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emperumanar thirunakshattiram photos

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Thank you very much for taking time to upload it so quickly for the benefit of

all of us less-fortunate ones away across the seas here...I am remimded of

"dEshaAtaragathanAna putran pakkalile..." in your eagerness to share the great

feeling you had at Sri Perumbudoor with all the bhAgavathas on this list... If

we can arrange to have a PC with a webcam attached to it in some divya desams

such as Sriperumubudoor, Srirangam , TirunArAyanapuram, we all could have

tele-sevai of these important functions...This is something I have been

thinking about for a long time now. I look forward to views from bhAgavathas on

this list.

Many many thanks once again... Alwar EmberumAnAr Jeeyar tiruvadigalE saranam.

rAmAnuja dAsi



tavaradhan <tavaradhan > wrote: srImathE rAmAnujAya namahdear

bhAgavathAs,I was fortunate enough to go to sriperumbudur this evening, evenif

only for a couple of hours. I took a few photos with a digitalcamera, and I

have uploaded the ones that came out better in theramanuja photo

section.These photos were taken during ramanuja's procession from hisavatara

mantapam (after thirumanjanam) to the temple. One hasto see him in person to

appreciate His matchless tEjas and thekindness that radiates from his face.The

photos can be found in the ramanuja page,photos section, ramanuja

sub-folder.AzhvAr emperumAnAr jIyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam,adiyEn rAmAnuja

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