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Re:What makes Bush tick?

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Re:What makes Bush tick?

Dear All,

I am very surprised to see members of this group accepting the NYT

as a reliable source of information. As someone who has witnessed

both the Indian media and the American media's complete bias and

distortion of anything and everything traditional, religious or

nationalistic, I have no faith in these reports.

I see the same treatment by the media of the RSS/VHP/BJP and their

leaders as I see being done to George W Bush and the American

Conservative movement. While its acceptable in the Media for one to

have faith in all kinds of nonsense, anyone who has faith in God or

traditional values and dares to enter the realm of politics or

education is immediatly deemed 'scary.'


To myself and millions of other Americans, there is nothing more

frightening than the 'faith' of the secularists,

atheists,abortionists and sexual hedonists. The fact is, more

genocide and tragedy has been caused in this world by atheistic and

secular regimes. The 'Reality Based Community' (RBC)types the NYT is

refering to, are those who are not in touch with anything else

except their pocketbooks and whatever selfish pleasures they are

involved with. This 'RBC' is made of people who consider 'faith' a

mental illness though they have 'faith' in all kinds of psuedo-

scientific theories that are constanlty changing or as the NYT likes

to call it in referance to JKerry's inconsistencies, 'evolving.'


This 'reality based community' is completely arrogant and ignorant

despite their 'scientific faith.' Blinded, they can not even accept

what any common person knows..that unborn children are living human

beings and unnecessarily aborting them is a most heinous and vile

form of murder and genocide. It is this fact alone that is causing

millions of Americans to support G.W.Bush. They see him as a sign of

hope at the end of a dark tunnel that has seen the murder of over 30

million helpless babies. If he really is deserved of this hope, I

can not say, but that is how he is percieved.


The article is classic NYT gutter journalism. It speaks of a broken

Republican party but is silent about the turmoil within the American

Political left. Socially liberal Americans are being forced to

accept Abortion on demand, partial-birth abortion, dissolution of

family authoritative structure by illegalizing parental notification

laws regarding abortion, over-sexualization of children in the name

of tolerance, Gay Marriage, destruction of fathers by revoking

drivers liscenses, work permits for those behind in their child

support payments. Promotion of 'alternative' lifestyles in schools

while religion is banned. Support for extreme Islamic and Marxist

ideologies in our college campuses.Thus many socially liberal

Americans, like myself, are unable to support the Democratic party.


The fact is, only becasue the media is doing such a hatchet job on

Bush are millions of Americans voting for Kerry. It is out of fear

that Bush will take away their 'Freedom.' Look at those opposing

Bush for re-election, the Porno industry, the NYT and all the

other 'liberal' media, the Arab-American Muslims, the Black Muslims,

Illegal Immigrant Lobby, the Abortion industry, the Labor Unions,

the Communist Party, the Gay and Lesbian movement, Jesse Jackson and

Al Sharpton (Anti-white Racist 'Christian' preachers that support

abortion and in Jackson's case a history of sexual misconduct,

blackmail and extortion), all the Human Rights Groups that are

silent about the ethnic cleansing and genocide of Kashmiri Hindus

and India's Tribals, Communist China, the UN and the EU. None of

these groups care or have my interest or the majority of American's

interest at heart. Rather they are all inimical to the average

American's well being.


Another interesting fact is that for over a decade, many of these

same groups rightfully bemoaned the plight of Iraq's people under

the UN sanctions regime. Millions died or had their quality of life

destroyed to a level of bare sustenance. While the US and Britain

spent billions maintaining the UN's genocidal sanction campaign, the

UN,EU and Saddam made billions by skimming profits off the Food for

Oil scheme. In other words, Iraq's people starved to death while the

EU, UN, Russia and Kofi Annan's family members got rich. The same

scheme has been going on in Palestinian territories as well. Its a

brilliantly simple scheme. Highlight the suffering of the people

through UN Human rights groups and a complicit media. Get billions

in donations worth of food and medical supplies and then sell these

items either to the suffering victims or anyone willing to pay. Its

a pure profit scheme. Force countries like the USA to supply the

goods free of charge then sell it. With no Purchasing costs, it is

impossible to not make a profit.


Under George Bush the USA was obviously sick of this outrage and by

invading Iraq, he is trying to change the scenario towards America's

benefit. Iraq's death rate under the UN sanctions was exceptionally

high but it was ignored by the media. The current struggle in Iraq

is more explosive and looks more exciting on the evening news, but

the death rate does not compare.


What is even more surprising is that people like Clinton are

forgiven and loved though they oversaw agressive war campaigns such

as Kosovo. A campaign in which more bombs were dropped in one month

then the whole of WWII. His wife, Hillary, tried to enforce

mandatory vaccination on all Americans without regard to

their 'Freedom of Choice.' Strange coming from a champion

of 'Women's Choice' that has massacred millions of unborn babies.


This NYT's article belittles President Bush's use of 'instinct'

though this same 'instinct' is used to make billions of dollars in

the stock market. Such 'Gut Instinct' has always played an important

part throughout history especially in regards to leadership and

warfare. Experts in political science say that it is one of the key

ingredients that make up great leadership. It does not always work,

of course, but one is challenged to find any great leader in any

field, whether it be science, politics, religion, art, music or

whatever that did not rely on their 'instincts.' So to belittle it

just reveals the lack of character and depth of the writer. It

actually exposes a sycophantic, dissipated blase nature that is

common to the dull minded 'Reality Based Community.'


There are some other very important points which the NYT and its

like never inform us about. It is the fact that while America has a

legitimate system for electing its own judges and passing its own

laws, there are efforts underway to usurp our legal authority and

give it to foreign judges. When a judge gets his post in the USA,

they are either publicly elected, or forced to go through a variety

of hearings. Meanwhile, Clinton's last act as President was to sign

over that authority to Judges based in the Hague, in the EU. While

treaties like the Kyoto protocals sound so positive, once again, we

see that Americans are being asked to give up control over our own

economy to some International Agency that is unaccountable to our



I find it revealing that Russia finally broke down and signed the

Kyoto protocals so recently after the horrific Beslan massacre. Of

course, that could be a complete coincidence but however you look at

it, what is taking place is the usurption of democracy and the

empowerment of a global oligarchy unanswerable to and out of touch

with the citizens of the Nation in question.


George Bush's first acts as President were to reverse Clinton's last

act as President, in which he signed over legal authority of the US

military to the UN and to reverse Clinton's first act which flooded

millions of dollars into the Abortion industries' coffers.

So I will definately prefer Bush's 'instinct' over Clinton's



As for John Kerry, by his own admission he committed war atrocities.

He admitted to this during an interview on "Meet the Press" in 1971.

I know many people who served in Vietnam who fought in battle but

never committed war atrocities. The fact that John Kerry committed

war atrocities reveals an either weak-willed person or one with a

psychopathic nature. Some would say he was noble for admitting to

it, that is great for the confessional but not for someone who may

be President. Besides the moral implications, such information can

be used to blackmail and manipulate him against the service of the

Nation. It is that alone that compromises him and he is thus unfit

for command.


It is also interesting to note the article's quoting of Sen Joseph

Biden. This man is so inimical to India that India's Foreign

Minister refused to meet with him.


Now about India. We see many simmilarities between India and

America. They are both vibrant democracies both capable of taking

care of their own needs, issues and problems. They are both proud

nationalistic countries that participate in the world community out

of choice rather than necessity. In other words they are completley

capable of self sufficiency in all areas of life. They both have a

citizenry that is very religious and a general lifestyle that is

based in traditional spiritual and family values. They also control

two of the most powerful militaries on the globe.


India and America both share a common strength of unity in diversity

and have citizens of many ethnic, political and linguistic

identities. This strength is seen as the weakness of both by their

enemies. In India there is the approx 12% Muslim community and in

America there is the approx 12% Black community. In both countries,

efforts at equalization have been carried to the extreme esp in

India. Thus Muslims get subsidized trips to Mecca, though it is

paradoxically illegal for the Indian govt to support any religious

activity by Hindus.


In America, 'Hate Crime' laws have been enacted that punish minor

crimes towards a minority and trivilize the most gruesome assaults

on the majority. Though a majority of America's uneducated and

desparately poor are its white citizens, very little efforts are

made to help them. In India, minority institutions are elevated to a

near sacred status while majority Hindu institutions are starved for



Both the USA and India are seen as stumbling blocks to the efforts

of the Global elitists. Their self-reliance and National pride and

confidence are belittled and any organized efforts by Traditional,

Patriotic and Nationalistic movements are demonized by the Media.

The Media stimulates minority groups through fear and entitlements

and highlights the bogey of the 'Extreme Right.' The dedication of

these Traditional groups to its own values,ethos and culture is

promoted as 'Hate' and an attack on 'Freedom.'


Paradoxically, the same commitment to the Traditions and Culture of

Minority groups is promoted as 'Diversity' and 'Tolerance.' Thus one

sees in America, public displays of 'Black Power, 'Latino's La Raza'

or the Latino Pride of the'Race.' There are also the 'Gay Pride'

parades. There is BET, the 'Black Entertainment Television.' Any

efforts to organize 'White People' is demonized as racist. In my

opinion, such racial groups of all kinds are a disservice to the

unity of a Nation and all Americans must be given the same

opputunities under the law.In Hawaii,the 50th US state, White people

are publicly labeled 'Haole' which means a Dead Person. Though many

White Americans are uncomfortable with this term, the media and

academia refuse to denounce the term and it is constantly applied.


The fact is all these minority appeasement programs are exposes on

the inability of the political leaders to govern. In any other

field, it would be unnacceptable if only the minority of an issue

was addressed. It is a total cop-out.

To use a basic example, Imagine your dis-satisfaction if you took

your car to a mechanic and he ignored the majority of your car

troubles and only focused on the minority issues. You would not want

to pay him and you would seek someone who would solve all the

problems with your vehicle, both the major issues sand the minor

issues. In other words, both India and America have a system that

ignores it duties to the Nation as a whole by highligthing its

efforts towards a minority of its people. In this way, it dons the

cloak of humane governance while letting most of its citizens rot.

When these citizens attempt to help themselves and enter the

political arena to level the playing field, the media pushes the

fear button and attempts to discredit their efforts. These so-

called 'Liberals' of the 'Reality Based Community' are dedicated to

the oppression of Traditonal Cultural Values, specifically those

based on Spirituality and God. Anything that threatens their selfish

hedonistic outlook and develops a moral compass in the youth is



So in conclusion, I must address the assault of the Christian

missionaries in India. As a White American Hindu, I am in complete

agreement that this is wrong and an assault on the human rights of

Indian Hindus. I must also point out that I do not know George Bush

personally, so I can not try to defend him in this regard. However

the alternative consumer based hedonistic American culture is

definately as much or more of a danger to India.


Simply put, I believe that the Conservative Christian values of

Billy Graham,(G.W.Bush's 'Guru') are good for America. George Bush's

life story is but one example.There are millions of Americans who

have found an anchor in the ocean of social chaos that is America by

turning to Jesus. This is a good and positive thing. However, if and

when this new found conviction is turned upon the Indian people it

is not a positive thing. Why? Because India has its own rich

tradition of spirituality. Rather than one Jesus Christ, India has

had thousands. Rather than one expression of Divinity, India has

millions, which include both Jesus and Mohammed. So A line must be

drawn. India does not need the Evangilical efforts of the

Christians. But once again because of the media and the academia,

Hindus are seen as 'lost heathens' and anyone with compassion wants

to help one that is lost.


The solution is that the Hindus must be strong not only within their

community but must also have a strong and concise message that

clearly tells the world who we are. We are not lost and actually can

help anyone and everyone find their own way to perfection. But we

can not expect anyone to recognize this when we are constantly

amatuerish, colloquial and lackadaisical in our approach.


Lets take the example of Britain and Germany.Recently, the British

Royal family apologised to Germany for its horrific WWII bombing

campaigns against the Germans. The question is why apologise after

60 years? The answer is not because England saw the error of its

ways. No its because Germany is a dominant world power and active in

diplomacy and overall strong. Thus it benefits England to make

amends. The fact is, this same Royal family and Nation of Britain

have alot of amends to make with India as well. It has yet to do any

such thing because India has yet to make its case to the world at

large. It is basically unknown and will never be known until India

reveals the truth of its amazing history and culture to the common

public. If India's own people dont care enough to present themselves

in a strong and dynamic way then why should anyone else? Of course,

efforts are being made but most westerners know more about the Taj

Mahal and Gandhi then anything else about India. With over 5000

years of history, India has alot more to offer.


In both the political and cultural fields, India has not been very

successful in its outreach to America. Hindus themselves have yet to

present their culture in a comprehensible and concise way. In fact,

from personal experiance, I have seen Christains develop great

respect and appreciation once they could understand the richness and

depth of Hindu/Vedic culture. My gurudev, Srila Prabhupada,

frequently enchanted and blossomed admiration in the hearts of

Christians for Vedic philosophy and culture. So once, the Hindus

themselves, begin to speak and present themselves to the world in a

clear and concise way, a majority of those dedicated to traditional,

spiritual and cultural values will recognize in us, allies worthy of

respect and admiration.


For America to lose its Christian-based traditional values is not a

good thing for India or the world. If George Bush is truly a

follower of Lord Jesus Christ, this is a great and noble thing.

Rather than buy into the slander of his faith and convictions, India

and Hindus should see it as a positive oppurtunity to challenge him

in his commitment to the teachings of Christ. If it is Love of God

and faith in Jesus that makes him tick, I hope that he can use his

political power for good. All people of faith should prefer that to

the psuedo-secular anti-traditionalist outlook of the 'UNReality

Based Community.'



Rajeev Srinivasan <rajeev.srinivasan@g...>

Sun Oct 31, 2004 9:41 am

What makes Bush tick?

October 31


Just in time for the final push, here's a really good -- some might

say really scary -- analysis of what makes Dubya what he is.





The scary part is how the "reality-based community", that is to say,

normal people, have been sidelined in the pursuit of this holy



There is the story of the early Christian hero, Tertullian (or is it

Origen -- I can't remember, Subhash Kak refers to this in his

wonderful work 'The Wishing Tree') who said regarding the

contradictions in the Bible: "I believe, because it is absurd".


Bush and co. remind me of this.


And also about what George Bernard Shaw said, I paraphrase: "The

problem with the world is that the clever are unsure and those who


sure are stupid"



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