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Orchestrating The Asian Tsunami

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Orchestrate The Asian Tsunami

Update 4 February 2005

Condoleeza Rice's Unbelievably Arrogant "Profitable" Tsunami


At a recent Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on

her appointment by Bush to the post of Secretary of State, Condoleeza

Rice declared that the tsunami constituted "a wonderful opportunity

to show not just the US government, but the heart of the American

people." "And I think it has paid great dividends for us," she added.

The French Government has shown an interest in this

unbelievably arrogant gaffe, with a former director of the French

Government "Centre National de la recherche Scientifique" putting to

bed any notion that the tsunami was a 'natural event'. THe author,

physicist Dr Jean Pierre Petit, provides some excellent photographs

of American-occupied Diego Garcia, and predicts a very chilling

future for America, if a similar 'natural event' should accidentally

happen in the Canary Islands.


"Tsunami" by Dr Jean Pierre Petit, Click Here




Steve Seymour Software DesignFlashback To Cyclone Zoe, 26 December



Dryden Concordski Fortress Americas Sunburned Zionists

Vialls HomePlease Help To Maintain the Flow of Intelligence



Predictably perhaps, I remain permanently barred by

American multinationals including and PayPal, and more recently

have had completely unacceptable restrictions placed on my web page

layouts and graphics by others, who for the present will not be

named. All seem intent on removing my content from the Internet

completely, or in gaining 100% editorial control over my work.

Life is never easy for a former combat veteran living on a

miniscule disabity pension, but it has to be admitted that these

multinational and other strangleholds havemanaged to make life even

harder still. If you appreciate these intelligence reports and would

like to help their continuation by assisting financially, please

click on the donate button below, which will redirect you to my

donations page and an online payment provider.

For those who do not like online donations of any kind, I

can personally process Australian Dollar or Pound Sterling checks,

and convert almost any banknote into usable currency. My snail mail

address is "J. Vialls", 45 Merlin Drive, Carine, Western Australia

6020. If anyone out there has online Internet banking and the desire

to donate, please direct the funds to my Western Australia bank

account shown here. Thank you for caring.



name: J. Vialls


Name: Bank West




BSB: 306-074


#: 0574527



Please click donations button:





Did New York Orchestrate The Asian Tsunami?

With Afghanistan and Iraq already lost, the Wall Street bankers were

all desperately looking for other ways to control our world, when

suddenly and very conveniently, the Sumatran Trench exploded. Trick

or Treat?


Copyright Joe Vialls, 5 January 2005, Updated 4 February 2005


Condoleeza Rice's Unbelievably Arrogant "Profitable" Tsunami, Blue

Update Below.


We gratefully accept credit cards!USS Abraham Lincoln CVN72Real

Blast Epicenter in Sumatran TrenchMosque near Ground Zero,

Aceh"Others are engaging even in an eco type of terrorism, whereby

they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes or volcanos remotely,

through the use of electromagnetic waves." American

Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, April 1997. Big surprise!

Presumably Cohen already knew that a nuclear weapon generates what he

refers to obliquely as "electromagnetic waves". Despite having a huge

number of tsunami victims in its own State of Tamil Nadu, India

completely converted the survey ship INS Nirupak into a 50-bed

floating hospital in less than 72 hours, then sent it unarmed to help

the desperate people of Aceh in Indonesia. . By direct comparison,

America sent combat ships and armed Marines. The US Navy has two

1,000 bed hospital ships, the 'Comfort' and the 'Mercy', but neither

one was dispatched. Though the USNS Comfort was deployed to New York

when 3,000 Americans died in September 2001, this current lack of

action sends a strong signal that 150,000 (mostly Muslim) dead in

South East Asia, and half a million injured, are of no concern

whatever to the power brokers in New York. The Indian Government knew

full well that this was not a "normal" earthquake. On 27 December

India refused to join George Bush's planned exclusive 'club of four',

which would have effectively pulled this Asian nuclear power out of

its new coalition with Russia, China and Brazil. On 28 December the

Indian Government politely warned the American military to stay clear

of Indian sovereign territory, and on 29 December the India Daily

Editorial publicly questioned the nature of the event: "Was this a

showdown by a country to show the region what havoc can be

created?" ... "Given the level of devastation and given the fact

India is a regional power in South Asia, [the] Indian Navy has an

obligation to investigate and tell the world what they found."

Theoretically, the American 9 megaton W-53 thermonuclear warhead

shown on the left, could easily be encased in a small 'lookalike'

saturation diving chamber similar to that on the right, to protect it

from the massive 10,000 pounds per square inch pressures at the

bottom of the Sumatran Trench. The whole armored package would weigh

less than five tons, allowing it to be slipped over the stern of any

oil rig supply vessel, of which there are more than 300 in Asia

alone. Who would even notice? Despite a natural human

tendency to be shocked into silence by the sheer number of dead and

injured across Asia on 26 December 2004, and despite also being

slightly fearful of losing personal credibility because of the

magnitude of the apparent crime, there are many provable

irregularities in the official American tsunami story that simply

have to be recorded now, or forever be lost in the sands of time.

It is beyond any doubt that a giant tidal wave (tsunami)

smashed its way through South and South East Asia, and still had

enough legs to continue all the way across the Indian Ocean to

Africa, where it killed and injured a few hundred more. So the only

question we must ask, is whether this tsunami was a natural or man-

made catastrophe? A natural event would be horrifying enough, but if

the tsunami was man-made, then we are unquestionably looking at the

biggest single war crime in global history.

To make any sense at all of the irregularities, we must

start at the very beginning, and then follow the course of events as

they unfold, especially events in the immediate vicinity of the real

tsunami epicenter, because the latter is quite different from the

location being remorselessly peddled by the New York Times and CNN.

At midday local Australian time I faithfully recorded the

magnitude and position plotted by the Jakarta Geophysical Office in

Indonesia. An earthquake measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale had hit

the north of the Indonesian island of Sumatra. The Jakarta

Geophysical Office meticulously noted that the epicenter of the event

was located 155 miles south-southwest of Aceh Province.

This location is approximately 250 miles south of the

position later selected by the American NOAA, which plotted the

epicenter to the north-west of Aceh, and initially claimed a Richter

reading of 8.0. Alas, even that was not enough to cover the damage

caused by this extraordinary event, so NOAA progressively upgraded

the reading to 8.5, then to 8.9, and finally to 9.0 - at least for

the present.

So, the first proven irregularities were peddled by

American officials at the NOAA, who suddenly invented a

new 'flexible' peak seismic wave for the event, of far greater

magnitude than Jakarta, when the Jakarta office was located much

closer at almost point-blank range. Believe me when I tell you there

is no such thing as the new 'flexible' peak claimed by NOAA. The

first seismic peak you record is the only real peak, unless of course

you later manually draw in a few more peaks of your own, to match a

contrived agenda. Naturally there is also only one epicenter, which

was faithfully recorded by dozens of Indonesian and Indian


Quite apart from the huge disparity in Richter values,

the Indonesians and Indians were disturbed to find that the normal

earthquake 'preamble' was missing from their seismograph charts. All

this means is that the normal steadily increasing number of

transverse shear "S" waves that always precede an earthquake were

missing, as were later aftershocks, which likewise always accompany a

naturally occurring or Tesla standing-wave generated earthquake.

There were 'warnings' of aftershocks from the NOAA, but none actually


To simplify matters for non-technical readers, an

earthquake is always triggered by a resonant electromagnetic

frequency in the range 0.5 to 12 Hertz, but it is not an instant

process, because the resonant frequency must be precise. Thus as true

resonance approaches, the fault line starts to tremble like a piece

of rope under tension, and sends out warnings to the seismographs in

the form of steadily increasing transverse shear waves.

If all you get is a cluster of "P" compression waves,

then you are almost certainly looking at an underground or sub sea

explosion. These were in fact the only copious seismic signals that

the Indonesians and Indians received, and they looked curiously

similar to those generated many years ago by large underground

nuclear weapons in Nevada.


We will return later to the relatively simple task of

delivering a multi-megaton thermonuclear weapon to the bottom of the

Sumatran Trench, and then detonating it with awesome effect, but

right now we need to return to our initial task of following the

trail of events and inexplicable irregularities. First we must travel

south to the distant desert island of Australia, currently ruled by

an obsequious Wall Street toady known as Little Johnny Howard. To the

intense displeasure of many of his Australian "subjects", Little

Johnny never makes a move outside Australia unless he first receives

explicit instructions from one of his New York minders. Remember

this reality, because it is extremely important in terms of what

Australia did next.

On the morning of 27 December, the Australian (New York

owned) media was making it very clear that the most badly hit nation

in the region was Sri Lanka, an island at the southern tip of India,

which like Australia is a member nation of the British Commonwealth.

Accordingly, Tim Costello, head of one of Australia's largest

charities, made immediate plans to fly to the area and assess the

need for aid. But that same morning, Little Johnny was dancing to a

very different tune, which, based on his known subservience, must

have been playing down his secure telephone line from Wall Street.

In true covert manner, Little Johnny secretly dispatched

two RAAF Hercules transport planes packed with supplies to Malaysia

on "Stand By", and directed two more to Darwin in Australia's north.

Please note that if Little Johnny had any humanitarian concerns at

all, all four Hercules could have flown directly to Commonwealth

partner Sri Lanka, where every other Australian had already been told

by the media that aid was needed. But no, it wasn't to be, and Little

Johnny waited patiently for orders from New York.

The waiting period was short, and after a high-flying

reconnaissance jet confirmed that the runway was clear at Medan in

eastern Sumatra, all four Australian Hercules complete with troops,

guns and other tackle, invaded Sumatra just south of the devastated

province of Aceh. In turn, with 90% of its population killed by the

tsunami, Aceh might perhaps one day soon become Indonesia's very own

Guantanamo Bay, crawling with hundreds of heavily armed Australians

and Americans.

Remember carefully though, at the time these four

Hercules touched down in Medan, the ordinary Australian public still

had no idea that Sumatra was badly hit. Only Little Johnny knew, and

of course his trusty crystal ball in New York. To hell with Sri

Lanka, his bosses wanted a main base for the huge reconstruction

contracts in Asia, designed to replace the failed oil theft and

reconstruction in Iraq, and keep poor old Zion on its tottering New

York legs for a few more weeks or months.

In the end, what the hell did it matter how many Goyim

had to die? And, hey, on the credit side they'd already managed to

kill more than 100,00 Muslims in Sumatra with a single tidal wave,

which was partial payback for their own resounding defeats in

Afghanistan and Iraq. Needless to say the Australians

were merely the advance party, soon to be joined by a curiously well

prepared and equipped U.S. Military, though it is doubtful that any

of the officers and men involved really comprehend what is going on.

Only a handful thought to question why they had been spending a whole

year training for a "Humanitarian Mission", when the whole point of

the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps is normally to kill people in very

large numbers. Just look at Fallujah, people, look at Fallujah.

As if by magic, the Pentagon managed to have two battle

groups ready to sail at an instant's notice from Hong Kong and Guam

during the normally chaotic Christmas to New Year period. Crikey!

Military discipline has come a hell of a long way since my day, when

everyone including the ship's cat was sleeping it off at some highly

questionably hostelry or another. Not these 10,000+ Americans though,

who must have been standing rigidly to attention beside their

hammocks day and night, tugging furiously at their forelocks whenever

an officer of NCO came in sight.

The next bit was superbly orchestrated, because it took

place at sea, far away from the prying eyes of dock spies or

imaginary KGB agents. But oops, first you have to know who was

involved. Out of Hong Kong rushed team one, comprised of the nuclear-

powered USS Abraham Lincoln and her escort vessels, while the far

more interesting team two rushed out of Guam, led by the USS Bonhomme

Richard, a marine amphibious assault carrier crammed to the gunwales

with gun-toting wooden tops. And that is not all, believe me,

because the Bonhomme Richard is in fact leading a veritable armada

known as "Expeditionary Strike Group 5".

Flagship USS Bonhomme Richard is accompanied by the

U.S.S. Duluth, an amphibious transport dock vessel; the USS Rushmore,

a landing ship dock; the guided missile cruiser USS Bunker Hill,

guided missile destroyer USS Milius, and the guided missile frigate

USS Thach. To take care of the underwater side of things they are

joined by the nuclear hunter-killer submarine USS Pasadena, while the

U.S. Coast Guard's high-endurance cutter Munro is also tagging along,

presumably to deal with Asian Customs and Excise.

Now then, though 'Strike Group 5' may be toting enough

nuclear weapons to destroy half of the known world, and the title is

perhaps lacking when viewed from a strictly humanitarian perspective,

engineer chief Staff Sgt. Julio C. Dominguez says otherwise: "The

Marine Service Support Group has been preparing for a humanitarian

mission of this type for about 12 months now, and is more prepared

for an actual mission". Well, OK chief, but didn't you ask why you

were being trained for a mysterious humanitarian mission a year

before it actually happened, especially when your day job is normally

shooting Muslims full of holes?

The really sneaky (inexplicable) bit came as

both battle groups entered the Indian Ocean. The USS Abraham Lincoln

looked about as innocent as a carrier with 70 attack planes can look,

but was already carrying 2,000 marines instead of her normal

complement of around 500. That is a huge amount of grunt firepower to

put on the deserted streets of Banda Aceh, especially when Wall

Street normally expects these marines to die quietly for Zion in

Iraq. Now then, how did they know the extra marines would be needed

before team one left Hong Kong, because the surplus 1,500 marines

were certainly not just standing around on Kowloon dock waiting to

hitch a ride.

Then while the two battle groups (apparently) headed in

two different directions across the deserted Indian Ocean, an even

stranger event took place. Though Expeditionary Strike Group 5

(Humanitarian) was supposed to help the folks in Sri Lanka, the

combat marines aboard the USS Bonhomme Richard transferred to

amphibious transport dock vessel U.S.S. Duluth, which then split from

ESG-5 and headed towards team one. So without the Indonesians really

being aware of it, the (relatively) harmless and Bulky aircraft

carrier USS Abraham Lincoln has been used to screen the arrival of at

least 3,500 heavily-armed US Marines in tiny Aceh Province.

That more or less brings us up to date on known military

activity, though yesterday an Australian television cameraman did

accidentally film some of these heavily-armed US Marines (who tried

to shoo him away), searching a devastated Indonesian military base

for any remaining weapons. Now call me old-fashioned, but if these

guys and their bosses are straight, that particular job should be

left to the Indonesian Army?

I will be circumspect as to exactly how a large American

thermonuclear weapon managed to arrive at the bottom of the Sumatran

Trench, though all of the seismic evidence and preparedness for the

resulting mission indicates strongly that this is the case. After

all, we are back to the age-old question of "who benefits?", and in

this particular case, "Who is insane enough to kill more than 150,000

civilians just to hang on to power?' Based on their past performance

in Iraq and other luckless countries, it would seem that the only

realistic candidates are Wolfowitz and company, striving as always to

create a "One World Government".

Certainly no other nuclear powers including Russia and

China stand to gain anything at all from such an outrageous mass

murder, so, as always in the end, we come back to Sherlock Holmes

via the pen of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: "When you have ruled out the

impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, is the truth."

For the Zionist Cabal, obtaining a thermonuclear weapon

in America is no great trick, especially when we have the precedent

of 100 small 'decommissioned' air-to-air atomic warheads being

smuggled out the Pentagon's (civilian) back door, to form the core of

the Jewish State's current nuclear arsenal. Once a weapon system is

out date and out of service, loyal uniformed US military personnel

can no longer track it.

Those who wish to understand how such a seemingly small

weapon could rattle a 20,000 feet-deep oceanic trench, and then force

a giant tsunami right across the Indian Ocean, would do well to look

at the diagram of the famous 'Dambusters' attacking the German dam

below, most of which is self-explanatory.

The designer of the RAF's bouncing bomb (actually

called "Highball") was a scientist called Barnes Wallace, who had

already gained a formidable reputation with his Wellington bomber,

which he constructed geodetically, thus enabling it to absorb

enormous punishment before actually being shot out of the sky. Many

Wellington returned to base literally in tatters, while many luckless

cousins like the Stirling and Halifax were all too often consigned to

the murky deep of the North Sea.

Wallace knew that bombing the dams vertically was a

complete waste of time, and the only possibility of success lay in

placing a mine hard up against the dam wall at its base. You see,

water cannot be compressed, meaning that if the mine was pressed

against the dam wall at the moment of detonation, part of its energy

would automatically be expended on the wall itself. Too far away in

the relatively shallow water, and most of the blast energy would be

lost to atmosphere, in a huge exploding cloud of water of course.

Though it was obvious that the dam wall could not be

destroyed by a single bomb from a single Lancaster bomber (it would

weight far too much for the aircraft to get off the ground), Wallace

pinned his hopes on the scientific fact that cumulative stress should

do the job, and he was proved right. Though officially three of the

bombs, each containing 6,500 pounds of TNT, were considered to be

direct hits, one of these veered off slightly, meaning that the giant

Mohne Dam was completely breached by a total of 13,000 pounds of tri-

nitro toluene.

It is the incompressibility of water in particular that

matters deep down in the Sumatran Trench. At the bottom you already

have 10,000 pounds of pressure per square inch pressing down on your

weapon of choice, and above that weapon there is a column of water

20,000 feet tall, which is what caused the pressure in the first

place. Not only that. The trench narrows at the bottom, meaning that

the weapon is 'hemmed-in', with a very real chance of moving a

tectonic plate if sufficient tonnage is used.

In this particular case there was no real need to shift

a tectonic plate, and science suggests that if this blast had caused

such an effect, several very powerful aftershocks would have

occurred, as has happened with every other major earthquake in the

past. But, as previously stated, and setting aside the seemingly

deliberate provocative though false warnings from the American NOAA,

there has not been a single aftershock which can be directly &

scientifically linked to the 'event' in the Sumatran Trench at 0758

hours local on 26 December 2004. Later tremors might or might not be

connected to the weapon.

To force subservience on Asia, and ensure the lion's share

of incredibly lucrative reconstruction contracts, all that was needed

was a very large tsunami targeted on the selected nations, which was

easily within the capabilities of a large thermonuke. There is

nothing new about "Sea Bursts" as they are called, and more than 30

years ago plans existed in both America and Russia to wipe out each

other's coastal cities using exactly this technique. The tidal wave

from a deep sea burst is relatively clean, allowing the aggressor to

take over both land and remaining buildings etc. with the minimum of


If everything had gone to plan, then Indonesia, Sri Lanka

and India would have been in hock to the IMF and World Bank for

thirty or more years - time enough to wait for the price of oil to

come down again after the lethal fiasco in Iraq. At the same time, if

the Indian Government had taken the bait, the deadly Russian-Chinese-

Indian-Brazilian coalition would have been dead in the water. Not a

bad day's work for a single thermonuclear weapon discreetly removed

from the decommissioning process.

There are those who may claim that I have 'left out' the

giant ExxonMobil gas fields in Aceh, but that is not the case.

Certainly they are very productive sub-surface fields, and will

unquestionably produce lots of gas again once the surface equipment

has been repaired, but in isolation they are completely incapable of

saving the New Zion from collapse. Wall Street needs giant

reconstruction contracts, and plenty of them.

If I remember correctly, shortly before Christmas I

received a large number of emails from various people about

some "German Guy", who apparently claimed that Wolfowitz had got hold

of a critical weapon and was going to nuke Houston on either the 26

or 27 of December. I never did read the whole email, but it seems

very likely that it was initially circulated by Wolfowitz or one of

his ilk, as a classic disinformation distraction. Try something along

the lines of "You suckers all watch Houston very carefully on 26

December, while I nuke Asia behind your backs? "


Update 6 Jan 2005

Tsunami 'Just Missed' India's Top Fighter Jets & Nuclear Power

StationIndia's nuclear reactor at Chennai in Tamil Nadu State,

flanked on either side by state-of-the-art hyper performance Sukhoi

SU 30 jets, which should have been vulnerably situated in the Nicobar

Islands front-line when the tsunami roared north from the Sumatran

Trench. India has a major air force base on the Island

of Car Nicobar, which guards the front line of Indian airspace in the

Bay of Bengal. This base was being upgraded as 'home' to 25 of the

IAF's Russian Sukhoi SU 30 jets, every one of which is capable of

firing both the Sunburn and Onyx Mach 2.0+ sea skimming anti-ship


The Sukhoi squadrons were due to arrive in Car Nicobar on

14 December, but had to be delayed because of construction work,

which is extremely ironic. Despite the tidal wave roaring over the

island and breaking up the runways, India still has its incredibly

valuable SU 30 hyper performance planes, now situated on the mainland

fully armed, and within striking range of both US Battle Fleets

currently in the Indian Ocean.

"We will have the fighters operating from the base within

six months," a determined Air Chief Marshal S Krishnaswamy said as he

assessed the damage caused to the [Car Nicobar] base. "In a year's

time we will make the base fully operational. The problem is of

transporting each and every construction material by ships and planes

again to this place. The material include even the concrete which we

have to lay on the runway."

There could also have been a major catastrophe at Chennai

in Tamil Nadu, India's southernmost state and home to its fast

breeder nuclear reactor. About another 0.2 on the Richter Scale, and

the world (india in Particular) would very likely have been facing a

second Chernobyl - yet another catastrophic 'spin-off' from the

Sumatran Trench event. Fortunately, as if by fate, the tidal wave

damaged only the cooling water inlets, which play no part in the

nuclear process.

As I post this update in the early hours of 6 January,

Bloomberg has very kindly just confirmed the transfer of power from

Expeditionary Strike Group 5 (humanitarian duties only), to the USS

Abraham Lincoln battle group off Aceh. Now not one but both massive

assault landing carriers are bound for poor old Indonesia and its

110,000,000 Muslim citizens...

"The USS Bonhomme Richard and USS Duluth today arrived in

Sumatran waters and airlifted more than 200,000 pounds (90,000

kilograms) from two warehouses for distribution to areas unreachable

by road, the U.S. embassy in Jakarta said in an e- mailed statement.

The ships carry 25 helicopters each and more than doubled the number

of U.S. aircraft to carry aid. "



Update 4 February 2005

Condoleeza Rice's Unbelievably Arrogant "Profitable" Tsunami


At a recent Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on

her appointment by Bush to the post of Secretary of State, Condoleeza

Rice declared that the tsunami constituted "a wonderful opportunity

to show not just the US government, but the heart of the American

people." "And I think it has paid great dividends for us," she added.

The French Government has shown an interest in this

unbelievably arrogant gaffe, with a former director of the French

Government "Centre National de la recherche Scientifique" putting to

bed any notion that the tsunami was a 'natural event'. THe author,

physicist Dr Jean Pierre Petit, provides some excellent photographs

of American-occupied Diego Garcia, and predicts a very chilling

future for America, if a similar 'natural event' should accidentally

happen in the Canary Islands.


"Tsunami" by Dr Jean Pierre Petit, Click Here


For those who cannot read French, there is a free automatic

translator called "Babel Fish" located at

http://world.altavista.com/ Copy and paste the French page URL into

the box marked 'Translate a Web Page', select 'From French to

English', and then hit the return key. The resulting free translation

to English is direct and thus grammatically imperfect, but it is

quite good enough to follow and comprehend the author's arguments.

Tsunami Part Two, 24 Feb 2005, Click Here

Steve Seymour Software DesignFlashback To Cyclone Zoe, 26 December



Dryden Concordski Fortress Americas Sunburned Zionists

Vialls HomePlease Help To Maintain the Flow of Intelligence



Predictably perhaps, I remain permanently barred by

American multinationals including and PayPal, and more recently

have had completely unacceptable restrictions placed on my web page

layouts and graphics by others, who for the present will not be

named. All seem intent on removing my content from the Internet

completely, or in gaining 100% editorial control over my work.

Life is never easy for a former combat veteran living on a

miniscule disabity pension, but it has to be admitted that these

multinational and other strangleholds havemanaged to make life even

harder still. If you appreciate these intelligence reports and would

like to help their continuation by assisting financially, please

click on the donate button below, which will redirect you to my

donations page and an online payment provider.

For those who do not like online donations of any kind, I

can personally process Australian Dollar or Pound Sterling checks,

and convert almost any banknote into usable currency. My snail mail

address is "J. Vialls", 45 Merlin Drive, Carine, Western Australia

6020. If anyone out there has online Internet banking and the desire

to donate, please direct the funds to my Western Australia bank

account shown here. Thank you for caring.



name: J. Vialls


Name: Bank West




BSB: 306-074


#: 0574527



Please click donations button:





Asia Tsunami Proved Biggest War Crime in History

While the western media desperately tries to deflects public interest

with ever-increasing Richter figures now up to an hysterical 9.3, the

BBC, HMS Scott and others inadvertently prove conclusively that the

horrific event of

26 December 2004 was the biggest single war crime in recorded



Tsunami Part Two. Copyright Joe Vialls, 24 February 2005,


Click Here to return to Tsunami Part One


Dialup users please be patient while center Shock Wave Flash movie


Click Here to view original BBC film and Indonesian Padang

SeismographAt 00:58 a.m. Greenwich Mean Time on 26 December 2004, a

single sharp primary (compression) wave was created at the bottom of

the Sumatran Trench, 155 miles to the south-southwest of Aceh

Province in Sumatra, Indonesia. Travelling through directly coupled

earth and water at 18,000 miles per hour, this puny wave arrived at

the town of Banda Aceh thirty-two seconds later, causing a minor

earth tremor lasting exactly 13 seconds, rougly the same duration as

the seismic compression wave from a large nuclear weapon detonated

underground in Nevada. Note in the right-hand 'after' photograph that

everything in central Banda Aceh, situated directly on the giant

Sumatran Fault line, is intact. During the long silent 22 minutes

that followed, there were no injuries, no damage, and no seismic

aftershocks. Then suddenly and without any warning, a giant tidal

wave rose from hell, razing everything and everyone in its

path. "Death and destruction have been the fate of San

Francisco. Shaken by a temblor at 5:13 o'clock yesterday morning, the

shock lasting 48 seconds, and scourged by flames that raged

diametrically in all directions, the city is a mass of smouldering

ruins. At six o'clock last evening the flames seemingly playing with

increased vigor, threatened to destroy such sections as their fury

had spared during the earlier portion of the day. Building their path

in a triangular circuit from the start in the early morning, they

jockeyed as the day waned, left the business section, which they had

entirely devastated, and skipped in a dozen directions to the

residence portions. As night fell they had made their way over into

the North Beach section and springing anew to the south they reached

out along the shipping section down the bay shore, over the hills and

across toward Third and Townsend streets.

"Warehouses, wholesale houses and manufacturing concerns

fell in their path. This completed the destruction of the entire

district known as the 'South of Market Street.' How far they are

reaching to the south across the channel cannot be told as this part

of the city is shut off from San Francisco papers. After darkness,

thousands of the homeless were making their way with their blankets

and scant provisions to Golden Gate Park and the beach to find


"Those in the homes on the hills just north of the Hayes

Valley wrecked section piled their belongings in the streets and

express wagons and automobiles were hauling the things away to the

sparsely settled sections. Everybody in San Francisco is prepared to

leave the city, for the belief is firm that San Francisco will be

totally destroyed. Downtown everything is ruin. Not a business house

stands. Theaters are crumbled into heaps. Factories and commission

houses lie smouldering on their former sites."

So spoke the front page of the San Francisco 'Call

Chronicle Examiner" on the morning of April 19,1906, though of course

the newspaper had to be printed on still intact presses far away from

the city. This was a real earthquake, ladies and gentlemen, a real

earthquake. And though it measured a relatively puny 7.9 on the

Richter Scale, the savage transverse shear waves generated by the

quake whipped through the ground like a monstrous snake, causing

severe damage to buildings in Portland, Oregon, more than 530 miles

away from its epicenter in San Francisco. Six minutes later there was

a severe aftershock, and then another severe aftershock five minutes

after that.

San Francisco was shattered, and awestruck scientists

from all over America gathered to gawk helplessly at the geological

damage. The ground had broken open for more than 270 miles along the

San Andreas rift, a major fault line. The country on the east side of

the rift had moved southward relative to the country on the west side

of the rift. The greatest movement was about 21 feet, some 30 miles

northwest of San Francisco. Were it not for a handful of

amateur cameramen in Banda Aceh on Boxing Day 2004, we might easily

have been fooled into believing that Sumatra, like San Francisco, had

been subjected to a naturally-occurring nightmare earthquake, first

peddled by the American NOAA at 8.0 on the Richter Scale. Then of

course the NOAA realized that 8.0 was simply not enough to cover this

thermonuclear sabotage, and developed a new exciting "flexible"

Richter Scale to take care of the public relations problem.

Onwards and upwards the NOAA went, from 8.5 to 8.9, and

then from 9.0 to 9.1. Finally they managed to convert the single

Padang seismic compression spike (shown for the first time on the

next page) into a whopping great Richter 9.3, sufficient they thought

to cover the destruction of the cooling pipes of India's Chennai

nuclear reactor in the southern state of Tamil Nadu. The reactor

should have been perfectly safe of course, because the Bay of Bengal

has never before experienced a tsunami in recorded history.

Possible motives for this massive war crime were touched

on briefly in Part One of this report, with the nuclear reactor at

Kalpakkam, 80 kilometers from Chenna, the most likely target. If this

particular reactor had cracked open like Chernobyl, the results would

have been so catastrophic that the new Russia-China-India-Brazil

coalition, a clear and present danger to Wall Street, would have been

neutered. It is not hard to imagine the glee on the faces of members

of the World Bank and IMF, as India crawled in humbly on its belly

asking for a huge loan.

Although the Kalpakkam facility escaped major damage, it

was a very close call, with 30 atomic scientists and technicians

killed at the plant's nearby residential complex. And if the

thermonuclear weapon placed in the Sumatran Trench had been more

powerful, Wall Street might easily have scored a double whammy. A

bigger Russian-aided nuclear power complex that uses sea water for

cooling is coming up fast at Koodankulam, 900 km south of Chennai and

close to Kanyakumari, the southernmost tip of the Indian peninsula

that was severely devastated by the (unique artificial) tsunami, that

in some places reached 35 feet in height.

Now try to imagine South Asia if both nuclear plants had

(1) gone critical or (2) cracked, or (3) a horrific combination of

both. All of this nuclear hardware comes from Russia, the same

country that (accidentally) brought us Chernobyl, then sold lethal

unstoppable 'Sunburn' missiles to China, Iran, Syria and Venezuela,

and probably played a major role in the attack on the World Trade

Center during 2001.

The possibilities for Wall Street would have been

endless. While India was beating down the door of the IMF frantically

begging for a giant loan, Wall Street's faithful servants at the UN

and IAEA would be tasked with badmouthing and banning Russian nuclear

technology around the world - including Iran and North Korea of

course. Thus from a position of bankrupcy brought about by the insane

invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, Wall Street would be up and

running again, and 'One World Government' would still be within

reach. Hurrah!

Of course, all of these claims are speculative

conspiracies at this stage, despite the fact that today the price of

oil scratched US$52 per barrel, and the American dollar fell like a

stone against the Euro, neither of which would have happened if the

tsunami war crime had been successful. Theoretically, all we need do

now in order to force the FBI to investigate and execute the

perpetrators on Wall Street, is prove scientifically that the tsunami

was NOT a natural event, which is what this report is really all


Single frames extracted from the 'creative' BBC film

constructed from amateur Banda Aceh video clips are blurred, but

quite good enough to use as proof. This frame was taken "outside the

hospital" in Banda Aceh after the tremor, but so what? Note carefully

that people are sitting and walking normally, and do not appear

alarmed. There is no visible damage to any structure, nor any glass

on the street. Readers not familiar with Indonesia should note that

sitting at the side of the road is acceptable behavior, which happens

every day of the year. The biggest danger to the

wannabee 'New World Order' was unquestionably those wretched amateur

video tapes from Banda Aceh, which simply could not be explained away

by captive media 'experts', because no one was sure how many amateur

tapes existed in total. Put another way, if they tried to suppress

the video clips, what would happen if an unknown 'flyer' suddenly

appeared months later and completely trashed the western world's most

eminent 'earthquake experts'?

Predictably the media did the next best thing

and 'blended' the different clips together, in an attempt to create

the false illusion of an extended (and thus 'real') earthquake like

San Francisco, or other real earthquakes, like the incredibly puny

5.5 quake near Japan's Bonin Islands on September 20, 2003. Puny

though this real earthquake was, its magnitude 5.5 transverse shear

shock waves were still strong enough to bring down temple walls in

Tokyo, more than 540 miles away from the Bonin epicenter.

In basic terms the BBC editors "mixed 'n matched"

different frames from different clips, placed them out of sequence,

and also ran two clips from two different cameras filming the same

tremor - one after the other. This particular trick made

the 'earthquake' appear to last twice as long, i.e. 26 seconds. In

the silky words of the smooth BBC narrator, "and the quake rumbles

on..." though of course it did not.

Those readers who choose to play the entire 2.2 minute

BBC propaganda piece on the next page, will also notice that shots

filmed after the tsunami started to come ashore, have been shifted

further forward (towards the beginning) of the film sequence, thereby

creating the twin illusions of aftershocks and property damage caused

by the 'earthquake', when in reality there were no aftershocks and no

property damage until D + 22.1 minutes, at which point in time the

orchestrated tsunami wiped them off the face of the earth.






that in Banda Aceh's four-star 'Kuala Tripa Hotel' filmed in the

22.1 minute lull period between the the 13 second tremor and the

arrival of the tsunami. The building is completely undamaged, with

every pane of glass intact. Some guests jumped out of the windows to

see what was going on, because the hotel generators driving the

elevators, and the hotel telephone exchange, suddenly became

terminally defective when the tremor passed through the town.

Readers should note here that the electromagnetic pulse from a large

thermonuclear weapon knocks out all electrical appliances and

switchboards in microseconds. Next up was the problem of

making the world believe that two of the world's great tectonic

plates had collided and "reared up", thereby displacing the water

required to make up the giant tidal wave that raced across the Indian

Ocean, bowling over everything that got in its path. Believe me, this

was and is an impossible task, because there is no way geologically

that they could do so. The only fault line capable of enormous

spontaneous upthrust (and therefore water displacement) is known as

a "Divergent Faultline", shown on the Rutger's map below in red.

Basically this means that the tectonic plates pull apart (diverge)

from each other to enable new magna to thrust up through the middle.

Fine, heaps of displaced water and really big bouncy tsunamis. The

giant Alaskan earthquake caused an equally giant tsunami because of

the divergent fault you can see on the map.

The San Andreas fault falls into a second class called

a "Transform Fault", where the two tectonic plates simply grind

alongside each other, colored pink on the map. This causes massive

property damage from the vibrations (as in the San Francisco

Earthquake), but no water displacement. Remember, to generate a

tsunami, or even a mere ripple, the water must first be displaced by

other matter. This is basic stuff outlined in Archimedes Principle,

so no need to delve any deeper here.

Lastly we come back to the 'fake quake' of 26 December

2004, which allegedly occurred on the third class of fault known as

a "Convergent Faultline", colored black on the map, where one

tectonic plate slides (converges) very slowly under another, which in

this case means the Indo-Australian plate sliding steadily eastwards

underneath the Eurasian plate. But as in the case of the Transforn

Fault, movement is horizontal, displacing no appreciable quantities

of water.Transform

(San Francisco)Divergent

(Mid Oceanic)Convergent

(Sumatra)Animated Gifs courtesy of http://www.thetech.org


We need to get this technical stuff out of the way as quickly as

possible, because it has the unfortunate tendency of sending readers

to sleep. Boring! Fear not, there is not much more of it, though we

cannot let the government and media 'scientists' off the hook without

covering the biggest impossibility of all. Once again my thanks to

Archimedes, wherever he may be nowadays.

It is a fact that when a huge event like this happens,

all kinds of different people want 'IN' on the action, and not always

because they are corrupt bankers trying to lie to the western world.

But what most of the 'in crowd' have in common, is the desire to help

prove the official line of the day, i.e. that a huge naturally-

occurring underground earthquake offshore Sumatra, killed nearly half

a million people by generating a whopping great tsunami.

Such was the case with the British survey ship "HMS

Scott", which approached the Sumatran Trench after the disastrous

event, loaded down to the gunwales with bearded scientists wearing

rubber boots and duffle coats. All very romatic and even slightly

polar in flavor, but these men started out on the wrong foot, because

they had already swallowed the "earthquake" line. So rather than

starting out by investigating whether an earthquake had happened at

all, these earnest gentlemen too a fatal leap of faith into the

unknown, and started out by investigating how the alleged but

unproved quake had happened.

This got the hearty crew of HMS Scott into trouble

immediately, because there was no hard evidence of anything, in an

area they freely admitted had never been properly seismically

surveyed before. Oops! So from the outset these scientists publicly

admitted they were guessing, or more correctly were allowing their

seismic instruments to guess for them.

The best they could manage came from a Dr Wynn, who

said: "An area the size of a small town fell away from the slope and

broke up into bits. Slabs of material travelled about 10km down the

slope on to that flat bit of Indian plate and are just lying there.

We don't know for definite that was caused by the recent earthquake

but it's a very fresh looking feature."

Fresh, Dr Wynn, fresh? How on earth do you know? The

inference surrounding this seminal quote was that the 'small town

which fell to the bottom of the trench', was the culprit responsible

for the massive tsunami that killed more than a quarter of a million

people in Sumatra alone. But poor Dr Wynn had forgotten Archimedes


Sadly for the good ship HMS Scott, Archimedes Principle

proves that the 'small town' could not possibly be the culprit,

because it was already under water when it allegedly broke away and

fell to the bottom of the 10,000 ps.i. trench. This means that the

water displaced at the bottom of the trench immediately filled the

void space from where the 'small town' had fallen further up, in

precise matched volumes. So, terribly sorry Dr Wynn, no additional

water dispacement for a tsunami, not even a baby tsunami.

If any reader wishes to prove this independently, it

really is quite easy. Bearing in mind the mind-boggling scale of the

Sumatra Trench, proceed as follows: take two 4 ounce pebbles and

balance one on top of the other, at the bottom of a 2 gallon bucket.

Now very slowly fill the bucket with water and mark the full level

with an indelible marker. Next, take a very long thin knitting needle

(or similar) and gently dislodge the top pebble so that it falls

alongside the bottom pebble on the bottom of the bucket. Now note

that the water level at the top of your bucket had not changed at

all. So, sadly, no tsunami in the kitchen either.....


Now we come to the geophysical grand slam, which might

one day hopefully be used to help swing Wolfowitz et al from the end

of very rough hessian ropes. In the picture above, the Indo-

Australian tectonic plate (blue), is slowly sliding under the

Eurasion tectonic plate (pale blue) at a rate of about 60 millimeters

per year.

Waxing technical again for a moment, "Sumatra is situated

at an active continental margin and has been the site of subduction

since the Early Mesozoic Age. At present, subduction beneath the

margin is strongly oblique, and this motion is partitioned into

orthogonal subduction of Indian Oceanic crust at the Sunda (Sumatran)

trench and right-lateral strike-slip along the onshore Sumatran Fault

System (SFS)."

What we must remember here is the critical information

that the 1900-km-long Sumatran fault belong to a class of trench-

parallel strike-slip fault systems that work in concert with

subduction zones to accommodate obliquely convergent plate motion. At

the subduction zone, where one plate moves beneath the other, the

subducted plate is dragged downwards into the earth's mantle until it

reaches a depth where high temperatures partially melt the rock. The

resulting magma then rises along vertical fissures and reaches the

surface through volcanic vents in the onshore fault line.

Put in terrifyingly simple layman terms, what this all

means is that the Sumatran Trench and Sumatran Fault shown in the

picture above always work together. If one moves, so does the other,

and the Sumatran Fault runs right down the high street in the town of

Banda Aceh, which didn't move at all when the "earthquake" tremor

disturbed the town on 26 December 2004.

The harsh reality is that a naturally-occurring

earthquake big enough to have generated that enormous tsunami would

require a massive jolt below the Eurasian plate (quite probably

around 9.3 on the Richter Scale), which would have liquified the rock

and automatically hurled white-hot magma out of the chain of dormant

volcanoes along the onshore Sumatran Fault. Remember, the trench and

fault systems are are directly connected, and always work







This rather blurred frame was shot in Banda Aceh about thirty

seconds before the tsunami roared into town, i.e. 22 minutes after

the single 13-second tremor. You can see people looking over their

shoulders because of the oncoming noise, but it is equally clear (and

utterly damning) that people are just walking around normally without

any obvious fear. There are no visible injuries, or property or

infrastructure damage whatsoever. So you, the global public, have

been subjected to the biggest television and newspaper illusion in

human history, and for the most part you have believed

it. For weeks now I have watched the never ending chain

of 'important' politicians visiting tsumani ravaged areas on

television, and have found myself cynically wondering which ones are

there for the photo opportunities, which ones are there grab a sack

of free aid cash for their Swiss bank accounts, and more importantly,

which ones are there to gloat over their insane nuclear handiwork.

More than a half of the dead are Muslims, which will no

doubt bring a smile to the faces of the perpetrators in New York,

because this is a perpetual one-way war against Muslims, Hindus, and

even ordinary Christians. I do not represent anybody apart from

myself and my immediate family, who all wish to pass on their

condolences to the families of the dead half million global citizens,

with the sincere hope that one day soon we will be able to track

down, and terminate, the war criminals responsible for this terrible


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