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Paratatvam of LORD SrimanNarayana

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srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha

srImadh varavara munayE namaha


Dear members,


I would like to add the following to Sri Mukundan's invitation


In the so called Hindu religion, there is a hierarchy regarding the

pramANa granthams, which is as follows


1) sruthi

2) smruthi

3) ithihAsa

4) purANa


These are works that are accepted by all, who belong to the lineage

of different interpretations of the moola sruthi (vEdha) vAkhyAs.


In all the above, it is held beyond doubt that Sriman nArAyaNan is

the only Supreme God head and all others are like parts of His body.

This is evident from the following.


The vEdAs say,


1. "ekO ha vai nArAyaNa Aseeth, na brahma nE sAna:" - During the

praLaya only Sriman nArAyaNa existed, neither brahma nor siva,


2. "agniravamO dEvathAnam paramO vishNu:". - of the dEvas, Agni has

the lowest status and the highest status is to VishNu, the



3. "nArAyaNath brahmA jAyathE, nArAyaNath rudrO jAyathE" - From

nArAyaNa was created , brahma and siva.


and many more.


So as per the sruthis, it is proved beyond doubt that Sriman

nArAyaNan is the supreme god.


Though the smruthis too prove beyond doubt that Sriman nArAyaNan is

the supreme god, I do not know any quotations to prove that.


Coming to the ithihAsAs, srImadh rAmAyaNam and srI mahAbhAratham are

the only ithihAsas of this huge country. No explanation needed

regarding who is held as the supreme god in these ithihAsas. But

remember that the much later day stories like rAmA worshipped siva

linga at rAmEswaram et al are just false stories created by the later

day saivaites to compete with the Vishnu supremacy. None of these can

be found in the original scriptures of Sri vAlmIki muni.


Finally in the purANAs, as we all know, the 18 of them are classified

into sAtvika, rAjasa and tAmasa purANas. As indicated by as koorma

purANa vachana, we are to consider only the sAtivka purANas and not

the rAjasa and tAmasa purANas. The sAtivka purANas uphold only Sriman

nArAyaNan as the supreme god. The rAjasa and tAmasa purANas, though

talk high about BrahmA and Siva respectively, in many instances they

are all not able to conceal the fact that Sriman nArAyaNan is the

supreme god.


Lots of deliberate misinterpretations are being made to say that siva

is the supreme god or sakthi is the supreme god etc., If the above

literatures are read properly with open mind, one would realise the

fact that only srIman nArAyaNa paratvam is described in all these.


AzhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam

adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan

Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh

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