Guest guest Posted April 7, 2002 Report Share Posted April 7, 2002 srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha srImadh varavara munayE namaha Dear Members. This is fairly a long message but an interesting one and also an important fact file. So please read this carefully without omitting any part. I am reproducing below a question that I posted in "sv-poetry" list and reposted in "sv-general" on the request of Sri Mani Varadarajan I am posting this in our list for everyone to know the facts. It is surprising that some our thennAchArya sampradhAyasthars talk about swAmy dEsikan being an ardent vadagalai AchArya, while the fact is NOT AT ALL. This message will have very few citations from his works where one can see that his views are nothing but the same as that of Sri piLLai lOkAchAriyar and Sri maNavALa mAmunigaL. Foreword : I sent this message to Sri Oppiliappan Koil Varadachari Sadagopan as a query to one of his mails on SaraNAgathi deepikai of swAmi dEsikan. --------------------Quote 1 -------------------------------- srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha srImadh varavara munayE namaha Dear Sri Sadagopan swamy, You wrote: ------------------ Sub Quote-------------- karmasvanAdhi vishamEshu samO DayALu: svEnaiva kluptham apadesam avEkshamANa: svaprApathayE tanu-bhruthAm thvarasE Mukundha svAbhAvikam Tava suhrutthvam idham gruNanthi --SrI SaraNAgathi DhIpikai: SlOkam 14 (Meaning): Oh ViLakkoLi PerumALE! Oh MOksha-DhAyaka MukundhA ! The JeevAthmA acquires a sarIram (body) because of its previous karmAs. Its karma vinais are timeless and anAdhi. Those poorva karmAs yield the jeevan many kinds of fruits. Oh Lord! You have no natural likes or dislikes about anyone. You are equanimous in Your conduct towards all of the chEthanams. Even then,You can only grant the fruits to each jeevAthmA according to their karmAs. Your dayA guNam is matchless. Inspite of that abundant compassion , You will be accused of partiality if You grant mOksham to a ChEthanam that has not used the means (upAyam ) to seek Your grace. If You do that for one jeevan , then You have to grant the mOksham to all jeevans independent of whether they have performed any UpAya anushtAnam or not . Theredore , You await the performance of the easiest to practise upAyam of Prapatthi.Even that performance of Prapatthi by the Jeevan is caused by You. You facilitate the performance of that UpAyam and immediately after rush to the side of the ChEthanam to grant him the parama gathi of Moksham. This generous and compassionate act of Yours has been described by sages as a proof of Your innate deep affection and friendship towards the Jeevans. -----------------------------End Subquote------------------- I have a small doubt regarding the above. In this sloka Swamy Desikan states that He is waiting for a small pretext on the jeevAthmA, i.e., performing prapatti, to take the jeevAthmA unto Him. Swamy Desikan also says that this performance of prapatthi by the jeevAthmA is also induced by Him only. If that is so, what is the act on the part of the jeevAthmA [that he did something (sAdhyOpAyam)] to earn mOksha. On the other hand, if one agrees that the jeevAthmA is completely bound by the leela of Sriman nArAyaNan, and that is why He Himself induces the jeevAthmA to do prapatti, then why should He look for a vyAja (pretext) at all on the part of the jeevAthmA to grant mOksha. Isn't this a short coming on Him that He is expecting something and does this not go against the very title "avAptha samastha kAman" (The one who is completely fulfilled and needs no more from anybody). Request you to kindly enlighten me on the above. AzhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh ---------------------End Quote--- Now he replied for this query of mine as follows ; ---------------------Quote 2----------------------------- Dear SrImaAn Venkatesh: Please accept my Panguni Uttharam day greetings to You . May the SrIrangam Dhivya Dampathis' blessings be with you always! Your question is most welcome . I will respond to it to the best of my ability. This issue of our Lord's spontaneous grace (nirhEthuka KrupA)versus conscious human effort (sahRthuka KrupA) to qualify for it has attracted the attention of brilliant minds from AchArya RaamAnujA's time onwards to today . What I am going to say is hence nothing new . Different AchArya paramparais have taken different positions . I was explaining the view of Swamy Desikan . Yet , there is a way that bridges the nirhEthuka KrupA and sahEthuka KrupA. The quick answer to your query is that BhagavAn out of His krupA directs the Jeevan to a sadAchAryan and the Prapatthi done thru that SadAchAryan results in the Lord's acceptance of that Prapatthi. SadAchaaryan essentially prepares the jeevan with sadupadEsam on Tathtva Thrayam , performs upadEsams on the three manthrAs and offers that " prepared" jeevan back to the owner. Thus the Lord as Sarva rakshakan , Sahaja Suhruth , Sarvajn~an , Sarva SakthimAn and avAptha samastha kaaman has a dual role here to play without contradiction to His nirhEthuka KrupA. Spontaneous grace of the Lord is thus intertwined with the minimal human effort that precedes it. The usual analogy given is the spontaneous flow of Mother's milk and the minimal effort on the part of the infant to gain it . To avoid any thought of arbitrariness and partiality ( Vaishamya NairguNya DhOsham ), Our Lord accepts the vyAjam of Prapatthi to shower His abundant grace . The opportunity to seek a sadAchAryan and engage in the path of a spiritual discipline is provided by the Lord Himself in rcognition of good and meritorious deed performed by the jeevan consciously or otherwise . Our Lord's grace is recognized here as the prime cause (pradhAna hEthu ) and Prapatthi is viewed as the accessory cause (SahakAri KaaraNam). The vyAja of Prapatthi is the link/bridge between the two kinds of KrupA. The third verse of NyAsa Dasakam of Swami Desiakn has been my guiding light in these matters as pointed out by my AchAryan, who has placed aatma-rakshA-bharam at the Thiruvadi of MaalOlan : SvAmi svasEsham svavasam sva-bharathvEna nirbharam svadhattha-svadhiyA svArTam svasmin nyasyathi maam svayam This powerful slOkam emphasizing Saathvika ThyAgam consisting of the three parts ( Karthruthva , MamathA and Phala ThyAgams) underlines the following important points pertinent to NyAsa VidhyA or Prapatthi yOgam: 1. SrIman NaarAyaNan is the Supreme Lord of all (SvAmi). 2. I am Your bonded servant/adimai (Sva-sEsham). 3. I am controlled by You (sva-vasam). 4. You have blessed me with the Jn~Anam about You (Sva-dhattha sva-dhiyA)." You have enabled me to know Your nature.You have endowed me with the capacity to think." 5. SvArTam nirbharam sva-bharathvEna Svayam Svasmin nyasyathi ( " You Yourself have made me surrender myself to You for Your own pleasure with the responsibility of protecting it and getting rid of that burden from me"). The Fourteenth slOkam of SrI SaraNAgathi DhIpikai echos some of the thoughts of the above NyAsa Dasakam slOkam . SrImath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan ----------------------End Quote ------------------------------ For this I posted another one proving from swAmi dEsikars' works itself that his views are same as that of thennAchArya sampradAya views. -----------------------Quote 3-- srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha srImadh varavara munayE namaha. Dear srImAn Sadagopan swamy. First let me reciprocate the Panguni Utthiram greetings to you. Thank you for your blessings on this holy day. I thank you very much for the immediate and elaborate reply. I still have that original doubt. The analogy of the mother's milk flow to the baby sucking it fits very well. But my doubt is that, do you say, the jeevAtmA has a little svAthanthryam on his/her part to do something so that it becomes a pretext for Sriman nArAyan to grant him/her the mOksham? If that is so, what actually the jeevAthmA is doing on his part. You have clearly stated that Sriman nArAyaNan shows a sadhAchAryan to the jeevAthmA and from there the sadhAchAryan takes the jeevAthmA to the point of doing prapatti and actually helps him in doing it. If that is the case, the seed is sowed by emberumAn only and once the seed is sown, it is natural on the part of the jeevAthmA to proceed in just the same way as the plants grow.However, if you are to say that, just sowing is not enough and someone has to water the plant, please note that, here the watering is done by the sadhAchAryan and no effort is needed on the part of the plant. But when the plant is watered properly it is natural for it to grow. So the plant is actually doing nothing and that is the position of jeevAthmA. Again superimposing this analysis on the krupa issue, please note that Thirumazhsaii AzhwAr in his Thirucchanda viruttham, says that emberumAn is capable of turning the back the jeevAthmA into wrong ways, if He wishes and this is due to His nirankusa swAthanthriyam. pAsuram 85: nacharAvaNaikkidandha nAdha! pAdha pOdhinil vaittha sindhai vAnguvitthu neenguvikka nee inam meitthan vallaiyAdhalAl aRindhanan nin mAyamE uiytthu nin mayakkinil mayakkal ennai mAyanE [AzhwAr says, "vaittha sindhai vAnguvithhu". This means He is capable to taking back the thoughts (about Him) that He has given to the AzhwAr (and hence the jeevAthmA) and also "neenguvitthu", meaning, completely getting rid off. His capability is expressed by the words " meitthan vallai" (surely you can). Finally says by doing this He is mesmerising (mayakkinil) him (AzhwAr) and hence "please do not do this to me"]. This pAsuram clearly, without any sibling of doubts in one's mind, brings out the "nirankusa swAthanthriyam" of emberumAn. So if He can change the thoughts as per His wish as per the above pAsuram, what is the need for Him to expect anything at all from the jeevAthmA to bestow His grace. So it seems that, it is only emberumAn who out of His own wish and sankalpa & kAruNyam and krupA, takes the jeevAthmA on the right path and hence give the salvation. On the other hand, if, as you said, He bestows this grace on the jeevAthmA, only based on his past good deeds according to the karma theory, then it is again a shortcoming on the part of emberumAn. This time it is on His guNA of "nirankusa swAthanthriyam" (Unfettered independence). This attribute of emberumAn is one of the main attributes glorified by all our poorvAchAryAs. As said above, if He is to bestow the grace, based on karma theory, then He will be only called as "sAstra vasyan" (bound by sAstrAs) and not "nirankusa swathanthran". Well, one may say that, the sAstrAs were created by Him, so there is nothing wrong if He follows it. Please note, there is nothing wrong if He "follows" it, but it cannot be that He is bound by it. As all of us know, He created the sAstrAs, basically as a guideline for us to lead a peaceful life. So He cannot be bound by the sAstrAs. Also, the nyAsa dasakam slOka which you have cited very clearly proves that there is no independant effort on the part of the jeevAthmA to earn His grace. Please note that the slOkA ends with the arterious words "nyasyathi mAm svayam" ("You" make me surrender to you). So how is it that the jeevAthmA is doing something at all on his part to attain His grace. Recently I was reading a book by Sri P.B Annangarachariar swamy in which he has quoted from MunivAhana bhOgam of swAmy dEsikar, the following. In the avathArikai, swAmy dEsikar says "kAraNa vasthu innadhenRu aRudhiyida mudiyAdha krupaiyinAlE......". Very clearly swAmy dEsikar says, that there is no reason for His grace. So how is it that some thing on the part of the jeevAthmA is required to receive His grace. I ask this question, as you have stated this as swAmy dEsikar's view. Maybe if there is a different interpretation to the above avathArikai, please enlighten me about it. Request you to kindly enlighten me on the above. AzhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan, Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh ------------------------End Quote ------------------------ I posted this message to the list on 29th March 2002. Then followed by another on 2nd April 2002 ---------------------------Quote 4--------------------------- srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha srImadh varavara munayE namaha Dear srImAn Sadagopan swamy, While I await your clarification on the below matter, another thought came into my mind about it. Though at the outset, the mother-child analogy looks fit enough for some act on the part of the jeevAthmA, this is the one which will very clearly prove against it. When the child is born, who is teaching the child to suck the milk and how are they teaching. Does the mother teach the child? No. The child by nature does this job of sucking the milk. This is exactly the position of the jeevAthmA before ajnyAnA pervades him. Like the sucking is natural for the child, the knowledge that the jeevAthmA is a servant and slave of paramAtmA is very natural for the jeevAthmA and indeed it is one of the attributes of the jeevAthmA. Also does the child suck the milk, because it knows that, otherwise it will die? No. Again it is its nature or swaroopam. The child does not know that the action of sucking the milk is an upAya for its life. Like wise doing prapatti in its true form as "tvamEva upAya bhoothO me bhava ithi prArthanA mathi: saraNAgathi" (that is the prayer for emberumAn Himself to be upAyam is called prapatti) is natural or swaroopam for the jeevAthmA and it cannot be construed as a sAdhyOpAyam. On part of the mother (or emberumAn at the macro level), whether the child asks for milk (by way of crying) or not, she knows the right time to feed the child as she has utmost krupA over the child and anything to the child will be a loss to her. So here emberumAn knows when to feed the jeevAtmA with His grace and does it at the right time. When the flow of grace is there all that jeevAtmA has to do is to accept it . Again, for example a grown up child (grown enough to do some mischief but still on breast feeding) makes a mistake, does the mother make the child starve, especially if it is only her milk which is the diet for the child. No way. This is the kAruNyam of the mother towards her child and the same on part of emberumAn towards the chEtana. Here it is only the grace of emberumAn that can save the chEtana and the emberumAn knows this, even if the chEtana is not aware of this. Based on all the above, the analogy of Mother-Child only goes to prove that there is nothing on the part of the chEtana that he can do as an upAya to attain the grace of emberumAn. Request you to kindly clarify on the above lines too. AzhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh ----------------------------End Quote---------------------------- To this, there is no reply till date. Do you think from the above, that they can answer. Instead, they are calling us fanatics and other things. Rest assured. Those who believe, AzhwArs, have to be the thennAchAryA way. I will continue to post some more messages like this as a sort of FACT-FILES about our sampradhAyam. This is for everyone to understand what is going on. Request your feedbacks and additional inputs to uphold the above points. AzhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 8, 2002 Report Share Posted April 8, 2002 Dear Sri Venkatesh Swamin and others, AdiyEn thought I'd like to add to your query one more point. After Swami Nammazhvar surrenders to the Lord of the Seven Hills in his "agalakillen" pasuram, it is interesting to see what he says next in the following pasuram. This recently caught my attention, but has no doubt been analysed before. Nammazhvar starts the next pasuram with "adikkeezh amarnthu pugunthu vAzhumin adiyeer enRu aruL kodukkum". Here it is clearly said that the act of surrender and the kainkarya prApti is because of the will and the aruL of emperumAn. If anyone knows what the sampradAyic stands are in relation to this pasuram, please post them. I will also address briefly the article by Sri Anand Karlapakkam. I have noticed a trend in such articles to coat the words with some roundabout praise of Sri Manavala Mamunigal while in its heart it simply wishes to disallow any greatness to the Acharya. And some warped logic has seeped in of late, which states that those who praise the acharya are not well versed in his works (offered without any proof for this allegation) and are therefore disqualified to praise the acharya and an implied twist of logic left to the reader that the acharya himself was therefore not great. Somehow the purported lack of knowledge on the follower's part leads to the fall of the acharya! My personal opinion is that the best thing to do is to ignore these people, for reading their words leaves a hurt in me everytime. And since they have decided to throw out logic even, what is the chance of debating and convincing them? Azhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Saranam adiyEn madhurakavi dAsan TCA Venkatesan Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax http://taxes./ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 8, 2002 Report Share Posted April 8, 2002 srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha srImadh varavara munayE namaha Dear Venkatesh, Indeed an excellent post to be read by one and all. In fact, I had gone through the entire content thoroughly 3 times. Actually the subject made very interesting because the way you have framed questions. I really doubt you shall expect a (proper) reply for this. Your superlative example: The relationship between Mother and Child as that of paramAthmA and jeevAthmA, is just excellent. (If at all) You get a reply on this. Please keep us updated. dAsan, K.M. Shantha Kumar. vinjamoor_venkatesh [vinjamoorvenkat] Monday, April 08, 2002 6:11 AM ramanuja [ramanuja] Important Please read this srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha srImadh varavara munayE namaha Dear Members. This is fairly a long message but an interesting one and also an important fact file. So please read this carefully without omitting any part. I am reproducing below a question that I posted in "sv-poetry" list and reposted in "sv-general" on the request of Sri Mani Varadarajan I am posting this in our list for everyone to know the facts. It is surprising that some our thennAchArya sampradhAyasthars talk about swAmy dEsikan being an ardent vadagalai AchArya, while the fact is NOT AT ALL. This message will have very few citations from his works where one can see that his views are nothing but the same as that of Sri piLLai lOkAchAriyar and Sri maNavALa mAmunigaL. Foreword : I sent this message to Sri Oppiliappan Koil Varadachari Sadagopan as a query to one of his mails on SaraNAgathi deepikai of swAmi dEsikan. --------------------Quote 1 -------------------------------- srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha srImadh varavara munayE namaha Dear Sri Sadagopan swamy, You wrote: ------------------ Sub Quote-------------- karmasvanAdhi vishamEshu samO DayALu: svEnaiva kluptham apadesam avEkshamANa: svaprApathayE tanu-bhruthAm thvarasE Mukundha svAbhAvikam Tava suhrutthvam idham gruNanthi --SrI SaraNAgathi DhIpikai: SlOkam 14 (Meaning): Oh ViLakkoLi PerumALE! Oh MOksha-DhAyaka MukundhA ! The JeevAthmA acquires a sarIram (body) because of its previous karmAs. Its karma vinais are timeless and anAdhi. Those poorva karmAs yield the jeevan many kinds of fruits. Oh Lord! You have no natural likes or dislikes about anyone. You are equanimous in Your conduct towards all of the chEthanams. Even then,You can only grant the fruits to each jeevAthmA according to their karmAs. Your dayA guNam is matchless. Inspite of that abundant compassion , You will be accused of partiality if You grant mOksham to a ChEthanam that has not used the means (upAyam ) to seek Your grace. If You do that for one jeevan , then You have to grant the mOksham to all jeevans independent of whether they have performed any UpAya anushtAnam or not . Theredore , You await the performance of the easiest to practise upAyam of Prapatthi.Even that performance of Prapatthi by the Jeevan is caused by You. You facilitate the performance of that UpAyam and immediately after rush to the side of the ChEthanam to grant him the parama gathi of Moksham. This generous and compassionate act of Yours has been described by sages as a proof of Your innate deep affection and friendship towards the Jeevans. -----------------------------End Subquote------------------- I have a small doubt regarding the above. In this sloka Swamy Desikan states that He is waiting for a small pretext on the jeevAthmA, i.e., performing prapatti, to take the jeevAthmA unto Him. Swamy Desikan also says that this performance of prapatthi by the jeevAthmA is also induced by Him only. If that is so, what is the act on the part of the jeevAthmA [that he did something (sAdhyOpAyam)] to earn mOksha. On the other hand, if one agrees that the jeevAthmA is completely bound by the leela of Sriman nArAyaNan, and that is why He Himself induces the jeevAthmA to do prapatti, then why should He look for a vyAja (pretext) at all on the part of the jeevAthmA to grant mOksha. Isn't this a short coming on Him that He is expecting something and does this not go against the very title "avAptha samastha kAman" (The one who is completely fulfilled and needs no more from anybody). Request you to kindly enlighten me on the above. AzhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh ---------------------End Quote--- Now he replied for this query of mine as follows ; ---------------------Quote 2----------------------------- Dear SrImaAn Venkatesh: Please accept my Panguni Uttharam day greetings to You . May the SrIrangam Dhivya Dampathis' blessings be with you always! Your question is most welcome . I will respond to it to the best of my ability. This issue of our Lord's spontaneous grace (nirhEthuka KrupA)versus conscious human effort (sahRthuka KrupA) to qualify for it has attracted the attention of brilliant minds from AchArya RaamAnujA's time onwards to today . What I am going to say is hence nothing new . Different AchArya paramparais have taken different positions . I was explaining the view of Swamy Desikan . Yet , there is a way that bridges the nirhEthuka KrupA and sahEthuka KrupA. The quick answer to your query is that BhagavAn out of His krupA directs the Jeevan to a sadAchAryan and the Prapatthi done thru that SadAchAryan results in the Lord's acceptance of that Prapatthi. SadAchaaryan essentially prepares the jeevan with sadupadEsam on Tathtva Thrayam , performs upadEsams on the three manthrAs and offers that " prepared" jeevan back to the owner. Thus the Lord as Sarva rakshakan , Sahaja Suhruth , Sarvajn~an , Sarva SakthimAn and avAptha samastha kaaman has a dual role here to play without contradiction to His nirhEthuka KrupA. Spontaneous grace of the Lord is thus intertwined with the minimal human effort that precedes it. The usual analogy given is the spontaneous flow of Mother's milk and the minimal effort on the part of the infant to gain it . To avoid any thought of arbitrariness and partiality ( Vaishamya NairguNya DhOsham ), Our Lord accepts the vyAjam of Prapatthi to shower His abundant grace . The opportunity to seek a sadAchAryan and engage in the path of a spiritual discipline is provided by the Lord Himself in rcognition of good and meritorious deed performed by the jeevan consciously or otherwise . Our Lord's grace is recognized here as the prime cause (pradhAna hEthu ) and Prapatthi is viewed as the accessory cause (SahakAri KaaraNam). The vyAja of Prapatthi is the link/bridge between the two kinds of KrupA. The third verse of NyAsa Dasakam of Swami Desiakn has been my guiding light in these matters as pointed out by my AchAryan, who has placed aatma-rakshA-bharam at the Thiruvadi of MaalOlan : SvAmi svasEsham svavasam sva-bharathvEna nirbharam svadhattha-svadhiyA svArTam svasmin nyasyathi maam svayam This powerful slOkam emphasizing Saathvika ThyAgam consisting of the three parts ( Karthruthva , MamathA and Phala ThyAgams) underlines the following important points pertinent to NyAsa VidhyA or Prapatthi yOgam: 1. SrIman NaarAyaNan is the Supreme Lord of all (SvAmi). 2. I am Your bonded servant/adimai (Sva-sEsham). 3. I am controlled by You (sva-vasam). 4. You have blessed me with the Jn~Anam about You (Sva-dhattha sva-dhiyA)." You have enabled me to know Your nature.You have endowed me with the capacity to think." 5. SvArTam nirbharam sva-bharathvEna Svayam Svasmin nyasyathi ( " You Yourself have made me surrender myself to You for Your own pleasure with the responsibility of protecting it and getting rid of that burden from me"). The Fourteenth slOkam of SrI SaraNAgathi DhIpikai echos some of the thoughts of the above NyAsa Dasakam slOkam . SrImath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan ----------------------End Quote ------------------------------ For this I posted another one proving from swAmi dEsikars' works itself that his views are same as that of thennAchArya sampradAya views. -----------------------Quote 3-- srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha srImadh varavara munayE namaha. Dear srImAn Sadagopan swamy. First let me reciprocate the Panguni Utthiram greetings to you. Thank you for your blessings on this holy day. I thank you very much for the immediate and elaborate reply. I still have that original doubt. The analogy of the mother's milk flow to the baby sucking it fits very well. But my doubt is that, do you say, the jeevAtmA has a little svAthanthryam on his/her part to do something so that it becomes a pretext for Sriman nArAyan to grant him/her the mOksham? If that is so, what actually the jeevAthmA is doing on his part. You have clearly stated that Sriman nArAyaNan shows a sadhAchAryan to the jeevAthmA and from there the sadhAchAryan takes the jeevAthmA to the point of doing prapatti and actually helps him in doing it. If that is the case, the seed is sowed by emberumAn only and once the seed is sown, it is natural on the part of the jeevAthmA to proceed in just the same way as the plants grow.However, if you are to say that, just sowing is not enough and someone has to water the plant, please note that, here the watering is done by the sadhAchAryan and no effort is needed on the part of the plant. But when the plant is watered properly it is natural for it to grow. So the plant is actually doing nothing and that is the position of jeevAthmA. Again superimposing this analysis on the krupa issue, please note that Thirumazhsaii AzhwAr in his Thirucchanda viruttham, says that emberumAn is capable of turning the back the jeevAthmA into wrong ways, if He wishes and this is due to His nirankusa swAthanthriyam. pAsuram 85: nacharAvaNaikkidandha nAdha! pAdha pOdhinil vaittha sindhai vAnguvitthu neenguvikka nee inam meitthan vallaiyAdhalAl aRindhanan nin mAyamE uiytthu nin mayakkinil mayakkal ennai mAyanE [AzhwAr says, "vaittha sindhai vAnguvithhu". This means He is capable to taking back the thoughts (about Him) that He has given to the AzhwAr (and hence the jeevAthmA) and also "neenguvitthu", meaning, completely getting rid off. His capability is expressed by the words " meitthan vallai" (surely you can). Finally says by doing this He is mesmerising (mayakkinil) him (AzhwAr) and hence "please do not do this to me"]. This pAsuram clearly, without any sibling of doubts in one's mind, brings out the "nirankusa swAthanthriyam" of emberumAn. So if He can change the thoughts as per His wish as per the above pAsuram, what is the need for Him to expect anything at all from the jeevAthmA to bestow His grace. So it seems that, it is only emberumAn who out of His own wish and sankalpa & kAruNyam and krupA, takes the jeevAthmA on the right path and hence give the salvation. On the other hand, if, as you said, He bestows this grace on the jeevAthmA, only based on his past good deeds according to the karma theory, then it is again a shortcoming on the part of emberumAn. This time it is on His guNA of "nirankusa swAthanthriyam" (Unfettered independence). This attribute of emberumAn is one of the main attributes glorified by all our poorvAchAryAs. As said above, if He is to bestow the grace, based on karma theory, then He will be only called as "sAstra vasyan" (bound by sAstrAs) and not "nirankusa swathanthran". Well, one may say that, the sAstrAs were created by Him, so there is nothing wrong if He follows it. Please note, there is nothing wrong if He "follows" it, but it cannot be that He is bound by it. As all of us know, He created the sAstrAs, basically as a guideline for us to lead a peaceful life. So He cannot be bound by the sAstrAs. Also, the nyAsa dasakam slOka which you have cited very clearly proves that there is no independant effort on the part of the jeevAthmA to earn His grace. Please note that the slOkA ends with the arterious words "nyasyathi mAm svayam" ("You" make me surrender to you). So how is it that the jeevAthmA is doing something at all on his part to attain His grace. Recently I was reading a book by Sri P.B Annangarachariar swamy in which he has quoted from MunivAhana bhOgam of swAmy dEsikar, the following. In the avathArikai, swAmy dEsikar says "kAraNa vasthu innadhenRu aRudhiyida mudiyAdha krupaiyinAlE......". Very clearly swAmy dEsikar says, that there is no reason for His grace. So how is it that some thing on the part of the jeevAthmA is required to receive His grace. I ask this question, as you have stated this as swAmy dEsikar's view. Maybe if there is a different interpretation to the above avathArikai, please enlighten me about it. Request you to kindly enlighten me on the above. AzhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan, Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh ------------------------End Quote ------------------------ I posted this message to the list on 29th March 2002. Then followed by another on 2nd April 2002 ---------------------------Quote 4--------------------------- srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha srImadh varavara munayE namaha Dear srImAn Sadagopan swamy, While I await your clarification on the below matter, another thought came into my mind about it. Though at the outset, the mother-child analogy looks fit enough for some act on the part of the jeevAthmA, this is the one which will very clearly prove against it. When the child is born, who is teaching the child to suck the milk and how are they teaching. Does the mother teach the child? No. The child by nature does this job of sucking the milk. This is exactly the position of the jeevAthmA before ajnyAnA pervades him. Like the sucking is natural for the child, the knowledge that the jeevAthmA is a servant and slave of paramAtmA is very natural for the jeevAthmA and indeed it is one of the attributes of the jeevAthmA. Also does the child suck the milk, because it knows that, otherwise it will die? No. Again it is its nature or swaroopam. The child does not know that the action of sucking the milk is an upAya for its life. Like wise doing prapatti in its true form as "tvamEva upAya bhoothO me bhava ithi prArthanA mathi: saraNAgathi" (that is the prayer for emberumAn Himself to be upAyam is called prapatti) is natural or swaroopam for the jeevAthmA and it cannot be construed as a sAdhyOpAyam. On part of the mother (or emberumAn at the macro level), whether the child asks for milk (by way of crying) or not, she knows the right time to feed the child as she has utmost krupA over the child and anything to the child will be a loss to her. So here emberumAn knows when to feed the jeevAtmA with His grace and does it at the right time. When the flow of grace is there all that jeevAtmA has to do is to accept it . Again, for example a grown up child (grown enough to do some mischief but still on breast feeding) makes a mistake, does the mother make the child starve, especially if it is only her milk which is the diet for the child. No way. This is the kAruNyam of the mother towards her child and the same on part of emberumAn towards the chEtana. Here it is only the grace of emberumAn that can save the chEtana and the emberumAn knows this, even if the chEtana is not aware of this. Based on all the above, the analogy of Mother-Child only goes to prove that there is nothing on the part of the chEtana that he can do as an upAya to attain the grace of emberumAn. Request you to kindly clarify on the above lines too. AzhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh ----------------------------End Quote---------------------------- To this, there is no reply till date. Do you think from the above, that they can answer. Instead, they are calling us fanatics and other things. Rest assured. Those who believe, AzhwArs, have to be the thennAchAryA way. I will continue to post some more messages like this as a sort of FACT-FILES about our sampradhAyam. This is for everyone to understand what is going on. Request your feedbacks and additional inputs to uphold the above points. AzhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh azhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyAr thiruvadigalE saranam Your use of is subject to Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 8, 2002 Report Share Posted April 8, 2002 srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha srImadh varavara munayE namaha Dear Sri Venkatesan Swamy and Sri Santhakumar swamy. Thank you for your feedbacks. It is encouraging. Sri Venkatesan swamy's point regarding the "adikkeezh amarndhu pugundhu..." is excellent. Indeed it conveys the meaning what he says. However, again as requested by him, I request members to find out the exact sampradAyic meaning for this pAsuram. Regarding the mother-child example, please note that the example was not cited by me first. It was cited by Sri Sadagopan swamy himself. At the outset it looked like an example to support the sAdhyOpAya cause but only when, I was thinking over it the second time, due to emberumAns grace, this came to my mind. Request more inputs from our members to consolidate points to reply in case they give a proper reply. AzhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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