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Indian Left caught in the cleft of Condoliza

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Left caught in the cleft of Condoliza

>Swati Kulkarni

>Mumbai Tarun Bharat

>March 20, 2005


>By refusing to give Visa to the CM of Gujarat, Narendra Modi, America has

>slapped the foreign policy of the Manmohan Singh government. Lovers of Modi,

>supporters and party workers think that this is a conspiracy of personal

>revenge or they are telling that the insult of Modi is an insult to the nation.

>Although it is necessary for them to interpret and describe this action in the

>language understandable to the common people, in reality, America has hit this

>blow to the ruling adventurist Congress people. This statement may be

>apparently thought to be strange. But the contrast in the statement must be

>understood. Basically, if US had not delivered this slap to the Central

>Government, the latter would not have been forced to approach the US to request

>for reconsideration taking the side of Modi. This is the first axe on the

>Manmohan Singh Government and its foreign policy. In future, through which pits

>and falls, the mutual relations will have to go depends on how much unders!

>tanding the Manmohan Government shows.


>As soon as we got wind of this calamity, we had published in Mumbai Tarun

>Bharat, during August 2004 a detailed news regarding the Gas Pipe line. Two

>proposals for bringing the Gas available in the Central Asia to India have been

>gathering dust for last many years. There were differences of opinion about

>whether such pipe line should be brought via Afghanistan-Pak to India or via

>Iran-Pak route. While accepting any proposal, it was necessary to establish

>sufficiently cordial relations. As they did not exist, the proposals were

>about to be aborted. But in 2005, immediately as he became the Petroleum

>Minister, Manishankar Aiyar decided to be active on that issue. Other

>ministries also supported his shallow, controversial and wild action.


>During the six years of its tenure, Vajpayee government had so skillfully

>nurtured the sweet and sour relations with US that as a nation, we could get a

>number of advantages from them. As soon as elections in India were declared in

>February 2004, Bush announced cooperation in high technology and thereby

>supported Vajpayee. In this manner, we saw the peak of cordial relations

>between two nations. But the current Congress has thoroughly watered these

>relations achieved with incessant efforts within its last two months. Its

>signs were visible in the Gas Pipeline decision nearly 7 months earlier.


>As soon as coming in power, the shallow and leftist Aiyar who displays his title

>of Anti-America attitude adopted the policy of stepping on the tail of America.

>The decision of taking gas from Iran was a part of this policy only. Europe and

>America both have expressed their disapproval of Iran's ambition of having

>nuclear weapons. With the leadership of Europe, if Iran is coming down, it is

>all right, but if not , it appears, the US will not go back, but use force to

>make Iran surrender. At this time, Russia is firmly backing Iran and publicly

>declaring that it is committed to give nuclear technology to Iran. In such

>critical condition, the decision of India to adopt a policy hurting US and

>taking India to the door of Russia is indeed surprising. What was the need to

>bring out this decaying wet blanket of gas pipeline to wash at this time only?

>But how it can be Mani Shankar Aiyar if he misses the opportunity of proving to

>be anti-America? He did not stop there only.


>From anInternational dais he started calling American Oil companies as beggarly

>western companies. He even roared that under any circumstances, he will not

>allow any place in Indian Oil industry to them. In addition, Central cabinet

>gave all rights of negotiations about Gas pipeline to Aiyar and immediately,

>Aiyar announced his visit to go to Iran. As soon as this news was published,

>American ambassador Robert Blake met Aiyar and apprised him of the dangers of

>having an agreement with Iran. In spite of this, Aiyar did not change his

>position neither his views. If Sonia herself was blessing him, why he should

>surrender to anybody?


>As if all this was not sufficient, Indian Government invited the president Hugo

>Shavez of Venezuela which is in Russian camp to visit New Delhi and gave a

>grand reception to him. A number of experts have expressed suspicion that

>Shavez had helped the terrorists in 11 Sept. attack. Shavez had defeated all

>the efforts made by America to depose him. Before reaching Delhi, Shavez

>visited a number countries and throughout his travails, he kept up his tirades

>against America. The Central Government passed a number of resolutions of

>cooperation in the Oil sector with him. The leftists here had already called

>him in their Joint in Jawaharlal Nehru University. In this way, by playing

>honeymoon with two bitter enemies of America, Mani Shankar Aiyar unfurled the

>flag of revolt. Just to add fuel to fire, Hillary Clinton who is touring the

>world to record her opposition to the Foreign policy of Bush, was accorded a

>grand reception. We have read the descriptions of the parties sponsored by

>Pawar. In this manner, by giving a grand reception to Hillary who is opposing

>the policy of Bush, there was no judgement as to what we are achieving or

>losing. But if there was an appropriate judgement, the entire drama would not

>have taken place. What a common reader far away like me understands, will not

>the all powerful US understand it?


>While giving a 'No' to Rice, Narwarsingh-Aiyar-Manmohan were not able to hide

>the smile on their cheeks. But the same smiling cheeks have been a delivered

>powerful slap by Rice as soon as she had stepped out of India. She is supposed

>to be an expert in Oil Industry. The waves in the air are sufficient for her to

>understand the twisted steps of Aiyar. Even regret for America having become

>the only power centre was expressed in the very presence of Rice. In the

>fantasy of thinking that the world will be divided in two poles like early

>days, the leftists in the world are acting as it they have gone crazy. The

>Schroeder of Germany, Chirac of France are also among them. But surpassing all

>these powerful nations, the Manishankar Aiyar is acting as it is his work of

>lifting the Palanquin of making Russia another centre of power like earlier

>days. The people like Natwar who is encouraging him in his adventurism, are

>immediately echoing their yes to his every say. Seeing the heavenly scene of

>all these people getting lost in the Brahmanand, Condoliza Rice was not

>surprised. Till she was in Delhi, she maintained her smile and talked the

>American side in sweet words. By refusing Visa to Modi, Condo has cornered the

>Central Government in an unprecedented position. It is appearing to take the

>side of Modi so far hated as worst and greatest villain. In Jharkhand episode,

>the leftists were accusing the SC of interfering with the rights of the

>legislature. Now who will criticize Aiyar and Natwarsingh of going wrong?


>These people should make it clear, what do they want to do, run the government

>or run the leftist movement. It is the question of discernment/judgement

>whether to say good-bye to the suicidal foreign policy or not. Manmohan Singh

>was successful in covering the congress exposure at the last moment in the

>Jharkhand episode. Now, it is his turn to cover the exposure about foreign

>policy re America. If he is not successful in this, he will have to rub his

>cheeks often in the future.





>This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.



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