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Prabhupada knew this info 30 yrs before BBC"So far, of course, I know that this

nuclear weapon was already discovered by the German people and Hitler, it is

said that he did not use it. Because he knew it that "If I throw this nuclear

weapon there will be devastation." So from this point it can be considered that

he had some human consideration. So he's advertised very adversely, but if it is

a true fact, then how he could have this human consideration that he did not

throw the nuclear weapon? And this was taken by the Americans and it was thrown

in Japan. That is the history so far we know. So anyway, as we have got

experience, the nuclear weapon is very, very dangerous. Similarly the

brahmastra is also very, very dangerous." AC BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI

PRABHUPADALECTURE given in Vrndavana, September 16, 1976


Drawing uncovered of 'Nazi nuke'

The diagram appears in an undated report about nuclear weapons work in Nazi Germany

Enlarge ImageHistorians working in Germany and the US claim to have found a

60-year-old diagram showing a Nazi nuclear bomb. It is the only known drawing

of a "nuke" made by Nazi experts and appears in a report held by a private

archive. The researchers who brought it to light say the drawing is a rough

schematic and does not imply the Nazis built, or were close to building, an

atomic bomb. But a detail in the report hints some Nazi scientists may have

been closer to that goal than was previously believed.

The Nazis were far away from a 'classic' atomic bomb. But they hoped to combine

a 'mini-nuke' with a rocket

Rainer Karlsch

The report containing the diagram is undated, but the researchers claim the

evidence points to it being produced immediately after the end of the war in

Europe. It deals with the work of German nuclear scientists during the war and

lacks a title page, so there is no evidence of who composed it. One historian

behind the discovery, Rainer Karlsch, caused a storm of controversy earlier

this year when he claimed to have uncovered evidence the Nazis successfully

tested a primitive nuclear device in the last days of WWII. A number of

historians rejected the claim. The drawing is published in an article written

for Physics World magazine by Karlsch and Mark Walker, professor of history at

Union College in Schenectady, US. 'Mini-nuke' The newly uncovered document was

discovered after the publication of Karlsch's book, Hitlers Bombe (Hitler's

Bomb), in which he made the nuclear test claim. "The Nazis were far away from a

'classic' atomic bomb. But they hoped to combine a "mini-nuke" with a rocket,"

Dr Karlsch told the BBC News website. "The military believed they needed around

six months more to bring the new weapon into action. But the scientists knew

better how difficult it was to get the enriched uranium required." The head of

Nazi Germany's nuclear energy programme was the physicist Werner Heisenberg.

Though he was highly accomplished in other areas of physics, Heisenberg failed

to understand a key aspect of nuclear fission chain reactions. Heisenberg's

uncertainty Some researchers say this led him to overestimate the amount of

uranium - the so-called fissile material - required to build a nuclear bomb.

Hitler was desperate for weapons that would turn the tide of the warHowever,

the German report contains an estimate of slightly more than 5kg for the

critical mass of a plutonium bomb. This is comparatively close to the real

figure and may suggest some Nazi scientists had a better grasp of nuclear

fission than Heisenberg. Professor Paul Lawrence Rose of Pennsylvania State

University, US, and author of a 1998 book about the German uranium programme,

said he had no reason to believe the report was not genuine, but was dubious

about the significance of the critical mass detail. "Though it's wonderful to

find the 5kg figure written on the document, one has to be sceptical about the

rationale for it. Even if it's true and [some scientists] did understand it,

Heisenberg's group wouldn't have accepted it," Rose told the BBC News website.

He further speculated it was possible the author arrived at this figure by

reading the Smyth Report into the development of the US atomic bomb, which was

published in July 1945. But Karlsch and Walker reject this claim. Bombshell

claim In Hitlers Bombe, Dr Karlsch suggests a team of scientists directed by

the physicist Kurt Diebner, which was in competition with Heisenberg's group,

tested a primitive nuclear device in Thuringia, eastern Germany, in March 1945.

Rose says that this is unlikely. Transcripts of conversations taped by MI6 when

the scientists were held captive in England after the war show Diebner lacked

the knowledge to have done this, he claims. "Karlsch revealed some very

important details in his book, but I can't go along with the picture he

constructs with those details - of a Nazi nuclear test," said Professor Dieter

Hoffmann of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin. But

in their Physics World article, Karlsch and Walker point to evidence of

innovations made by Diebner's team, including a nuclear reactor design superior

to that produced by Heisenberg's group. "[Diebner] got the research papers from

all other groups and he could control the information flux. Only a few

scientists around Diebner knew about his bomb project. Heisenberg was not aware

of it," Dr Karlsch explained.

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