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from Smt. Sheela belur - stOtra ratna - 18

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namO namO yAmunAya yAmunAya namO nama:

namO namO yAmunAya yAmunAya namO nama:


slOkam 18:


vashI vadAnyo guNavAn rujushuchi:

mrudu: dayALurmadhura: sthirassama: |

kruthI kruthajna: thvamasi svabhAvatha:

samastha kalyANa guNAmruthOdadhi: ||


vashI - one who is under the influence of

(His devotees)

vadAnya: - the generous One who grants

everything including Himself


guNavAn - one with all auspicious attributes,

especially sowseelya (approachability)

ruju: - one whose actions, words and mind

are united towards a single goal

shuchi: - one who is most sacred, one who

has infinite purity {here, the infinite

purity is attributed to His causeless


mrudu: - One who is very soft. {One who cannot

bear the separation from His devotees}

dayALu: - One who helps people in distress,

One with a kindness that cannot bear the

suffering of His devotees

madhura: - One who is the personification of


sthira: - One with a steady mind and

ignoring hindrances to the act

of protection; One who saves people

that take His refuge even though they

may be His enemies

sama: - One who protects every one equally,

irrespective of their knowledge,

capability etc..

krutI - One who does not perform any

acts for Himself; One who acts ONLY

in the interests of those who take

refuge in Him

krutajna: - One who remembers the good things

rendered by others; Even for small things

done by devotees, He wants to do big

help in return

thvam - You

svabhAvatha: - by nature

samastha - all

kalyANa guNa - auspicious attributes

amrutha - nectar

udadhi - ocean

asi - are




You, who is the Lord of all the worlds, who is a

generous One who has the nature to grant everything

including Yourself, One who incarnates for the

destruction of evil and protection of the good,

One who is equal towards every being, One who has

no friend or foe, One who obeys His devotees, One

who can not bear to see the hardship of His devotees,

who is compassionate, One who ignores all hindrances

towards the protection of those who seek refuge,

One who is the universal protector, One who does

not take cognizance of the mis-deeds of devotees,

are by nature an ocean of nectar comprising all

auspicious attributes.



Additional notes:


svAmi periyavAccAn piLLai says in his introduction

to this slOkA:


The previous slOka (yath aNdam..) talked about

the infinite supremacy of the Lord over everything.

So, one can naturally wonder after reading the

previous slOka, how such an all powerful being

can be reached? This slOka gives the confidence

to the reader that such a supreme Being has these

12 qualities that are most helpful for people

who take refuge in Him!.


ALavandAr thiruvadigaLE saranam





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