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An inside story of Modi’s visa revoke

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An inside story of Modi’s visa revoke




By: Moorthy Muthuswamy PhD March 20, 2005 Feedback (The views expressed here

are author’s own. The writer is a nuclear physicist based in America. He is

also a director of Indian American Intellectuals Forum, a New York-based

non-profit organization. His contact address: MoorthyM (AT) comcast (DOT) net)


The US State Department’s last minute decision to revoke the visa given earlier

to Mr. Narendra Modi has generated unprecedented levels of anger among most

Indian Americans.

Modi is the first Indian leader in the modern time who has come across as

articulate and capable, and who has stood up against Islamic fascism’s attempts

to destroy India and extend Islam’s frontiers at the expense of non-Muslims.

I have long identified Narendra Modi as India’s future leader (Beyond Fatal

Democracy, Slaves, Servants & Rulers) – India’s very own Sir Winston Churchill

who can defeat South Asia’s modern-day Nazism – Islamic fascism! Unlike many

aging leaders such as Vajpayee, Advani or Manmohan Singh, a much younger Modi,

born in an independent India reflects a more confident and a resurgent nation.

It should be noted that Modi was never tried, let alone be convicted in aiding

the retaliation that took place against the Gujarati Muslim community that has

long been conducting various forms of jihad, including burning of over 50 Hindu

pilgrims in Godhra. In fact, he provided a very able leadership during these

times and beyond. He has since created excellent conditions for wealth creation

in Gujarat (Gujarat has almost a 15% growth rate under him) and has managed to

neutralize many Islamic cells determined to wage jihad in his state. Not only

an able politician, administrator and a leader, Modi has thus proven himself to

be a capable enforcer of religious freedom.

This paper puts together various details to outline how this deplorable decision

by the State Department came about and builds a long-term approach to dealing

with Islamic fascism that is at the root of this.

Muslims from India, the usual villains!

A picture is emerging about the coalitions that have been working to bar Modi

from entering the United States. At the centre of this lies the prominent

American groups representing the Muslims from India.

The groups are sponsored and aided by Pakistan and its expatriates within

America and likely bankrolled by Saudi Arabia. They all see it as a must to

discredit and dethrone Modi. They realize that only a visionary leader such as

Modi can stop and reverse the ongoing jihad sponsored by them that is geared

towards destroying India and extend Islam’s fascist frontiers.

While realizing that Muslim groups in America have lost considerable credibility

after 9/11 attacks, they have worked to develop a false and fraudulent portrayal

of Christians being systematically attacked and marginalized in Modi’s Gujarat

in the minds of evangelical American Christians, with strong links to the

corridors of American power. Few years ago, an Indian Muslim fundamentalist

group with links to Pakistan, Deedar Anjuman, even bombed some Churches in

India and tried to unsuccessfully blame Hindus.

The views presented on the Muslim group’s websites is one of almost exclusively

putting the blame on majority Hindus, and simultaneously, almost completely

wash away Indian Muslims’ culpability in any violent or criminal acts. This is

totally contrary to the ground realities (How were Srilankan Hindus United?).

This is done to create an absolute sense of anger at the Hindu population and

its leaders. Furthermore, every effort is made to unfairly discredit Hindu

leadership and organizations. In short, the websites and their office bearers

are waging a form of jihad. While the office-bearers of the groups may not be

directly involved in terrorism, there is little doubt that they may be

creating conditions for Muslim terrorizing of non-Muslim populations.

This Muslim group’s president’s some remarks on the issue of Modi’s visa denial:

"It is a great victory for pluralism, justice and rule of law. Celebrate we must

and celebrate we will. We will continue our struggle till the victims of

pogroms in India get justice and the supporters of Hindutva ideology are

thoroughly defeated in the US and India.” Given that it is non-Muslims, and

specifically Hindus who are at the dominant receiving end of Islamic fascism,

this statement should be taken to mean that these groups will continue their

jihad on “infidel” Hindus. A well-known American supporter of Afghan Taliban

and the past president of the Muslim group has this to say: "What happened in

Gujarat was very similar to Kosovo. There were large scale violations of human

rights". These people have a history of exaggerating and cooking up

figures to suit the jihad. They are deliberately giving a wrong comparison – as

it is the Muslim majority Kashmir valley within India that should be compared

to Kosovo for driving out Hindus.

Also, the non-Muslims in front of the campaign to deny visa to Modi -- Aswini

Rao, Angana Chatterji, Sapna Gupta, Akhila Raman or George Abraham have simply

overlooked the systematic deeds of Islamic fascism in South Asia -- how it is

undermining religious freedom, besides imposing never-ending jihad on

non-Muslim communities and thus making India impoverished. It is a sheer

incompetence on their part to play willing pawns at the hands of Indian

American Islamists.

The letter written by Rep. Joseph Pitts to Secretary Rice (Did this letter stop

Modi?) looks very similar to the ones drafted and circulated in the past by

Indian American Muslim groups – full of exaggeration and baseless allegations.

Pitts’ allegation that “Chief Minister Narendra Modi and his government in

promoting attitudes of racial supremacy, racial hatred and the legacy of Nazism

through his government's support of school textbooks in which Nazism is condoned

” is simply absurd. The sections he is referring to were introduced during the

Congress (opposition) party’s time in power. Besides, Modi’s regime managed to

remove this offending book, once discovered. Quite to the contrary, Modi has a

track record of sympathizing with Israel and Jewish people. Pitts has not only

discredited himself as an US Congressman but has also managed to trivialize Nazi

extermination policies!

Indian Islam is no religion

What is notable is massive ethnic cleansing and genocide of non-Muslims in EVERY

area of South Asia where Muslims are a majority – Pakistan, Bangladesh or

Kashmir valley. Muslim populations and their leadership are yet to be held

accountable for this genocide. However, the Muslim population within secular,

Hindu majority India has only increased since 1947 Partition.

These facts tell the full and complete story of where Muslims and Islam stand

vis-à-vis majority people of the region – Hindus. This unequivocally proves

that Islam, as practiced in South Asia is a fascism designed to conquer the

region through various modes of jihad. The kind of religious indoctrination

that goes on in mosques all over South Asia, including India, only confirms the

above observation.

Essentially what has happened is that communities of Indian Muslims have been

brainwashed into conducting various forms of jihad (Muslim Reservation =

Jihad). One such a community burnt a train coach full of Hindu children, women

and men pilgrims in Godhra, Gujarat. This was not done in isolation. This has

followed a pattern of deliberate Muslim violence directed at Hindu majority. A

study conducted in India in the 1970s showed that more than 95% of riots

involving Muslims were started by them. Since 1989, over 300,000 Hindus and

Sikhs have been driven out of

India’s only Muslim majority area of Kashmir valley -- the real genocide in

modern India. This was planned and sponsored by Pakistan, and carried out by

Indian Muslims.

With the state unable to protect them, the Hindu majority justifiably decided to

retaliate against the Gujarati Muslim community responsible for the Godhra


New warfare requires new kind of response

As we discussed in the previous section the South Asian non-Muslims have been

facing a new form of warfare whereby Muslim civilians have been massively

indoctrinated into becoming foot soldiers of jihad.

Not only a substantial number of terrorists are coming from Indian Muslim

communities, all the available evidence indicates that almost the entire

community acts as a support base for terror operations. These Muslim

populations have proven that they are NOT interested in progress and instead

expect to live off on looting wealth through various means from the

impoverished Hindu majority of India (The woes of Jammu and Ladakh, India, the

Kashmiri colony). This is very similar to the Arab Muslims who too live off

this time by looting earth in the form of oil but hardly create anything.

Where was international community when every law was being disobeyed and all

kinds of freedom (including religious freedom) and rights were violated by the

massive ethnic cleansing of non-Muslims from Muslim majority areas of South

Asia? The reality is that the “civilized” laws are no longer applicable when it

comes to Islamic fascism.

Conclusion: dealing with Indian Muslim populations is most definitely not a law

and order problem – it is a military problem, one of dealing with enemy

combatants. The Indian Muslim populations have shown that they are hardly

different from smallpox; in fact they are cannibalistic in every way (How were

Srilankan Hindus United?). These terrorists and their supporting communities

use every possible means of waging war on non-Muslims.

This asymmetrical warfare imposed on the “infidel” India has already led to

ever-increasing and enormous amounts spent on security, and Muslim appeasing

subsidies, with little left for infrastructure development. With an unabated

demographic expansion from Islamic Bangladesh and fast-growing Muslim

population, this problem will get only worse -- if not addressed adequately

now. Not only India can’t manufacture certain products due to a lack of capable

infrastructure, it can hardly afford to train its people to produce them.

Instabilities created by Indian Muslims either directly or indirectly are

making many parts of India undesirable places to invest. There will be a

security markup on all of its products, making them expensive. Under these

circumstances how can a nation like India compete in global markets? If India

opens its markets as part of the free trade agreement, its local industries

will simply get wiped out!

It is a matter of time before India’s critical Information technology industries

are bombed by jihadis supported by Indian Muslims and aided by Pakistanis. This

was said so by a person very close to the chief jihadi of Pakistan, Pervez

Musharraf to the then Indian Ambassador Parthasarathy. This will be done to

destroy India’s economic viability and hence its ability to defend itself. What

is the regime in power supposed to do?

What are the rights of hundreds of millions of non-Muslim Indians whose future

is being ruined by this jihad waged by Indian Muslims -- who shouldn’t have

been living in India in the first place given the 1947 Partition of Indian in

the name of Islam and subsequent non-Muslim ethnic cleansing from the newly

formed Muslim majority areas? The signs are already there, frustrated Hindu

poor in villages, whose economic future has been compromised by subsidies,

terrorism, reservation and expenses extracted by Indian Muslims are

increasingly turning to naxal ideologies.

Those who insist on India responding to this asymmetrical warfare in “civilized”

ways are simply morons who have no clue what they are talking about. That would

be a recipe for an un-winnable war and India will soon disappear and not only

that, the entire South Asia will be turned into a highly destabilized region

and in the long run, a source of pan-Islamic terror. Is this what the

“civilized” ones want?

As it has been seen in the past, every attempt to reform the Muslim community

will be uncontrollably repulsed by mullahs who control them – making reform a

non-option. Besides, a reformed version of Islam simply doesn’t exist in India

(Islamic institutions in India - protracted movement for separate Muslim

identity?). As part of a comprehensive response it is a must to destroy Islam’s

power structure within India that is driving Indian Muslims into jihad. Second,

it is a must to make the jihad-sponsoring Muslim communities too accountable.

Clearly, allowing Indian Muslims to remain as Muslims is no solution.

Conclusion: Hence, religious freedom (and human rights) in the Indian context is

nothing less than eradicating the fascist Islamic ideology, by completing the

population transfer started by Pakistanis and Bangladeshis and liberate Indian

Muslims to the religion of their ancestors – Hinduism.

America’s blunder

There is no question in my mind that this American decision to revoke Modi’s

visa was a tactical blunder and America has plainly taken Indian Americans and

Indians for a ride.

America has a tendency to please some undeserving Islamists. An American leader

has repeated the words “Islam is a religion of peace” many times over! As I

have discussed extensively, this is not only absurd but it unwittingly

undermines America’s war on terror (The Art of War on Terror).

This visa decision once again goes to prove a poor understanding of Muslim

mindset at the highest levels of the American establishment. A recent poll

showed highly favorable ratings of President Bush in India – among the only

handful of countries where he is viewed favorably. This decision by his

administration, I am afraid, will likely devalue his standing.

Even American Muslims stand out and identify with a most fascist version of

Islam – while disowning America’s very own democratic, tolerant, and

pluralistic values. An April 2001 survey ("A Safe Heaven", Newsweek, September

30, 2002) by the Council on American-Islamic Relations found 69 percent of

Muslims in America saying it is "absolutely fundamental" or "very important" to

have Salafi (similar to the fascist Wahhabi) teachings at their mosques (67

percent of respondents also expressed agreement with the statement that

"America is an immoral, corrupt society"). To quote Newsweek: "The problem

investigators face is that, with so many U.S.-based Muslims apparently in

sympathy with fundamentalist views, it's often difficult to determine who is a

knowing accomplice and who is an unwitting one.”


Hence it is surprising that the US State Department simply fell into the trap

set by American Muslim groups. The reasons its spokesman gave for Modi’s visa

rejection were neither convincing nor were they consistently applied when

considering the fact that the leaders of states that perform religion

discrimination and with a track record of genocide – Pakistanis -- have the

“freedom” to visit America. In fact, Musharraf of Pakistan has indirectly

justified genocide and violation of religious freedom by sending terrorists

into India to conduct jihad. His jihadi intent can be ascertained by the fact

that he talks only about freedom of Kashmiri Muslims in India, but says nothing

about non-Muslims

who have been driven out of Pakistani part of Kashmir or from the rest of Pakistan.

The final decision to revoke Modi’s visa by America could be seen by most Indian

Americans and most of India as an inadvertent decision to align with evil

empires and not with a civilization. Many may say, it is time for America to

choose – whose side is it on?

A challenge in front of Hindu Americans

It is must for Hindus in America to reach out more to the Churches of various

denominations and Jewish groups and educate them about the designs of the

common genocidal enemy – Islamic fascism.

Most in America are hardly aware of the track record of Islam in South Asia –

including how Islam has managed to drive away most non-Muslims and extend its

frontiers well into South Asia. Unfortunately, years of false propaganda by

pseudo-seculars and Muslims, who still dominate the propaganda scene, have

created false notions about Hindus and undeservingly benign impression of

Indian Muslims.

Clearly, both Christians from India and American Christian groups must be made

to realize that it is not in their interests to weaken Hindu community in

India. To do so will directly benefit Islamic forces and will lead to further

extension of Islamic frontiers. Such a scenario is not in the interests of

Christianity, western civilization or in the larger interests of civilization.


We need to articulate that the long-term success of war on terror relies on

having decisive and able leaders such as Narendra Modi ruling India – a

critical nation bordering Islamic fascism -- who have proven credentials to

stop and eventually reverse Islamic fascism’s South Asian expansion.

It has also become clear that American Hindus must use portion of their wealth

to promote the interests of their community and defeat jihad. As I have often

emphasized, “you are only as strong or as weak as your community”. By doing so

they are only ensuring a better future for their children (A Hindu Movement

Born, Citizens’ role in India’s war on terror).

Moorthy Muthuswamy PhD

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