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SrImAthE rAmAnujAya nama:

SrImadh varavara munayE nama:


Dear Bhagavathas,


Do anyone have the text on "Mantrapushpam" either in English or Sanskrit? If

it is available on any site, please let me know...


For your reference, the content below was posted in bakthi list longtime

back by sri V.Mahavishnu.


1.rug vEda mantra "agni mILE purOhitam" and consists of the following other


2.sAma vEda Siras of nArAyaNOpanishat "...OmityagrEvyAharEt..."

3.VaikunthEti parElOkE...

4.icchAmOhi mahAbAhum...

5.Esha nArAyaNaSSrImAn..

6.one more SlOka on krishNa "...sAkshAnmanmatha manmathah"

7.Poikai Azhwar's "SenRAl kudaiyAm..."

8.ALavandAr's "kadApunaSSanka.."

9.SrI rAmAnujar's SrIbhAshya SlOkam "akhila bhuvana janma sthEma ...."



A bhagavatha is immediately in need of it.




K.M. Shantha Kumar





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