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Bush Victory Could Foil WWIII Plot

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Bush Victory Could Foil Occult Plot

By Henry Makow Ph.D.

September 19, 2004

"Bush appears ready to upset the "British" timetable. If so, Bush

serves the U.S., Israeli and world long term interests better than


Kerry represents Clinton-like peace and prosperity in the short

term, and perhaps time to prevent World War Three without expanding

the war in the Middle East."


A Bush victory in November could upset a timetable for nuclear world

war in 2012. Unfortunately it may result in a smaller nuclear

conflagration early next year.


This is the view of Tim Rifat, a British Intelligence analyst who

unveils the invisible forces behind current events. (See

also "Rothschild Targets Putin, Bush-Cheney" )


He says John Kerry is an agent of the "British Crown," the ten

trillion dollar cartel controlled by the Rothschilds, the Windsors

and the City of London.


Rifat says the goal of this cartel isn't comprehensible in normal

terms. As Freemasons, they worship Lucifer and intend to establish a

world government and religion based on the occult.


They are planning to rebuild Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem and

sacrifice millions of Israelis and Moslems to their evil deity in a

nuclear war scheduled for about 2012. This human sacrifice is

extremely important in occult terms because the souls of the dead

somehow will consecrate the temple.


The "Crown" wants Kerry to be elected because Bush's plan to attack

Iran next year would derail this master plan. (See "The Countdown to

World War Three" )


"Bush will set the occult plan back 200 years because the temple

hasn't been rebuilt yet," Rifat says. "It has to be constructed in

order to receive the sacrifice."


I know this is extremely bizarre and distasteful but unfortunately

there is solid evidence, which I will present later.


If Bush is re-elected, Rifat says the U.S. will launch a nuclear

attack on Iran. This will also defeat the Iraqi resistance by

eliminating their main source of support.


Rifat believes Bush represents American-based elites that do not

accept the subordinate position planned for the US in the New World

Order. They want to translate US military and economic advantage

into global hegemony while they still can. This requires aggressive

action before Iran and possibly other countries can acquire more

nuclear weapons and ICBMs.


The fall-out could extend farther than expected. China and Russia

both have ties with Iran and are not going to be pleased. Nor will

the "British" controlled UN and the EU. China may get their client

North Korea to attack South Korea. The plasma bomb explosion that

created a mushroom cloud may have been a warning.


If Kerry is elected, Rifat says he will get the United Nations to

take America's place in Iraq, and the Rothschilds will get the oil.

We will enjoy another few years of Clinton-era stability. This will

give Iran and China time to prepare for World War Three, which will

destroy Iran, Israel (but not Jerusalem) and the U.S.


This may explain why UN Secretary General Kofi Annan declared last

week, 17 months after the fact, that Bush's Invasion of Iraq

was "illegal."


It may explain why John Kerry leaked Bush's plans to call up

additional reserves immediately after the election.


It may explain why there is a spate of incriminating information

about Bush's service record and the Iraq war plan predating 9-11

emanating from the Rothschild-controlled press.


Rifat believes the "British" will do everything in their power to

elect Kerry.






The British "Crown" does not refer to the Queen of England. It is a

private club that embraces the British and European aristocracy and

Jewish finance. Called the "Club of the Isles," it is the most

powerful financial and political force in the world. Its members are

worth one trillion dollars, and control a corporate empire of some

$9 trillion. Based in the City of London, it owes no allegiance and

is not accountable to any nation.


Over the centuries, "British" imperialism has been synonymous with

the predatory clutch of this Lucifer loving clan. The New World

Order represents so-called "British" imperialism in a new guise.

(See "The Jewish Conspiracy is British Imperialism")


My source of information is "Who is Sparking a Religious War in the

Middle East?" (2000), a 160-page Executive Intelligence Review

Special Report by Jeffrey Steinberg, Salvatore Montagna, Scott

Thompson, Michael Minnicino and others published by the Lyndon

Larouche Organization. While I disagree with some of LaRouche's

positions, his research is generally inspired and indispensable.


Members of the "Club of the Isles" fill the uppermost ranks of

the "United Grand Lodge of England" (UGLE) the "mother lodge of

world freemasonry." The entire Masonic hierarchy is based on

aristocratic rank and fortune.


Freemasons believe they are descended from the original Phoenician

stonemasons who built Solomon's Temple in the 8th century BC.

Although they frequently cloak themselves in Christianity, their

occult belief is a form of the Gnostic heresy bitterly opposed by

true Christians since ancient times.


The Club of the Isles and Freemasons are also behind the "British

Israel Movement"; a cult that claims the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic race is

the true "Ten Lost Tribes of Israel." They believe the British

sovereign and oligarchy are descended from King David and Jesus

Christ, (who apparently was not crucified but married Mary



They believe the "British" empire is biblically prophesied to rule

the world. In 1919 the 40-odd British Israelite organizations were

consolidated into the British Israel World Federation (BIWF), which

spans the British Empire and the US.


They have fostered the powerful Christian Fundamentalist movement in

the U.S. because prophecies based on the Book of Revelations

fit "British" imperialist designs. These foresee the return of the

Jews to Israel, the rebuilding of the Temple and an apocalyptic war

followed by the return of Jesus Christ.


Before Zionism founder Theodore Herzl was even born, the "British"

planned to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine in order to

check rival Ottoman and Egyptian interests and protect the Suez

Canal route to India.


In 1865, when Herzl was five-years-old, the Club of the Isles

established the "Palestine Exploration Fund" to finance Jewish

immigration and settlement. Long before World War One and Two, they

funded excavations to rebuild Solomon's Temple in time for World War



Today the Rothschilds are personally financing plans to rebuild the

temple on the Temple Mount, the site of the Dome of the Rock, the

third most sacred mosque in Islam, where the Prophet Mohammed rose

to heaven. The proposal is "to relocate the mosque to Mecca."


This is the background to Rifat's claims. They are supported by the

Masonic design of the new Rothschild-sponsored Israeli Supreme






My aim is to give you something to think about, not to tell you what

to think.


As my archives attest, I have opposed the Iraq war and predicted the

current morass. If I were President, I would withdraw from Iraq

immediately. The U.S. is thwarting genuine democracy.


I do not believe Islam represents a threat to the West. The opposite

is true. The "British" (i.e. Club of the Isles, Mi-6, Mossad and

CIA) and the Bush administration were responsible for Sept. 11. The

purpose was to justify "British" imperialism and a series of

regional wars leading to World War Three.


Generally speaking, I see our democracy as a charade designed to

make the rubes think they have a say. Nonetheless, if Tim Rifat is

right, the result of the November election could be very meaningful.


Bush appears ready to upset the "British" timetable. If so, Bush

serves the U.S., Israeli and world long term interests better than

Kerry. On the other hand, a nuclear attack on Iran is unthinkable.


Kerry represents Clinton-like peace and prosperity in the short

term, and perhaps time to prevent World War Three without expanding

the war in the Middle East. On the other hand, the Rothschilds might

order him to step up the proxy war against Putin in the Caucauses.


When Americans vote Nov. 2, it may be their most important vote


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