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London Source of Anti-Russian Terror:Russian General

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London Source of Anti-Russian Terror:Russian General

"A terrorist network whose purpose is to undermine Russia is organized

and coordinated from London. There, under the wing of British

intelligence, thrive the world's most radical Islamic terrorist

organizations, such as the "Islamic Liberation Party", the "Worldwide

Islamic Front", the "Defenders of Shariat", the "Mukhadjiri" movement,

the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and others. I've named only those

organizations which are forbidden in the majority of Islamic

countries. In London also are located the nerve centers of Chechen

terrorism along with the bank accounts of the terrorists."



Who's Noticing the NATO danger?




General Leonid Ivashov


Sovetskaya Rossiya


8 April 2004


Translated from the Russian


General Leonid Ivashov


On April 2nd NATO welcomed seven new members: Estonia, Latvia,

Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. As North Atlantic

Alliance General Secretary Jan de Hoop Scheffer announced, "Russia's

security will not suffer but be enhanced after NATO's expansion".

True, Mr. General Secretary didn't elaborate on just what he meant by



Scheffer's motivations for calling NATO a "symbol of cooperation,

democracy and peaceful relations" are clear. What isn't clear is why

certain Russian politicians are so eager to share his opinion, as if

they've already forgotten this "symbol of peace's" aggression against

Yugoslavia and fail to notice how our country is falling ever more

into the crushing embrace of NATO bases, from Norway to Kazakhstan.


According to M. Margelov, Chairman of the Committee for International

Affairs of the Federation Council, "Russia has acquired an ally in NATO".


Sergei Ivanov, Foreign Minister of the RF, is likewise optimistic:

"The transfer of North Atlantic Alliance aviation into the Baltic

governments presents no danger to Russia".


It's impossible not to notice the curious contempt with which the

North Atlantic alliance fails to take into account Russia's defense

interests. Ignoring the UN Security Council and International Law,

NATO stubbornly carries out its policy of geographical expansion, and

is in no hurry to make any commitments to Russia. At the same time the

bloc's political and military structures continually monitor Russia's

activities in the defense area and apply systematic pressure, forcing

her to refrain from all activities aimed at rebuilding her defenses.

Unbridled troop reductions, de-armament and so-called "reform of the

military", on the other hand, are encouraged in every way.


I know from personal experience that all of our steps to strengthen

defense relations with our brotherly neighbor, Belarus, and our

defense-related activities in the Baltic region aroused not only

interest, but storms of protest on the part of NATO officials,

accompanied by coordinated arm-twisting using all available means.

Westernizers inside of Russia were immediately brought into play. And,

as a rule, our military and political leadership beat a retreat, or at

a minimum engaged in humiliating self-justification.


One gets the impression that our military-political establishment is

pursuing some kind of mystical goal - to please the West at all costs,

to deserve its praise even at the expense of humiliation and betrayal

of our national interests, and our security interests above all. At

the same time, the contours of NATO's true geopolitical strategy,

which is going forward step by step, accompanied by smiles, handshakes

and constant reassurances that the alliance is no threat to Russia,

become ever more clearly visible.


So what's going on with Russia-NATO relations? To answer this

question, let's try to get to the bottom of NATO's essence, its

position and role in today's world.


A.I. Neklessa, Doctor of Economic Sciences, member of the Academy of

Geopolitical Issues, affirms that today we're seeing the emergence of

a new world civilization. And he's not alone in his assertion.


I've also spoken many times of the emergence of a new geopolitical

subject of supra-national character onto the world arena. This is the

world financial elite and transnational corporations, consolidated in

the name of world dominion, control over all countries and all

coalitions of countries.


This new geopolitical phenomenon is interesting in that it unites the

richest people on the planet and a developed network of financial

institutions -- more than 500 of the mightiest TNCs, possessing

capital in excess of 16 trillion dollars and accounting for more than

25% of the world's industrial production.


Without question the leading role is played here by the 358 richest

people on Earth, possessing as much wealth as 2,5 billion inhabitants

of the "third world". Their ranks are being swelled by the Russian

"elite" and the wealthiest people of "second world" countries. The

peculiar civilizational feature of these "elites" is the abandonment

of their respective countries' interests and the acceptance of the

single world oligarchy's system of values. For them the state is

merely a means of further enrichment, an instrument to crush any

resistance and maintain control over the world.


The tool chest of world dominion and control includes financial

instruments (especially the virtual financial pyramid), the network of

international financial institutions, commissions, committees and

clubs, and governments of many countries. The ideology of this

geopolitical subject consists of a combination of double standards in

international relations, radical liberalism, borders open for

expansion, and standardized "democratic" regimes obedient to the will

of the oligarchs. The mass-media, that arch-important tool, cardinally

alters the world-view and psychology of the public, imposing on

society, the state and the individual an "all-permissive" behavior



After the end of the "Cold War" and the breakup of the USSR the last

remaining arguments in the battle for control over territory and

resources have become military force, intelligence agencies and the

network of international terrorism.


The world financial empire spares no expense to create a mighty

military battering-ram in the form of the American armed forces and

NATO to expand its system of global surveillance and control over

every square meter of land and sea, annihilation of planes at take-off

and missiles at launch, and strikes at any spot on the planet at any

moment. These were the goals outlined by American Defense Minister

Donald Rumsfeld in his report to the US President and Congress

regarding the development of the [uS] armed forces in 2004 and beyond.

Intimidating the whole world and breaking its will to resist will

guarantee full dominion for the world oligarchy and mega-profits for

the financial elite.


Here's a text placed on his site by well-known analyst and publicist,

US Navy veteran John Kaminski: "Our military is fighting (in Iraq --

L.I.) not for freedom, but for corporate profits... The Army exists to

invade and loot other countries and peoples because our billionaire

oil barons have a need for additional territories for themselves". And

he continues: "Have you noticed how there are no children from rich

families among those who're dying in Iraq?" The root of the evil, in

Kaminski's opinion, lies in the fact that "our nation's leaders and

those in charge of the Army never tell the truth".


And how can you tell the truth (be you the president of the USA or any

other country) if you serve a cruel and all-powerful master: the

international financial mafia, which will accept you into the world

elite only in exchange for unquestioning submission. And if you

refuse? Then you'll share the fate of John F. Kennedy, Olaf Palme,

Slobodan Milosevic, Saddam Hussein and the leaders of many other

countries. For loyal service, on the other hand, you'll be well off

for life, like Shevardnadze, or maybe even get a Nobel prize, like



As for NATO, though one gets the impression that the US reigns supreme

there, this is not exactly the case. American military men, diplomats

and politicians simply continue to earn their daily bread, often in

ignorance of the true hierarchy of power.


>From my former position I know of certain things which happened during

work on the Russia-NATO Founding Act, prevention of the anti-Yugoslav

aggression, the new NATO Strategic Conception, etc., when leading NATO

country heads of state understood the danger of the decisions they

were making, but were powerless to do anything about them. Some

invisible force pushed them to commit actions destructive of

international peace. Clinton's wavering over the question of going to

war against Yugoslavia cost him the Monica Levinsky scandal. This was

cruel vengeance on the part of the world elite. The threat of

impeachment was lifted only after his decision to commit to war.


That's why the hopes of Russian generals, diplomats and politicians to

appease NATO's appetites are in vain, inasmuch as those appetites are

limitless: the goals of the alliance's true masters is lordship over

Planet Earth. Our appeasers would do well to read more carefully the

works of such mouthpieces of the new world elite as Z. Brzezinski, and

specialists from the RAND Corporation and other research institutes.

Their works are regarded as plans of action by the Pentagon and NATO.

Brzezinski, for example, in his 1993 book, "Out of Control", openly

declared that "if America (the world elite, that is, not some farmer

in Florida -- L.I.) wishes to control the world, and it does", then it

must establish supremacy over Eurasia, especially its "'Western

periphery' (the European Union) and its heart (Russia), the Mideast,

Central Asia and the oil reserves located there".


Bill Clinton's national security adviser A. Lake responded immediately

to Brzezinski's "signal" by announcing officially that "the doctrine

of containment which existed in the Cold War period must give way to a

doctrine of full freedom of action" (for the USA, that is -- L.I.).


The RAND Corporation didn't stay on the sidelines either, and further

defined NATO's task. In its report commissioned by the US Department

of Defense entitled "NATO Expansion -- the Russian Factor" the

document's author set forth a strategy of "destruction of any and all

preconditions for the existence of an independent, autonomous Eurasian

geopolitical zone, and the establishment of American control over it".

This geopolitical strategy was seconded by the Pentagon's "Manual of

Defense Planning", elaborated further in the yearly "National Security

Strategy" report to Congress, and in military doctrines like NATO's

new strategic conception, ratified at its Jubilee Summit of 1999.


Thus we see how the USA-NATO geopolitical strategy is being strictly

carried out and controlled by forces which stand above presidents. If

this is still poorly understood in Russia, there are those in

Australia, interestingly enough, who've seen the light. Well-known

journalist and publisher of the "Free Australia" information bulletin

Susanne Bryce in one of her latest issues this year writes: "Gradually

the USA's goal of isolating Russia by creating a buffer zone obedient

to NATO on the periphery of the former Soviet Union has begun to take

shape. States whose territories are used for transit of oil and gas

have become NATO members. Others, whose importance should increase

with development of Caspian oil reserves, have been guaranteed the

status of NATO observers." Here we're reminded of the "billionaire oil

barons" mentioned by John Kaminski. And of the statements of our

blundering politicians and General Staff chief who assure us of the

total absence of any threat to Russia from the West.


What's really is absent is a conscious Russian geopolitical doctrine

and security strategy. In those structures responsible for the defense

and security of our country there are simply no responsible

professional analysts left. They've ceded the field (and not of their

own free will) to mediocrities ready to occupy any post and act

according to the principle: "What do you desire?". They desired that

the US-NATO war machine not be considered a threat - "As you please!".

They desired that Russia's armed forces lose their combat

effectiveness - and were satisfied - by 15 years of chaotic "army

reforms". SPS and the oligarchic mass-media cried for the abolishment

of the draft - and they stood at attention and answered "Yes, sir!",

failing to notice the growing campaign in the US, Great Britain,

Germany, France and other countries favoring those countries' return

to the conscription system.


A word or two about the mass-media. Susanne Bryce openly calls our TV

networks ideological havens for NATO, which "day and night,

systematically and insistently beat into the heads of their audience

an inferiority complex of the Russian nation". Maybe this is why the

Russian regime grovels so before the "superior" West, rushing to plant

the NATO flag on Russian soil in a frenzy of ape-like imitation,

refusing to believe in our people, our geniuses, prophets and



Russia's attitude to NATO has changed even since the December 2003

meeting of the NATO ministers with S. Ivanov. Back then, in the

beginning of December, the ministers toasted the establishment of a

direct communications channel between the alliance's headquarters and

the Russian Defense Ministry. Deafened by the clinking of champagne

glasses, apparently, they failed to hear a few key phrases. The first

one was uttered by former NATO General Secretary George Robertson:

"Today NATO in its new capacity is guaranteeing true security from

Kosovo to Kabul." In other words, of coveted Eurasia.


The second phrase was contained in the communique summing up that

meeting: "The defense ministers ... studied the North Atlantic

Alliance's transformation to counter modern security threats,

especially the question of strengthening NATO's strike potential and

the ability of member states' armed forces to apply it." The Russian

General Staff didn't notice any threat to Russia in this information,

and they rushed to announce so publicly. But Susanne Bryce in

Australia noticed.


And suddenly -- a sensation: NATO "AWACS" begin patrolling the skies

of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, gathering intelligence information

about Russia and Belarus. And the Estonian defense minister H. Tiido

recently declared that "There's nothing new or strange in the fact of

NATO aircraft landing or being located on the territory of alliance

member countries. I consider that each country has the right to

independently decide how to guarantee the security of its own airspace."


This is a serious thump on the nose of Russia's diplomats and General

Staff. Especially the bit about "independently deciding how to

guarantee security". We're afraid of merely thinking things which

countries like Estonia or Georgia are now openly declaring. Russia has

become so dependent in its decision-making when it comes to such

questions that at the least sign of displeasure on the part of any

NATO (or what's more, American) official we begin begging forgiveness,

promising not to let it happen again, and punishing our anti-NATO

critics by sending them into retirement. Oh, how our leadership wants

to please the West! And what if they let us into their elite club

after all? Not Russia herself of course -- her place is in the

servants' quarters -- it's our bureaucrats, political experts and

parliamentarians who're clamoring for the elite's recognition.


What's happening in the Baltics is "merely" the strengthening of

NATO's strike potential and the preparation of the member states for

its application. Which the defense ministers of bloc member countries

smilingly informed us about on December 2nd of last year. They're

pressed for time, and modernization of military infrastructure and its

preparation for wartime use is going ahead full tilt.


Construction of a network of three-dimensional American radio locator

stations capable of spying 2 000 km. into Russian territory is under

way in Latvia and Estonia. That's in addition to the already

operational radio location station in Varde (Norway), set up at the

time in violation the anti-missile defense treaty, and a network of

radio-electronic installations in Spitzenbergen. The Americans are

conducting negotiations with the leadership of Hungary, Poland and the

Czech Republic for locating anti-missile systems on their their

territories as part of the US's national missile defense. American

officers are studying one location a few kilometers from Brest for the

construction of a US Air Force base on Polish territory. NATO has

already declared the Black Sea its inheritance, and preparations to

conduct operations for the detainment and inspection of any ship

flying any flag are under way there. The Mediterranean and all its

strategic straits are already under the control of the US Navy. Turkey

has toughened its regulations regarding passage of Russian ships

through the Bosphorous and Dardanelles.


NATO military bases are digging in for good in Central Asia, and

Russian ones are being forced out of Tadjikistan and Georgia. Our

contingents are leaving Transdniester, as they've already left Kosovo,

and a murderer of Transdniester citizens, currently a senator in NATO

and PACE-member Romania, Ilia Ilascou, announces the beginning of a

terrorist war against Transdniester to liquidate the last outpost of

pro-Russian sympathies in the region. Then NATO "peacekeepers" will

enter Tiraspol, unleashing hundreds of tons of bombs on the heads of

the local population.


It's impossible not to notice the powerful and generously-funded

campaign to overthrow the regime in Belarus. [The US State Department

recently earmarked millions for a Yugoslav-style "velvet revolution"

there to unseat the "dictator" Lukashenko. Lukashenko has successfully

resisted the attempts of the IMF, the Soros Fund and other globalizing

organizations to have their way with his country. As a result, the

Belarus economy is the healthiest of the former Soviet states. --

Editor] We can state with a high degree of probability that along with

the arrival of "democracy", that republic will immediately enter

NATO's orbit. The Russian military will be forced out and we'll find

ourselves face-to-face with NATO on the outskirts of Smolensk.


The speaker of the RF Senate Sergei Mironov recently assured us that

the Russian and Belarussian people won't allow that to happen. I'd

like to believe it, but I have doubts on that score. Firstly, the

worldwide oligarchy doesn't ask for the people's opinion. Secondly,

recent history causes us to doubt. Our brother Serbs were also

confident that NATO would never set foot on their territory, and we

all know how things turned out there. NATO, and the "backstage

manipulators" [mirovaya zakulisa] controlling it, love making sequels

of their most successful scenarios.


[ * * * ]


In the Ukraine, another new strategic blow against Russia's interests

and security was recently struck by NATO together with Galician

nationalists. On March 17th, 2004 the Ukrainian parliament granted

NATO forces the right of "rapid deployment on Ukrainian territory, if

necessary to realize the general policies of the alliance". So now the

territory of our southern neighbor is at NATO's disposal. For actions

against whom? Against 'Al-Qaeda', they explain once again. And the

Kremlin and General Staff will believe it: they're great lovers of



And that's not all. New North Atlantic alliance members are freed from

the limitations of the Conventional Arms in Europe Agreement, which

prevents the creation of conventional-weapons strike groups on the

territory of one or several countries. So the Baltic States, Ukraine,

Georgia and Azerbaijan could easily be used as bases for mighty troop

concentrations, all in the name of the above-mentioned "right to

guarantee security", which the Estonian minister spoke of with such

pathos. What's more there aren't even any limitations on basing

nuclear weapons there. Add to this the blurring of the distinction

between nuclear and so-called "halfway" bombs.


Russia, on the other hand, isn't allowed to add even a single tank,

artillery piece, armored vehicle, plane or helicopter -- their numbers

are frozen by the flanking limitations of the Agreement. By the way,

we scrupulously adhere to these limitations, while NATO routinely

violates them. For our slightest misstep the RF Defense Minister is

called onto the carpet in Brussels or Washington, where he's given a

public whipping. And when he mentions the NATO military preparations

discussed above, they courteously explain that "terrorism" is to

blame. And in a joint communique new calls are heard for closer

collaboration against this evil.


There's still a lot we could say about NATO's active preparations and

building-up of its potential, but the facts are already clear: Russia

is being surrounded ever more tightly by a powerful military vise

around her whole perimeter. Military force is being projected deep

into her territory. AWACS planes scrutinize the situation in

Leningrad, Novgorod, Pskov and Smolensk Oblasts, Karelia, and the

Northern Caucasus. CIS member states continue to be drawn away from

Russia into NATO's orbit. Common Market Commissar F. Volkenstein

expresses himself quite candidly: Moldova, Belarus and the Ukraine

must isolate Russia from Europe. Meanwhile, NATO's Deputy General

Secretary reassures us: Russia has no cause to worry about the future

entry of CIS countries into the alliance, inasmuch as this is merely

the process of "expansion of democracy".


A terrorist network whose purpose is to undermine Russia is organized

and coordinated from London. There, under the wing of British

intelligence, thrive the world's most radical Islamic terrorist

organizations, such as the "Islamic Liberation Party", the "Worldwide

Islamic Front", the "Defenders of Shariat", the "Mukhadjiri" movement,

the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and others. I've named only those

organizations which are forbidden in the majority of Islamic

countries. In London also are located the nerve centers of Chechen

terrorism along with the bank accounts of the terrorists.


Especially alarming is the possibility of nuclear terrorism. Let's

analyze a curious chain of events which occurred recently: First, the

Pentagon orders a study on the possible consequences of a portable

nuclear device exploding in a Moscow-type subway system. Then

information appears in the press that 'Al-Qaeda' possesses such a

weapon, along with rumors that such weapons were sold by the Ukraine.

And finally, the final link in the chain: on February 9th [2004] an

explosion (conventional, for the time being) occurs in the Moscow

underground. Was this the finale, or merely a dress rehearsal for a

more serious nuclear attack yet to take place?


Thus an ever-more threatening situation for the safety of our citizens

and our country as a whole and its independent course of development

is taking shape. For us not to resist is a crime, for the world

oligarchy has already bound the Russian leadership hand and foot, it

would seem, and deprived it of all possibility of acting in the

national interest.


How else can we explain the statement of Russian Defense Minister

Ivanov regarding readiness to accommodate a NATO contingent, complete

with armaments and machinery, on Russian territory? He's under orders

from the world oligarchs (along with our home-grown ones), whose aim

is to establish a legal precedent for the creeping occupation of

Russia. NATO soldiers will be there to defend the present Kremlin

regime, to ensure succession and continuity in its policy of disarming

the Russian state, the destruction of its native peoples and reduction

of the remaining population into a condition of slavery.


What must patriotic forces do in our threatening times?


Above all, stop placing our hopes on Russia's present rulers, who are

nothing more than local prison guards for the world government.


Secondly, unite all healthy forces in society to resist the occupation

of the Russian land.


Third, develop and begin carrying out a strategy of coordinated

activities for the defense of the national interests, sovereignty and

territorial integrity of Russia.


The slogan of patriots should be: 'Join the ranks! Our Fatherland is

in danger!'


General L.G. Ivashov


Sovetskaya Rossiya is a Russian-language newspaper published in Moscow.


Added to Site: 22 June 2004 - Last modified: 22 June 2004


The Russian original of this article is located at:



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