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Re Conservative Movements

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Vrn Parker Re Conservative MovementsVFA-members


I wanted to note that in India, the Minority groups have been fomented into

believing that the Hindu Traditionalists are dangerous, fanatic, fascist right

wing triumphalists bent on the destruction of Islam and Christianity. Thus any

time there is success on the part of the RSS/BJP/VHP the shrill voices of the

'Liberal Progressives' reaches fever pitch in denouncing the great danger and

rise of fascism in India. However these same voices expose themselves as frauds

when they are silent regarding the murder and ethnic cleansing of Hindus. When

asked directly about it, Arundathi Roy, the darling of 'liberal' Americans,

reveals her mentality. "Q.People say you are not just anti-American, you are

also anti-Indian. You complain about Muslims being killed in Gujarat but are

mum on Hindu Pundits being killed in Kashmir. A.This is the standard Hindutva

line: “You don't condemn the burning of the train in Godhra where Hindus died.”

But when I am a citizen of a democracy, I have to take responsibility for what

the state I voted for does. And there is a very big difference between a

state-assisted pogrom against a people in a country and something that

militants have done.end quote "

Clever response, except before Gujarat, she was demonizing the Hindus and

ignoring the plight of India's 80,000 victims of terror only because they are

victims of militants (note she doesnt call them terrorists.) A true 'liberal

progressive' would recognize the suffering of all victims. Also she claims she

voted for Gujarat's govt which is nonsense. She also ignores the fact that a

majority of terrorism in India is State sponsored, either by Pakistan, China,

EU or the UN.This is a perfect example of the selective concern of the left.

Click for revealing article regarding French in Iraq and connect it to their

defense ties to Pakistan to understand their role against India.


So we see in India the methods in which terror, ethnic cleansing and genocide

are either ignored or used as a political weapon to demonize the Hindu

Conservative Movement.

I am sure everyone in this group agrees that the RSS/BJP/VHP are innocent of

these accusations.

However millions of people around the world believe that the RSS is India's Nazi

Party and a rising Religious Fundamentlist threat to World Peace. The same

groups and people that are feeding this 'Hate Speech' to a gullible world are

the same people demonizing George W Bush and the Chrsitian Conservative


I am not in denial about Christian conservatives predatory tendencies and

meat-eating. Thus rather than buying into the gutter journalism of

Roy/Thapar/NYT/CNN etc I am saying that Hindus develop their strength in order

to put these conversionary tendecies in check. From this position of strength,

we should develop alliances with them. This is already happening.

Krsna Katha aka Mike Gabbard has become the leader of the religious

conservative movement in Hawaii. Some have demonized him for making a stand

against the Homosexual extremists but do not know the history. before entering

politics, Mike Gabbard was a small business owner of a business called


He spoke on a radio show about the decline of family values and said in response

to a Gay caller, that he would not want to hire an openly gay person at his

business. Since he was promoting a distinct Health and Lifestyle, and felt it

was his personal and moral belief that a Homosexual lifestyle was not a healthy

one, it would be contradictory to his modus operandi. Being a free country, he

should be allowed to operate a business according to his morals and beliefs. In

the same way Gays only hire gays to be their spokesmen or activists, Krsna Katha

felt he only wanted workers representive of the lifestyle he was promoting. Thus

even non-vegetarians employess were encouraged to become vegetarians and invited

to attend his weekly public beach Kirtans. He also never said he would not hire

Gays, just not overt gays. Like in the US militaries 'dont ask dont tell'


The Gays went ballistic and began carrying out abusive and threatening

demonstrations in front of his business for weeks. Customers were scared off

and he went bankrupt. It was this experiance that caused him to enter politics.

He successfully united all the conservative religious groups in Hawaii,

including the 'Evil' Christian conservatives, became a Republican leader and

defeated the attempt to make Hawaii the first state to recognize Homosexual


He then went on to become a City Council member and just finished his first

campaign for US Congress, getting a 3rd of the vote in a strongly democratic

state. His wife was elected to the Head of the Hawaii State Board of education

and his daughter was also elected to the City Council.

Everyone knows they are Krishna devotees yet still Christian conservatives

accept him as their leader and headed up his campaigns.So wheter we agree with

his stance on Homosexauls or not is not my point. The point is that the

Christian conservative movement is not the Taliban.

Reading some of your responses to my defence of Bush' s faith, I was surprised

to see the same prejudices and beliefs that are displayed by India's Muslims

regarding the RSS. Besides the Christian belief that Jesus is the only way, I

dont see the danger when compared to the psuedo-liberality of the atheistic and

hedonistic 'progresives.'

Srila Prabhupada never said that the Christian conservative movement was the

great enemy. He however clearly stated that Athesitic Scientists were the

enemy. Thus he founded the Bhaktivedanta Institute. He never founded or even

suggested that we target the Christian conservative movement. It is also

interesting to note that the greatest supporters and promoters of Bhaktivedanta

Institute's research and authors Richard Thompson and Michael Cremo are the

American Christian Conservatives and the RSS. The chief denouncers of the

Bhaktivedanta Institute are the 'liberal progressive' media and academia. These

'liberals' you are all expecting support from have done more to supress BI's

research than anyone else.

The Christians know full well that Michael Cremo is a Hare Krsna yet he is

lionized and championed by them as a leader in exposing the Atheistic faith

called Darwinism. Michael Cremo is a founding VFA member and in this sense the

Christian Conservatives by promoting and supporting Cremo's research, they are

already supporting the VFA efforts.

So despite all these claims that the Christians will never accept us, the gound

reality shows a completely different circumstance. Despite the idea that we can

count on support from the 'liberals' the facts show the opposite to be true.

I am convinced that Despite Christian and Islamic beliefs that they are the only

ones with the truth, something I was taught to believe regarding Iskcon

coincidently, we can easily find common ground with them.This is already

happening. Rather than buying into the media's propaganda meant to dissipate

and divide any unity amongst people of faith and tradition, we must continue

our successful efforts. It is already happening and the VFA needs to seriously

recognize these facts and, in my opinion, work in this direction. Otherwise the

VFA will be left out and have no solid footing in the struggle to defend

Tradition, Faith and Culture. The fact is the opposition has already classified

the VFA as a Fundamentalist group, thus the continuing 'exposes' by Nanda

regarding David Frawley, Michael Cremo, Rajaram, Kak and Knapp. If the VFA

attempts to stand in the middle, just remember that the middle of the road is

the most dangerous place to be....you'll just get run over by both sides of

traffic, the left and the right.

Sincerely, Vrndavan Parker

PS Concidently, my new neighbor is a kind gentleman in his 80s. It turns out he

was a former employee of Boeing's defense wing and also a former leader of the

Republican National Commitee. I was surprised to learn that he is a personal

friend of George and Barbara Bush, the parents of George W Bush. I looked for

fangs, horns, a tail or claws, but try as I might all I saw was a sincere, wise

elderly man who had only positive things to say about the Bush family and

America. but of course, he is all wrong and Bush, America and the Christians

are evil horrible people. Michael Moore said so! yeah right!

Check out the new Front Page. www.

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