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Pandit S.Krishnavarma: A Forgotten Hero

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Pandit Shyamji Krishnavarma: A Forgotten Hero of Indian Independence

By: Hemant Padhya


March 11, 2004


If the true and precise history of Indian Freedom Struggle was written

and taught to the people of India after independence, the name of

Pandit Shyamaji Krishnavarma would not have been unfamiliar to the

general public of India. His name should be on the front page of the

chapters of Indian Freedom Struggle in 19th century as Pandit Shyamaji

Krishnavarma initiated the movement in London in 1905, twenty years

before Gandhiji entered into the politics of Indian independence. He

advocated the principle of non-cooperation & movement in his newspaper

13 years before Gandhiji put it into practice calling the movement

Asahakar Andolan. Although Pandit Shymaji preached non-violence

movement for the Indian Independence, he never ruled out the use of

arms and violence if required to free his Motherland from British



Pandit Shyamji Krishnavarma was a great patriot, philanthropist and

political propagandist of Bharat -India. He will be remembered in the

history of the freedom movement of Bharat as a great revolutionary

journalist, writer and a maker of freedom fighters and the most

inspiring genius of freedom movement for Indian youths. Fired with a

deep patriotic urge and nationalist emotion, Pandit Shyamaji

Krishnavarma launched the freedom movement in England in 1905, two

decades before Gandhiji entered into freedom movement of Bharat. He

was not only a great freedom fighter and inspirer but also a great and

profound Sanskrit & English scholar. Professor (Sir) Monier Williams

held very high respect for Shyamaji. In his testimonial he said,

"Assuredly no English or European teacher could possibly be his equal

in expounding the grammar of Indian languages according to the

principles of native grammarians. I may add that I know no other

Pandit who combines a considerable knowledge of Greek and Latin with

great Sanskrit attainments." A famous indologist and Sanskrit scholar

professor Max Muller also spoke very highly of Shyamji. Pandit

Shyamaji sacrificed his whole life and earnings for the freedom of his

motherland from the foreign rule of British Imperialism. He was a

brave and committed comrade who made his headquarter right in the

heart of British Empire, their capital, London, to fight against

British Rule in India. He was one of the foremost leaders of New

Nationalist Movement during the most critical years of awakening

Indian mass. He carried out rigorous propaganda in Europe for the

cause of Freedom Movement of Bharat. Pandit Shyamaji was the first and

foremost Indian political leader to demand complete independence from

British despotism and to use the term Swaraj (SELF RULE), which was

later adopted by Dadabhai Naoroji and his colleagues in Indian

National Congress.


Shyamji was born in a historic year of 1857 when the first war of

Indian Independence was fought against British Imperialism, where

thousands of freedom fighters sacrificed their life to liberate their

Motherland from foreign rule. Shyamaji was borne 30th October 1857 in

Mandavi of Kutchh province, according to the official register in

Geneva. His Father, Karasan Bhanushali, known by nickname " Bhulo

Bhanushali" was economically poor. He worked as a labourer for cotton

Press Company exporting cotton abroad. His mother, Gomatibai was very

brave and pious lady. Unfortunately, she died when Shyamaji was just

eleven years old and her mother took over the responsibility to raise

him. Shyamji was very intelligent from his childhood. He completed his

primary and secondary education in Mandavi and Bhuj in Kutchh

Province. He came to Mumbai for further education and joined Wilson

High School. He had a great love for Sanskrit from his childhood. He

acquired his preliminary lessons in Sanskrit language from Shri B B

Pandya in Mandavi. He acquired further knowledge of Sanskrit language

in great depth from Shashtri Vishvanath of Mumbai & mastered the language.


Shyamaji got married to Bhanumati, a daughter of a wealthy businessman

Seth Shri Chahbildas Lallubhai of Bhatia community and sister of his

school friend Ramdas, in 1875. In 1876, He came in touch with Swami

Dayanand Saraswati, an exponent of Vedas, radical reformer, and

staunch nationalist and founder of Arya Samaj. He became his disciple.

Swamiji was very impressed with Shyamji's knowledge of Sanskrit and

religious literatures. He guided and inspired Shyamji to conduct

lectures on Vedic Philosophy and Religion. In 1877, Shyamji toured all

over Bharat propagating the philosophy of Vedas. This tour secured him

a great public recognition all over Bharat and many prominent scholars

admired him for his knowledge and speeches. He was the first

non-Brahmin, who was conferred the prestigious title of Pandit by the

Pandits of Kashi in 1877. Professor Monier Williams, learned Professor

of Sanskrit at oxford, attended the lecture of Pandit Shyamaji in

Mumbai in 1876. He was so impressed with Shyamaji's deep knowledge,

mastery and his oratory excellence over Sanskrit Language and

literatures. He saw a great potential in this young man and offered

Shyamaji a job as his assistant in first instance.


Shyamji arrived in England in 1879 on invitation of professor Monier

Williams of Oxford University. He joined professor William as his

assistant. Shyamji and also joined Balliol College on 25th April 1979

with the recommendation of professor Williams. He passed his B A in

1883. He was invited to read papers on "the origin of writing in

India" by the secretary of Royal Asiatic Society. Pandit Shyamji's

speech was very well received there and he was elected as a

non-resident member of the society. In 1881 he was sent by the

secretary of state for India to represent the learning of his country

at Berlin Congress of Orientalists. There he not only read his own

paper on the subject of " Sanskrit as a living language of India", but

also he read the patriotic Sanskrit poem sent by RamDas Sena, a

learned ZAMINDAR of Behrampur, and translated it into English for

audience. This patriotic poem might have created the spark of

patriotism in Shyamji. In 1982 Shyamji was elected as honorary member

of "Empire Club". Here in England, he enacted from success to success.

He came across many thinkers, Philosophers and scholars and they all

admired this genius young man from India. Indologist Max Muller and

vice chancellor of Oxford University, Dr B Jowett thought very highly

of Shyamji. He returned to India in the end of 1883 and came back with

his wife Bhanumati.


In 1885 he returned to India and enrolled himself as advocate of

Mumbai High Court on19th January 1985 and started his practice. Then

he was appointed as Diwan (chief minister) of Ratlam State by the king

of the state. He resigned his high post in May 1988 due to ill health.

The king granted him a lump sum of RS 32052 as signal mark of his high

regards for his service. Then he stayed in Mumbai for a while. He

settled in Ajmer, headquarter of his Guru Swami Dayanand Saraswati,

and started his practice at British Court, Ajmer. Here he earned the

bigger income than Ratlam. He made industrial investment in three

cotton presses and secured a permanent income, which made him

independent of any services for remainder of his life. He also served

for Maharaja of Udaipur as member of his council from 1893 to 1895. He

took position of Diwan of Junagadh State in 1895 and resigned in 1897

due to bitter experience of British agent's interference. This

incidence shook his faith in British Rule.


During his stay in India Shyamji was very much impressed with a

nationalist leader, Lokmanya Tilak. He whole-heartedly supported Tilak

when he said hands off to British Government during the consent of AGE

BILL CONTRAVERSY. Shyamji initiated very friendly relation with Tilak,

which inspired Shyamji to the Nationalist Movement in next decade. The

timid and futile cooperative policy of Congress Party did not appeal

Shyamaji. He believed that the petitioning, praying, protesting,

cooperating and collaborating policy of Congress Party was

undignified, shameful for Indian Nationalism and self-respects of

proud and patriotic Indians. Shyamaji saw that undignified method of

"political mendicancy" adopted by Congress Party had crossed the limit

of patience of educated youth and made them furious.


In 1897, the atrocities inflicted during the plague crisis in Poona on

Indians by British Government, stunned and shocked Shyamji. He then

felt full justification for the nationalist stand taken by Nathu

brothers and Tilak. On 20th June 1897, Chafekar brothers of Natu

family assassinated the tyrant Commissioner of Plague, Mr Rand and his

Lieutenant Ayerst. Shyamaji was well acquainted with Damodar, one of

the Natu Brothers, whom he employed as his bodyguard on recommendation

of Bal Gangadhar Tilak, while shyamaji was Diwan of Junagadh. He has

foreseen his future to ending up in jail like Tilak and others if he

would carry out his future plan of this movement as the political

climate of India became highly suppressive and repressive after the

assassination of Mr Rand and Ayerst. Shyamaji rejected his lucrative

career to immigrate to England in March 1897, just after the arrest of

Damodar, with a view to carry out the fight from abroad. He

deliberately intended to launch uncompromising propaganda against

autocratic, exploitative and oppressive regime of British Rule and to

create support in England and Europe for THE INDEPENDENCE OF INDIA.


Shyamji left his Motherland with the great determination to work

restlessly for the liberation of India from foreign rule. He had only

one business in mind to establish a business of training and inspiring

the young sons and daughters of India to strive for the liberty of

their Motherland. He decided to dedicate all his money, time,

scholarship, literary power and above all his life to serve his

Motherland selflessly.


After his arrival in London, He stayed in residential chamber of Inner

Temple at 13, Kings Bench Walk, Temple Inn. He utilised his leisure

time to study Herbert Spencer's literatures and the thoughts of other

prominent writers advocating freedom. He stayed here until 1900 and

acquired deep knowledge in the philosophy of Freedom utilising the

library of Inner Temple as being a member of this professional

organisation. In 1900, he bought a luxurious house at 9 Queens wood

Avenue, Highgate (now known as 60 Muswell Hill Road from 3rd March

1921) in 1900. This place became a base for all political leaders of

India. Gandhiji, Lenin, Tilak, Lala Lajpatrai, Gokhle etc visited this

house to discuss the plan for Indian Independence Movement. Shyamji

disagreed and refused to be associated in any measure with Indian

Congress activities, which was largely run by Mr Hume, Mr Waddenburn

and company. Shyamji cultivated personal contacts with many person of

advanced views such as rationalists, free thinkers, national & social

democrats British Socialists, Irish republicans and above all those

who were fighting for liberty in the any corner in the world.


In 1898, when a free press defence committee was formed in order to

resist police attack upon liberty of all opinions Shyamji d

generously to its funds. In the same year Pandit Shyamaji met

Sardarsinh Rana, his future desciple, associate and friend, who came

to London to study law at inner Temple. In 1899, Shyamji strongly

criticised Gandhiji, a lawyer from Natal, for supporting British

Government in Boer war, when Boers were fighting for their very

existence of their small nation. Shyamaji started giving fiery

speeches in the free atmosphere of Hyde Park in London, calling for

the supports of progressive and sympathetic Britons in the right cause

of India's emancipation. The fire brand speech of Shyamaji set a fire

of patriotic feeling in the heart of by passing Indian lady in

audience, who would be destined to be come a " Mother of Indian

Revolution" in future under the discipleship of Pandit Shamaji



Shyamji, a follower and disciple of Spencer's philosophy, announced

£1000 to establish the lectureship at university of Oxford in memory

of Herbert Spencer, a apostle of the freedom of the individuals and

principle of a British philosophers, at his funeral service held in

Golders Green, on 14/12/1903, as a great tribute and respect to him

and his work. He also planned the programme of carrying out Spencerian

propaganda for the benefit of his countrymen. On Herbert Spencer's 1st

death anniversary, 8th Dec 1904, Shyamji announced that Herbert

Spencer Indian fellowships of RS 2000 each were awarded to enable

Indian graduates to finish education in England. He also announced

additional fellowship in memory of the late swami Dayanand Saraswati

the founder of Arya Samaj along with further four fellowships in the



In 1905, Shyamji embarked on his great life work for the freedom of

his motherland. Shyamji's new career began as a full-fledged political

propagandist and organiser for the alignment of complete independence

of India. Shyamji finally made his debut in Indian politics by

publishing first issue of his English monthly "The Indian Sociologist"

– an organ of freedom and of political, social and religious reform in

January 1905 from his address 9 Queens Wood Avenue, Highgate, now

known as 60 Muswell Hill Road, Highgate. This strong, powerful,

realistic, ideological monthly served a great purpose in uplifting

mass against British rule and created many more intellectual

revolutionaries in the India and abroad to fight for the freedom of India.


On the 18th February 1905, Shyamji inaugurated a new organisation

called "The Indian Home Rule Society". The first meeting held at

Shyamji's residence at Highgate and the meeting unanimously decided to

found "The Indian Home Rule Society" with the object of:


1) Securing Home Rule for India


2) Carrying on Propaganda in England by all practical means with a

view to attain the same.


3) Spreading among the people of India in knowledge of freedom and

national unity.


As the racial prejudice barred the way to many boarding houses and

hostels to Indian students, he foresaw the necessity of starting a

hostel for Indian students. He bought a freehold property at 65,

Cromwell Avenue, Highgate and he made an announcement of forthcoming

opening of famous India House, a hostel of Indian students with living

accommodation for 25 students. India House formally inaugurated on 1st

July by Mr. H. M. Hyndman, a leader of social, democratic federation,

in presence of many dignitaries, such as Dadabhai Navarozji, Lala

Lajpatrai, Madam Cama, Mr. Swinney (from positivist society), Mr.

Quelch (the editor of Justice) and Madam Despard (Irish Republican and

Suffragette). Declaring "India House" open, Mr H M Hyndman gave a most

eloquent and sympathetic speech. He remarked, " As things stands,

loyalty to Great Britain means treachery to India. The institution of

this India house means a great step in that direction of Indian growth

and Indian emancipation, and some of those who are here this afternoon

may live to witness the fruits of its triumphant success." How

Prophetic words of a great statesman!


The main purpose of Shyamji Krishnavarma to open this hostel was to

create great patriotic revolutionaries by implementing his ideology

for the freedom of India. He succeeded in his vision and he produced

the greatest revolutionaries such as Madam Bhikhaiji Cama, Sardarsinh

Rana, Krantivir Vinayak Savarkar, Virendra Chattopadhyay, and

Hardayalji etc.


Shyamji attended the United Congress of democrats held at Holborn Town

Hall on 29th July 1905, as a chief delegate of the India Home Rule

Society. Shyamji scored a tremendous personal success when he rose to

move the resolution on India; he received an enthusiastic ovation from

the entire conference. The newspapers Reynolds and Daily Chronicle

gave remarkable chronicle of his speech. Shyamji's activities in

England remained highly volcanic and inflammatory to British

government, the power of his pen shook the British Empire. He was

disbarred from inner temple and removed from the book of the society

on 30th April 1909 for writing anti-British articles in Indian

Sociologist. Most of the British press were anti – Shyamji and carried

out outrageous allegations against him and his newspaper. He defended

them boldly. The Times referred to him as the "Notorious

Krishnavarma". Many newspapers criticised liberal British people who

supported Shyamji and his view. The British government became highly

suspicious of him. As Shyamji realised his movements were closely

watched by British Secret Services he finally decided to shift his

headquarters to Paris leaving India House in charge of his disciple

Vir Savarker. He left Britain secretly before the British Government

tried to arrest him.


He arrived in Paris in early 1907 and continued his work vigorously.

The British media still remained highly critical of him and tried to

use their influence in French media circle. The British government

tried to extradite him from France with no success as Shyamaji

established a great friendship with many top French politicians who

supported him. Shyamji's name was dragged into the most sensational

trial of Mr. Merlin, an Englishmen, at Bows Court for writing an

article in "liberators" published by Shyamji's friend, Mr. James.

Shyamji restlessly worked in Paris to procure support for Indian

Independence from European countries with great success. He agitated

for the release of Savarker and acquired great support all over Europe

and Russia. Guy Aldred wrote an article in the Daily Herald under the

heading of "Savarker the Hindu Patriot whose sentences expire on 24th

December 1960". This created a great support in England too. As the

presence of Indian nationalist in Paris would be seriously jeopardised

on outbreak of a European war and the visit of King George to Paris,

to set a final seal of Entente Cordiale. In 1914, Shyamji foresaw the

fate and shifted his headquarter to Geneva. He continued his struggle

for Indian independence, morally and financially, with same enthusiasm

but with some restriction as the pledge of political in-action he had

given to Swiss government during the entire period of war. He kept in

touch with his old friends but he could not support them fully. As he

was restricted from all political activities and isolated from his

friends, e.g. Ranaji, Madam Cama, and his created revolutionaries,

like Savarker, Hardayal, etc. this isolation threw him into the

company of Dr. Briess who was president of Pro India Committee in

Geneva. Shyamji was later shocked and heartbroken when he found out

that Dr. Briess was a paid secret agent of the British government, as

well as the treachery of his old friend. This event left a deep scar

in his heart but his support to the cause remained at his heart



He was always prepared to help for the cause of freedom and injustice.

He offered a sum of 10 000 francs to the league of nations for the

purpose of endowing a lectureship to be called President Wilson (USA)

Lectureship for the discourse on the best means of acquiring and safe

guarding national independence consistently with freedom, justice, and

the right of asylum accorded to political refugees. It is said that

the league rejected his offer due to political pressure from British

government. When he made a similar offer to Swiss government, it was

also turned down. He declared another lectureship to the president of

Press Association of Geneva at the banquet given by Press Association

of Geneva where 250 journalists and publicists which included the

president of Swiss Federation and the league of nations. Shyamji's

offer was applauded on the spot but it met with the same fate as

before. Shyamji was very much disappointed with such decision and he

published all his abortive correspondence in this matter in his new

issue of the Sociologist on Dec. 1920, after a lapse of almost 6

years. His last 2 issues of Indian Sociologist were published in

August and September 1922, could be taken as his last political will

and testament of his work. After several health problems, a great

Indian patriot, Shyamji Krishnavarma, breathed his last in hospital at

11:30pm on 30th March 1930 leaving his wife Shrimati Bhanumati

Krishnavarma with no heir.


British government in India and Britain suppressed the death news of

Pandit Shyamaji. Although the best tribute paid to him by a great

revolutionary, Sadar Bhagat Singh and his co-revolutionist brothers in

Lahore Jail where they were undergoing a long-term drawn out trial.

Maratha, a daily newspaper started by Shri Tilak in Marathi, paid very

touching tribute to a great revolutionary.


His wife Bhanumati carried out the good work of Shyamji even after his

death. She donated 10,000 Swiss Francs in memory of Shyamji to the

Geneva University to be used every year for printing and approved

thesis on subject of sociological interest. She also donated 10 000

Swiss Francs to the hospital in Geneva for the treatment of poor and

needy. She presented the whole of the Sanskrit and Oriental Library of

Pandit Shyamji to the institute De Civilisation Indienne in the

Surbonne. She donated 90,000 franks to established a trust in Surbonne

University for awarding scholarship to a suitable number of selected

Indian students for prosecuting higher studies in the university. Even

today the memory of Shyamji and his wife is preserved in Sorbonne

University in the form a memorial plaque.


Shyamaji had the undisputed faith of the Indian Nationalists who

aspires to nothing less than the sovereign independence (Sampurna

Swaraj) of Bharat, the Aryavart of his guru Swami Dayanad's dream, and

he cherished it up to the very end of his life. While the moderates of

the Congress Party and renegades worshipped at the unholy church of

British Imperialism, Shyamji KrishnaVarma declared undying and UN

compromising war against the British occupation of his Motherland. He

spent the rest of his life in exile to achieve his goal for

independence of India. The seed he sowed for the independence

struggled, in early 19th century, brought a fruitful result in 1948,

when finally India's struggle for Independence was over and it became

Independent from British Rule. He did not survive to see the glorious

result of all his hard work that bore freedom to Mother India, but his

vision for freeing his country from the all embracing strong hold of

foreign power and to establish India on the high pedestal of sovereign

republic among the free nation of the world, became fulfilled. Shyamji

will always be remembered and be seen as an intellectual role model to

not only the people of India, but to the people of the world as a

great freedom fighter revolutionist with a pen as the weapon of mass

distruction which shook the mighty British Empire.


Pandit Shyamaji Krishnavarma did not live to witness the independence

of Bharat, but his efforts, conviction and confidence of India gaining

its freedom from British rule in future was strong and unshakable as

he made the prepaid arrangements with the local government of Geneva,

Ville de Geneve, and St Georges cemetery to preserve his & his wife's

ashes (Asthis) at the cemetery for one hundred years and to send their

urns to India whenever it becomes independent during that period.


It is a sad and shameful irony in the history of Indian Independence

that the Congress Party who took over the charge from British and

ruled the government of independent Bharat for almost fifty years did

not bother to persue the matter of bring the urns (Ashis) of Pandit

Shyamaji & his wife for their political gains and grudges as Pandit

Shyamaji was not a follower of Congress and Gandhidian ideology and

policy. The other main reason for the neglect might be that they did

not want to bring out the great work and sacrifice rendered by other

freedom fighters, whom they deliberately brushed under the carpet, to

protect their beloved heroes Gandhiji's and Jawaharlal's image they

portrayed as being the only two freedom fighter heroes who made the

freedom of India possible.


The truth always prevails. The deliberate and cunning attempt of

Congress Party over fifty years could not suppress the will of fully

committed and devoted few individuals and organisations to keep the

lamp of Pandit Shyamaji's memory burning. They worked very hard for

many years to fulfil the last wish of Pandit Shyamaji to bring the

Urns (Asthis) to Liberated Bharat from Geneva. The joint effort of

Shri Mangal Bhanushali, Corporator of Mumbai and Trustee of

Krishnavarma foundation, Mandavi, Shri Kirit Somaiya, Member of

parliament, Mulund, Mumbai, Hemantkumar Padhya, Researcher and

founder/President of Hindu Swatantryavir Smruti Sansthanam, Milton

Keynes, United Kingdom, Shri Vinod Khanna, M P, Actor of Bollywood and

Minister of External Affairs Government India, Shri Narendra Modi,

Chief Minister of Gujarat State and many others made a long due and

momentous occasion in the history of Indian Freedom Movement possible

when the urns of Pandit Shyamaji and his wife Bhanumati were

officially handed over to The Chief Minister Of Gujarat state on 22nd

August 2003, by Villed de Geneve and Swiss Government. At last! The

last wish of Pandit Shyamaji, A Great Indian Freedom Fighter

Revolutionary, is fulfilled when Shri Narendra Modi landed with the

Urns at Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Air Port, Sahar, Mumbai on 23rd

August 2003, eight days and fifty five years after Indian Independence.


Hemant Padhya


(Hindu Swatantryavir Smruti Sansthanam, England. Founder: Shri

HemantKumar G. Padhya Email: HinduKrantivir Website:


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