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Sri Venkata Gurave Nama:

Sri Vara Vara Muneya Nama:

Srimathe Ranaujaya Nama:


Respected Members of Ramanuja Group,


Mumookshapdi- Introduction


Swami Pillai Lokachar is one of the pillars of our Samradayam.

He has written 18 Rahasya Granthas which helps one in understanding the

Ramanuja Siddhttham in a better way.


He was born to Vadakku Thiruveedhi Pillai who was the Sishya of Swami



The Word Mumooshapadi consists of two words


1.Mumookshu- the one who yearns for Moksham

2. Padi- to be understood.


Hence This Grantham consists of those which a Mumookshu should



It has three major chapters..


1. Thirumantra Prakaranam

2. Dvaya Prakaranam

3. Sarama Sloka Prakaranam.


Mumookshapdi gives full meanings of Thirumantram, Dvyam and Sarama Slokam

and engages in detail

lots of do's/Don'ts of a Prapanna.


We get to know a lot of Sri Vaishnava Conducts and Practices that were

advocated by our poorvacharyas.


In the coming weeks, I would attempt to give freely tranalations on

original grantham of MM padi, using mostly the explanations

given by vaikundavasi Sri.T.S.Rajagoplan (retd, Head master, Hindu High

school, Triplicane) . I also intend to use the explanations given by Sri

Manavala Mamuni on his vyakyanam on Mumookshapadi. This book was published

many years ago by Sri. PBA Swamy of Kanchi.Should there be any mistakes in

my postings, it has to be misconceptionsfrom my end. I am sure i will be

corrected by the learnt members of our group.


Thirumantra Prakaranam explains the nature of ParamAtma , jeevatma and

establishes that being a servant of lord, it is imperative and natural

for the souls

(Jeevan) to engage in nitya Kaimkaryam to Him.


Dvaya Prakaranam deals with what are the 'upayam' (the way) for a soul to

attain a position to do nitya Kaimkaryam and what is the 'upeyam' (the

fruit or the result) of such endeavor. Further, it also explains how

Purushakaram(Divine Intervention)

of Periya Piratti helps a jeevan in his salvation.


Dvaya mantram is considered to be the 'Mantra Ratnam' in our sampradayam.


Sarama Slokam acts as a vivaranam of Dvaya Mantram. Sarama Sloka


deals with what are those acts that a prapanna should Relinquish, what

should be his state of mind after relinquishing and how the Grace of

Bhagavan acts to get the prapanna out of cycle of births and deaths.


We will discuss Thirumantra Prakaranam from the next post.


Jeeyar Thiruvadigale saranam.










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Dear swamy,

It is indeed very interesting to know about MM padi.We

look forward to your future mails.


Thanks for your time and effort.




--- km.narayanan wrote:

> Sri Venkata Gurave Nama:

> Sri Vara Vara Muneya Nama:

> Srimathe Ranaujaya Nama:


> Respected Members of Ramanuja Group,


> Mumookshapdi- Introduction


> Swami Pillai Lokachar is one of the pillars of our

> Samradayam.

> He has written 18 Rahasya Granthas which helps one

> in understanding the

> Ramanuja Siddhttham in a better way.


> He was born to Vadakku Thiruveedhi Pillai who was

> the Sishya of Swami

> Nampillai.


> The Word Mumooshapadi consists of two words


> 1.Mumookshu- the one who yearns for Moksham

> 2. Padi- to be understood.


> Hence This Grantham consists of those which a

> Mumookshu should

> know.


> It has three major chapters..


> 1. Thirumantra Prakaranam

> 2. Dvaya Prakaranam

> 3. Sarama Sloka Prakaranam.


> Mumookshapdi gives full meanings of Thirumantram,

> Dvyam and Sarama Slokam

> and engages in detail

> lots of do's/Don'ts of a Prapanna.


> We get to know a lot of Sri Vaishnava Conducts and

> Practices that were

> advocated by our poorvacharyas.


> In the coming weeks, I would attempt to give freely

> tranalations on

> original grantham of MM padi, using mostly the

> explanations

> given by vaikundavasi Sri.T.S.Rajagoplan (retd, Head

> master, Hindu High

> school, Triplicane) . I also intend to use the

> explanations given by Sri

> Manavala Mamuni on his vyakyanam on Mumookshapadi.

> This book was published

> many years ago by Sri. PBA Swamy of Kanchi.Should

> there be any mistakes in

> my postings, it has to be misconceptionsfrom my end.

> I am sure i will be

> corrected by the learnt members of our group.


> Thirumantra Prakaranam explains the nature of

> ParamAtma , jeevatma and

> establishes that being a servant of lord, it is

> imperative and natural

> for the souls

> (Jeevan) to engage in nitya Kaimkaryam to Him.


> Dvaya Prakaranam deals with what are the 'upayam'

> (the way) for a soul to

> attain a position to do nitya Kaimkaryam and what is

> the 'upeyam' (the

> fruit or the result) of such endeavor. Further, it

> also explains how

> Purushakaram(Divine Intervention)

> of Periya Piratti helps a jeevan in his salvation.


> Dvaya mantram is considered to be the 'Mantra

> Ratnam' in our sampradayam.


> Sarama Slokam acts as a vivaranam of Dvaya Mantram.

> Sarama Sloka

> Prakaranam

> deals with what are those acts that a prapanna

> should Relinquish, what

> should be his state of mind after relinquishing and

> how the Grace of

> Bhagavan acts to get the prapanna out of cycle of

> births and deaths.


> We will discuss Thirumantra Prakaranam from the next

> post.


> Jeeyar Thiruvadigale saranam.



> Dasan


> K.M.Narayanan




> ------------

> The information transmitted is intended only for the

> person or entity to

> which it is addressed and may contain confidential

> and/or privileged

> material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination

> or other use of, or

> taking of any action in reliance upon, this

> information by persons or

> entities other than the intended recipient is

> prohibited. If you received

> this in error, please contact the sender and delete

> the material from any

> computer.




> azhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyAr thiruvadigalE saranam



> Your use of is subject to








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