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Governing Body Commission (GBC)

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All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!Please accept my humble obeisances Hare Krsna!

The following compilation is now completed. This is to make AWARE all devotees

what GBC entails.

Please read and pass it around. Ignorance is the cause of our suffering.

Hope this will be helpful to the devotees - who are concerned with our Bonafide

Jagat Guru Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON.

Hare Krsna!

ys mahesh




Governing Body Commission (GBC)


1. The Governing Body Commission (GBC) will be the ultimate managing authority

of the entire International Society for Krishna Consciousness.


72-02-14. Letter: Hamsaduta

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 29

January, 1972, and I am very pleased to note that you are so enthusiastic to

push on Krishna Consciousness and follow yourself very faithfully the

regulative principles chalked out by our great predecessors. If you simply go

on in this way, everything will come out successful, that we are seeing

practically. So as GBC you must see to it that the highest standards of routine

work are maintained throughout all the centers, and that chanting, rising early,

cleansing, and all other aspects of our regular program may not be neglected.

That is our first business. GBC men should not dictate very much, simply

supervise and see that the standards are maintained. The individual presidents

should be more managerial, more individual, and you can supervise, and if some

defect is detected, you can make suggestions how to correct it. But if we lose

individuality and simply become mechanical, what is the point?

70-11-04. Letter: Rupanuga

When I first came to your country I had no idea how much the American people

would cooperate with my Krsna Consciousness mission. But now good boys like

yourself and all my other spiritual sons and daughters all around the world

have been giving me great hope that I may be able to successfully fulfill my

Guru Maharaja's plan. I have formed this GBC for that purpose, to keep the

devotional standards at the highest level and at the same time to manage a

world-wide organization.

71-08-12. Letter: Giriraja

GBC does not mean to control a center. GBC means to see that the activities of a

center go on nicely. I do not know why Tamala is exercising his absolute

authority. That is not the business of GBC. The president, treasurer and

secretary are responsible for managing the center. GBC is to see that things

are going nicely but not to exert absolute authority. That is not in the power

of GBC. Tamala should not do like that. The GBC men cannot impose anything on

the men of a center without consulting all of the GBC members first. A GBC

member cannot go beyond the jurisdiction of his power. We are in the

experimental stage but in the next meeting of the GBC members they should form

a constitution how the GBC members manage the whole affair. But it is a fact

that the local president is not under the control of the GBC. Yes, for

improvement of situations such as this I must be informed of everything.

71-11-17. Letter: Brhaspati

So far establishing Krishna Conscious schools for higher education in St. Louis,

this is a very nice proposal. Let us see what develops in future. The details

can be discussed between you and the GBC, whom I have appointed to manage such


72-02-14.Letter: Hamsaduta

So far your producing records there, that is a very nice proposalsal, so do it

nicely, however you think is best. Now our Society is growing very rapidly all

over the world, and the burden of administration is taxing me too much and

taking too much time. So I want that you all GBC men work cooperatively to

manage things now, along with the other officers, and it is better if devotees

can address their questions to you, and because I have now given you everything

you are able to answer all such questions from what you know, and if there is

any difficulty you may consult my books, or you may write me if necessary.

72-04-04. Letter: Rupanuga

I had no intimation that you all GBC members have met and decided such big big

issues without consulting me. So I have issued one letter in this regard to all

of you and you may take note that I consider that both the meeting and the

resolution is irregular and immediately there should be no change. Again, I am

so much burdened by this administrative work that I feel great difficulty. I

was very anxious to return to my Los Angeles home to sit down for translating

work. But if you all, my right-hand men, are doing things without consulting me

and making such big big changes within our society without getting my opinion

and the opinion of all the GBC members then what can I do? I am so much

perplexed why you all had done this. I have appointed originally 12 GBC members

and I have given them 12 zones for their adminstration and management, but

simply by agreement you have changed everything, so what is this, I don't know.

You mentioned that you are taking great help from Atreya Rsi, but Atreya Rsi is

not a member of GBC nor has he any position in my scheme to manage the whole

society. And I am wondering what is Hamsaduta's idea to leave Germany and take

larger position of power in the United States? I have just sent him one letter

wherein I have told him to remain permanently in Germany and the German

language countries. This is his best field, and I do not think that we shall

change any of our managers throughout the world except as I shall direct

72-05-26. Letter: Madhudvisa

I had written you one letter to Bombay requesting that you shall be the GBC man

for the South Pacific, South West Asia, and Australia-New Zealand zone. It was

the idea of Karandhara, and Syamasundara. and the others to redivide the world

into twelve zones and reappoint new GBC members to fill those positions. So we

have been meeting for the past several days, and we have decided that you will

be the best man to manage Australia, New Zealand, and all of the South West

Asia zone, including Hong Kong, Philippines, Malaysia, etc. Now I want that my

GBC representatives shall travel extensively throughout their zone, without

stopping in any one place for very long. Their job will be to see how things

are going on, that the spiritual standard is maintained very high, to give

encouragement to the devotees, like that. So you organize one traveling party

and yourself lead them and go all over that zone, opening new centers wherever

possible. Trivikrama has written me one letter and he is requesting to change

from Japan. So if you like he can come to Manila or Sydney or wherever you

prefer. He is awaiting your instructions in Tokyo.

72-06-13. Letter: Sankarasana

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated June 6,

1972, and I have noted the contents. As for your question regarding the

children, what can I do? I am not a teacher. You should ask Satsvarupa on all

of these matters, he is the GBC, so everything small and big should be referred

to Satsvarupa. First, you should ask the president in charge how to answer these

questions. I am feeling the inclination for retiring into the background and

simply translating my Srimad-Bhagavatam, therefore I have delegated this GBC to

manage everything and give me relief. So they shall give you all good guidance,

and if there is anything further to know, it is stated that if one is always

fully engaged in the devotional service of the Lord with full sincerity of

attitude, beginning with the tongue, that Krishna will Himself appear to the

devotee and all questions will be answered personally by Him. Of course, if

there is some very urgent matter, I am always happy to hear from my beloved


72-06-16. Letter: Satsvarupa

Please accept my blessings. I received your letter dated June 15, 1972, and have

noted the contents carefully regarding your sannyasi travels. If you require

more men and women to teach there at Gurukula, you can send from your

jurisdiction as GBC man Central USA zone. You will not be too much involved

with local temple management, but for management which will require the larger

interests, that will be your responsibility as GBC. So you find out some

teachers from your zone and send there. The women are best for teaching small

children, especially if they are themselves mothers, and when they become

brahmacaris at 5 or 6 years old then they may be instructed by the men. If

Stoka Krsna is finding difficulty to manage things then you find out some men

to help him from your zone. Let him do all of the organizing and be the

authority in charge how everything is running, and let others follow his

direction and free him to supervise.

You mention you like to speak now very often, but the first business should be

to preach to the devotees. It is better to maintain a devotee than to try to

convince others to become devotees. It is the duty of the GBC to maintain the

devotees, keep them in the highest standard of Krishna Consciousness, and give

them all good instruction, and let them go out and preach for making more

devotees. Your first job should be to make sure that every one of the devotees

in your zone of management is reading regularly our literatures and discussing

the subject matter seriously from different angles of seeing, and that they are

somehow or other absorbing the knowledge of Krishna Consciousness philosophy. If

they are fully educated in our philosophy and if they can get all of the

knowledge and study it from every viewpoint, then very easily they will perform

tapasya or renunciation and that will be their advancement in Krishna

Consciousness. So first thing is to instruct all of your temple presidents and

the other devotees to read daily, just as we have done in our morning class in

Los Angeles. You may remember that we were reading one sloka each morning in

Sanskrit and reciting it altogether and then discussing it thoroughly by seeing

different new things. So you introduce this system and train the devotees first.

Don't be too much concerned for the time being with nondevotees, now we must

fix-up what devotees we have got in the knowledge of Krishna Consciousness,

then we will succeed. What good are many, many devotees if none of them are


You mentioned that you are not yet a very bold preacher, but you will become

bold, if you have got sincerity.

72-07-01. Letter: Satsvarupa

You mention that you are no longer much occupied with seeing that the rent and

mortgage is paid and that the incense is sold, but GBC means to be occupied

with everything in the zone. It is not that now we are preachers we can neglect

all other points. No, the GBC member is supposed to know everything and anything

about the condition and situation of all matters within his jurisdiction. That

is the meaning of secretary. So because we are engaged in many fields of

activity I am especially relying upon that knowledge of my GBC assistants and

secretaries to manage everything properly. But if we do not take time to

understand how the financial matters are going on, then at any moment we may

experience some calamity due to our inattention to these matters. Therefore,

you should try to keep yourself always informed how the financial matters are

improving and keep your watchful eye on every feature of our Krishna

Consciousness activity. That is also part of preaching work. I am also

preaching daily. But I am at the same time managing everything, seeing the

statements of accounts, going to the bank, giving advice on every topic, like

that. Just now I have purchased one apartment house with seven apartments just

adjacent to the L.A. temple and very soon we shall invest in similar

properties. So practically there is no question of my neglecting the financial

matters of the society, and similarly, you shall do as I am doing. That is your

real business. So far your question, Yes, it is good to be prepared with a

well-thought lecture in advance. However, we must be able to preach effectively

at a moment's notice or under any conditions or circumstances also. As you begin

to study the Sanskrit words, in each word you will find a treasure house of

different understanding.

72-11-25. Letter: Nityananda

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated

November 12, 1972, and I have noted the contents with care. I am forwarding the

copy of your letter, along with my reply, to Satsvarupa in Dallas. I think he is

the GBC man in that zone, and he is the best man to come there immediately and

see what is the situation and do the needful. Of course I do not know what are

the facts, but I have seen that you have done very nicely there, so far I know.

And no one has made complaint to me. So maybe there is a little fighting amongst

yourselves, that is natural, but you are advanced disciple, don't be disturbed

by these things. Actually I want that householders shall manage in the temples,

because they have got propensity to manage things and they want to take

responsibility and they will not go away. Brahmacari, householder, it doesn't

matter, but householders are doing nicely all over the world, why the others

shall resent householders in your temple? That is not reason. This attitude of

changing this, changing that, if there is some small thing to make it something

very great, changing the leaders three every week--these things are going on, I

know. This is not at all good attitude, that if by adjustment, this and that,

changing everything, I may create the perfect combination and everything will

be all right. I am more impressed if someone has opened one centre and that he

has stayed there tightly and developed nicely, not going away whimsically. So

you have been leader at New Orleans temple for long time, you are the pioneer

there, so why you should be whimsically discharged? Only the GBC man shall be

able to make these changes, not any so-called secret meeting of devotees. Why

they have misunderstood these things? If they have objection they must lodge it

with their GBC, and differences must be discussed openly amongst ourselves, not

secret meetings. We are Vaisnava devotees, not politicians. So these things

must be stopped, plotting. Your merit stands far above theirs, you have done

some tangible work to please me by spreading this Krishna Consciousness message

in New Orleans, that is the test. Let them do something first, then we shall see

what is their criticism. Simply criticizing and no work, that is the business of

inferior men. So do not be disturbed by them, go on with your work, increasing

more and more. Never mind the jackals howl.

74-09-29. Letter: Hamsaduta:

So anyway he has given service to the Society, but when there are all GBC

present they may consider the complaints and do the needful. But, so far I have

studied, if all the GBC so desire, he can retire. Personally I wish all the

existing GBC may be trained up so perfectly that in the future in my absence

they can manage the whole Society very nicely and strongly. That is my desire.

At least in this stage of my life it is not at all desirable that there be any

factions amongst yourselves. Try to settle up amicably and correct yourself.

One man is trained up with great difficulty especially in spiritual life.

Everyone has got some weakness and deficiency. It is better to correct or mend

it than to break it. It will be best to discuss this in an open meeting of the

GBC and then do the needful.

74-12-16. Letter: Jayatirtha

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated Dec. 5,

1974. Regarding the GBC meeting to be held in Mayapur 1975, the meeting should

be held five days before the actual festival is to begin and it will be held in

my presence. As far as your proposals are concerned the real thing is that we

must make broader constitution of the management by GBC. But the difficulty is

that our GBC men are falling victim to maya. Today I trust this GBC and

tomorrow he will fall down. That is the difficulty. If the GBC men are so

flickering then what to speak of the others. Unless this problem is solved

whatever we may resolve it will not be very useful. We shall discuss this at

our meeting. If the GBC men can ever manage properly then I shall get some time

for writing my books.

75-09-07. Letter: Jayatirtha

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated August 26,

1975. I want that the GBC relieve me of all management which means they have to

manage the way I manage. I do not want to see things deteriorate by their


75-09-29. Letter: Hamsaduta:

Regarding your dealings with Bhagavan dasa, when two GBC's are concerned, the

whole GBC must consider. What can I do? I have appointed the GBC not to fight

amongst yourselves but to manage. If there is fighting then how will you

manage? So the whole GBC committee. must decide if there is fighting.


76-01-11. Letter: Rupanuga

The bombastic distribution of Krsna Trilogies in New York is wonderful. I have

read the report given in the Sankirtana Newsletter. But one thing is whether

they have collected enough to cover all the costs. I have heard that despite

all this distribution, now there is a big debt to the Book Fund. The GBC has to

manage so expertly that there will not be debts. This debt to the Book Fund must

be cleared immediately, if possible by the Mayapur meeting. Now we require so

much money for the Temple projects in India, but if the Temples do not pay

their book bills from where will I get the money?

76-05-18. Letter: Gurukrpa

Please accept my blessings. I have spoken with Sukadeva das Adhikari, the

Honolulu Temple President. It appears that because you had made some derogatory

racial remarks against him in the presence of other devotees here in the temple,

it has become difficult to manage and win the respect of this devotees. If the

GBC undermines the efforts of the temple presidents how will things go on

smoothly. This situation could have been avoided by sober dealings in a Krsna

Conscious manner.I do not want that Sukadeva be removed from his position as I

can see that he is sincerely following the principles at present. The GBC can

not whimsically change the temple president, there is a resolution to this

effect. Why have you threatened to remove him and unnecessarily created this

situation? Please be very sober in your dealings with these temple presidents,

they are undoubtedly rendering a valuable service and are worthy of respect and


76-05-19.All Letter: All Governing Board Commissioners

So I request you to relieve me of management responsibilities more and more so

that I can complete the Srimad-Bhagavatam translation. If I am always having to

manage, then I cannot do my work on the books. It is document, I have to choose

each word very soberly and if I have to think of management then I cannot do

this. I cannot be like these rascals who present something mental concoction to

cheat the public. So this task will not be finished without the cooperation of

my appointed assistants, the GBC, temple presidents, and sannyasis. I have

chosen my best men to be GBC and I do not want that the GBC should be

disrespectful to the temple presidents. You can naturally consult me, but if

the basic principle is weak, how will things go on? So please assist me in the

management so that I can be free to finish the Srimad-Bhagavatam which will be

our lasting contribution to the world.

750327rc.may Conversations

Prabhupada: Just like... But the thing is, if the GBC and the president is the

same man, that is not good. That is not good. The president should be separate.

So the president, treasurer and secretary, they will deal directly, and GBC

should inspect book, account, that it is done very nicely. That's all. You can

question, "Why you have done this?" That's nice. Otherwise, in the..., it will

be difficult to manage.


As we have increased our volume of activities, now I think a Governing Body

Commission (hereinafter referred to as the GBC) should be established. I am

getting old, 75 years old, therefore at any time I may be out of the scene,

therefore I think it is necessary to give instruction to my disciples how they

shall manage the whole institution. They are already managing individual

centers represented by one president, one secretary and one treasurer, and in

my opinion they are doing nice. But we want still more improvement in the

standard of Temple management, propaganda for Krishna Consciousness,

distribution of books and literatures, opening of new centers and educating

devotees to the right standard. Therefore, I have decided to adopt the

following principles and I hope my beloved disciples will kindly accept them.

There was a meeting in San Francisco during the Ratha Yatra festival 1970 and

many presidents of the centers were present. In that meeting it was resolved

that an ad hoc committee be set up to form the constitution which is taken into

consideration. My duty was to first appoint twelve (12) persons to my free

choice amongst my disciples..

70-08-04. Letter: Upendra

Regarding your questions, the sannyasis are now devoted fully to travelling and

preaching work, management is left to the local Temple Presidents and the

members of the Governing Body Commission.

72-06-12.Mad Letter: Madhudvisa

Please accept my blessings. I have received your letter from Sydney dated May

30, 1972, wherein you have expressed some hesitation to become the GBC

Secretary for the Pacific zone. Actually you may be misunderstanding the

present position or policy of this GBC. I have instructed all of the GBC men to

give up their staying in one place and to remain always constantly traveling

throughout their zones from temple to temple. Recently, I have given Sannyasa

order of life to Rupanuga, Satsvarupa, and Bali Mardan, and I have made

Brahmananda the GBC man for Africa, and I wanted that you should be GBC man for

South Pacific zone. So being Sannyasi is no hindrance for being also GBC. In

fact, the duties of the GBC men are now to be just like the duties of the

Sannyasis. I want that the GBC men should leave the management of the

individual centers to the local presidents and concentrate themselves upon

preaching work. They should be constantly traveling from one center to another

center to see how the students are learning and to give whatever advice is

necessary for improving the temple standards. In addition, the GBC men will

open new centers, distribute literature, and they should always be traveling

with a sankirtana party to accompany them. So practically there is no

difference between the Sannyasi duty and the GBC duty, and because you are my

veteran disciple and you have had very good experience, I think there will be

no trouble for you to accept the GBC position, I do not think it will in any

way inconvenience you program of traveling. But for the time being, if you

prefer, Mohanananda can work conjointly with you for managing. We shall decide

finally after some months.

76-01-22. Letter: Jayatirtha

You have suggested that some men are best engaged in doing business. I agree.

All grhasthas who are interested in doing business should do so in full swing.

Yat karosi yad asnasi, yaj juhosi dadasi yat. yat tapasyasi kaunteya tat

kurusvamad arpanam. Let this be the guiding principle. So let all the grhasthas

who wish to, execute business full-fledgedly in the USA and in this way support

Gurukula. Business must be done by the grhasthas, not by the sannyasis or

brahmacaris. Neither the sannyasis or brahmacaris can be expected to support

Gurukula. The parents must take responsibility for their children, otherwise

they should not have children. It is the duty of the individual parents. I am

not in favor of taxing the Temples. The parents must pay for the maintenance of

their children. Neither can the BBT be expected to give any loans. Now the BBT

50% for construction is pledged to the projects in India--Bombay, Kuruksetra,

Mayapur. The profits from the businesses should first go to support Gurukula

and balance may be given for the local Temple's maintenance. Grhasthas can do

business. It is best if the Temple Presidents are either sannyasis or

brahmacaris. If the grhasthas want to do book distribution, they should be

given a commission of 5 to 10% of which part must go to Gurukula. For any

others who are engaged in important Society projects, they must get something

for maintaining their children at Gurukula. So far as Prasadam and residence,

they are already getting that free. But sometimes, grhasthas make their own

arrangement for cooking. For that we can give no expenditure. Just try to

improve the Prasadam system so nicely that one will not want any other

arrangement. Another thing, is that the grhasthas may be encouraged to do

agriculture. In the Indian villages like in Vrindaban, they get enough ghee for

their personal use, and sufficient excess to be sold to the merchants, who then

also get some money. Cow protection means good food and good trade. So I can

give you suggestions how to manage everything, but it is up to the GBC to

practically execute all these points.

70-06-19. Letter: Brahmananda

Now my desire is that I completely devote my time in the matter of writing and

translating books, and arrangement should now be done that our Society be

managed automatically. I think we should have a central governing body for

dealing with important matters.

70-08-06. Letter: Upendra

Now I have set up the Governing Body Commission to handle management, questions

of philosophy, and personal problems. These things are too much botheration for

me, I simply want time to write books to satisfy my Guru Maharaja.

70-08-25. Letter: Bali-mardana

Yes, this attitude of surrendering to the Spiritual Master is the best

qualification of spreading this movement of Lord Caitanya. That is the Vedic

way. One should have unflinching faith in Krsna and similarly in the Spiritual

Master. That is the way of understanding the secret of Krsna Consciousness.

Unfortunately, attempt has been made lately in our Society to shake this

formula. This mischievous attempt has done a great harm, but if you the members

of the Governing Body Commission can rectify this mischievous attempt, then

still there is hope of making our progress uninterruptedly. I hope Krsna will

help us.

There are two verses in the Canakya Sloka how a family or an institution can be

glorified or burned into ashes by one person. The Canakya Pandit says that if

there is one tree in the forest producing nice aromatic flower, that one tree

can glorify the whole forest by the flavor of its flower. Similarly if there is

one tree in whose cavity there is a little fire, that one tree can burn into

ashes the whole forest. So this simile is applicable anywhere. In a family if

there is one good boy, he can glorify the whole family and similarly if there

is bad boy he can turn the whole family into ashes. Similarly in this

institution if there is a bad disciple he can burn the whole institution into

ashes. The Governing Body Commission's duty is therefore to see that every

member is following the rules and regulations and chanting sixteen round

regularly on the beads. I hope the GBC in cooperation with the Sannyasis in

their touring program will be able to keep vigilance systematically in order to

keep the Society as pure as possible.

74-04-28. Letter: Rupanuga

You are right about Sridhara Maharaja's genuineness. But in my opinion he is the

best of the lot. He is my old friend, at least he executes the regulative

principles of devotional service. I do not wish to discuss about activities of

my Godbrothers but it is a fact they have no life for preaching work. All are

satisfied with a place for residence in the name of a temple, they engage

disciples to get foodstuff by transcendental devices and eat and sleep. They

have no idea or brain how to broacast the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. My

Guru Maharaja used to lament many times for this reason and he thought if one

man at least had understood the principle of preaching then his mission would

achieve success. In the latter days of my Guru Maharaja he was very disgusted.

Actually, he left this world earlier, otherwise he would have continued to live

for more years. Still he requested his disciples to form a strong Governing body

for preaching the cult of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He never recommended anyone to be

acarya of the Gaudiya Math. But Sridhara Maharaja is responsible for disobeying

this order of Guru Maharaja, and he and others who are already dead

unnecessarily thought that there must be one acarya. If Guru Maharaja could

have seen someone who was qualified at that time to be acarya he would have

mentioned. Because on the night before he passed away he talked of so many

things, but never mentioned an acarya. His idea was acarya was not to be

nominated amongst the governing body. He said openly you make a GBC and conduct

the mission. So his idea was amongst the members of GBC who would come out

successful and self effulgent acarya would be automatically selected. So

Sridhara Maharaja and his two associate gentlemen unauthorizedly selected one

acarya and later it proved a failure. The result is now everyone is claiming to

be acarya even though they may be kanistha adhikari with no ability to preach.

In some of the camps the acarya is being changed three times a year. Therefore

we may not commit the same mistake in our ISKCON camp. Actually amongst my

Godbrothers no one is qualified to become acarya. So it is better not to mix

with my Godbrothers very intimately because instead of inspiring our students

and disciples they may sometimes pollute them. This attempt was made previously

by them, especially Madhava Maharaja and Tirtha Maharaja and Bon Maharaja but

somehow or other I saved the situation. This is going on. We shall be very

careful about them and not mix with them. This is my instruction to you all.

They cannot help us in our movement, but they are very competent to harm our

natural progress. So we must be very careful about them.

74-11-17. Letter: Unknown

5B There shall be a Governing Body Commission whose purpose is to act as the

instrument for the execution of the will of the Founder-Acarya His Divine Grace

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. The GBC members will be initially selected

by His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. It will oversee all operations and

management of ISKCON, as it receives direction from Srila Prabhupada, and Srila

Prabhupada has the final approval in all matters.

76-06-30. Letter: Vasudeva

Please accept my blessings. In connection with our ISKCON project in Fiji, I beg

to inform you that we are managing our Krishna Consciousness Movement by the

Governing Body Commission, GBC. We have got about 20 GBC's looking after the

whole world affair, and above the GBC I am there. Below the GBC there are the

temple president, secretary, treasurer in every centre. So the temple president

is responsible to the GBC and the GBC is responsible to me. In this way we are

managing. But why are you proposing a separate trustee for Fiji. We have up to

now no separate trustee. If this is for security purposes, that we can discuss.

If you have got some new idea please explain to me how you want to manage. But I

think Fiji Temple cannot be managed in a separate way. But still I will

entertain some idea if you have difference you can write me explaining.

The deed for the property and temple should be made in favor of "His Divine

Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, founder-acharya of the

International Society for Krishna Consciousness." It cannot be dedicated to any

of the office bearers. So I suggest that you become the president of the temple

and Upendra become the secretary, and either your brother or your wife can

become treasurer. There is no need of trustees.

But in any circumstance the temple can't be a private property in the name of

ISKCON. If you want to keep it a private property then the ISKCON name should

not be utilized.

77-01-16.Att Letter: Attorney General's Department

This is to inform you that I, the undersigned, am the Founder-Acarya of the

International Society for Krishna Consciousness, and the world leader for all

of its branches. I have appointed 18 direct representatives to manage different

sectors of the world, and they are known as Governing Body Commissioners.

WILL Srila Prabhupada's Will

74-11-07. Letter: Rupanuga:


N.B. Regarding replacing Abhirama and Damodara I refer to the "Direction of

Management" as follows: "Removal of a Temple President by GBC requires support

by the local Temple members." Therefore you should take a vote of the Temple

members and do the needful. A. C. B.S.

75-01-16. Letter: Tripurari

Regarding the two boys you mentioned, they can receive initiation in Mayapur as

long as they are recommended by the temple president or GBC.

75-02-02. Letter: Ravindra Svarupa

Thank you for distributing my books there very nicely. Try to increase it more

and more. You mentioned in your letter that you are doing a lot of deity

worship and cooking due to lack of sufficient brahmanas. So why don't you ask

your GBC man for some brahmanas (at least one) to come and releive you of this

service so that you can spend more of your time preaching and distributing

books. A temple president should have more time for preaching. That is


75-03-18. Letter: Lalana

It is very nice that you are learning to weave. That is a great asset to have. I

have no objection to your coming to India as long as your temple president and

GBC do not object. So, consult with them and do the needful.

75-10-16. Letter: Jayatirtha

There is no question of removal at the present moment. We shall sit together in

Mayapur if there is any complaint against one another. At the Mayapur meeting,

whatever we have decided that is good for one year. So if anything has to be

done it will be decided by majority decision of the GBC. I do not wish to give

any decision without the GBC's verdict. My only grievance is that I appointed

GBC to give me relief from the management but, on the contrary, complaints and

counter-complaints are coming to me. Then how my brain can be peaceful.

Naturally, I want to see that all of my centres are going nicely, so is it not

possible to mitigate the differences of opinion and work smoothly, conjointly.

So best thing is that we wait for the Mayapur meeting and decide there

combinedly what to do.

The local management has to be done by temple president, GBC should see whether

management is going on nicely, and if there are any discrepancies that will be

discussed at the GBC meeting in Mayapur. That is the process. Sannyasis are

meant for preaching only. That is the principle. But, contrary to the principle

if things are being embezzled then how can I save them. How one man can manage

the whole world affairs? This is my concern.

76-01-21. Letter: Rupanuga

Madhudvisa Swami has come here from Australia and as he is free I am sending him

to New York. I have discussed with him how I want my rooms to be. As things have

generally not been so well managed there I have asked him to be ad-hoc President

of New York Temple until the coming GBC meeting.

71-01-01. Letter: Karandhara

Regarding your proposal that recommendations for initiations should be approved

by the GBC members, that is not a good idea. Such recommendation is for the

local President to make from first hand observation.

71-07-09. Letter: Umapati

GBC members are simply to see that things are going on. Other centers have got

president, secretary, etc. and they are managing separately. That is the

formula. So how is it that the GBC are the final authority? They are simply to

examine that things are going on nicely, that is all.

72-04-11. Letter: Hamsaduta

I find that the devotees are still sleeping up to six, seven o'clock. So in the

GBC Agenda I do not find any such programs for reforming our past bad habits.

So kindly as President of Hamburg center you try to observe yourself all the

regulative principles and see all the members are following.

Letters 72-04-22 Letter to: All Temple Presidents



Dear Prabhus,

Please accept my most worthless obeisances. I am presently in Japan with Srila

Prabhupada and we are meeting conjointly with Dai Nippon to organize book

production. As a follow up to Srila Prabhupada's letter to all Temple

Presidents of April 9, His Divine Grace has instructed me to inform you all of

the following:

The formula for ISKCON organization is very simple and can be understood by

everyone. The world is divided into twelve zones. For each zone there is one

zonal secretary appointed by Srila Prabhupada. The zonal secretaries duty is to

see that the spiritual principles are being upheld very nicely in all the

Temples of his zone. Otherwise each Temple shall be independent and

self-supporting. Let every Temple President work according to his own capacity

to improve the Krishna Consciousness of his center. So far the practical

management is concerned, that is required, but not that we should become too

much absorbed in fancy organization. Our business is spiritual life, so

whatever organization needs to be done, the Presidents may handle and take

advice and assistance from their GBC representative. In this way let the

Societies work go on and everyone increase their service at their own creative


Now, so far the BTG and Book Funds are concerned, these matters shall be managed

separately from the GBC by a body known as The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. The

Book Trust shall be comprised of Srila Prabhupada, Karandhara dasa, and Bali

Mardan dasa. They shall combinedly collect the sales proceeds from each Center

and utilize all funds for the printing of Srila Prabhupada's books and the

construction of ISKCON Centers all over the world. Not a farthing is to be

spent for any other purpose.

The Book Trust shall see to the printing and distribution to Centers of books

and magazines and it will be the serious responsibility of each Temple

President to see that the billed amounts for these are paid to the BTG and Book

Funds regularly. The billings and collections shall come from and to Los Angeles

where Karandhara dasa will collect and keep accounts. We request that everyone

will take these formulas to heart and execute them very conscientiously. In

this way we shall certainly be successful in pushing on this movement.

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

APPROVED: A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, Founder-Acarya of ISKCON

Your lowly servant at Prabhupada's lotus feet,

Karandhara dasa Adhikari

c.c. To all ISKCON Temple Presidents


72-11-02. Letter: Bhutatma, Kesava

Regarding our travelling parties, I have got some complaint from London and

other places, so I have given Dhananjaya this policy, that from outside if any

one party comes they must work under the direct supervision and instruction of

the local management, not that they shall remain separate competitor, no. I

want to sell as many books as possible, that is the main thing. By selling

books, that is the best preaching work. But so there may not be any complaint,

your travelling parties must cooperate with their local temple officers, and

that means they shall operate wherever they are allocated, that they shall only

sell books, no collecting without selling books, and that, above the wholesale

price of the book, any profit there is must be given at least 50% to the local

temple. Ultimately, it shall be up to the local temple president if the

presence of your party is favorable or not, everything is considered, and if he

agrees you may stay, otherwise if he judges it is unfavorable at the time, he

may order you to go out. But just to avoid these things, better to arrange in

advance with the GBC men concerned. Ours is a cooperative movement, with

Krishna and the advancement of Krishna's movement at the centre, and we must

continue to sell as many books as possible, but discuss everything amongst

yourselves and do it nicely without irritating anyone, that is the art.

72-11-18. Letter: Jagadisa

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter from

Vancouver dated November 2, 1972, and I have noted the contents carefully. Your

question about travelling SKP parties in other zones I have answered several

times before, so you may see the letters to Dhananjaya in London and others.

The thing is, our main business is to distribute books, either here or there it

doesn't matter. So if there is transcendental competition for increasing sale of

books, that is good. If he buys one book his life may be turned, that is best

preaching work. But everything must be done in the spirit of cooperation,

without any irritation. If one party wants to travel into another zone, that's

all right, but there must be prior agreement between the GBC men and mutual

consent. If by going there the book sales will be increased, what is the harm?

But supposing if there is any harm, that is to be judged by the local

president, and if he has good reason to think that another party will be

unfavorable to his temple's operations, then he may order them to leave, that's

all. So local temple officers should be the final judge to allow or disallow

anyone from outside to sell books there. And if some outside party comes, they

must sell books only, no collecting without selling books. They must live in

the local temple and not separately, and they must follow faithfully the

instructions and directions of the local president. They can purchase books

from the temple at regular wholesale price and sell, and whatever profit there

is above wholesale price they must give at least 50% to the local temple out of

good will. That will be nice. So we shall not think that this is my zone, that

is his zone, just like the Indian and Pakistan nation are thinking, and then

there is war, no. Lord Caitanya has given us the task to spread His message all

over the world, and any process which may be useful for facilitating this

business, that we shall gladly adopt, never mind his zone or my zone, that is

material designation. But we shall always do everything in cooperative spirit

and avoid any fighting amongst us, that is Vaisnava attitude because Lord

Caitanya has advised us to always offer all respects to others, especially to

the devotees of the Lord.

72-12-22. Letter: Karandhara

Regarding your points about taxation, corporate status, etc., I have heard from

Jayatirtha you want to make big plan for centralization of management, taxes,

monies, corporate status, bookkeeping, credit, like that. I do not at all

approve of such plan. Do not centralize anything. Each temple must remain

independent and self-sufficient. That was my plan from the very beginning, why

you are thinking otherwise? Once before you wanted to do something centralizing

with your GBC meeting, and if I did not interfere the whole thing would have

been killed. Do not think in this way of big corporation, big credits,

centralization--these are all nonsense proposals. Only thing I wanted was that

books printing and distribution should be centralized, therefore I appointed

you and Bali Mardan to do it. Otherwise, management, everything, should be done

locally by local men. Accounts must be kept, things must be in order and

lawfully done, but that should be each temple's concern, not yours. Krishna

Consciousness Movement is for training men to be independently thoughtful and

competent in all types of departments of knowledge and action, not for making

bureaucracy. Once there is bureaucracy the whole thing will be spoiled. There

must be always individual striving and work and responsibility, competitive

spirit, not that one shall dominate and distribute benefits to the others and

they do nothing but beg from you and you provide. No. Never mind there may be

botheration to register each centre, take tax certificate each, become separate

corporations in each state. That will train men how to do these things, and they

shall develop reliability and responsibility, that is the point. I am little

observing now, especially in your country, that our men are losing their

enthusiasm for spreading on our programmes of Krishna Consciousness movement.

Otherwise, why so many letters of problems are coming, dissatisfied? That is

not a very good sign. The whole problem is they are not following the

regulative principles, that I can detect. Without this, enthusiasm will be

lacking. Even mechanically following, and if he gets gradually understanding

from the class, he will come to the point of spontaneous enthusiasm. This

spontaneous loving devotional service is not so easy matter, but if one simply

sticks strictly to the rules and regulations, like rising early, chanting 16

rounds, chanting gayatri, keeping always clean--then his enthusiasm will grow

more and more, and if there is also patience and determination, one day he will

come to the platform of spontaneous devotion, then his life will be perfect. All

of this I have told you in Nectar of Devotion. So I do not think the leaders are

themselves following, nor they are seeing the others are following strictly.

That must be rectified at once. Each centre remain independent, that's all

right, but the president and other officers must themselves follow and see the

others are following the regulative principles carefully, and giving them good

instruction so they may understand nicely why this tapasya is necessary. And

GBC and Sannyasis will travel and see the officers are doing this, and if they

observe anything lowering of the standard, they must reform and advise, or if

there is some discrepancy I shall remove it. Of course, if new men are coming,

they may not be expected immediately to take to our regulative principles cent

per cent. Therefore we should not be so anxious to induce them to live in the

temple. Anyone who lives in the temple must agree to follow the rules and

regulations without fail. So if some new man moves in with us he may become

discouraged if he is forced in this way. Therefore let them live outside and

become gradually convinced in the class why they should accept some austerity,

then they will live with us out of their own accord and follow nicely

everything. It is very difficult to give up very quickly so many bad habits as

you have got in your country, so educate them gradually, first with chanting,

and do not be so much anxious to count up so many numbers of new devotees, if

such devotees go away later being too early forced. I want to see a few sincere

devotees, not many false devotees or pretenders.

So my point is that the regulative principles must be followed by everyone.

Otherwise their enthusiasm dwindles and they again think of sex and become

restless, and so many problems are there. There is some symptom of missing the

point. The point is to be engaged in doing something for Krishna, never mind

what is that job, but being so engaged in doing something very much satisfying

to the devotee that he remains always enthusiastic. He will automatically

follow the regulative principles because they are part of his occupational

duty--by applying them practically as his occupational duty, he realises the

happy result of regulative principles. So the future of this Krishna

Consciousness movement is very bright, so long the managers remain vigilant

that 16 rounds are being chanted by everyone without fail, that they are all

rising before four morning, attending mangal arati--our leaders shall be

careful not to kill the spirit of enthusiastic service, which is individual and

spontaneous and voluntary. They should try always to generate some atmosphere of

fresh challenge to the devotees, so that they will agree enthusiastically to

rise and meet it. That is the art of management: to draw out spontaneous loving

spirit of sacrificing some energy for Krishna. But where are so many expert

managers? All of us should become expert managers and preachers. We should not

be very much after comforts and become complacent or self-contented. There must

be always some tapasya, strictly observing the regulative principles--Krishna

Consciousness movement must be always a challenge, a great achievement to be

gained by voluntary desire to do it, and that will keep it healthy. So you big

managers now try to train up more and more some competent preachers and

managers like yourselves. Forget this centralizing and bureaucracy.

73-01-04. Letter: Dhruvananda

Why you are pouring water over the head of Radha and Krsna deities? Big deities

should not be bathed in this way, using water or other things. Rather they are

bathed daily by mantra, do you not know these things? Under no circumstances

shall we bathe the Jagannatha deities with anything water or liquid, they

should be bathed with mantra also. Now you are asking if Lord Jagannatha

carries flute? why this nonsense question? You are asking me so many

concoctions and manufactured nonsense. Don't bother my head in this way any

more. From now on unless I order you do something change or in addition, go on

with the usual standard way. You manufacture ideas and then I have to waste my

time. I have given you everything already, there is no need for you to add

anything or change anything. Why you are asking these things? Who has given you

such freedom? Pujari should operate entirely under the supervision of temple

president and GBC, not independently. The greatest danger to our movement will

come when we manufacture and create our own process for worshiping the deities.

73-02-21. Letter: Karandhara

Regarding the installation of Gaura-Nitai deities, weather it be a GBC man,

president, or sannyasi it does not matter. The important thing is that he be a

senior qualified man. That is the most important thing.

74-04-28. Letter: Rupanuga

Initiation should be given as a future hope, but we should be careful about the

second initiation. As recommended by the president or GBC they should only do

so when they are quite confident of a man. Otherwise, he should not be

recommended. If you follow this principle it will be successful. Every day I am

getting request for second initiation, but I do not know. The responsibility

goes to the presidents who pick them. Unless they are thoroughly convinced

second initiation should not be given. In the beginning we may be a little

lenient. But if someone falls down after being initiated he should not be

credited with second initiation.

74-08-19. Letter: Vidarbha Kanya

Chanting offenselessly is the remedy for all of these diseases. Therefore I have

established that the duty of the president of each temple and also the GBC is to

see that each devotee is following the rules and regulations, chanting 16 rounds

so that they may be spiritually fit. So if you are having difficulty then it

would be better for you not to live apart but to associate with other devotees.

74-09-07. Letter: Cidananda:

I am glad to know that you are in good health and practicing Krishna

consciousness nicely. So far the question of marriage, this is generally not

the concern of a sannyasi. Therefore I have asked the temple presidents to take

care of this matter in a mature and responsible way. I therefore request you to

approach the temple president there and the GBC and ask for their advise.

74-09-29. Letter: Mukunda:

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated September

22, 1974 and have noted the contents. Regarding the election of President, a

president can only be changed by vote. If no vote was taken, then the president

cannot be changed. Neither Hamsaduta can change the president whimsically or can

anybody else change the president. According the "Direction of Management" the

GBC cannot change the President but only by vote can it be done. The GBC's

business is to see that the President and the members are doing nicely,

following the regulative principles, and chanting 16 rounds and that other

things are going on nicely.

If it was decided by vote that Hamsaduta would select the president then

Hamsaduta is right. Without authority Hamsaduta cannot change the election. If

the vote was in favor of Madhavananda, then Hamsaduta cannot whimsically change

the vote. But, if by vote he was authorized to select the president, then

whomever he selects is right. I was not informed by my secretary that Hamsaduta

was authorized by vote to make the selection. But, why was Hamsaduta authorized

if the vote was already taken? This I do not know.

On the whole I understand there are so many contradictions, so in the presence

of all members you may take the vote again and decide finally.

74-10-18. Letter: Gangamayi

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated September

21, 1974 and have noted the contents. There have been many letters coming from

different quarters regarding the election; therefore I have called for a

re-election in the presence of all members and two GBC men. You can have a

written ballot, and whoever receives the majority vote, he shall be the


74-11-07. Letter: Rupanuga:


N.B. Regarding replacing Abhirama and Damodara I refer to the "Direction of

Management" as follows: "Removal of a Temple President by GBC requires support

by the local Temple members." Therefore you should take a vote of the Temple

members and do the needful. A. C. B.S.

74-12-19. Letter: Vipini

Concerning your marriage ceremony that is to be sanctioned by the temple president or GBC.

75-08-04. Letter: Madhudvisa:

Regarding Sydney, that the President has left, if one does not follow the

regulative principles, then he will leave. That is a fact. Has somebody else

been elected? This is the function of the GBC, to see that one may not be taken

away by maya. The GBC should all be the instructor gurus. I am in the initiator

guru, and you should be the instructor guru by teaching what I am teaching and

doing what I am doing. This is not a title, but you must actually come to this

platform. This I want.

76-07-11. Letter: Gopala Krsna

What happened to Jagat Purusa in Bombay? He is an experienced man in Bombay so

why he should be changed to Delhi? This change of Presidents is to be made in

the GBC meeting. In the middle of the year there is no question of change.

Tejyas can continue as President. Three times changing president is not good.

It should first be conjointly considered by the GBC.

Letter to: All GBC Secretaries


Unknown Place

19 August, 1976

All GBC Secretaries

Dear GBC Prabhu:

Please accept our humble obeisances at your feet. It has come to His Divine

Grace's attention that many members of our society are engaged in the same

business that Rsabhdeva (ex-President Laguna Beach) and devotees of Laguna

Beach Temple were engaged in. These devotees were recently in Delhi and

Calcutta. Some of them also met one of our GBC men in Hongkong. The list of

devotees doing this business includes some senior devotees. Furthermore, it was

discovered that some GBC members were backing these projects. Exact details on

how these activities are carried out were revealed by a participant and His

Divine Grace is thoroughly aware of the entire operation now.

His Divine Grace is very very unhappy about this. He said that under no

circumstances can any GBC or Temple President accept any money from these

devotees. This business has to be stopped at once immediately. His Divine Grace

wants all of you to refer to the instruction of 3rd verse of Upadesamrta. First

and foremost our profession must be very honest--above all suspicion. His

Divine Grace said "I am trying to retire from management to translate but if

these things come then how can I translate. I have set up the framework and

everything should be done within the framework. Kindly see that this business

is stopped at once."

Your servants

>Gargamuni Swami GBC

>Gopala Krsna Das

>Harikesa Swami

Approved: ACBS


N98:72-11-18 Letter to: Jagadisha, (new98) letters

The thing is, our main business is to distribute the books, either here or there

it doesn't matter. So if there is transcendental competition for increasing sale

of books, that is good. If he buys one book his life may be turned, that is best

preaching work. But everything must be done in the spirit of cooperation,

without any irritation. If one party wants to travel into another zone, that is

all right, but there must be prior agreement between the GBC men and mutual

consent. If by going there the book sales will be increased, what is the harm?

But supposing if there is any harm, that is to be judged by the local

president, and if he has good reason to think that another will be unfavorable

to his temple's operations, then he may order them to leave, that's all. So

local temple officers should be the final judge to allow or disallow from

anyone outside to sell their books there. And if some outside party comes, they

must sell books only, no collecting without selling books. They must live in the

local temple and not separately, and they must follow faithfully the

instructions and directions of the local president. They can purchase books

from the temple at regular wholesale price and sell, and whatever profit there

is above wholesale price they must give at least 50% to the local temple out of

good will. That will be nice. So we shall not think that this is my zone, that

is his zone, just like the Indian and Pakistan nation are thinking, and then

there is war, no. Lord Caitanya has given us the task to preach His message all

over the world, and any process which may be useful for facilitating this

business, that we shall gladly adopt, never mind his zone or my zone, that is

material designation. But we shall always do everything in cooperative spirit

and avoid any fighting amongst us, that is Vaisnava attitude, to others,

especially to devotees of the Lord.

750327rc.may Conversations

Jayatirtha: Yeah, that, we'll... The next point is to insure that the proper

criterion for recommending candidates for initiation be followed...

Prabhupada: That is being done.

Jayatirtha: ...and to insure that the...

Prabhupada: The president recommends, or the GBC recommends.

750331rc.may Conversations

Prabhupada: The president should be restricted that "You cannot spend more than

this amount without sanction of GBC.


8. Removal of a Temple president by the GBC requires support by the local Temple members.


9. The GBC has no jurisdiction in the publication of manuscripts, which will be

handled by a separate committee; profits to be returned to Srila Prabhupada."


So far my books are concerned, I am setting up a different body of management

known as the BHAKTIVEDANTA BOOK TRUST. The trustees of this body are also

members of the GBC, but their function is not dependent on the GBC.

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