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Hanuman Heard Gita Directly from Krsna

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One very important fact about Hanuman is: He is the fourth and the

only other person in the Mahabharata to have heard The Gita from the

mouth of Sri Krishna himself. The other four being Arjuna, Sanjaya

and Dhritrashtra. He heard it by settling on the flag of the chariot

of Arjuna which carried the Hanuman picture. It is also said that it

was a boon that he asked Lord Vishnu of. He wanted to be of some

assistance to the next avatar(incarnation) of Vishnu and he was

granted the permission to be on Arjuna's chariot of whom Krishna was

the charioteer in the war of Mahabharata.






Hinduism (सनातन धर्म;

Sanātana Dharma, roughly Perennial Faith) is

generally considered to be the oldest major world religion still

practised today and first among Dharma faiths. Hinduism is

characterized by a diverse array of belief systems, practices and

scriptures. It has its origin in ancient Vedic culture at least as

far back as 2000 BCE. It is the third largest religion with

approximately 1.05 billion followers worldwide, 96% of whom live in

the Indian subcontinent.

...... Click the link for more information. , Hanuman is a god who

aided Rama This article is about a Hindu god and king of ancient

India, for other meanings see Rama (disambiguation).







Rama is a Hindu god, said to be the avatar of the Lord Vishnu (The

Preserver). There is debate as to whether he was a real or mythical

king in ancient India; his life and heroic deeds are related in the

Hindu Sanskrit epic the Ramayana. A great devotional work on him, an

epic poem on the scale of Milton's Paradise Lost, is the

Ramcharitmanas by Tulsidas, which builds on the Hindu bhakti

movements of devotion and love of God.

...... Click the link for more information. (an avatar


See Avatar (disambiguation) for other meanings.

In Hinduism, an Avatar is defined as the incarnation (bodily

manifestation) of an Immortal Being, or of the Ultimate Being. It

derives from the Sanskrit word "Avatara" which means "descent" and

usually implies a deliberate descent into mortal realms for special

purposes. The term is used primarily in Hinduism, for incarnations

of the god Vishnu the preserver. To this day Hindus believe in the

divine Avatars Krishna and Rama.

...... Click the link for more information. of Vishnu


Vishnu is a Hindu god. He is the second god of the Trimurti (also

called the Hindu Trinity), along with Brahma and Shiva. Known as the

Preserver, he is most famously identified with his avatars, most

especially Krishna and Rama.



Theological attributes and moreVishnu is the all-inclusive deity,

known as purusha or mahä purusha, paramätma [supreme Soul] antaryämi

[in-dweller] and He is the shèshin [Totality] in whom all souls are

contained. He is Bhagavat where bhâga is Divine Glory.

...... Click the link for more information. ) in rescuing his wife,

Sita SITA is a multinational information technology company

specialising in providing IT services to the aviation industry.


See also: Equant



External link http://www.sita.int




Sita, in Hindu mythology is the wife of Rama (an avatar of Vishnu)

and the daughter of Janaka; she was kidnapped by King Ravana of the

Rakshas, but rescued by her husband, who then became King of

Ayodhya. She has two sons, namely Luv and Kush.

...... Click the link for more information. , from King Ravana King

Ravana,son of Visrawasa and Kaikasi was a brahmin by his birth. In

Hindu mythology of the Rakshas of Lanka (cur: Sri Lanka) was the

villain of the epic Ramayana.

Ravana is depicted in art with up to ten heads. The demon gained

enormous powers when he prayed to Brahma, who granted him a boon.

Ravana wished that his life be protected from Devas (divinities),

Asuras (enemies of the Devas), Rakshasas (demons), Gandharvas

(angels), Yakshas (demigods), or other celestial or magical being.

In his arrogance, Ravana forgot to ask for protection from man.

...... Click the link for more information. of the Rakshasas In

Hindu mythology, the Rakshas are a group of usually, but not always,

evil beings who are often in opposition to the gods, and to ordinary

humans. The female form of the term is generally Rakshasi.


They are represented as enemies of the gods, and battle the gods,

particularly Vishnu (see Rama). In the Ramayana, they are led by

King Ravana and were believed to live on Lanka (cur: Sri Lanka).

They are sometimes thought as being fat (or skeletal) dogs or birds.

...... Click the link for more information. . He symbolizes for the

Hindu This article is about the Hindu religion; for other meanings

of the word, see Hindu (disambiguation).







Hinduism (सनातन धर्म;

Sanātana Dharma, roughly Perennial Faith) is

generally considered to be the oldest major world religion still

practised today and first among Dharma faiths. Hinduism is

characterized by a diverse array of belief systems, practices and

scriptures. It has its origin in ancient Vedic culture at least as

far back as 2000 BCE. It is the third largest religion with

approximately 1.05 billion followers worldwide, 96% of whom live in

the Indian subcontinent.

...... Click the link for more information. the pinnacle of bhakti

Bhakti is a Sanskrit term from Hinduism meaning loving devotion to

the supreme God. A person who practices bhakti is called bhakta.




bhakti yoga The Philosophy and practice of Bhakti

bhakti movement


...... Click the link for more information. , or selfless and loving

devotion, and the bravery of a morally upright individual. He is

seen by some to have also been an avatar of Shiva This article is

about the Hindu god. For the Jewish ritual of mourning, see Shiv'ah.

For the Slavic goddess, see Siwa.


Shiva (also spelt Siva, has many names) is a Hindu god. He is the

third god of the Trimurti (popularly called the "Hindu trinity"). In

the trimurti, Shiva is the destroyer, while Brahma and Vishnu are

creator and preserver, respectively. However, even though he

represents destruction, he is viewed as a positive force (The

Destroyer of Evil), since creation follows on from destruction. Some

Hindus believe in a legend that he came from an egg laid by Ammavaru

while others say he is anadi (without beginning/birth) and ananth

(without end/death). Shivas worshippers are called Shaivaites.

...... Click the link for more information. . He is most popular in

the north of the Indian subcontinent The Indian subcontinent is the

peninsular region of larger South Asia in which the nations of

India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka as well as parts of Nepal,

Bhutan, Myanmar and some disputed territory currently controlled by

China are located. It is also known as the "Subcontinent" and,

though "Indian subcontinent" is the standard name used in

international circles, "Indo-Pak subcontinent", which has cache

primarily in the nation of Pakistan.

...... Click the link for more information. .




Lord HanumanHanuman is the son of a cursed apsara In Hinduism, the

Apsaras (also Vrikshakas) are nature spirits, all the female wives

of the Gandharvas. They danced to the music made by their husbands,

usually in the various gods' palaces.


The Apsara was associated with fertility rites.


The Apsara were very beautiful and sometimes lured men to their



Apsaras are often depicted in Buddhist art as far afield as Cambodia

and China, however.

...... Click the link for more information. , a celestial, named

Punjisthala, who by curse becomes Anjana, a female monkey For the TV

show Monkey see Monkey (TV series)



A monkey is a primate that isn't a prosimian (or a tarsier) or an

ape. Put more technically, it is any haplorhine primate not

belonging to the families Tarsiidae, Hylobatidae, and Hominidae.

This rather unsatisfactory definition results from the fact that the

animals called monkeys do not correspond to any single taxon in

modern scientific

...... Click the link for more information. . Hence Hanuman is also

called Änjanèya. She is the wife of Kèsari, a mighty monkey who once

killed a mighty elephant that caused trouble to sages and hermits.

He therefore got the name of Kèsari, namely the lion, and is also

called kunjara südana, the elephant killer.


One day when Anjana is on a mountain peak, Vayu


In Hinduism, Vayu is a very early wind god, father of Bhima and

Hanuman. Vayu is also one of the five elements (panchamahabhoota),

which are earth (prthivi), water (aap), fire (agni), air (vayu), and

space (akasha).



...... Click the link for more information. Deva, Wind-god, came

nearby, and generated a forceful blow of air, so that her clothes

slipped off from her body. The Wind-god was incited by her charm and

possessed her, with her consent.


She thus gave birth to Hanuman. Hanuman grew up and inherited his

father's activities of quick flying, forceful travel, and mighty

strength. Soon after his birth he saw the Sun, thought it to be a

ripe fruit and took flight to catch hold of the Sun to eat.


Indra Indra (इन्द्र), god of weather and

war, was the supreme deva of

Hinduism during the early Vedic period. The Rig-Veda states, "He

under whose command are horses and cows and villages and all

chariots, who gave birth to the sun and the dawn and led out the

waters, he, my people, is Indra." (2.12)" Today, while he has been

displaced by Vishnu and Shiva, he retains his importance as a noble

deity and prominent figure in Hindu mythology and lore.

...... Click the link for more information. , the administrator of

universal laws, observed this. He hurled his weapon, the

Thunderbolt, which struck Hanuman on his cheeks. Hanuman fell down

on earth and swooned. The Wind-god, Hanuman's father, resented this

and went into seclusion. This caused choking deaths and asphyxiation

to all the living beings.


To pacify Air-god, Indra withdrew the effect of his Thunderbolt,

which had cut Hanuman's two cheeks. Thus he is called Hanuman, for

hanuhH in Sanskrit


Sanskrit (संस्कृतम् in

Devanāgarī script) is among the earliest attested

members of the Indo-European language family and is not only the

premiere classical but also an official language of India. Seen by

many as the Indian equivalent of Latin, its vast religious and

literary tradition is most famously seen in its Hindu/Vedic


...... Click the link for more information. is the word for cheek.




Brahma is the Hindu creator god, and one of the Trimurti, the three

principal Hindu deities (all hatched from an egg laid by Ammavaru),

the others being Vishnu and Shiva. He is the husband of Sarasvati.

However, being the Creator, all of his "sons" are "manas-putras," or

mind-sons, indicating their birth from Brahma's mind and not from

his body.


Brahma only occasionally interferes in the affairs of the gods, and

even more rarely in mortal affairs. He did force Soma to give Tara

back to her husband, Brihaspati. He is considered the father of

Dharma and Atri. Brahma lives in Brahmapura, a city located on Mt.


...... Click the link for more information. blessed Hanuman with a

diamond-like body, even invincible to a brahma-astra, a super

missile, and made him immortal. That is why when Ravana King

Ravana,son of Visrawasa and Kaikasi was a brahmin by his birth. In

Hindu mythology of the Rakshas of Lanka (cur: Sri Lanka) was the

villain of the epic Ramayana.


Ravana is depicted in art with up to ten heads. The demon gained

enormous powers when he prayed to Brahma, who granted him a boon.

Ravana wished that his life be protected from Devas (divinities),

Asuras (enemies of the Devas), Rakshasas (demons), Gandharvas

(angels), Yakshas (demigods), or other celestial or magical being.

In his arrogance, Ravana forgot to ask for protection from man.

...... Click the link for more information. 's son Indrajit uses a

brahma-astra, in Sundara Kanda Valmiki Valmiki is the author of the

Hindu holy book Ramayana written in sanskrit. Valmiki is said to

have been a forest brigand, till the day Narada enlightened him.

Valmiki moved by Narada's teachings, renounced his family to perform

a penance. Later, Valmiki became a highly knowledgeable man and

started scripting the story of Rama.


When Lord Rama threw Sita out of his palace, suspecting that her

purity had been destroyed during her forced stay in Lanka, she

started to stay at Valmiki Muni's Ashram. It is here that Luv and

Kush were born.

...... Click the link for more information. Ramayana


The Ramayana (Sanskrit: vehicle of Rama) is part of the Hindu

smriti, written by Valmiki (c.250 BC). This epic of 24,000 verses

tells of a Raghuvamsa prince, Rama of Ayodhya, whose wife Sita is

abducted by the rakshasa, or demon, Ravana. The Ramayana had an

important influence on later Sanskrit poetry, primarily through its

establishment of the Sloka meter.


The Ramayana contains seven chapters, or kandas.

...... Click the link for more information. says… "Though Hanuman

knows the release from brahma-astra, he was silent due to his

respect for Brahma…"


He is deathless, a chiranjeevi. He can leave his mortal body

whenever he desires to do so. This is called icchaa maranam, dying

at will. This is what Bhishma Son of Shantanu and the holy River

Ganga, Bhishma is the most respected and perhaps the most fabulous

character in the Mahabharata. Bhishma is more famous for the

pratigya or promise that he made to his father, that he shall never

marry in his whole life and shall protect whoever sits on the throne

of his father (The throne of Hastinapur). This was because when his

father wanted to remarry

...... Click the link for more information. pitamaha does in

Mahabharata The Mahabharata (Devanagari:

महाभारत, phonetically

Mahābhārata - see note), sometimes just called Bharata, is the great

religious, philosophical and mythological epic of India. It is a

keystone text of Hinduism. It is the second longest literary work in

the world (after the Tibetan tale of Gesar) and is hailed as not

only one of the greatest epics, but literary accomplishments, of

humanity. The title may be translated as "Great India" (

...... Click the link for more information. , when he wants to live

up to some time on the bed of sharp arrows in the war field itself.


At one point, Rama This article is about a Hindu god and king of

ancient India, for other meanings see Rama (disambiguation).







Rama is a Hindu god, said to be the avatar of the Lord Vishnu (The

Preserver). There is debate as to whether he was a real or mythical

king in ancient India; his life and heroic deeds are related in the

Hindu Sanskrit epic the Ramayana. A great devotional work on him, an

epic poem on the scale of Milton's Paradise Lost, is the

Ramcharitmanas by Tulsidas, which builds on the Hindu bhakti

movements of devotion and love of God.

...... Click the link for more information. ends his exile by

eliminating Ravana and is crowned as emperor. He and Sita SITA is a

multinational information technology company specialising in

providing IT services to the aviation industry.


See also: Equant



External link http://www.sita.int




Sita, in Hindu mythology is the wife of Rama (an avatar of Vishnu)

and the daughter of Janaka; she was kidnapped by King Ravana of the

Rakshas, but rescued by her husband, who then became King of

Ayodhya. She has two sons, namely Luv and Kush.

...... Click the link for more information. then give gifts to all

of their friends. When it is the turn of Hanuman to choose a gift,

he asks to live in this mortal world as long as the name Rama is

audible, shunning the heavens or other higher planes.

Sita accorded Hanuman that gift, saying " Oh! Hanuman, wherever you

are, there will be plenty of fruits and eatables, and further, in

villages, public shelters, temples, houses, gardens, cowsheds,

cities, and at riversides, crossroads, pilgrimages, water tanks,

trunks of banyan trees, and on mountains, caves, peaks and wherever

people stroll, your image will be installed, so that you can listen

Rama's name, uttered by the people from all corners of the earth…"


Thus Hanuman is also called an old monkey living from ages till now.

This is also reflected in Mahabharata, when Bhima In Hinduism, Bhima

is a heroic warrior, son of Kunti by Vayu, but considered a son of

Pandu and the second eldest of the Pandava brothers. He is

distinguished from his brothers by his great stature and strength.


With his brothers, he is married to Draupadi. He lives for a time in

the forest with the rakshashi Hdimbi, who bears him a son,



He was addressed sometimes as "Bhimasena" because he was as powerful

as a whole "sena," or army.

...... Click the link for more information. could not lift the tail

of this old monkey, during a forest journey. This incident was a

leela For the Futurama character, see Turanga Leela.






Leela is a term from Hinduism meaning divine play of the Lord.







Leela is a fictional character in the science fiction television

series Doctor Who, played by actress Louise Jameson.



...... Click the link for more information. of Hanuman just to

control Bhima's rising ego. He wanted to humble Bhima, who had come

to believe that he was strongest. Bhima was taught a lesson, since

he couldn't even lift the tail of an old monkey. By being

egotistical, Bhima had been forgetting his basic duty as a warrior



A Kshatriya is a member of the military or reigning order, according

to the law-code of Manu the second ranking caste of the Indian varna

system of four castes, the first being the Brahmin or priestly

caste, the third the Vaishya or peasant caste and the lowest the



Sanskrit kṣatriya is derived from kṣatra "dominion, power,

government" and ultimately from a root kṣi "to rule, govern,


...... Click the link for more information. - The warrior caste) to

be humble. Bhima and Hanuman are half-brothers, sons of the same

father, The Wind God. Even today one can see huge images of Hanuman

at all these places, either installed ages ago or recently.




Hanuman temple

A temple to Hanuman near Nuwara Eliya Nuwara Eliya, (pronounced Noo-

ray-lee-ya), the City of Light, is a town in Sri Lanka. It is at an

altitude of 1990 m (6,128 ft) in the central highlands, and is

overlooked by Pidurutalagala, the island's highest peak.

The town's altitude means that it has a much cooler climate than the

lowlands of Sri Lanka, with a mean annual temperature of 16o rather

than the 26o of the coasts. In the winter months it is cold at

night, and there can even be frosts, although it rapidly warms up as

the tropical sun climbs higher in the sky.

...... Click the link for more information. in Sri Lanka The

Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (known as Ceylon before

1972) is a tropical island nation off the southeast coast of the

Indian subcontinent. Known in ancient times as Lanka, Lankadweepa

(meaning "Resplendent Land" in Sanskrit), Taprobane and Serendib

(derived from the Sanskrit name Sinhala-dweepa) and Selan, the

island became known as Ceylon in colonial times, a name still used

on occasion. Its current name is Sri Lanka. Life on the island has

been marred by nearly two decades of ethnic conflict, mainly between

the national government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam

(LTTE) insurgency; in early 2002 there was agreement on a ceasefire.

...... Click the link for more information.

Hanuman is the student of a guru no less than Sun. On ascertaining

that Sun is an all-knowing teacher, Hanuman raises his body to solar

orbit and requests that Sun accept him as a student. Sun declines,

saying, "I am ever on my wheels. Where can I be at a standstill to

teach you leisurely? I have my unending duty to perform…" and he

continues His celestial journey.


But Hanuman, undeterred by Sun's travel, enlarges his body. He

places one leg on the eastern range and the other on the western

range, face turned toward the travelling Sun, and again makes his

request. "My face will always be towards you, in whichever orbit you

go, but teach me…oh! God…" says Hanuman. Pleased by his pertinence,

Sun teaches all of His knowledge to Hanuman. It may be asked why

Hanuman chose Sun alone as his teacher, for which it is said, Sun is

karma saakshi, an eternal witness of all deeds/doings.


So Hanuman is also a witness to all the happenings in Ramayana, and

performs whatever duty is assigned to him. This well-read one is

instantaneously recognised by Rama on the very first appearance of

Hanuman before Rama, in Kishkindha kaanda. Even today, any student

is asked to adore Hanuman, to obtain such a stubborn health,

enduring education, and above all a reverential scholarship.


But Hanuman's monkey nature is not tolerable by some sages and

hermits during his childhood. Hanuman teases and tickles the sages

by snatching away their personal belongings, by spoiling well

arranged worship articles, and more. Knowing that Hanuman is

invincible by the blessings of all the celestials, and also he

happens to be simple monkey, the sages give him a minor curse. It is

that Hanuman does not remember his might on his own, but only

recollects it whenever others remind him about it.


If Hanuman were to be aware of his own might, the course of Ramayana

would have been otherwise. He would have simply enlarged his body

and brought whole of Lanka island before Rama, as he has lifted

sanjivini In Hindu mythology, Sanjivini is believed to be the hill,

hillock, or mountain whish contained medicinal herbs to cure Rama

and Lakshmana who were wounded in the war With Ravana. The ape

warrior Hanuman carried it in his palms to Lanka.



...... Click the link for more information. mountain, to enliven

Lakshmana in the war with Ravana's son, Indrajit. So this was a

necessary curse upon Hanuman.


A monkey group that is sent to search for Sita reaches the southern

seashore. There, upon seeing the vast ocean to cross over, every

other monkey pleads his own inability to jump over the sea. Hanuman

is saddened at a possible failure of his mission to search for Sita.

Then all the monkeys around him start eulogising Hanuman and

reminding him how he got Sun's attention during his student days.

Hanuman remembers his own prowess, enlarges his body and jumps over

the sea.


Sundara Kanda is an exclusive treatise about Hanuman. The whole of

Ramayana is one side and Sundara Kanda on the other. Hanuman, after

his entry into Lanka, and finding Sita , conveys the message as a

teacher ordained by god. His character is said to be that of a

divine Teacher, and Sita, the taught. Here, Rama is the Supreme God.


God communicates through eligible teachers only. The teacher not

only enlightens the student, but also teaches humility. This teacher

wanted to teach a lesson to the proud Lanka, who are thriving on

stolen wealth. Lanka is built with golden towers, palatial

buildings, and has he richest of the rich. This preternatural

existence of Lanka would be a precedent to other evil forces so, it

is to be damaged.


Then Hanuman suddenly dons his monkeyhood, and starts the

destruction of prideful items one after the other. When Ravana's son

Indrajit uses brahma-astra Hanuman obliges that missile to tie him

down, and be dragged to the court of Ravana. Hanuman wilfully enters

the court of Ravana to assess the strength of the enemy of Rama.


This is another duty of a faithful emissary, teacher and minister,

which Hanuman is. Ravana orders lit the tail of Hanuman, with which

fire alone Hanuman burns down the whole of Lanka, turning their

pride to ashes. Readers of Sundara Kanda may not give it a cursory

or superficial reading, but an in-depth scrutiny may be conducted

since it has many latent meanings and derivations.


A parable is told that Hanuman originally scripted the entire

Ramayana on clay tablets, recording each and every detail of what

Rama did, and brought them to Rama, to bless that narrative. Rama

humbly said to Hanuman, "I have not done anything that great, to be

recorded and narrated to people…I have done my righteous duty…that's

all" Then Hanuman was upset.


Dejected by the slighting of his great deeds as simple acts of duty

by Rama, Hanuman brought those clay tablets to seashore, recited

each verse, broke each tablet on his knee and threw it into the sea.

This is called hanumad ramayana. This is unavailable from then on.


But one tablet came ashore floating on the sea, which is retrieved

during the period of Mahakavi Kalidasa, and hung at a public place

to be deciphered by scholars. There on that tablet only one foot of

a stanza is available. That foot says "Oh! Ravana, those your ten

heads, on which you lifted of Mt. Kailsha, the abode of God Shiva,

are now bumped by the feet of crows and eagles, know what has

happened to your high-headed pride, at the hands of virtue…"


Kalidasa deciphers it and informs everyone that it is from hanumad

ramayana recorded by Hanuman, but an in extinct script, and salutes

that clay plate for he is fortunate enough to see at least one foot

of the stanza.


It is said that none can conclusively narrate about Hanuman, for he

is many faceted. He is symbolic for his unwavering dedication to

righteousness, unstinting performance of entrusted duties, and

unfailing talents in serving his master, namely Rama.


One very important fact about Hanuman is: He is the fourth and the

only other person in the Mahabharata to have heard The Gita from the

mouth of Sri Krishna himself. The other four being Arjuna, Sanjaya

and Dhritrashtra. He heard it by settling on the flag of the chariot

of Arjuna which carried the Hanuman picture. It is also said that it

was a boon that he asked Lord Vishnu of. He wanted to be of some

assistance to the next avatar(incarnation) of Vishnu and he was

granted the permission to be on Arjuna's chariot of whom Krishna was

the charioteer in the war of Mahabharata.

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