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I tie a virtual Rakhi on your worthy wrist!







On the 30 August we celebrate the sacred holiday of Rakhsha Bandhan,

or Rakhi, a celebration of the bond of love and the bond of family.

On this day, sisters tie sacred threads around their brothers'

wrists, symbolizing their love and affection. In return, the brother

promises to protect his sister and to always be there for her.

Rakhsha means protection or security and bandhan means a bond or

relation. Thus, Rakhsha Bandhan symbolizes the bond of security and

protection between brothers and sisters.


As the Rakhi is tied, a sacred mantra is chanted which says:

Yena baddho balee raajaa daanavendro mahaabalah

Tena twaam anubadhnaami rakshey maa chala maa chala.


This is a sacred protection mantra and it grants security and

protection to the wearer.




On Rakhi, the brothers and sisters do not have to be blood relatives.

That is the beauty of Indian culture. Our tradition tells us that the

world is our brother and sister. On this day of Raksha Bandan, a girl

can tie a rakhi on the wrist of any boy or man to whom she feels a

close bond. Then, from that day forth, they will call each other

"sister" and "brother." In this way, relationships are strengthened,

solidified and purified.




The holiday, like all Indian festivals, has a divine, sacred

beginning. During the time of the Mahabharata, Lord Krishna threw a

celestial weapon at Shishupala in order to punish him for his

numerous sins. However, as Lord Krishna hurled the weapon at

Shishupala, the Lord cut his own finger. Draupadi immediately tore

off a piece from her sari and wrapped it around Lord Krishna's

finger, stopping the bleeding. Lord Krishna asked her what she wanted

in return for this favor. "Nothing, Oh Lord," she replied. "Just your

holy presence in my life, at all times." So, from that moment forth,

Lord Krishna promised Draupadi that He would always be with her and

that she needed only to call upon Him. Later, as the Kauravas tried

to dishonor Draupadi by removing her sari in a public hall, she

called to Lord Krishna who immediately came to her rescue.




Additionally, the tradition of Rakhi has created a beautiful, sacred

way for women and girls to be protected during times of political and

social turmoil. Even as men injure and dishonor women, no one would

injure his own sister. The bond of Rakhi is held so sacred that no

man would dare leave his rakhi sister unprotected, let alone actually

injure her himself. For example, the ancient Muslim ruler of India,

Humayun, was obligated to protect the Hindu princess Karmavati, even

in spite of all political and social sanctions against Karmavati and

her family. Why? Because the princess had sent Humayun a rakhi.




This shows us more than simply the bond between a brother and sister

or the promise of security. This teaches us a valuable lesson about

our own relationship with God. Draupadi gave to Lord Krishna one

small strand from her sari. In return, Lord Krishna gave Draupadi an

endless, infinite sari, one which could never be removed. When we

come forward toward the Lord, even one small step, He comes toward us

by miles. When we offer one small strand of our lives at His holy

feet, the rewards are infinite.




Today, we must realize that the only way the current world will

survive is united as one family. We must vow to make the world our

brothers and sisters - not only in theory, but also in practice. Let

us use rakhi as a symbol of our universal brotherhood. May our girls

and women lead the way toward this universal family as they tie rakhi

bracelets on the wrists of not only their closest male friends, but

also on the wrists of enemies. Let us use this holiday to reach out

to those around us, embracing them as brother and sister.




Last and most importantly, may we all exchange vows of love,

affection and protection not only with our human brothers and

sisters. But, let us also offer at least a small thread to the Lord.

For He is our true Brother, our true Sister, our true Protector. It

is to Him that we want to be eternally tied. The divine rakhi that

you offer to the Lord will never become untied, never become faded

and will never break.


This message was sent to me by:


Swami Chidanand Saraswati


at http://www.parmarth.com and http://www.ihrf.com

recent newsletter at


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