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Hindu society under siege

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>bjpnews (AT) bjpfriends (DOT) org>bjp-l (AT) bjpfriends (DOT) org (BJP Discussion

Group)>vaidika1008 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>[bJP News] Hindu society under

siege>Thu, 4 Aug 2005 16:50:52 -0700>>HINDU SOCIETY UNDER SIEGE>>Speech

of Dr. Subramanian Swamy Ph.D[Harvard], former Cabinet Minister for>Commerce,

Law &Justice, Union Government, India at the Hindu Sanghatan Divas>held in New

York on July 24, 2005.>> Even though Hindu theology,

culture, and civilization are the>longest unbroken, and which have been tested

through fire many times over the>past millennium, their foundation has once

again come under siege in the 21st>century. The challenge today is much more

difficult to meet because the forces>at work to erode and undermine Hindu faith

areunlike before unseen, clandestine>and deceptive. Tragically, Hindus are being

used as pawns in this sinister>conspiracy directed by foreigners who have no

love for India. Therefore my call>today is first and foremost for the undiluted

unity of Hindus, a unity based>and fostered on the fundamentals of a

renaissance[see my website>www.indiaright.org].>>Non-Hindus can join this

unity, but first they must agree to adhere to the>minimum requirement: that

they recognize and accept that their ancestry is>Hindu, that they revere their

ancestors, that they are as equal before law as>any other but no more, and that

they will make sacrifices to defend their Hindu>legacy just as any good Hindu

would his own.>>India is only for those who swear that Bharat or Hindustan is

their matrubhoomi>and karmabhoomi. Since the task to defeat the nefarious

forces ranged today>against Hindu society is hard, we cannot therefore have

amongst our midst those>whose commitment to the motherland is ambivalent or ad

hoc or those who feel no>kinship to Hindus.>> Hindu society

today has become fragmented, lacks a cohesive>corporate identity, and is in

disarray. I am not referring to the millions who>go to temples regularly or

walk to Sabarimalai. I am instead referring to the>Hindu consciousness and the

willingness to collectively defend the faith. What>Swami Vivekananda, Bankim

Chatterjee, Sri Aurobindo, and Subramania Bharati had>achieved by raising Hindu

consciousness has been depleted and dissipated over>the last six decades. Even

the patriotic and anguished writings of Dr.>Ambedkar, and his oration in the

Constituent Assembly for a strong united>country have been vulgarized to

advocate Hindu society’s disintegration. Thus,>if this degeneration and

disconnect are not rectified and repaired, the Hindu>civilization may go into a

tail spin and ultimately fade away like other>civilizations have for much the

same reason.>>This sorry state has come about as a cumulative effect of a

thousand years past>of Islamic invasions, occupation and Imperialist

colonization. A renaissance>has yet to happen to cleanse the past. But most of

all, it is because of the>battering that the concept of Hindu identity has

taken at the hands of>Nehruvian secularists since 1947. Thus, even though

Hindus are above 80 percent>of the population in India, they have not been able

to shape their own future,>even in a pluralistic democracy.>>Today we are

witnesses to the sacrilege of Hindu concepts and hoary>institutions, carried

out not with the crude brutality of a Ghazni or Ghori,>but with the

sophistication of the constitutional instruments of law. The>desecration of

Hindu icons is being made to look legal, thereby completely>confusing the Hindu

people, and thus making them unable to recognize the danger>and that we have to

unite to defend against the threats to the motherland. We>are under siege, and

we do not know it. Hindu ethos could be today dissembled>without a

protest.>>Numbers of those claiming to be adherents to Hinduism does not matter

in today’s>information society. It is the durability and invincibility of the

Hindu mind>that matters. When a false murder case is foisted on the 2500 year

old Kanchi>Mutt acharyas, Hindus are watching it as spectators. That the

Supreme Court has>declared the case as without “prima facie” basis has not

galvanized the Hindus.>That the obvious perpetrator of this blasphemous

atrocity on the religion is>the head of the state government who claims to be a

Hindu because she regularly>visits temples has only helped to further confuse

the already confounded Hindu>mind. That this atrocity could not have been

heaped on the Mutt without the aid>and abetment, or even the instigation of the

power behind the throne in Delhi,>a devout Catholic foreigner, has not even

evoked any anger amongst the Hindus.>Instead the Hindus are just discussing

gossip­whether there was some land>dispute or a money angle to the misuse of

state machinery to frame a>Shankaracharya on a murder charge. That the state

dared to foist a bogus case>on a Shankaracharya should have caused a

spontaneous uproar and mass protest.>That this atrocity could be the beginning

of further assault on the foundations>of the religion to discredit it has not

awakened the Hindus.>>And further assault has come with rapidity. The state

government of Karnataka>patronized the congregation called by a Benny Hinn who

is under US Internal>Service investigation. US Christian organizations such as

the Trinity>Foundation have exposed him as a fake. Yet in the admiring presence

of the>Karnataka Chief Minister, and Central Government Ministers, Benny Hinn

was>allowed to usurp the Bangalore Airforce campus and hold a rally to

“cure”>hopelessly and terminally ill or handicapped persons just by placing his

hand>on their heads. Such obscurantism was extolled by the Congress Party

leaders,>while mouthing secularism. Benny Hinn let the cat out the bag by

thanking the>“friends of Sonia Gandhi” for making the event possible. The nexus

has tumbled>out.>>Then we had a near disaster in Ayodhya. Pakistan trained

foreign terrorists>slipped into India and traveled to Ayodhya to blow up the

Ram Mandir. Their>attempt was foiled by courageous elements of the police. But

did the>representative government of 870 million Hindus retaliate ? On the

contrary the>Prime Minister assured Pakistan that the peace talks will not be

affected. And>the Vish Kanya Sonia pulling strings from behind gave the nation

a running>commentary on the incident­that the culprits are “enemies of the

nation”. That>is trite and obvious, but what retaliation was there to be for

daring to think>about blowing Sri Ram’s birth place ? When this widow of the

assassinated Rajiv>Gandhi has seen it fit to politically ally with those

parties who praise the>killers of her husband and hold his assassination as

justified, what moral>outrage can one expect from her for a religion she has

contempt for ?>>Hence, as Swami Vivekananda said: “Arise, Awake and Go Forth as

Proud Hindus”>But what does being a proud Hindu constitute ? The core, gleaning

the writings>of our sages, in the modern context means the following

five:>>First, a Hindu, and those others who others who are proud of their

Hindu>ancestry, must know the correct history of India. Hindus are one. There

is no>truth in the Aryan-Dravidian race theory, or that caste is birth--based

and>immutable. Hindus always lived in this area called Akhand Hindustan, and

did>not come from outside. Instead they went abroad to spread

learning.>>Second, Hindus must believe that all religions lead to God, but

never that all>religions are equal. Hindus believe that God’s darshan can be

had in one’s>lifetime, and is a superior path to God. Hence, Hindus expect that

respect for>other religions is a two-way traffic. If Hindus are to defend the

right of>others to adhere to one’s own religion, then other religionists have

to stand>up for Hindus. But we find that today no Christian or Islamic

organization has>stood up against the atrocity against the Kanchi Mutt.

Secularism as presently>defined is a one-way traffic, and Hindus must reject

such appeasement.>>Third, Hindus must prefer to lose everything they possess

rather than submit to>tyranny, and now terrorism. Hindus have worshipped Rana

Pratap, Rani Jhansi,>Rani Bennur, Kattaboman and Subhash Bose not because they

led us to victory or>found out a safe compromise, but because of their courage

of conviction. Of>course those victorious like Shivaji or the Vijaynagaram

Kings are adored, but>those who capitulated like Raja Man Singh or Jai Chand or

Pudukottai Raja are>despised. Today those who submit to terrorists and hijackers

must be vehemently>despised. They are not Hindus just because they go to the

temple. Even Ravana>regularly went to pray before Shiva.>>Fourth, the Hindu

must have a mindset to retaliate when attacked. The>retaliation must be massive

enough to deter future attacks. If terrorists come>from training camps in

Pakistan, Bangla Desh or Sri Lanka, Hindus must seek to>carpet bomb those

training camps, no matter the consequences. Today’s so-called>Hindus have

failed to avenge or retaliate for the attack on Parliament, Akshaya>Mandir,

Ayodhya, and even a former Prime Minister’s[Rajiv Gandhi’s]>assassination. On

the other hand those who defend these assassins and praise>the terrorist

organization behind them are central government Ministers today.>>Fifth, all

Hindus to qualify as true Hindus must make effort to learn Sanskrit>and the

Devanagari script in addition to the mother tongue, and pledge that one>day in

the future, Sanskrit will be India’s link language since all>languages[Tamil

included] have forty or more percentage of their vocabulary>common with



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The book has been written by Dr. Subramanian Swamy and is titled "Hindus Under Siege - The Way Out". The inaugural function was in Delhi on 18th September in the presence of RSS Sarsanghchalak Sri K S Sudarshan, Kanchi Sankaracharya Sri Jayendra Saraswathi Swamiji and Sri Murli Manohar Joshi and many other distinguished guests.


For this book, Dr. Swamy had also received the blessings of Sri Bharati Tirtha MahaSwamiji of the Sri Sringeri Sharada Peetham and Sri Dayananda Saraswathi Swamiji of Arsha Gurukul Vidyalaya, PA, USA.


Some details of this book are available at kanchiforum.org . The book is available in hard cover, and is nominally priced. The book is now available for purchase in India, UK and in the USA.


Thank you for your support to the Hindu Cause!

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