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Fwd: The US is not India's friend

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IndianCivilization, "tstsvai" <tstsvai>



It is still fresh in memory.After the Indian led Pokhran test in 1998

the US resorted to arm twisting.Hundreds of Indian companies were

black listed by the US Govt.It is surprisnig that none of the readers

recall those painful times.


India, the so called largest Democracy was made an untouchable from

across the Atlantic.Countries from Japan to Canada and Australia

condemned India in deplorable terms.Japan itself behaved so slavishly

having been a Victim to the US nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and



Hundreds of Indian engineers and techies were denied Visas by the US

consulates.Even students were not spared.The consular officials were

asked to act rough.Top Indian scientists working in the US labs were

brought under the Survellience of the FBI Radar. Routine items were

prohibited for sale to Indian Companies. Though it did not affect

Indian trade in any way.


General Powell came to India and then lands in Islamabad where he

declares that Islamabad is the most valueable partner outside NATO

this caused much consternation in the Indian foreign office.


The US brought out an 'entities list' a post colonial manifestation

of imperialism by the US against the so called largest democracy,

which was trying to fight its own war on terror by exploding the

Nuclear devices. Even Indian Civilian companies were not spared and

were brought under the entities list.The chairman of the Indian

Atomic energy commission Dr.Chidambaram and his colleagues were

denied visas to a seminar in trhe US.


The US has different yard sticks for different countries.The US has

not taken any punitive action against Dr A.Q Khan of the khan

research labarotories who sold the pakistani nuclear know how to

South korea.


Though the recently published CIA report predicts that Pakistan will

be failed state by 2015 still the US is selling F16s to pakistan.It

is well known that the US helped clandestinely both Saddam

Hussein,and Osama Bin laden.Now its own foriegn policies are back

firing on the US by the US led war on terror on the padst friends.


Former US officials call Modi visa denial misjudgement [u.S. News]

Washington, March 25 : Some former senior State believe the decision

to deny Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi a visa was unwise and

has thrown up complicated questions for future US foreign policy.


But the State Department interpreting US law right ahead of Modi's

visit has led some to speculate that it may not have been a well-

thought out act.


Having set a precedent now, is the State Department going to move in

the future to keep out several others that in the past have been

associated with "severe" religious persecution, for instance those

political leaders named during the 1984 anti-Sikh riots in New Delhi,

or those implicated in acts against Chechnyans in Russia, or even

Beijing's Communist Party members that have moved against the Falun

Gong sect or Christians in China, not to forget those who persecuted

the Kashmiri Pandits?


Modi's visa was denied under the International Religious Freedom Act.

Passed in 1998 and strengthened in 2004 by the Intelligence Reform

Act, it gives the president authority to delay, deny or cancel visits

by a foreign citizen who "while

serving as a foreign government official, was responsible for or

directly carried out, at any time, particularly severe violations of

religious freedom".


"It is an issue fraught with dilemmas. It has opened up something of

a pandora's box for the US," said Walter Andersen, former State

Department official, now associate director of the South Asian

Studies department at the Johns

Hopkins University.


Doubting that it will be regarded as a small matter by either New

Delhi or Washington, he said, "But in some ways, it does turn out to

be a blunder as some people have maintained," Andersen said.


"It makes Modi a martyr, it sweeps his own political problems under

the rug, it makes it look like an assault on Gujarat which is what he

had been touting earlier, and it also brings out a lot of anti-US

feelings in the right wing of the BJP

(Bharatiya Janata Party)."


Foreign policy buffs also brush aside the view that the Bush

administration set up Modi as an example for showing it was not

rabidly anti-Islamic.


"I doubt Washington sees this as a way to win favour with the Islamic

world," Andersen contended. "I doubt it was the objective because I

have not seen the kind of resonance coming from that part of the

globe, not just now, but even during the rioting in 2002 in India,

there wasn't that much reporting in the Islamic world other than in



In the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks the US govt

constituted an enquiry into the causes that led the tragic events.

The commision published its findings in Sept 2004 . Under section '

Visas', page 14 the report says out of the 18 hijackers except 2

were given clean chit, for entry into the US. Even these two were

found to have lied to the Visa officials only after the tragic

incidents.All those who rammed the Boeing Aircrafts on WTC and

Pentagon were allowed scot free entrance into the US, where they

performed the ultimate acts of terrorism.Many young Indian software

engineers died because of this terrible mistake.


The US has not denied visa to either Arafat or Ariel Sharon who are

considered terrorists by many.It has not denied Visa to Chinese

leaders who perpetrated the Tinneman square attacks.It has not denied

visa to Musharuff for launchig so many Jihadis into India.


Why make such fuss over the denial of Visa to Modi? The US cannot be

considered a Judge in the Modi's case as it is having enough under

its own carpet, for half the terrorism in the world ultimately has

come out of the US led policies and misadventures in the last half

century. Be it in the Middle East (Zionist policy), its Pakistani

policy in South Asia, its aggression in South Asian countries of

Vietnam and Cambodia, and its post 9/11 `War on Terror' against

Afghanistan and Iraq.So what is so sacrosanct about the US Visa


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