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Very Interesting Article on Thenkalai's & Lord's Acharya

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srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha

srImadh varavara munayE namaha


Dear Members


Please do not get carried away by this posting. As Sri Ramanuja

Sadagopan (I bow to you Sri Sadagopan for being so neutral and coming

forward to share with us the information) has said, they are only

trying to findout some so called loop holes in our literatures to

negate us. This is clearly evident.


I hope members would have read my earlier posting regarding the mails

to Sri Oppiliappan Koil Varadachari Sadagopan regarding Swamy

dEsikar's Sri Sookthis reflecting thennAchArya sampradhAyam.


I request Sri Ramanuja Sadagopan, if he wishes, to take this message

to Malolan net and try if some one or atleast any one can answer this.


Regarding this so called stalwart Sri Madurantakam swamy I would like

to bring a true picture to you. He is one of those who were

questioned by great people like Sri P.B.Annangarachariar swamy and

Sri Puttur Krishnamachariar swamy (author of Sri Vaishnava

Sudarsanam) regarding his interpretations of Swamy dEsika's sri

sookthis. In one instance, Sri Madurantakam swAmy himself gave a call

for a 'sadas' to argue upon the aspect of SiddhOpAyam and sAdhyOpAyam

and he quote many AzhwAr's verses as his supporting point to

establish the sAdhyOpAyam aspect. But when our Puttur swamy accepted

the invitation for the 'sadas' and still refuted his

misinterpretations of the AzhwAr's pAsurams, he went back and never

even replied to Puttur swamy regarding the date of the 'sadas' and he

is yet to reply to the points raised by Puttur swAmy.


Sri Madurantakam swamy, Sri D.T.Thathachariar swamy are the original

fanatics (this rather suits them well and not us as said by Sri Anand

Karalapakkam). Even for that sake, the illustrious great grand father

of Sri Anand Karalapakkam, Sri Uttamur swamy, is yet to reply many

questions posed to him by Sri P.B. Annangarachariar swamy (I am in

the process of translating Sri PBA swamy's autobiography and will

soon start to post it in our list - you can find many important facts



So all these they are writing is for them to have the "alpa



But unfortunately, we have to agree to one point of Sri Anand

Karalapakkam. Yes, as I too stated in my previous mail, some of our

own people, who are unaware of the facts still consider swAmy dEsikan

as an undesirable AchAryan or something like that. It is our first

and foremost duty to prevail upon their thoughts and correct them and

bring them to a point where they rever swAmy dEsikan, if not more,

equally with other poorvAchAryAs of the sampradhAyam.


I will write in another posts about some selective analysis of swAmy

dEsikar's works to prove that, he underwent a change of mind and this

was instituted in him by the grace of Sriman nArAyaNan through Sri

piLLai lOkAchAriyar.


Azhwar emberumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam

adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan

Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh



ramanuja, Ramanuja Satagopan <ramanujausa> wrote:

> Just read this and this tells it all about what we

> really stand for. Ahobila Mutt scholars will take

> every chance to negate Thenkalais.


> I am Vadakalai by birth and i feel ashamed.

> ===========================================

> Sat, 06 Apr 2002 17:28:47 +0530

> Anand K Karalapakkam <kgk@m...>

> Malolan Net

> Tanian of ManavALa MAmuni (Re:Podhu

> Thaniyans)


> SrI:

> SrImatE rAmAnujAya namaH

> SrImatE nigamAnta mahAdESikAya namaH


> Dear bhaktas,


> Thanks to SrI Madhavakannan for his wonderful series

> on PeriAzhvAr Thirumozhi.


> aDiyEn would like to say few things regarding the

> tanian

> dedicated to SrI ManavALa MAmunigaL :


> -------------

> There is also another thaniyan which is recited :(by

> the sishyas of

> thennAcharya sampradayam):


> Sri SailEsa dayA pAthram dhI bhakthyAdhi guNArNavam |

> yathIndhra pravaNam vandhE ramya jAmAthram munim ||


> I salute Sri ManavaaLa MaamunigaL, who has the

> blessings of

> Thiruvaaimozhip

> Pillai (ManavaaLa Maamuni¡¦s Aachaarya- Sri SailEsar)

> and who is an

> ocean of

> jnAnam (knowledge) and Bhakthi (devotion).


> It is known to one and all that the above thaniyan was

> submitted to

> the feet

> of Sri Manavala mamunigal by none other than Lord Sri

> Ranganatha.

> Namperumal

> wanted to hear tiruvoimozhi kalakshepam from Sri

> Manavala mamunigal.

> He

> conducted kaalakshepam of Thiruvaaym6ozhi starting on

> the paritaapi

> year

> 31st day of avani sukla chaturdasi friday. It

> continued for 1 year and

> the

> sARRumuRai was on aani moolam. For this one year all

> the utsavams of

> namperumal were stopped. During the sARRumuRai,

> namperumal appeared as

> a 5

> year old archaka boy and recited this sloka in praise

> of Sri Manavala

> mamunigal.

> -------------


> This is the description as per ThennAchAryas, for

> whom

> MAmunigaL is a very important AchArya and very dear

> to

> their hearts.


> In SrIra~nga-SrI VivEchanam, SrI MadhurAntakam SwAmi,

> a

> stalwart of the past century has made some remarks on

> this

> issue.


> Swami cites YatIndra-pravaNa PrabhAvam, a

> thennAchArya

> treatise on the glories of MAmunigaL. Page number is

> given

> to be 117 (of the popular edition I guess). Regarding

> the boy who

> recited this tanian, the treatise states

> "azhagiyamaNavALa

> bhattarAna archakaruDaya kumArarAi aindu vayaduLLa

> ra~nganAyakan

> enRu thirunAmam uDaya siRu piLLai ..." ie. The small

> boy's name

> was Ra~nganAyakan, aged 5 yrs and was the son of

> AzhagiyamanavALa

> Bhattar - the archaka for PerumAL.


> What happened was that, the tanian to be dedicated Or

> infact a

> glorifying verse, was taught to the small boy and was

> made to

> perform the vinnappam to the goshTi. Recitation by

> this boy

> captured the hearts of sishyas and everyone started

> pouring out

> their anubhavams esp. that Lord Ranganatha Himself

> (due to

> similarity in the name of the boy, the occasion and

> circumstances

> etc) has made this vinnappam of this tanian to His

> AchArya, in

> the form of a small boy.


> Wonderful anubhavam indeed by them. There is nothing

> wrong in it.

> It glorifies one's own AchArya and the soulabhyam of

> PerumAL.

> But, in the post MAmunigaL period, these things are

> used for

> ulterior motives.


> MadhurAntakam SwAmi states that the SamASrayaNa

> AchArya is not

> mentioned in this tanian; But the "SrIsailEsa" (in

> connection

> with Thirumalai of Lord SrInivAsa) word connotes both

> of his

> kAlakshEpa AchAryas. ThiruvAimozhi PiLLai's name is

> SrIsailEsar. He taught ThiruvAimozhi with eeDu

> vyAkyAnam. Another

> SrIsailEsar is the SrI-BhAshya AchArya of MAmunigaL.

> It was

> Thirumalai-AzhvAn alias KiDAmbi Thirumalai Iyengar /

> PurushOttama

> DAsar, a disciple of Bramhatantra-Svatantra JIyar,

> the stalwart

> disciple of SwAmi DESikan. MAmunigaL is referred to

> have had the

> dayA of his Ubhaya-VEdAnta AchAryas, in the tanian.


> MadhurAntakam SwAmi also points out that MAmunigaL

> had a name

> called "thUppil kulamuDayAr dAsar" because of the

> above reason

> (connection with SwAmi DESikan, known as thUppul

> piLLai). SwAmi

> cites some source for the same which is

> interconnected with other

> texts/book which I don't have.


> All the thenkalai SrI VaishNavas do recite the tanian

> of

> SwAmi DESikan viz. "SrImAn VE~nkaTanAthAryaH ..."

> when they

> perform SrI-BhAshya kAlakshEpam - Because SwAmi

> DESikan is

> an Acharya for them in their SrI-BhAshya parampara.


> VAnamAmalai Mutt, as well as PrativAdi bhaya~nkaram

> paramparai

> of ThennAchAryas, recite the tanian of SrI KumAra

> VaradAchArya,

> the son of SwAmi DESikan, in their daily anushThAnam,

> due to their

> link with that AchArya in their parampara. SwAmi

> DESikan's tanian

> is also in their anusandhAnam.


> While MAmunigaL is not an AchArya for VaDakalai

> Guruparampara,

> SwAmi DESikan is certainly a pUrvAchArya for

> Thenkalai

> Guruparampara.

> ------


> Though the following is not pertinent to the original

> posting

> by our SrI Madhavakannan, aDiyEn would like to make

> few comments :


> Fanatics glorify MAmunigaL to the fullest extent

> they can

> possibly imagine, not actually to exhibit their

> Acharya bhakti

> Or whatever one may call, but for their cheap

> satisfaction

> in their minds which say to them that they have well

> made their

> case to put down Swami DESikan / Vadakalai

> Sampradayam.

> Some alpa buddhi ! In essence they want to perform

> asahya-apachAram by trying to denounce SwAmi

> DESikan, a

> PUrvAchArya of VEdAnta reverred by MAmunigaL. But,

> they feel that

> it will be most pleasing to MAmunigaL !! Such

> fanatics don't

> know many other things about even MAmunigaL or his

> writings, Or

> rather does not want to dwell in it as well - But,

> like a tape

> recorder, always play the tanian episode to the

> audience, with

> the cheap mentality that everyone of Vadakalai

> SampradAyam should

> thus accept MAmunigaL as the Topmost AchArya of the

> world since

> Lord Himself has only one AchArya in him etc (by

> suitable

> prenentation in their words on the history) and

> rather make

> Vadakalais feel guilty that they don't have

> MAmunigaL as their

> AchArya etc etc - hardly makes any sense !


> Pseudo-Samarasa vAdigaL glorify MAmunigaL to the

> fullest extent

> possible, not actually to exhibit their own

> appreciation Or

> whatever one may call towards that Acharya, but to

> simply make a

> point that they are kith and kin to Thenkalais and

> are to be kept

> in the good books of theirs - thereby misleading

> many of both

> kalais.


> Lets be truthful and not be guided by such thoughts

> and behave

> in a matured manner. That will actually reduce the

> kalai conflict

> in aDiyEn's opinion.


> aDiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan,

> anantapadmanAbhan alias Anand.


> Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka

> Srivan Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya

> Nama:

> ======================================





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