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swAmi maNavALa mAmunigaL

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srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha

srImadh varavara munayE namaha


Dear Members,


I second the thoughts provided by Sri Thirumalai swamy. While it is

very good that we do not want to fight with them, healthy argument is

not at all wrong. What Sri Thirumalai swamy said is absolutely right,

in my humble opinion.


In "tharkam", it is said that any thing that is not objected to by

the opposite party means it is accepted by them. Do you all want this

to happen really.


If this (no fighting at all with others) is what our greatest

AchAryAs like, Sri P.B.Annangarachariar swamy, Sri Velukkudi

Varadhachariar swamy, Sri Puttur Krishnamachariar swamy et al, would

have preferred, where will the true rAmAnuja sampradhAyam be today.

And if we, now, prefer it where will the true rAmAnuja sampradhAyam

be tomorrow.


Please note, I am not criticizing all those who support this "no

fight" aspect, but I am only presenting the practical problems.


The word "fight" is, yes, really not the correct one. As you all

said, we need not fight with them and that is never our intention.

But when they say something very very bad about us, it is equal to

saying bad about our dear AchAryAs. Remember Sri embAr's words "illai

enakkethir, illai enakkethir, illai ennakkethirE!". He said

this "highly egoistic" looking word, due to his faith in his AchArya

Sri rAmAnujA. So if we are to follow the same, any such "alpa"

criticism is not on us, but only on our dearest AchAryAs.


So in my humble opinion, we have to negate such highly fanatic and

idiotic talks to the extent, our divya dampathis want us to do. Of

course, here we are trying to convert anybody from Vadagalai to

Thenkalai and this will never happen. Also we are not expecting

things to change because of our arguments. Whatever is happening is

only due the sankalpam of Sriman nArAyaNan.


In this context I would request you to kindly go through any of

the "vivAdha granthams" (books of arguments) between both the kalais.

Undoubtedly, the arguments would have started because of some wrong

propaganda from the Vadagalai side.


Why, take the example of our list itself. Have we ever written ill of

swAmi dEsikan (this would never happen, even in dreams) or their

followers on our own. No. Even the arguments that I posted to Sri

Sadagopan was based on his wrong interpretation of swAmy dEsikan's

sri sookthis. So these "Objections with Proper proofs" are not at all

a fight. Rest assured. However, every one of us have to think that it

is our own responsibility to protect the true rAmAnuja sampradhAyam

and that this is not actually our act but the sankalpam of Sriman

nArAyaNan (not with respect to protecting it, but with respect to our



I said in my earlier mail that I will start to post some articles as

a sort of fact files regarding the kalai disputes. However, if you

all think that this is not required and you prefer to keep quiet (in

the true thennAchArya sampradhAya manner) I will stop it. I request

the views of our members further on this.


AzhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam

adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan

Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh

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Sri. Venkatesh WROTE,


So these "Objections with Proper proofs" are not at all

a fight. Rest assured. However, every one of us have to think that it

is our own responsibility to protect the true rAmAnuja sampradhAyam


Respected Members,


I fully agree with the above view. Going forward, it should not mean that

any argument is wrong.

In fact arguments are welcome.

However, arguments should result in 'thought provoking' atmosphere, AND NOT



I would really wait for your series on various explanations given by our


on some of the 'wrong propaganda' by others.


Sometimes these 'wrong propaganda' reaches a level of cacophony and it

really deserves

a strong opposition/arguments to stop them.


As I mentioned it earlier, in view of very less Divyadesam representation

by Vadakalai community, a

sense of insecurity/identity crisis has crept in the minds of only a few

of 'Vadakalai' members which is resulting in this jingoism/cacophony.


As Elders used to say, till few years back, None of these 'Few

vadakalai'members came forward to protect Swami Desikan sannadhi at his

birth place. However, they started installing many vigrahams across the


to propagate and enhance this cocphony.


PBA swamy used to only quote/refer the very works of Swamy desikan in

refuting the vadams of this minority group. Yet with sheer money power and

jingoism these unmindful mudslinging is going on.


We surely need people like venkatesh who calls 'Spade a Spade'




KM Narayanan

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SrImathE Ramanujaya Nama:


Dear Bhagavathas,


I concur with Venkatesh regarding articles on the Thennacharya sampradayam

viewpoints on various issues and Divya Charitram of the various Acharyas

in our sampradayam.We can note one statement made by Anand where he says


*****ANAND'S MAIL********

".... don't know many other things about even MAmunigaL or his

writings, Or rather does not want to dwell in it as well - But,

like a tape recorder, always play the tanian episode...."



In my view the above statement has been made because we

are quiet most of the time and do not present our views.


Knowing our viewpoints is not necessarily to argue with others ,but

for our self education.Also there is nothing wrong in stating our

viewpoints and interpretations.


It was very heartening to read the mails on Divya desam

kaimkaryam being started at 4 temples from this month along with

other related activities .May Emperuman shower HIS paripoorna

anugraham on all of us to continuously particpate and support this

and forthcomming DD kaimkaryams in an uninterrupted manner.


adiyEn Ramanuja dasan

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srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha

srImadh varavara munayE namaha


Dear Venkatesh,


Your point is absolutely valid. We are not here to fight with others,

neither it is not our intention to do so. But we should certainly react if

someone degrades our Acharya to this extent.


To put it in a simple way, will anyone in this world will keep quit if

someone says/propagates wrong about his own parents? I can definitely say no

one will do that.


Coming to this subject, it is not intended to a particular

individual/family. But it's ThennAchArya sampradhAyam in General. As right

said by Venkatesh, we have great respect to Swami Deskian. Though they do

not have as we, but-then they have no right/eminence to humiliate our

Acharyan and test our sentiments and feelings to this level.


Mistakes always happens with human beings, but if it is deliberately done

for some unknown reasons, then it should be strongly condemned.


Sri Manavala MAmunigal ThiruvadigalE Saranam,


K.M. Shantha Kumar.




vinjamoor_venkatesh [vinjamoorvenkat]

Wednesday, April 10, 2002 5:13 AM


[ramanuja] swAmi maNavALa mAmunigaL



srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha

srImadh varavara munayE namaha


Dear Members,


I second the thoughts provided by Sri Thirumalai swamy. While it is

very good that we do not want to fight with them, healthy argument is

not at all wrong. What Sri Thirumalai swamy said is absolutely right,

in my humble opinion.


In "tharkam", it is said that any thing that is not objected to by

the opposite party means it is accepted by them. Do you all want this

to happen really.


If this (no fighting at all with others) is what our greatest

AchAryAs like, Sri P.B.Annangarachariar swamy, Sri Velukkudi

Varadhachariar swamy, Sri Puttur Krishnamachariar swamy et al, would

have preferred, where will the true rAmAnuja sampradhAyam be today.

And if we, now, prefer it where will the true rAmAnuja sampradhAyam

be tomorrow.


Please note, I am not criticizing all those who support this "no

fight" aspect, but I am only presenting the practical problems.


The word "fight" is, yes, really not the correct one. As you all

said, we need not fight with them and that is never our intention.

But when they say something very very bad about us, it is equal to

saying bad about our dear AchAryAs. Remember Sri embAr's words "illai

enakkethir, illai enakkethir, illai ennakkethirE!". He said

this "highly egoistic" looking word, due to his faith in his AchArya

Sri rAmAnujA. So if we are to follow the same, any such "alpa"

criticism is not on us, but only on our dearest AchAryAs.


So in my humble opinion, we have to negate such highly fanatic and

idiotic talks to the extent, our divya dampathis want us to do. Of

course, here we are trying to convert anybody from Vadagalai to

Thenkalai and this will never happen. Also we are not expecting

things to change because of our arguments. Whatever is happening is

only due the sankalpam of Sriman nArAyaNan.


In this context I would request you to kindly go through any of

the "vivAdha granthams" (books of arguments) between both the kalais.

Undoubtedly, the arguments would have started because of some wrong

propaganda from the Vadagalai side.


Why, take the example of our list itself. Have we ever written ill of

swAmi dEsikan (this would never happen, even in dreams) or their

followers on our own. No. Even the arguments that I posted to Sri

Sadagopan was based on his wrong interpretation of swAmy dEsikan's

sri sookthis. So these "Objections with Proper proofs" are not at all

a fight. Rest assured. However, every one of us have to think that it

is our own responsibility to protect the true rAmAnuja sampradhAyam

and that this is not actually our act but the sankalpam of Sriman

nArAyaNan (not with respect to protecting it, but with respect to our



I said in my earlier mail that I will start to post some articles as

a sort of fact files regarding the kalai disputes. However, if you

all think that this is not required and you prefer to keep quiet (in

the true thennAchArya sampradhAya manner) I will stop it. I request

the views of our members further on this.


AzhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam

adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan

Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh




azhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyAr thiruvadigalE saranam



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Dear BhAgavtas,


As I had recommended that we ignore Sri Anand

Karalapakkam's article, I will explain why I said



I don't think we need to keep quiet and put up

with articles questioning our Acharya and/or our

sampradayam . However it is a question I think of

who we get into a debate (not a fight) with. When

Sri Mani Varadarajan wonders why Sriman NArayana

would need an acharya, we should strive to get the

question answered. However, the tone of Sri Anand's

article showed that he had plunged the depths. He

was not posing any questions. He was writing in

ahankAram. He was declaring great followers of Sri

Manavala Mamunigal such as PBA Swami and Puttur

Swami as those with alpa buddhi. He was using

convoluted logic to declare that Manavala Mamunigal

was not a great acharya. And finally, he was taking

pride in the fact that such a great person is not

considered to be part of his guru parampara.


To me, there is no point in debating such people.

They have made up their minds already. A certain

amount of book knowledge has lead them to believe

they can even understand the motives and thoughts

of the Lord! That is why I recommended ignoring the

person and his article.


However, it is imperative as Sri Vinjamoor Venkatesh

said, that we ourselves fully understand the details

of the issue as well as let others know the same. I

therefore look forward to his translation eagerly.

Sri Venkatesh, please do post the other articles on

this issue as well. They also need to be sent to

other .


Dr. M.A. Venkatakrishnan Swami was doing a series

of lectures on the Sampradayic differences recently

over the tele-bridge. If someone could translate

those, that would be very useful too.


adiyEn madhurakavi dAsan

TCA Venkatesan





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