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August 2005 Honolulu Satsang Schedule

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<honoluluartofliving (AT) att (DOT) net>"Honolulu Art of Living"

<honoluluartofliving (AT) att (DOT) net>August 2005 Satsang ScheduleMon, 1

Aug 2005 15:13:54 -10001) Wednesday Sunset Satsang on 4 out of 5 Wednesdays in

August:There will be four out of five Wednesday Satsangs in August at

thespectacular Waialae Nui Ridgeline Estates location high above the

Kahalaplain, overlooking Kalani Valley, and affording a 'breath-taking' 180

degreevista of Honolulu City Lights.Dates Wednesdays:08/03, 08/10, We will also

have a Potluck after Kriya on August 10.Come and enjoy abundant fresh prana,

good friends, and watch the twinkle ofthe city lights after sunset as you taste

nutritious food.(skip 8/17) resume 08/24, and 08/31. Time:Satsang will be held

from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Please allow for extra

drivingtime, and please plan to come a bit early to help in opening and setting

upthe space. Personal Comfort: The floor is uncarpeted concrete, so be sure to

bring a cushioning mat,towel or blanket to be comfortable. You may also want to

bring a pillow tosit on and a shawl or throw - it is always cooler at that high

elevation,and it may be windy.Location:Waialae Nui Ridgeline Estates Rec

Center, 2203 Halekoa Drive, Honolulu, HI 96821-1006. Directions:The H-1 Freeway

becomes Kalaniana'ole Highway near KahalaMall. Turn off the H-1 or Kalaniana'ole

to Aina Koa St., on the mountain (Mauka) side of theintersection, drive toward

the mountain 2 blocks;then turn left up the mountain on Halekoa Drive.Drive up

and up and up (almost 2 miles) on Halekoa Drive until you seethe Rec Center,

there is a big sign on the fence ..you can see thebasketball court , swimming

pool and the Rec Center structure. There is

ahuge parking lot, and tall Pine trees are very visible too. See you there!2)

Sunday Satsang Continues on University of Hawaii campus:Sunday Satsang will

continue every Sunday in August at the EnergyHouse on the University of Hawaii

at Manoa campus. Sunday morning Satsang isfrom 9:00 to11:00 am. Please join us!

A campus map is available online at:http://www.hawaii.edu/campusmap/Jai Guru

DevHonolulu Art of Living SatsangEmail: honoluluartofliving (AT) att (DOT) net

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Attachment: (application/pdf) August 2005 Satsang Schedule pdf.pdf [not stored]

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