Guest guest Posted December 25, 2004 Report Share Posted December 25, 2004 ______________________Message: 1 Fri, 24 Dec 2004 15:40:10 +0530Srinivasan Kalyanaraman Subject: Re: Indus Script -- write or wrong?INDOLOGY, Steve Farmer wrote:> > On S. Kalyanaraman's recent post:> sarasvatisindhu/message/301Apparently, the learned authors have not read my volumes 6 and 7 ofSarasvati (published in 2003) on Language and Epigraphs mentioned inmy earlier message: Garbage in, garbage out is a computer adage. If computationallinguistics uses erroneous data, the results are likely to beerroneous. I submit that ignoring the unambiguous glyphs of theinscriptions is a gross error in such a computation attempted by FSW.Now, let me provide an alternative hieroglyph-rebus approach tounderstanding the inscription, not unlike the rendering of Egyptianhieroglyphs. It will be apparent from the following set of lexemeswhich explain the glyphs and their homonyms in bharatiya languages,that most of the inscriptions relate to metallurgists' repertoire.Alligator: it.ankar 'crocodile' (Ta.); d.hangar 'blacksmith' (WPah.)Lizard: kuduru ' lizard' (Santali) Rebus: kuduru 'portable furnacefor gold' (Te.)Snake: na_ga 'snake (Skt.); na_ga 'lead' (Skt.)Two: ib = two; as in: ibbaru = two persons (Ka.); Elephant: ibha'elephant' (Skt.); ib 'iron'; sund 'pit furnace'; sund = asubterranean passage, a mine, pit, large hole; koela la lateka sundakata = they made a deep pit by digging for coal (Santali) kar.c ib =very excellent iron (Ko.) Two scorpions: kacc + ib = reduplicatedterms for iron, very excellent iron kar.c ib = excellent iron (Ko.)kac, kas, kacci iron (Go.); kacc iron, iron blade (of spade)(Go.);kacci iron sword (Go.); sword (Kol.) ? < IA (DEDR 1096; CDIAL 2866)kaca kupi = scorpion (Mand.); kasa (kasi-) to bite, sting (Kui);kaccinai = to bite, sting (Kuwi)(DEDR 1097). kharju_raka scorpion(Skt.); khajuro centipede (N.); khajria_ (Or.); khaju_ra_ (H.);khajura_ twisted (of thread)(H.)(CDIAL 3829). Bite: kaccu (kacci-) tobite, gnaw, nibble (nursery)(Ta.); koc to bite (To.); kaccu, karcu tobite, sting (Ka.); qaswe to eat greedily, nip off with the teeth(Malt.)(DEDR 1097). kas kasa bronze; ka_s, kasa bell-metal; kasa pitarbell-metal and brass (Santali) kan~cu bronze (Te.) ka~c glass(Santali) ka_cu gold, gold coin, money, a small copper coin (Ta.);ka_s'u gold, money, the smallest copper coin (Ma.); ka.c rupee (Ko.);ko.c id. (To.); ka_su the smallest copper coin, a cash, coin or moneyin general (Ka.); an old copper coin worth half a pie, a cash (Tu.); acash, a coin in general, a gold coin, money (Te.); pice (Go.) kudar. (Go.) kut.ha_ra, kut.ha, kut.aka = a tree(Skt.lex.) kut., kurun: = stump of a tree (Bond.a); khut. = id. (Or.)kut.amu = a tree (Te.lex.); The bunch of twigs = ku_di_, ku_t.i_(Skt.lex.) ku_di_ (also written as ku_t.i_ in manuscripts) occurs inthe Atharvaveda (AV 5.19.12) and Kaus'ika Su_tra (Bloomsfield's ed.n,xliv. cf. Bloomsfield, American Journal of Philology, 11, 355; 12,416;Roth, Festgruss an Bohtlingk, 98) denotes it as a twig. This isidentified as that of Badari_, the jujube tied to the body of the deadto efface their traces. (See Vedic Index, I, p. 177). Vagina of awoman with outstretched thighs and flanked by two scorpions: kut.hi =pubes. kola 'foetus' [Glyph of a foetus emerging from pudendummuliebre.] kut.hi = the pubes (lower down than pan.d.e) (Santali.lex.)kut.hi = the womb, the female sexual organ; sorrege kut.hi menaktaea,tale tale gidrakoa lit. her womb is near, she gets childrencontinually (H. kot.hi_, the womb)(Santali.lex.Bodding) ko_s.t.ha =anyone of the large viscera (MBh.); kot.t.ha = stomach (Pali.Pkt.);kut.t.ha (Pkt.); kot.hi_ heart, breast (L.); kot.t.ha_, kot.ha_ belly(P.); kot.ho (G.); kot.ha_ (M.)(CDIAL 3545). kottha pertaining to thebelly (Pkt.); kotha_ corpulent (Or.)(CDIAL 3510). Kot.ho [skt.kos.t.ha inner part] the stomach, the belly (G.lex.) ku_ti = pudendummuliebre (Ta.); posteriors, membrum muliebre (Ma.); ku.0y anus, regionof buttocks in general (To.); ku_di = anus, posteriors, membrummuliebre (Tu.)(DEDR 188). ku_t.u = hip (Tu.); kut.a = thigh (Pe.);kut.e id. (Mand.); ku_t.i hip (Kui)(DEDR 1885). gu_de prolapsus of theanus (Ka.Tu.); gu_da, gudda id. (Te.)(DEDR 1891). kut.hi 'a furnacefor smelting iron ore to smelt iron'; kolheko kut.hieda koles smeltiron (Santali) kut.hi, kut.i (Or.; Sad. kot.hi) kut.hi = a factory;lil kut.hi = an indigo factory (H.kot.hi)(Santali.lex.Bodding) kut.hi= an earthen furnace for smelting iron; make do., smelt iron; kolhekodo kut.hi benaokate baliko dhukana, the Kolhes build an earthenfurnace and smelt iron-ore, blowing the bellows; tehen:ko kut.hi yetkana, they are working (or building) the furnace to-day (H.kot.hi_)(Santali.lex.Bodding) kut.t.hita = hot, sweltering; molten (oftamba, cp. uttatta)(Pali.lex.) uttatta (ut + tapta) = heated, ofmetals: molten, refined; shining, splendid, pure (Pali.lex.)kut.t.akam, kut.t.ukam = cauldron (Ma.); kut.t.uva = big copper potfor heating water (Kod.)(DEDR 1668).Duck: kor.o Has. Syn. of ged.e, ger.e Nag. A domesticated duck, anasdomestica (Mundari.lex.) kot.ho jar in which indigo is stored,warehouse (G.); kot.hi_ lare earthen jar, factory (G.); kot.hi_granary, factory (M.)(CDIAL 3546). kot.ho = a warehouse; a revenueoffice, in which dues are paid and collected; kot.hi_ a store-room; afactory (G.lex.) kod. = the place where artisans work (G.lex.)Dotted circles: tamar = hole in a plank, commonly bored or cut;gimlet, spring awl, boring instrument; tavar = to bore, a hole; holein a board (Ta.); tamar = hole made by a gimlet; a borer, gimlet,drill (Ma.); tamire, tagire = the pin in the middle of a yoke (Te.);tamiru = gimlet (Tu.)(DEDR 3078).Ram: t.agaru, tagaru, tagar, t.agara, t.egaru = a ram (Ka.Te.);tagara, tan:gad.i_ (M.H.); tagara = the shrub tabernaemontanacoronaria, and a fragrant powder or perfume obtained from it, incense(Vin 1.203); tagara-mallika_ two kinds of gandha_ (P.lex.) t.agara(tagara) a spec. plant; fragrant wood (Pkt.lex.) tagara = a kind offlowering tree (Te.lex.) tagaram 'tin' (Ta.) tavaru, tavara, trapu,tavarinadu, tagara, tamara = tin, tra_pus.a (Ka.); tavaramu, tamaramu(Te.); tamara = tagara = tin, lead; trapu = id. (Ka.) trapulamu,trapuvu = tin; lead (Te.)Fish over an ox, bird over a bull; Quail and Brahmani bull: bat.a =quail (Santali) Rebus: bhat.a = furnace, kiln (Santali). adar bra_hman.i bull, bull kept for breeding purposes and not put towork (Santali) rebus: aduru 'native metal'; d.han:gra 'blacksmith',that is, 'metalsmith'. paghaia a pack bullock (Santali) aduru = native metal (Ka.); ajirda karba = very hard iron (Tu.); ayil= iron (Ta.); ayir, ayiram any ore (Ma.)(DEDR 192). d.ha~_gar.,dha~_gar blacksmith; digger of wells (H.)Fish: a~s = scales of fish (Santali); rebus: aya = iron (G.); ayah,ayas = metal (Skt.) Glyph: badhor. 'a species of fish with many bones'(Santali) hako, bed.a hako a fish (Santali) bed.a 'either of thesides of a hearth' (G.) bhin.d.a a lump, applied especially to themass of iron taken from the smelting furnace (Santali) hako = axe(Santali)Two superscribed short linear strokes (like "): sal stake, spike,splinter, thorn, difficulty (H.); sal.i_ small thin stick; sal.iyobar, rod, pricker (G.); s'ol. reed (Kho.)(CDIAL 12343). salleha,selleha = splinter (Ka.lex.) sal 'workshop' (Santali); s'a_la id.(Skt.)Ox: Naha_li_ baddi_ = ox ; pa_d.o_ = bull (Sikalga_ri_, mixed Gypsylanguage.)(CDIAL 9176). = an ox; a bullock; a bull (G.lex.)baredi_ = herdsman (H.); baldi_ = oxherd (P.); baldiya_ cattle-dealer(Ku.)(CDIAL 9177). balivarda = ox, bull (TBr.); baleda_, baled = herdof bullocks (L.); baledo (S.); bald, baldh, balhd = ox; baled, baleda_= herd of oxen (P.); bahld, bale_d = ox (P.); balad, bald = ox (Ku.);barad (N.); balad(h) (A.); balad (B.); bal.ada (Or.); barad(h) (Bi.);barad (Mth.); barad (Bhoj.);. bardhu (Aw.); balad, barad(h), bardha_(whence baladna_ to bull a cow (H.); (G.)(CDIAL 9176). pa_r-al= bull (Ta.)(DEDR 4020). bare itat = a bullock given at marriage bybridegroom to bride's brothers (Santali.lex.) baro barabbar =opposite, face to face; baro, baron. = provisions, food rations,supplies (P.lex.) barotwa_la_ = a partner (K.)(P.lex.)badhia = castrated boar, a hog; bhator. sukri = a huge wild boar withlarge tusks; rata sukri = a boar in hunting parlance; sukri kud.u = aboar; datela sukri = a wide boar (Santali.lex.) basa, bara (Has. Syn.of ekend.a, Nag.) = a male wild boar, whether living with one female(larger kind) or leading a herd (smaller kind) (Mundari.lex.)bad.hi 'a caste who work both in iron and wood' (Santali) = ablacksmith; kudlam = a country made hoe, in contrast to cala_nikudlam, an imported hoe; mer.ed – country smelted iron; bar.aemuruk = the energy of a blacksmith (Mundari.lex.) = bari_ = blacksmith, artisan (Ash.)(CDIAL 9464). Theoccurrence of bari_ in Ash. (CDIAL 9464) and in Mundari and ofvardhaka in Skt. point to the early phonetic form: bard.a; semantic:worker in iron and wood, artisan. Thus, it is suggested that thedepiction of the backbone, barad.o is rebus for bard.a, artisan.bara_ha, barha_, ba_riha_, ba_ria_ boar (Or.); ba_ra_h (H.); vara_(Si.); vara_ha wild boar (Pali.Pkt.RV.); vara_hu (RV.); bara_ boar(A.B.); sow, pig (A.)(CDIAL 11325).baria~o, ba~r.ia~ = a shopkeeper, a peddler who sells salt, spices,tobacco; baria~u = rich, great, powerful, arrogant (Santali.lex.)van.ika (Skt. Van.ik) a trader, a merchant; a grocer; a grain-vendor(G.lex.) va_n.iyo (Dh.Des. va_n.iyaya_ fr. Skt. va_n.iya-ka_ traders)= a Bania, an individual of a particular caste in Gujarat, the membersof which are generally traders, shop-keepers, or money-lenders; atrader, a merchant; a dealer in grain (G.lex.) van.aja_r = a caravan;a camp or company of traveling merchants; a number of bullocks ladenwith corn, salt and other merchandise; van.ajaro = a travelingmerchant who carries for sale goods in a caravan (G.lex.) van.ij =trader (RV); trade (Gaut.); van.i = trader (Pkt.); van.ic, va~r.ic =to sell (Ash.); vra_le (Kt.)(CDIAL 12230)bari_ = blacksmith, artisan (Ash.)(CDIAL 9464). = = a = the rice beer which has been brewed by the whole village,one pot per house, in honour of the Barae, and is drunk with him, atthe end of the year; = a country-made hoe, = country-smelted iron; in contrast to cala_ni mer.ed,imported iron; = the energy of a blacksmith."(Mundari.lex., Encyclopaedia Mundarica, Vol. II, pp. 410-419).bar.hi, bar.hi_-mistri_, bar.u_i_, bar.u_i_-mistri_ (Sad.H. barha_i_)= a professional carpenter. This class of artisans is not found inpurely Munda villages because every Munda knows carpentry enough forall his own purposes; trs. caus., to make somebody become aprofessional carpenter; intr., to call someone a carpenter; cina ka_mkoko bar.hi_akoa? What kind of artisans are called carpenters;bar.hi-n rflx. v., to train oneself for, or to undertake, the work ofa professional carpenter; bar.hi_-o, v., to become a professionalcarpenter; bar.hi_ kami = the work, the proession of carpenter,carpentry; bar.hi_-mistri_ a professional carpenter (Mundari.lex.)bad.ohi = a worker in wood, a village carpenter; bad.hor.ia = expertin working in wood; bad.hoe = a carpenter, worker in wood; bad.horia =adj. Who works in wood; (as a scolding to children who use acarpenter's implements) mischievous (Santali.lex.) ba_r. blade of akhukri (N.); badhri_, badha_ru_ knife with a heavy blade for reapingwith (Bi.); ba_r.h, ba_r. = edge of knife (H.); va_d.h (G.); ba_r.h =book-binders papercutter (Bi.); brdha_n.u_ = to sheer sheep(WPah.)(CDIAL 11371). vardha a cutting (Skt.); a cut(S.)(CDIAL 11372). vardh- = to cut (Skt.); vardhaka carpenter (R.);bardog, bardox axe (Kho.); wadok (Kal.); wa_t. axe (Wg.); wa_t.ak(Pas'.)(CDIAL 11374)., bad.gya_ carpenter (Kon.lex.) bad.hi,bar.hi mistri, bad.hoe, bad.ohi, kat. bad.hoe carpenter (Santali.lex.)bad.agi, bad.a_yi, bad.iga, bad.igi, bad.ige, bad.igya_, bad.d.agi(Tadbhava of vardhaki) a carpenter; bad.agitana carpentry (Ka.lex.)Image: stick:, bar.iya stick (Kuwi); stick, club; badgawalking stick (Kuwi);,, bad.d.e, bad.d.i, bar.iya,war.iya_ stick (Go.); bar.iya stick (Pa.); vat.i small cane or stick;vat.ippu iron rod (Ta.); vat.i stick, staff, club or armed brahmans,shaft, stroke; vat.ikka to strike; vat.ippikka to have the measurestruck (Ma.); bad.i, bad.e, bod.i, bod.e to beat, strike, thrash,bang, pound; n. beating, blow, castration, a short thick stick,cudgel; bad.ike beating; bad.ige stick, staff, cudgel, hammer, mallet;bad.isu to cause to beat; bad.ukatana beating, etc.; ba_y bad.i toprevent one from speaking, silence one (Ka.); bad.i (bad.ip-, bad.ic-)to hammer, pound; ba.y bad.i- to bawl out (Kod..); bad.ipuni,bad.iyuni to strike, beat, thrash; bad.u stick, cudgel (Tu.); bad.ita,bad.iya, bad.e thick stick, cudgel (Te.); bed.ta club; bad.ya walkingstick (Kol.); bad.iga big walking stick; stick (Kond.a); bad.gestick, staff (Pe.); stick (Mand..); bad.ga_ cudgel, stick; to bruise, beat (M.)(DEDR 5224). bharia a carrying stick(Santali.lex.) vad.aga_ a stick, staff (M.); bad.iko_l a staff forstriking, beating or pounding; bad.i-man.i an instrument for levellinga surface by beating; bad.iho_ri a gelded young bull (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)vardhaka =in cmpd. = cutting (Skt.); ci_vara-vad.d.haka = tailor;vad.d.haki = carpenter, building mason; vad.d.hai_ = carpenter (Pkt.);vad.d.haia = shoemaker (Pkt.); ba_d.ho_i_ = carpenter (WPah.); ba_d.hi(WPah.); bar.hai, bar.ahi (N.); ba_rai (A.);, ba_r.ui (B.);bar.hai_, bar.ha_i, ba_r.hoi (Or.); bar.ahi_ (Bi.); bar.hai_ (Bhoj.);va_d.ha_ya_ (M.); vad.u-va_ (Si.); vardhaki carpenter (MBh.);vad.d.haki carpenter, building mason (Pali)(CDIAL 11375). vad.hin.i_cutting (S.); vardhana cutting, slaughter (Mn.)(CDIAL 11377).vad.d.ha_pe_ti cuts (moustache)(Pali); badhem I cut, shear (Kal.);so_r-berde_k custom of cutting an infant's original hair (Kho.);bad.n.o_ to cut, (K.); vad.han.u (S.); vad.d.han. to cut, reap (L.);ba_d.hna_ to cut, shear (H.)(CDIAL 11381). va_d.ho carpenter (S.);va_d.d.hi_, ba_d.d.hi_ (P.)(CDIAL 11568). bed.i_r sledgehammer (Kho.); (Gaw.); bad.i_r (Bshk.); bad.hi_r axe (Phal.); sledgehammer(Phal.)(CDIAL 11385).Glyph: kamad.ha, kamat.ha, kamad.haka, kamad.haga, kamad.haya = a typeof penance (Pkt.lex.)Glyph: kama_t.hiyo = archer; ka_mat.hum = a bow; ka_mad.i_, a chip of bamboo (G.) ka_mat.hiyo a bowman; an archer (Skt.lex.)Crab: kamat.ha = a crab, a tortoise (G.lex.) Penance: kampat.t.tamcoinage coin (Ta.); coinage, mint (Ma.);kammat.a id.; kammat.i a coiner (Ka.)(DEDR 1236) kamat.ha_yo 'alearned carpenter or mason, working on scientific principles'(Santali) kammat.a = mint, gold furnace (Te.) Person seated in a yogicposture wearing buffalo horns and twigs on hair-do: kamad.ha 'penance'is indicated; 'mint' (Ma.); ku_di_ 'bunch of twigs';rebus: kut.i 'furnace'; ko_d.u 'horns' (Ta.); kod. artisan's workshop(Kuwi)Woman ligatured to a tiger: kola 'woman' (Nahali); kola 'tiger'(Santali); ko_l raft, float (Ta.Ka.); kola boat, raft (Skt.BHSkt.);kulla (Palli)(DEDR 2238) ko_la decoration (Ka.); ko_lam = form(Ta.Ma.)(DEDR 2240). kol 'panchaloha' (Ta.); kollan 'blacksmith' (Ta.)Bull in heat trampling over a woman (?) lying down: to goabout, to go here and there, as a dog in heat (Santali.lex.) bha_t.iyo= a class of va_nia_s; a milkman; a vegetable-seller; bha_t.hela_ pl.a class of (G.lex.) d.han:ga = tall, long shanked; maran:d.han:gi aimai kanae = she is a big tall woman (Santali.lex.) Rebus:d.han:gar 'blacksmith'Dotted circles ligatured on a portable furnaceJar with rim: kan.d. 'altar, furnace' (Santali) kanduvu = an oven; aniron pan; kandakamu = a ditch, trench (Te.lex.) kan.d. kanka 'rim ofjar' (Santali) kan- 'copper' (Ta.)Pot without rim: bat.i = rimless pot; rebus: me~r.he~t bat.hi = ironsmelting furnace (Santali)Nine leaves (pipal?) flanked by two one-horned bulls in profile:Ficus glomerata: loa, kamat.ha = ficus glomerata (Santali); lo, no'nine' (B.) rebus: loha = iron, metal (Skt.) khad.a_i_ a heifer (usedin the Sorat.h Pra_nt)(G.) Buffalo: 'buffalo' (G.); kad.abuffalo (Santali) kat.ra_ bull calf; young buffalo bull;kat.iya_ buffalo heifer (H.); kat.r.a buffalo calf (WPah.); kat.aibuffalo calf (Gaw.); kat.r.a_ young buffalo (P.)(CDIAL 245). ka_t.i =fireplace in the form of a long ditch (Ta.Skt.Vedic) Rebus: sa_la'workshop' (B.); karma_ras'a_la = workshop of blacksmith (Skt.) Glyph:kamarsa_la = waistband (Te.)Standing person: ka_t.hi_ = body, person; ka_t.hi_ the make of thebody; the stature of a man (G.) ka_t.ya = being in a hole (VS.XVI.37); ka_t.a hole, depth (RV. i. 106.6) kha_d. a ditch, a trench;kha_d.o khaiyo several pits and ditches (G.) 'pit(furnace)' (Santali) tan:kam = pure gold, that which is precious, ofgreat worth (Ta.); pure gold (Ma.); = a stamped (gold) coin(Skt.)(DEDR 3013). tan:ga = a horse-belt; the belt by which the saddleis fixed right on the back of a horse; a garter (G.)Antelopes: mr..eka = goat (Te.); mlekh (Br.) mer.h, mer.ha_, me~d.ha_ram (H.), med.hia_o (Dh.Des.) ram, goat, sheep (G) mlecchamukha =copper (Skt.); what has the copper-coloured complexion of the Greek orMahomedans]. mer-iya = a rock; mer-ayu = to shine, glitter (Te.lex.)mer = a kind of large copper or brass pot (G.lex.) cf. melukka =copper (Pali); mleccha = copper (Skt.)Copulation by bovine: r-an:ku, ran:ku = fornication, adultery(Te.lex.) san:ga_ 'copulation' (IL 2910, Epigraphical Glossary);s'ankha 'turbinella pyrum' (Skt.)ra~_go buffalo bull (Ku.N.)(CDIAL10559). ra~_kat. big and boorish (M.)(CDIAL 10538). cf. ran:ka slow,dull (Skt.)(CDIAL 10538). ron:ke, ran:ke the grunt of a wildbuffalo (Ka.lex.)ran:ga, ran: pewter is an alloy of tin lead and antimony (an~jana)(Santali). ran:ku 'tin' (Santali) Tin, solder: ran:ga tin (Skt.); (Pkt.); ra~_g pewter, tin (P.H.); ra~_ga_ pewter, tin (P.H.);solder (Or.Bi.Mth.); ra_n. tin, solder (Ku.N.A.B.); ra~_k (Ku.);ra_n.o (N.); ra_n:ga tin (Or.); ra_n:ga_ solder (Or.); (OAw.);ranga tin (Si.)(CDIAL 10562). ra_n.(g)ta_ tinsel, copper-foil(B.)(CDIAL 10567). [cf. ren. cement for metallic objects (G.); ren.i_ingot (L.)(CDIAL 10639).] ran: t.odor a wristlet of pewter(Santali.lex.) ran:ga = tin; splendour, brilliance, glow and glitter(Ka.lex.) ran:garincu = to mix or rub with the finger, as any liquidand a solid or semi-solid substance (Te.lex.)Circle with six spokes: ara_ 'spokes' (Skt.) kun.d.= the opening inthe nave or hub of a wheel to admit the axle; kund ruka = a gouge, achisel with which circular holes are made in wood; sagar. kund = theopening in the nave of a wheel to receive the axle (Santali.lex.)kun.d. = a pit (Santali) kun.d.amu = a pit for receiving andpreserving consecrated fire; a hole in the ground (Te.),kun.d.a sacrificial fire pit (Skt.) kun.d.a an altar on whichsacrifices are made (G.) gun.d.amu fire-pit; (Inscr.) era, er-a =eraka = ?nave; erako_lu = the iron axle of a carriage (Ka.M.); cf.irasu (Ka.lex.)Metal: akka, aka (Tadbhava of arka) metal; akka metal(Te.) arka = copper (Skt.) erka = ekke (Tbh. of arka) aka (Tbh. ofarka) copper (metal); crystal (Ka.lex.) erako molten cast (Tu.lex.) agasa_le, agasa_li, agasa_lava_d.u = a goldsmith (Te.lex.)Svastika flanked by elephant and tiger: Glyph: sathiya_ (Pkt.); rebus:satva 'zinc' (Ka.) Elephant: ib; rebus: ib 'iron'; Tiger: kol; rebus:kol 'pan~caloha alloy of metals'.Tiger and antelope looking back: krammara 'looking back' (Te.);karma_ra 'smith, artisan' (Skt.)A bovine buttock ligatured to a standing, horned-person lifting up hisright hand : d.hagara_m = the buttocks; the hips (G.) d.hangra'blacksmith' (H.WPah.); ka_t.i 'standing'; rebus: ka_d.i 'pit(furnace)' (See above).A complex animal (heifer) always faceing towards a standard-device:san:gad.a 'joined animals' (Marathi); s'agad.i_ (G.) = lathesan:ga_d.o a lathe; sa~gha_d.iyo a worker on a lathe (G.lex.)sa~gha_r.o lathe (G.); sa~gad. part of a turner's apparatus (M.);sa~_ga_d.i_ lathe (Tu.)(CDIAL 12859). Rebus: san:gha_d.o, saghad.i_(G.) = firepan; saghad.i_, s'aghad.i = a pot for holding fire(G.)[cula_ sagad.i_ portable hearth (G.)] ja_n:gad.= things given forapproval (taken without definite settlement of purchase); jan:ga_d.iyo'military guard accompanying treasure into the treasury' (G.)Kalyanaraman24 December 2004__________------ Groups Links<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:sarasvatisindhu/<*> To from this group, send an email to:sarasvatisindhu<*> Your use of is subject to:------ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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