into the Era of recorded history and historical diaries of the changing ages like the Ramayana and Mahabharata were no longer required. We can see that the two cycles, one of the changing Astrological Ages and the other of changing Ages based upon the shifting level of consciousness of humanity, overlap each other in unison like two wheels with different number of spokes revolving side by side with the same speed. In vedic astrology, there are 27 constellations spanning the 12 signs of the zodiac. One of these constellations within the sign Gemini is Ardra, which is nothing but the second brightest star in Orion, known as Betelguese. It is supposed to be the abode of Shiva, one of the Trinity and the Vedic deity presiding over Destruction and Regeneration. Orion houses two constellations in Vedic astrology and is revered in all the Vedic texts as the gateway from where the souls descend to begin their earthly life. It is thus called the "Giver of Life". Astronomically, Orion is located in the gap between the astrological signs of Taurus and Gemini. This gap is one of the two celestial gateways in the Zodiac; the other one lies between the astrological signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius. Pleiades is again one of the constellations mentioned in Vedic astrology, and is supposed to be ruled by the Sun. It is revered as being the "Giver of transcendental Knowledge" along with understanding of the Cosmic Laws. I feel that all the Knowledge is out there already, and all we need to do is put the pieces together and synthesize all the seemingly unrelated aspects. For example, the fact that Draconis among the constellations signifies the Flying Serpent, relates to the Mayan civilization which worshipped the Flying Serpent with the temples of Angkor, which were made in the image of this constellation. The Flying Serpent is revered in the Chinese culture as the "Dragon" which in turn symbolizes the very heights of wisdom and knowledge. The same Serpent is revered in the Vedic scriptures due its association with the "Kundalini" power, which resides at the base of the spine and is the giver of supreme enlightenment once it opens up the "Crown center" located at the top of the head. Vedic astrology represents this Serpent power through the Moons nodes, Rahu (north node)and Ketu (south node). In my mind their is no doubt that all the cultures and civilizations past and present have a common origin. I also think that the science of astrology is the common link between the symbolism of all these cultures. Why it has become possible for us to break this astronomical / astrological code of the Ancients at the present time is because we might again be on the verge of another global transformation similar to that of 10,000 BC, and the key to our future may lie in this very Knowledge ! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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